4. The Twins of Jeon Inc.

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Group: BTS
Ship: Hopekook
Top: Jungkook
Bottom: J-Hope

Jeon Jungkook

That name had become very well known around the world. He is the second oldest son of Jeon Eun-Ho, Biggest business man in all of Korea. Jungkook is the CEO of Jeon Enterprises and Inc, known for their deals in real estate, investment and Insurance. They own hotels, restaurants, banks, Their business practically does it all. That's why they're so successful. He was the best business man in all of Korea.

Jeon Jeongguk

The eldest son of Jeon Eun-Ho. That name is also very well known. He is a Pro Gamer on Twitch, YouTube and other large social media sites. He is also the Older brother of Jeon Jungkook......by 10 minutes.

Yes! The Jeon siblings are twins. They would be impossible to tell apart if it weren't for their different hair types. Jeongguk has brown curly hair and Jungkook has straight black hair.

Originally Jeongguk was supposed to take over the Jeon family business. It is in their blood for the oldest to take the business, but Jeongguk didn't want that, he wanted to live his own life. A life that wasn't planned. Jungkook however, did want the business, so Jeongguk being the amazing brother he is gave his sibling the business as a 21st birthday present.

The twins live together in a penthouse in Seoul. They are both well known around Korea and the world but their sexuality was not.



Jeongguk rolled over in his bed to turn his alarm off once again. He looked over at the clock and realised it was 7:30 am "Ugghhhh" he groaned and buried his face into his pillow as the sunlight from the slightly opened curtains hit his face. He heard a chuckle behind him and raised his head to see his younger brother sipping coffee from a white mug as he looked at him with a smug look.

"I can't count the amount times I've thought of wiping that disgusting look off your face" he says as he buried his face back into the pillow. "And I can't count the amount of times I've had to drag you out of bed just to get you to wake up" the younger replied sassily. "Watch it i'm still older" The elder said. "Yeah by 10 minutes" Jungkook said walking away. "Best God damn 10 minutes of my life" Jeongguk mumbled to himself

"Don't forget, we have to go see dad today!" His brothers faded voice yelled out. "About what this time?" The brunette said jumping out of his bed heading to the doorway of his room. "I don't know something about a new worker I don't know" Jungkook's voice became more clearer as Jeongguk walked up closer to his brother. "Why do I have to go?! I don't work there" the older grumbled stepping into the kitchen, taking a seat on the counter top and not on the chair. "You don't, but you're still half the face of the company, you agreed to be the companies personal model to atleast still have some sort of connection to the company so dad wouldn't get mad and disown you. you're also really good at attracting buyer's and customers. " the younger said pouring his brother a cup of banana milk and handing it to him. "Yeah but so are you! So why can't you just go alone and I'll stay here and edit my YouTube video then meet up with Yoongi-hyung" Jeongguk said sipping on his milk. "Ggukk, as much as I don't want you there before you scare the new employee off as usual-" the Older rolled his eyes and chuckled as his brother continued. "You need to be there cause all new employees get introduced to every person in the building. It's routine" his brother said pouring himself another cup of coffee.

"Fineeeee!" Jeongguk groaned like a child and took the last sip of his milk before placing the black mug in the sink. "Good now go get dressed. It's 8 am already and I'm already dressed." Jeongguk took a look at his brother, he hadn't realised his brother was already in his suit, with his hair slightly parted to the side

"Does this mean I have to wear a suit too" he whinned. "If it's dad, yes" the younger replied walking past his brother to the front door. "I'll be in the car" he said before leaving and shutting the door.

"Aghhhh" the older groaned before finally getting dressed. He went to his room and realised his brother had already laid out his suit for him. It was a black suit coat with, with a black turtle neck and skinny jeans.

'Atleast he knew I wasn't gonna wear a regular one' the Older thought to himself before finally stepping into his bathroom to shower.

*skip brought to you by Jin's abs👅*

5 minutes later and the brunette was already dressed and was fixing his brown curls until he heard his phone ringing. He walked over to it and saw his brothers contact name pop up. He slid his finger across the screen to the green button that said answer.


"I'm on my way down now" he laughed at his brothers frustration

"HURRY" his brother yelled before finally hanging up.

The elder laughed at his brothers anger and finally grabbed his phone, headphones, wallet and keys and headed downstairs. He slipped his feet into his black combat boots and made sure everything was off in the apartment before leaving locking the door and heading into the elevator taking him to the parking space of their apartment building. He was brought out of his thoughts as he saw the elevator open and in stepped a guy with red hair. The brunette was too caught up in the beauty of the guy to even notice he was staring. And Jungkook being the playboy he is, did exactly what he would've done with any other hot guy he came across.

"Hey there cutie" Jeongguk says. The red head seemed surprised. He realised the man was taking to him and started to blush. "H-hi" he stuttered. "Awe you're already blushing" Jeongguk says as he got closer to the blushing boy. He had a devilish smirk on his face as he cornered the boy. "So precious" he said with his finger under the man's chin and his other hand wrapped around his waist. The boy couldn't get any words out he was blushing alot and was feeling weak in the knees. Jeongguk started to lean closer to the beauties face, so close he could feel his breath on his lips. The man had already completely given up in submission and was no longer fighting.

