Com'n by Panic at the Disco & Fun

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Com'n by Panic at the Disco & Fun

Lights, Streamers, Music, laughing. Food and drinks refilled magically never emptying. Happiness spread like a wild fire dancing among the demigods. Everyone was happy, a couple were more drunk than Mr. D. Girls danced, guys talked, couples waltz around talking and kissing.

Everything was perfect.

Well almost everything.

She sat alone a cup of some soda in her hand, the other holding her head do it would droop. Greeks and Romans chatted like old friends, sharing thoughts on topics not all that uncommon in the demigods society. And yet watching her friends parade around, She felt utterly useless and bored. She should've been happily, laughing with the half bloods, like she was one of them, but she only felt remorse and lonely. Like something was missing. Something important.

The sun was setting, soon it would be late and she'd have an excuse to leave.

She'd already denied a couple dances, cut off a couple conversations. She didn't even know why she bothered to even come.

The sun sank below the distant mountains casing dark shadows on the party, not that anyone cared. If anything the party reached full swing, Travis and Connor Stoll rocking the DJ, The Apollo kids singing and dancing around them.

She looked around, every one of her friends busy having fun. At least they wouldn't be missing her. Somewhere inside of her she felt a tang of self pity. Why was she still here? She didn't belong with the heroic demigods, and brave searching satyrs.

She slipped into the night, retreating as cold wrapped around her. She stumbled on the uneven ground. She wished she'd bright a flashlight, or a jacket. Now that she thought about it, Did she even know the way back to her cave?


She was tempted to walk back to the party and ask, Annabeth or someone to help, but then she felt silly. She didn't want to pull them out of a slow dance, or be embarrassed by her inability to walk home. Wait, wasn't that tree the one outside the path up to her cave?

She followed after it tripping more than usual. This was the right way, right? Then why did the ground feel so rocky when it's been worn so much? She bit her lip. Where was she?

Oh Gods, She was lost.

She couldn't even see the light from the party anymore. Which way did she come from? Her heart beat started to pick up. What if she had wandered into the woods? A snap of a twig sent her sprawling around. Her hands shook. This was a bad idea. A very bad idea.

She stumbled into a patch of glowing moonlight. How had it gotten dark so fast? Was that monster eyes over there? She was too young to die!

Her palms were clammy, her knees feeling weak. Flashes of painful deaths appearing in her mind. All those stories about kids that had strolled into the woods and never came back? Yeah, She was about to join them.

She froze as a low growl emitted from a nearby bush. She was sure she stopped breathing for a second. Then she was running. And she didn't care where, as long as it was away. Her hair caught in some branches and thorns stabs her legs like daggers, but she didn't dare slow down.

Light! Up ahead! She flew out of the trees sliding as the ground abruptly changed, turning from thick, chunky dirt to sliding, irritating sand particles.

"Oh Crap!" She blurted out kidding her balance and tumbling into something and landing hard, half in fnreezing tide. Wait that wasn't something, that was someone!

He sputtered and coughed, sitting up in the waves. His platinum blond hair illuminated the night sky his dark eyes sparked blue- a dangerous blue.

"Watch it!" He snapped struggling to stand up his feet sinking in the moist sand, his skinny frame dripping slice silver droplets into the ocean.

"S-s-s..." She mumbled crawling out of the tides reach. Her now wet hair slapped against her skin a freezing cold wrapped around her, worse than before.

"Who are you?" The boy demanded he rubbed warmth back into his arms, staying down at her, his features softening in the moonlight. "Sorry, it's just...I've been having a crappy day. Actually a crappy Life."

"Sorry." She said. "'s just..."


"I got lost." Rachel said quietly, blush framed her cheeks but she doubt he noticed in the dark. "You wouldn't believe me, but I'm trying to find my cave..."

"You're the Oracle?" He sounded incredulous, and maybe slightly disappointed.


Her teeth chattered in her mouth. She could feel the wet cloth of her paint stricken clothes sticking to her body.

"You're cold." The boy said suddenly. "And wet."

Rachel gave a short laugh, nearly biting her tongue. "You too. Tripping into the ocean does that."

For a being second she though he smiled, but it disappeared so quickly maybe she'd just imagined it.

"My jackets over there," He grabbed a black leather jacket from a beached log, or of reach of the tide so it was still dry. He cautiously slipped it over her shoulders, a small fragment of warmth spread through her arms. "I could help you find your way?"

It was more of a question that a statement, a tentative air to it as if he wasn't sure if he'd crossed a forbidden line somewhere.

"I mean, If you want it, I perfectly understand if you rather find it're...own..." He stuttered, and Rachel smiled between snapping teeth.

"I wouldn't...mind the... company." She chattered.

Neither of them moved, Rachel looked into his eyes, the studious blue orbs calling out to her. Everything inch of her told her to step forward, be closer, but she held back.

"The's up the hill..." She says, eyes not leaving, her mind still focused on him.

"Uh huh." He said. "Uh...Yeah..." He stood a little straighter, like a solider who'd just been given a mission statement, and turned away. As soon as his back was to her something in her snapped. His hair glistened and she loved to run her fingers through them. He glanced back as if feeling her look and her breath hitched.

"We should...We should..." Rachel started but her brain wouldn't pace together the rest.

"Go?"The boy offered.


They walked in silence, Rachel snuggled deeper into his jacket. He was walking closer than a lot of others would've. She was shaking so bad, She was so cold, but she hoped they'd stay lost...

"Octavian." He said suddenly.


"My name, I'm Octavian. The Roman augur."

"The teddy bear killer?" Rachel asked a small smile almost biting her tongue.

"It's not my fault!" He said suddenly defensive.

Rachel let out a laugh. One that seemed to make the shadows shrink back. It felt good. Being near him felt awesome. She caught him staring at her.

Then she realized he'd stopped waking.

"Why you'd stop?"

"This is your cave right?" He asked motioning to the rock entrance covered by a thick purple curtain. "Or is this some other cave dwelling orcale's?"

She felt her face flush again, a smile played on his lips.

"Well, I um... I guess..." Her teeth chattered loudly

"I guess your okay now...." Octavian said. But he didn't break the gaze with her. Silence filled the air, but with Octavian standing right in front of her, flooded in moonlight that amplified his features, it no longer felt hostile. It felt inviting. His eyes sparked with emotion.


Rachel shrieked and nearly jumped into his arms. Her heart stopped for a second before reaching resuming riding against her chest like a sledge hammer.

Cautiously, Octavian let out a short laugh, a echoing explosion of sound coming from the flashes of orange and purple fireworks. Rachel giggled a little too, by her heart didn't slow it's beating. She was in his arms. She was hugging him.

She let out another laugh, as she pulled away, awkwardly. She regretted it instantly.

"You better go dry off." Octavian said. "You're turning blue."

"But you were wet too, oh Gods, I wasn't evening thinking! You're probably just as cold...!"

"I'm fine!" He said quickly, though Rachel could tell it was a lie. How had she not noticed him shaking so badly?

"Would you..." Rachel started, "Would you like to come in? And dry off?"

Nervousness bubbled in her. What had she just done? She just invited him inside her cave! What if she'd passed some type of line? What if because of that question he decided he never wanted to see her again?

Octavian smiled. "Uhh... sure...."

As the Oracle, She wasn't suppose to date people. But as she lead him into her cave of mysteries, which really wasn't as cool as it sounded her mind just kept repeating the same words.

Possibilities, possibilities...

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