36. Blood Stains On the White Couch (1)

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Ship: ChanSung
Top: Chan
Bottom: Jisung
For lmhscat

"Of all the things I expected to be doing today THIS was NOT on the bloody list!" "I'm bleeding out in a $67,000 dollar Dodge Challenger and you're complaining about your day?" "You're bleeding out in a 60 something thousand dollar car and you're worried about the fucking price?"

"Did you seriously just fucking pass out on me WHILE DRIVING?!"

Contrary to popular belief, I did not wake up one morning and decide to help a gang member. I was just working my nice little job as a dog walker. Having a nice day in the park watching a bunch of dogs sniff each others asses. Next thing you know, there's a gun to my head and I'm suddenly a hostage.

"Hello to you too. I'm Jisung and you are?" "Shut the fuck up and keep walking." "Nice to meet you too. Before we go, can we take the dogs I'm babysitting back home?" "Are you trying to get shot in the mouth." "It wouldn't be the first thing to get shot in my mouth." "......did you seriously just make a sex joke?" "Yeah, why?" "I never thought wrong hostage was a thing, Get in." "Sir yes sir."

Yes, I willingly got into a kidnappers car. Not my best moment but hey, I'm 20,000 dollars in debt from college, mind you I'm only a second year, and I'm a dog walker for a living. This is the most interesting Wednesday afternoon I've ever had, what more do you want from me?

"Hey Mr. Kidnapper, I don't mean to interrupt but there's a black jeep with about 6 guys and a lot of fire power behind us." "I'm sorry, but are you helping me right now?" "Yes." "Are you one of those kinky people that find this shit hot?"

"I wouldn't say that exactly. I mean you are hot but getting kidnapped? No. The most interesting thing that's ever happened to me was my parents divorce, and I was 8 so THIS, is a step up." "5." "What?" "I was 5 when mine got divorced." "Is Mr. Kidnapper trauma dumping on me right now?" "No i'm one uping you. I'm competitive. And my names Chan. "

"Hi Chan, My parents divorced because my mom cheated." "Hi Jisung, my parents divorced because my dads gay." "Fucking hell you win." "I always do."

A sudden shot in the windshield brought both of them back to reality. "Holy shit you're bleeding!" Chan checked his arm. "Why the fuck would you point it out?! Now the adrenalines gonna wear off!" Jisung looked over offended. "Oh I'm sorry it's my first time getting SHOT AT!"

And that brings us to our current situation.

*5 months later*

"THATS A LOT OF FUCKING BLOOD!" "YOURE telling ME that?!" "As a fucking gang member Jisung, yes i am telling you that!" Chan stared at the open wound in the side of Jisung's stomach. "blood on my brand new white couch." He said to himself. "I think I'm about to pass out." Jisung mumbled out. "How many fingers?"
Jisung looked up at Chan dumb founded. "Yes I'm serious! Shut up and answer the question!"

Jisung looked at the olders fingers and groaned. "Four." He said before putting his head back down. Chan stifled a laugh. "Close enough." He said putting his 6 fingers down. Jisung looked back down at his stomach as more blood covered Chans couch. "I may not be a doctor, but I'm pretty sure blood belongs on the inside."

"Shut up and lay back down." "I think I'm gonna be sick." Chan didn't have a chance to react before Jisung rolled over and puked all over his shoes before passing out.


Jisung woke up in Chans bed later that day. He opened his eyes groggily and looked around. "Morning." "For fucks sake, be any sneakier please." Chan laughed and got up from the chair he was sitting on. "Don't try to move much. Felix got the bullet out but it's gonna take a while to heal." Jisung nodded and laid back down and closed his eyes. "You know I never got a thank you." Chan looked at him confused. "Excuse me?" Jisung opened his eyes. "So what? I save you from getting shot and I don't get a thank you? Not even a kiss?"

Chan scoffed. "No you're right, how heroic of you to get shot in the side and puke all over my shoes. Next time could you just pull me out of the way like a normal person instead of jumping in front of the bullet?" Jisung giggled.

"Could you believe it's been 5 months already?" Chan said. "Yeah 5 months since you kidnapped me and got me into your little gang." "First of all, I returned you back to the park and helped you find all those damn dogs. Secondly, You BEGGED to be in this gang. As a matter of fact you stalked my boss until he got tired of you and practically cried in my arms to get you away from him. To this day he's still afraid of you. You managed to make the biggest mob boss in all of Korea afraid of you." Jisung rolled his eyes. "That man wants me and he knows it. He's just playing hard to get." It was Chans turn to roll his eyes. "Y'know, I don't really blame them for shooting you. Your face is very punchable too... especially when you glare at me like that.... I'd shoot you too if I was them."

"I see how it is. You don't love me, that's it. You would've preferred if I got shot and died." "Yes, then my couch wouldn't be looking like I gutted a pig on it." Jisung sits up. "I almost die and you worry about your couch?" "Yes."

"Anyways, your meds are gonna kick in soon. Take a nap, I'll bring you some food later." Jisung nodded and cozied himself back under the blanket. "Night" Chan mumbled.


"Is he asleep?" Chan nodded before sitting down next to Felix . "So what are we gonna do about the couch?" Chan looked over to other side of his couch. He almost teared up at the sight. "$5,000 down the god damn drain. I'm gonna need a new one." Felix chuckled. He slightly moved over knowing the question he's about to ask would most likely get him kicked in the face. "So when are you gonna ask him out?" Chan looked over at Felix before getting up. "I thought I told you stop bringing it up." Felix walked after him. "Oh come on, it's been so long, you've practically liked him since day one. I mean you came to me immediately after talking about how comfortable he was with you and how he made you open up within the first 10 minutes."

"Okay yeah so? It's still too soon to know if he likes me or not." Felix rolled his eyes. "He likes you, you're just pussy." Chan rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah the guy that kills people for a living is a pussy." "Yes."

"You two are practically made for each other. You're tethered together." "I don't know Felix. We'll see how it goes." "See sooner. I'm tired of the tension between you too."

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