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This one doesn't have a song. I just wrote it for fun.

"Annabeth!" Annabeth looked up from the book she was reading, catching sight of Percy. She analysed him immediately. His restless black hair swept wildly in the cool breeze of afternoon but also matted with sweat. He was out of breath and slightly pale as if he was close to either tears out being sick. His beautiful sea green eyes were bursting with emotions she couldn't quite read. "Annabeth! The Infirmary! Come on!"

Percy tugged her arm and she tossed the book onto the ground beside her. The urgency in his voice was over whelming. Was some one hurt? Her heart beat wield up thing against her rib cage. Her mind was alight with endless hunches of why he was acting this way. None of them were good.

"Percy!" She yelled nearly tripping over a group of Aphrodite girls, who were chattering excitedly. Piper among them, looking at the two of them with the biggest smile on her face. Honestly, She looked like her Aphrodite was showing-big time.

Why, though? Didn't she realize something bad had happened?

"Percy, please tell me what's going on!" Annabeth yelled at him but he didn't respond. Grover and Juniper were sitting in the amphitheater snuggling, but when they ran by thought she saw Grover shake his head.

"Percy, who is it?!" She yelled as they ran through a group of Apollo boys playing against the Ares girls in Volleyball. They ignored the complaints of the guys, though she didn't miss the fact Clarisse had not uttered a single word against it. It was almost if...She was smiling.

Why was Clarisse smiling? Normally she would've jumped at a chance to pummel Percy.

Annabeth didn't get a chance to think any longer. Percy tugged her the last few steps up the porch and they barged into the big house. Strangely, Chiron was not there.

Who was in the infirmary? Who got hurt? Was it Thalia?! Wait, Thalia was with the hunters, and they weren't coming until next week. She'd just been talking to Will anyway, he'd said the last patient from the Giants war had been let out yesterday. So there shouldn't have been anyone in there anyway.

"Percy!" Annabeth gasped for air. "Percy, What happened? Who got hurt?"

He didn't answer again but pushed her forward into the infirmary.

And just like Will had said, it was empty.

"Percy,-" Annabeth turned around confusion written on her face. Then her eyes got wide.

Percy fell to his knee.

"Annabeth Chase. " He said strongly despite the fact they'd just run across camp. "From the first moment I saw you, I was in love with you, whether or not I would've admitted it. You've saved my life so many times I've lost count. Without you I probably wouldn't have made it past first my walk through camp. You've stuck by many side through my many, many, many, many stupid ideas -remember my jump from the St. Louis arch?- and from the time I was 13 and terrified off you joining the hunters, I realized I couldn't live without you.

"I love you more than the world, more than my own life, which I would give for you without hesitating. I would fall back into Tartatrus for you. So Annabeth Chase, my Wise Girl, my soul mate, will you be my Best Friend forever?"

He held out the most gorgeous ring she'd ever seen. It was silver with sea green gemstones around the edge. A Silver swirling crystal was encrusted on the top in the shape of an owl with green eyes. A master craftsman must have made it because the writing on the side was designed perfectly. Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl, written with beautiful golden cursive. It must have cost him a lot.

She looked up at him, her bottom lip trembling.


Percy looked like she'd punched him in the face and threw his mom into Tartatrus. "...What?"

"I won't be your best friend forever." Annabeth repeated, tears glistening in her eyes. "I'll be your wife."

She jumped into his arms kissing him. She never got tired of the fireworks that exploded in her mind, She never though the taste his lips hers got old. She never had been happier in her life. She knew the moment she laid eyes on him she wanted him in her life. She wanted him. And now she had him.

She pulled out of the kiss, breathless. Just the way he always left her. skipped the glorious ring onto her finger and she knew she wouldn't ever take it off.

She stared up into his happy gorgeous eyes, wondering how she got such a perfect guy. No seriously, he could've any girl he wanted. And yet he chose her. It made her fill with a blooming warmth.

Then she slapped him across his face.

"That was for scaring me." She said, with fake anger. Percy laughed. It made her heart melt to hear it. She loved his laugh.

"I told him not to." They both turned to see Grover hand in hand with Juniper smiling. Behind them Piper was shooting her thumbs up with a camera. Clarisse was next to her arms crossed.

"Well Prissy finally did it." She grunted, though Annabeth could tell she was trying hard not to smile.

Percy leaned into her whispering into her ear. "Be happy I did it this way. You should've seen the look on Calypso's face when Leo asked her..."

"What did he do?"

Percy smiled but he never got a chance to say anything suddenly campers burst past Grover and the infirmary was flooded with campers old and new, laughing, screaming, congratulating. It was utter chaos. The good kind of chaos though.

Annabeth never let go of Percy's hand despite the Aphrodite girls nearly attacking her and the Ares and Hermes kids attempting to drag him away.

Percy pulled her out of the hospital weaving away discreetly. When they could finally be alone on the beach. Annabeth cocked her head and asked the question that had been on her mind.

"Percy, why did you pick the infirmary? Of all the place we've nearly died, why there?"

Percy looked at her funny. The water lapping against there ankles. "Well, that's the first place I saw you." He answered like it was obvious.

Annabeth smiled.

Then Annabeth Jackson kissed Percy Jackson.

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