Jeongguk dragged his thumb across the unknown boys lips and looked up into his eyes. He was sure he was about to kiss the unknown male until he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket "I'll see you around princess" he says as the elevator reaches his stop. He turns around and winks at the man before disappearing into the parking garage where he spotted his brother in his white jeep. .

"C'mon hurry we're gonna be late you slow bitch" the younger yelled opening his brothers door. "Yeah yeah let's go" Jeongguk replied getting into the car. He looked back at the closed elevator doors and Jeongguk smirked to himself. And with that they sped off to Jeon Enterprises.


Hoseok lowly grumbled as his 6:30 alarm went off once again. He was originally supposed to be up by 6 and in his car to his new job by 7, but, it's Monday so he opened his arms, saw his alarm, and went back to sleep. 'NEW JOB' the thought of his new job suddenly woke him up out his so very much needed sleep.

He got off his bed infested with 14 different soft fluffy pillows and 17 blankets. The red head loved soft things and cuddles and he's been told by his sister and past friends and girlfriend/boyfriends that he's a really big cuddler in his sleep and he always somehow ends up with a bunch of pillows next to him, so that explains the soft clouds that he slept in. He sleepily walked over to his bathroom and turned the lights on immediately shielding them with the sleeve of his sweater. "Ahh fuck" he groaned at the burning he felt in his eyes. He slowly adjusted to the pain and started to undress and got in his shower and immediately relaxed his shoulders as the warm water hit his warm amber tanned skin.

About five minutes later he was out and ready to leave. The red head was told he could wear whatever he wanted to work as long as it had appropriate bottoms it was fine. But the younger wanted to make an impression so he did what he thought was best and wore a suit jacket with a black turtle neck and work pants with black and white converse. *Some Barry Allen type shit*

Hoseok walked out of his bathroom with his toothbrush hanging from his mouth as he was trying to fix his belt. The younger picked up his phone and checked the time.

'7am okay I've got time to grab food before I leave.' He ran back into his bathroom and spit. He washed his mouth then started fixing his hair he added in little silver hoops to the small braid he had between his bangs

He finished with a satisfied smile on his face and left. He ran out his bedroom towards his apartment door slipping on his shoes and grabbing his keys wallet phone and bag. He went to the parking lot of the apartment building and got in his car and started it. 'Now for some food' The elder drove to his local cafe and bought 2 coffee's and a box of donuts for breakfast. 2 coffees? you might ask. That's because he also had to pick up one of his very best friends so he can head to his job. His name was Taehyung. He also worked at the the company, he's the one that got Hoseok the job.

The red head pulled up to a really expensive looking building and walked inside as the woman at the desk greeted him like she does everytime he's here. "Hey red" she says. "Here for Taehyung?" she aks buzzing him up. "As always" Hoseok says as he enters the elevator, shooting a small smile at the woman as the elevator doors closed. He clicked on the 7th floor. He stood there as he noticed a man in a similar black outfit that he was wearing. 'Woah he's hot'.

Hoseok stood there nervous. He never liked being around people so this job was gonna be a struggle. He stood there hoping the elevator reaches his floor soon. "Hey there cutie" the man says looking him up and down as he leaned onto the elevator wall. Is he talking to me??!?!?! "H-hi" I stuttered. GOOD GOING HOSEOK YOU STUTTERED INFRONT THE HOT GUY!!

"aawww you're already blushing" the male said stepping closer. He had an evil smirk on his face that, gotta admit, Hoseok went crazy over. 'Stupid fucking hormones'.

The male grabbed Hoseok by the waist with one hand and his other held Hoseoks chin. "So precious" he says, looking into Hoseoks eyes and scanning over his lips. He could feel Hoseoks raggedy breath on his and he smirks. He was about to kiss him until he felt the phone in his pocket buzz and he mentally reminds himself to kill his brother before he starts speaking "see you around princess" he says before letting go and leaving the elevator, sending one last wink Hoseoks way.

The elevator doors shut and slowly takes a confused, blushing, hot mess, horny Hoseok to his destination. When the elevator stops, Hoseok looks up to see his blue haired friend standing infront of him with a boxy smile until he sets eyes on his friends face "hobi-ah what happened?" He asks. "I think I just got molested by a hot guy and I think i liked it...."


We pulled up to the parking lot of the building and I parked my car and got out. Jeongguk got out right after me but he seemed distracted. "Yo what's wrong with you?" I asked "i- noth- okay so I saw this guy right" he says. "Here we go!" I groaned. I listened as he explained in great detail, everything about the guy, from his eye color to what brand shoes he was wearing???????

"And then I felt that text from you and I left" he said as we entered the building. Employees bowing as we walked past, me being their boss I bow back and hit Jeongguk at the back of his head until he bowed too. We kept talking and occasionally bowing as we got in the elevator to the floor father was on. "Hey how's Jiyoung" he suddenly asks.

