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Band: Stray Kids
Ship: JeongSung
Top: Jeongin
Bottom: Jisung


Jisung snickered as he walked back to the other side of the room swinging the spear in his hand. "Exactly, it's training. I have to give it my all." Jeongin rolled his eyes and stood up. He brushed off the wood chips and dust from his clothes. When he turned his head to look at what was left of the table he groaned as pain shot through him.

"You broke the table.." He stated, looking at the broken mess. Jisung simply shrugged and kept twirling the spear between his fingers with ease. Jeongin was always amazed when he did it because the spear weighed more than him. "No, your body broke it, pretty boy."

They were interrupted by the speakers blaring the annoying sound it made when training was over. Then Minho's voice came over it, "alright girls wrap it up, trainings over." You could just hear the amusement in his voice.

Jisung walked over to the wall and scanned his handprint. When the wall split in half revealing the other wall filled with various weapons, he placed the spear back in it's rightful spot. Varying from guns, shields, bombs, grenades, knives, daggers, spears, katanas, swords, nun-chucks, bats, arrows, bows, crossbows, bullets, boxing gloves with spikes, etc. You name it, the wall had it.

Jeongin jogged over and placed the crossbow he was using back in it's spot. Jisung giggled. "I had a spear taller and heavier than you and you had a fucking crossbow and I still beat you." Jeongin pushed him and walked away through the steel door, pulling off his gear and placing it in the box with other armored equipment.

Jisung was left a laughing mess behind him. He eventually caught up to Jeongin who was now walking side by side with Hyunjin. "Hey Sungie, how was training?" "Eh, I beat pretty boy again." Hyunjin smiled. " That's 10-8 now, Jeongin you're slacking off." He joked. The younger rolled his eyes and groaned speed walking to Chans office, leaving the other two laughing behind.


Chan turned around in his chair at the sound of the door opening. He watched as Jeongin plopped himself down in the couch staring at the ceiling. "Boy troubles?" Jeongin shook his head. "No, not this time." Chan nodded and tried to think of what else it might be that's got the younger so down. "How long did it take you to pass Level 8?" Jeongin asked. Chan thought for a moment before answering. "4 months, I think." Jeongin whined. "I've been at it for a year and i still can't get pass door 7!"

Chan nodded. "It's fine there are only 7 doors per floor, you'll get it eventually." Jeongin angrily sat up and looked at Chan. "That's not the point Christopher. The point is, I'm still on Level 8, just a door away from passing and it's been a year. A FUCKING YEAR! everybody else passed under 10 months and I'm still here at Level 8! What's the point of me being here if I can't pass one lousy door?!" Chans parental instincts kicked in and he stood up.

"Don't ever think for a second that you don't belong here because you do! Just because you can't get past one level doesn't mean you're not good at what you do. The Avalon accepts the best of the best and they chose you. Handpicked you from 8000 other agents. YOU Jeongin YOU! That just means you're good, even better than good. I barely made it here, which is why I always have to do my best to prove that just because I was a mess in the beginning, that didn't deserve this spot, doesn't mean I can't prove to them that I can do better and be better. But you Jeongin, you ARE better. Every year we're supposed to pick 10 of the 8000 and they only picked you. 9 other people could've made it but you outshined them all. Just because this one level is bad doesn't mean you won't get past it. Now if you need more help, I can do it. We'll see why you can't get past it."

Jeongin smiled and wiped the tears that threatened to fall. "Thanks Hyung." Chan simply smiled. "Do you wanna go back to training again?" The younger nodded.


Once they made it, Jeongin and Chan both took out their gear and picked their specialty weapons from the wall. Jeongin with the black crossbow and pink hearts around it. He had a thigh harness on with black daggers and pink heart shaped rims. Chan had 2 black bladed katanas with a metallic silver handle and a thigh harness with 2 glocks on it.

When it comes to training, their suits have a built in foam board. So any shots or stabs wouldn't hurt or bother them at all.

"Why's the table broken?" Jeongin blushed. "I got thrown into it earlier when I was training..." he mumbled. The oldest giggled.

"Who's your trainer?" Chan asked as he set up the holograms for the room. "Jisung." Jeongin said, loading the crossbow. The arrows were pink with his name carved into it in cursive and a heart next to it. Chan winced. "That's exactly why you can't pass. Jisung's like the final boss of this Level. He's impossible to beat, you gotta find his weak spot or catch him off guard." He says.

They both positioned themselves in the middle of the room. "How'd you beat him?" "I didn't, I beat the old trainer. Jisung had to beat me and boy is he good. It took him his first day of training to pass. He was smart and sneaky. Fast too, that's how he got me. His specialty is daggers and spears, basically anything with a blade. He shot a spear straight for me and when I sliced it in half he was gone. Suddenly he was behind me holding a dagger against my spine.

