coffee with nani part 2

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sorry for the extremely late update i was caught up with my project works lets get into the story 

i recommend you to reread the frst part as its been really long.

the very next day mr. and mrs ashwin kumar reached nani residense. the man himslef was waiting along with his fa,mily in the netrance of the home to welcome the couple and the couple were really taken aback by this simple gesture of the star .

nani came forward and gave a warm hug to ashwin and a smile towards sivaangi 

nani : welcome home ashaangi 

ashwin and sivaangi looked at them with urprise by the way he addressed them as ashaangi nani smiled at them and looked at charu who was literally controlling herself to the utmost point from jumping by seeing her celebrity crush in front of her .

nani : i know you guys from cwc times letss get in .

while anju ( nani wife ) who was 8 months pregnant came near sivaangi and held her hands with a smile and took them in .

the couple entered the home and arjun ( nani son ) who wake up just now looked at the couple with surprise and went near ashwin in a  swift moment. he looked at both in excitement and turned to nani 

arjun : nana.... this .. this

nani smiled at him taking him in his arms replying : yes its your favourite ashwin 

nani turned towards ashwin saying : he is your biggest fan . he never misses any of your works .

ashwin smiled at the 7 year old boy and extended his arms towards him and arjun jumped into his arms without second thought. 

Nani : shall we get in for discussion?

arjun : nana play time

nani : arjun we will complete the discussion frst then you have all day to play with your favourite hero

arjun : no play

nani : discussion

arjun : playyyyyyyyyy

nani playfully glared at him and uttered : you wanna play right lets play  and lifted him giggling him with his face burried in his stomach . arjun laughed his heart out and  ashwin was looking at the cute banter of father and son with laugh and a small hint of sadness in his eyes .

sivaangi was looking all these through corner of her eyes and the guilt in her was raising into multiple folds as she could visibly see the sadness and yearning in ashwin eyes .anju as well as charu was noting all these and were confused by the tears she had in her eyes by seeing them .

anju placed her hand in sivaangi's shoulder to gain her attention . sivaangi looked at her coming out of her trance while anju smiled at her and extended a plate of macroons .

anju : have it ma this is your favourite right ?

sivaangi smiled at her warmly and her eyes fixed in her baby bump. her eyes were flashing the old memories of her very own baby and her hand automatically raised to touch it . she came back to her senses after a loud thud from inside .. anju as well as charu figured out something wrong with sivaangi and made a note to get it out from her.

nani : charu... 

charu who was munching the macroons looked  at him with wide opened eyes with mouth full of macroons and nani slapped against his head saying 

nani : eppo paaru saapaadu saapaadu.... we wanna discuss for movie come up to the terrace

charu : smiled at him cheekily and followed both ashwin and nani to the terrace

ahwin was looking at the garden space which was beautifully set in terrace and was admiring the simple beauty and serenity it gave .

nani : how much stars would you rate our terrace garden ashwin 

ashwin smiled at him warmly before saying: its too good sir ... the ambience is perfect

nani : all credits goes to my wife . she is much interested in gardening 

ashwin smiled at him and said : my wife is much interested in having gardens but maintaining... is not her cup of tea .

nani and charu laughed at it   hile nani said : same here i am the one to maintain it . i styill remember my wife crying all day and fighting with me as i failed to water a rose plant and it was still pains to remember the number of slaps i got from her that day

he said it with fnny expression which mde ashwin burst into laughter : why blood same blood

while charu crossed her hands across her chest and glared at nani 

charu : mr. nani we are here for movie discussion may i start explaining if you guys are done with your married men talks 

nani laughed at her and asked : are you irritated by our married men talks or because you missed munching the macroons of your favourite flavour

charu shrugged her shaoulders saying : may be both and turned towards ashwin and started explaining the plot

charu : so ashwin we are gonna make a film based on emotions of footballer . she xplained the plot to which ashwin listened with atmost sincerity .

charu : so this is the storyline you may tell us your decision

ashwin : i am impressed by the storylibne and yes i was waiting for a very long time to be apart of a sports film . i am okay with  the storyline but i would like to suggest a small scene

nani : proceed 

ashwin : shall we include a scene in the climax like... the hero already is aware of heroines intention and never mistook her instead took it more serious just because he knew as she just parted away from him for her success. my personal opinion is if you are in love you could read each and every emotion of your partner so.... i guess this scene would make it even better .

nani was listening to him with a smile and said : i heard a lot about your film knowledge but now i could clearly see that . yes it wuould for sure change the dimension of the film and emotions to next level .he turned toards charu to tell 

charu : suggesting him as lead is the only good thing you have ever done in your lifetime 

charu smacked him with the script book as usual and left down to join with the woman while both the men were given their private time to have their own men talks .

ashwin : thank you for giving me this oppurunity sir 

nani : you earned it man ... for the talent you posess this is just a start and.... stop calling me sir it sounds too formal. just call me nani

ashwin smiled at him and he had millions of questions to be asked to him as he was one of his inspirations .while he was looking at nani's face he noticed his gaze fixed on something and he was smiling at it .

ashwin followed his gaze to see anju sitting there in a bench while sivaangi was playing with arjun . ashwin looked at sivaangi with happinedd overwhelming as he is seeing his wife laugh her heart out after 2 long years

nani : family is the key source of happiness right ....the fame, awards everyuthing seems too little before the smiling faces of our loved ones . 

ashwin : true ... without family the fame or pride is nothing valuable

nani smiled at him and said : my family was a great admirer of your bond with sivaangi during cwc times . i had a gut feeling that you guys would end up together 

ashwin looked at him amazed as he remembers how confusing it was to realising his feeling towards her while the whole world was so confident that they would end up together .

  nani read his confusion through his eyes and smiled before saying : mine was a pakka love marriage so ... i could feel you .

ashwin smiled before asking : i have admired your guts s lot of time si... nani. you speak your heart out unfiltered and the decision of starting a production house to give chances for new and struggling actors ... hats off 

nani : i feel that was just a small part of me ashwin . i myself have been a struggling actor and i still remember the days i roamed around every production house for  a chance . now i am in a good position and it would be selfish if i enjoy this just to myself . production house was just a drop of gratitude i could pay towards this cinema industry which gave me a beautiful life .I heard that you are promoting the works of your supporting actors a lot than your own work. good job . 

ashwin looked  at him with a smile and said : am not confident enough to own a production house ,.... so ampaying my gratitude through this way. 

ashwin's gaze diverted towards arjun and he asked nani : are you planning to debut arjun in role of my son in the movie ?

nani looked at him with an eyebrow raised and nodded a no : no never . 

ashwin was confused and asked : why ?? he would fit in the character right ?

nani smiled at him and said : i beleive that any oppurtunity should be earned by the person's hardwork . not by his family or father infulence . if my son is interested in acting let him but... i will never recommend or be a reason for getting him a chance . he should earn it . i don't want to be a reason for success of my son . 

ashwin's respect on him grew into multiple folds by the simplicity and clarity of thoughts the man before him posessed while nani's respect on ashwin grew into multiple folds by him ground to earth nature and straight forwardness .

to be continued... 

there is one more part of story left to give an end to this few shot series . give away your comments guys

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