Jiyoung....Jiyoung hasn't even texted me in days and I've honestly started to loose feelings for her.

"When I find out, I'll let you know" I said opening my office door. I walked over to my desk as ggukk just threw himself on the couch next to the window view. "What do you mean? Aren't you her boyfriend?" He asks "I am but i don't know if she knows that" I said pressing the button that lets my assistant know I need him.

"I'm on my way up with your coffee sir and the new employee is here, so is your father" i heard him reply. Jeongguk groaned and I chuckled "thank you Taehyung" "no problem boss" I got up and threw myself next to Jeongguk on the couch. It was hard considering that he was sprawled out and i was sprawled out ontop of him. "I hate this" He says, but his voice was muffled cause his face was buried into the soft chair. "Me too dude me too" I heard my door open and in stepped Taehyung my assistant "I COME BEARING GIFTS!!!! Coffee and I left your dad downstairs with the new employee and I feel bad" he says setting the coffee down and looking over at us. "You guys good?" He asked

"Mmmmm never better tae" Jeongguk said getting off the couch grabbing a coffee as he smiled at Tae. "So this new employee what's he like?" I asked "He's a friend of mine actually, we met in highschool! His names Jung Hoseok. Pretty nice guy, a little shy sometimes but he's very outgoing and affectionate when he gets to know you well. He really likes skinship, like hugs- constantly- or else he'll think you hate him" "so I'm gonna have to hug my own employee??" I asked "Oh please he might be affectionate but he has his morals" Tae said rolling his eyes "anyways, he's really good at computer stuff so he's definitely gonna get a promotion on his second day here I bet! Oh and um he's really good with people so that's good for the real estate, he can charm anyone into buying a house even if they already own sixteen, just by smiling! He has this smile that's so bright, you can put him and the sun next to each other, he's definitely outshinning that no good UV rays giving bitch" Taehyung said.

I looked over at my brother and realised he was actually listening. Well that's a first. Suddenly the button on my desk phone buzzes and I heard my dad's voice on the phone "Jeon Jungkook! Would you mind letting your father into your office or are you to much of a big shot to be seen with an old man" he said. I heard someone giggle in the background and it melted my heart. "Sorry dad come right up" I said "good and I met the new employee and I gotta say I almost bought 2 houses from this kid when I asked for a demonstration of his skills" he said. "Told yah" Tae said smirking

"Well I'll be in my small ass office next door and I'll see you guys later at Hoseoks promotion party BYEEEEE" Taehyung said grabbing the coffee that Jeongguk refuses to drink cause he hates it. "I purposely bought you my favorite coffee cause I knew you werent gonna drink it! Go down to the cafeteria and ask for a banana milk tell them I sent you and you'll be getting 15 boxes for free! Bye Jeon Junglebook and Jeon Juancock" Tae said before slamming the door and leaving. I had a window view of the hallway and I saw him flip me off. I laughed and shook my head then looked at my brother.

"Why did you hire him?" He said grumbling then slamming his face back into the couch. "Because he's good at what he does and all my employees fear him! That's why I always have Banana milk on the demand for you" I said "MR JEON" I heard Tae yell from the hallway and i saw him run and hug my dad. "Love the fact that dad loves that devil more than his own sons" Jeongguk said walking next to me and looking at them through the window view.

"Well see now, one of his sons is dating a girl who is an obvious gold digger but didn't realise it until a few days ago, his other son is a gamer who didnt want to take over his company and the jackpot of it all; they are both closeted gays" I said looking at him "point taken" he said laughing and walking away. Suddenly my dad entered with a smiling Tae and a red headed male behind them.

"Ah my son! How have you been where's your brother?" He asks "right here dad!" Jeongguk pipes up from behind them he hugs my dad flips Tae off and was about to shake the new employees hand but he seemed star struck and so did the employee. It left me confused but I brushed it off once I saw my brother put in his playboy smirk and watched as the male squirmed under his gaze . "Hi Mr. Jung, I'm Jeon Jungkook and that there is my twin brother Jeon Jeongguk" I said. He slowly nodded and just sat down in the chair infront my desk. Jungkook sat on the couch across the room and my dad and Tae had left to check stats of the company or some shit like that. "So I heard you're really good with computers and people" I said smiling at him to ease the tension "y-yes I am! I'm a huge people person and I've always liked I.T" he said *NOT THE MOVIE! HE'S TALKING ABOUT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY*

"and that is honestly all the qualifications I could need from you. Taehyung put in a good word about who you are as a person and that added up into your skills and you, my friend, have got yourself a job and you can start by having Mr. Kim show you around the building and introduce you to our employees" I said standing up. He stood up from his chair and shook my hand hesitantly and smiled. He looked at Jeongguk and bowed his red face down and walked out the room. As soon as he left I shut the curtains and the door and looked straight at him "WHY IS MY EMPLOYEE SCARED OF YOU?!?! YOURE THE SOFTEST BITCH I KNOW" I Yelled

"He's elevator boy" He said smirking.


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