Didn't Always (Thalia)

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Didn't Always

Thalia didn't always have short spiked hair. Before her mom got addicted to drinking she had once told her she had beautiful glossy hair.

She could get rid of hair.

Thalia didn't always have a moody attitude. Before she realized her dad was a god that didn't want her, she was a happy-go-lucky type of girl.

She could get rid of a happy attitude.

Thalia didn't always have a vendetta against Hera. Before the goddess claimed her brother as her personal property, she actually kinda liked the goddess.

She could get rid of a likeness for a terrible goddess.

Thalia didn't always cry on August 18. Before she fell in love and laid helplessly trapped under a stupid statue as she heard the only guy who ever understood her sacrificed himself to save everyone, Thalia didn't mind the day.

But she couldn't get rid of a broken heart.

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