His exact words were, "It's placed on your C-7 vertebrae, one slash and I could paralyse you." He's a terrifying kid. I'm not surprised you haven't passed yet. Level 8 is Jisung's specialty. You're gonna have to fight him again at Level 10."

Jeongin was listening intently. And collected notes. Chan didn't realize it but he just told Jeongin exactly how to pass Level 8 and he was more than pleased. "I thought Level 10 was the final one before you become an official agent?" Chan nodded. "It is, it's also the level where you have to fight the strongest on your team. The 8 of us are a team and once you and Seungmin pass. We all pass. Jisung is our best of the best which is exactly why he's the Level 10, final boss."

A bullet came flying pass Chans face and he watched as it hit the wall behind him. He looked at Jeongin who was smiling at him innocently with a gun pointed his way. Chan looked down at his leg and realized one of the guns were missing.

"how did yo- WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO?" Chan looked around, katanas in hand as he tried to find the boy. "Ceiling." Came a voice from behind. He looked back and saw Jisung smiling with his gear on, standing by the door, arms crossed.

"Jeong-In's specialty is climbing." He said. The boy pointed at the ceiling. "Look up." When Chan looked up, there Jeongin was, his feet hooked on the bar as the rest of his body hung upside-down. Crossbow pointed at Chan's face. He smiled at Chan, "Boo."

And down came the arrow. He caught it in time before it hit his eye. He looked back up terrified and the boy was gone.

"Over here." Jeongin sang watching Chan turn around and he waved before shooting him right in the chest. "Boom! If you were my trainer I would've passed a year ago." Chan who was still dazed and confused, watched with his mouth open as Jeongin erupted into a fit of giggles. "You're both maniacs..." He mumbled and watched as Jisung and Jeongin both laughed at him.

He snapped out of his trance and turned to Jeongin. "Since when was your specialty climbing?" He asked taking off his gear and pulling the arrow out, handing it to it's rightful owner. Jeongin shrugged. "After my first month of training, I realized who Jisung was and I had to get creative. So I started climbing and i was so close to succeeding but he caught me, and since then I just picked it up as a habit. It's fun for me."

Jisung grabbed his blades and a spear. "Alright Chan, get out. Jeongin you seem motivated, ready to go again?" The younger nodded and smiled with excitement. "LETS DO THIS!"

Chan smiled. He patted Jisung on the back and ruffled Jeongin's hair before leaving.


After resetting the holograms they were ready. "you ready pretty boy?" "When are you gonna stop calling me that?" "Never, pretty boy. Let's go!"

And then came the spear straight for Jeong-In's chest. He jumped out of the way and shot an arrow at Jisung, but Jisung was gone. He tried to turn around to look behind him but Jisung already had a blade placed on his neck. "Move and your throat goes." Jeongin smirked.

He raised his hand up and easily moved Jisung's hand. He grabbed the blade and threw it across the room.

Jisung was about to grab another but Jeongin had tackled him to ground, straddling him. He smiled at Jisung before cupping his face and connecting their lips.

In all honesty, Jeongin didn't like Jisung in a romantic way. Sure, he was hot and had all the qualities of a perfect boyfriend but their relationship was platonic.

Jisung on the other hand, he'd only ever seen Jeongin as a friend. A cute friend, but still a friend. They've all had their gay moments but either way it was a completely platonic thing.

So when they both found themselves enjoying the kiss way more than they thought they would, it raised concerns. Jisung, who didn't protest against anything that was happening, simply held Jeongin down by the back of his neck and deepened the kiss. Jeongin had moved from cupping the elders cheeks to tugging on his gear trying to pull it off of him. Jisung raised his arms and let the boy do as he pleased.

That's when he felt a sharp pinch on his side and his eyes shot open. He quickly sat up not even having time to process what just happened before the speakers blared an annoying alarm.



Jisung stared at the boy on his lap in disbelief. Jeongin giggled before pecking the boys lips again. "Sorry to disappoint you but can we finish this later? I have to go start training with Hyunjin hyung on Level 9." He stood up and walked away out the room leaving all his gear an equipment on the floor.

Jisung still spaced out before snapping back to reality. He looked down and pulled the pink arrow out from his armor.

On it, written in cursive was a message in white. "I win"


Jeongin walked out the room with the biggest smile on his face. As he strolled down the hall, he heard a yell. "YANG FUCKING JEONGIN!"

He erupted into a fit of giggles before racing his way towards Chans office with the proudest smile and only one thing going through his mind.


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