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For the first time since I can remember, my mommy and my daddy wanted to go out. I didn't want them to.

My mommy sat next to me, before they left and she looked into my eyes. I always loved my mommy's eyes. They were blue, and full of love. My mommy loved me a lot. She told me that a lot too.

"We will be back in an hour, okay sweetie?" My mommy said she pulled me into a hug. Her short black hair smelled like fresh sweet air. Daddy said he loved that smell.

I didn't want the tears to fall, but I didn't want my mommy and daddy to leave more. "Don't go." I cried into her shoulder.

Mommy pulled away biting her lip. She pushed away part of my blonde hair and kissed my forehead. "I love you." She said softly.

"No!" I cried, "Don't go! Stay with me!" Tears fell down my face and I hugged Mr. Eagle in my arms. Mommy's daddy got me him. He was soft and fluffy.

Daddy came out of the kitchen, he wore a suit and his blonde hair was shiny. Mommy wore a matching dress. She doesn't normally wear dresses. She hates them. So do I. But tonight, Mommy looked happy.

"Hey Sport!" Daddy called me, Sport, a lot. I don't know why. But I like it. "Don't cry, okay?" He picked me up in his arms spinning me around and seeing me back down. He smiled at me ruffling my hair, the scar on his face fading in the dim light.

"You are going to have so much fun!" Daddy promised me, "Aunty Annabeth and Uncle Percy are going to watch you and play with you and we will be back before you know." The doorbell rang and Mommy answered it.

Aunty Annabeth had blonde hair and grey eyes. She called Uncle Percy seaweed brain a lot, and said he was silly. Uncle Percy had green eyes and black hair, like mommy. He laughed a lot and made silly faces at me when no one was looking.

Daddy hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. "I love you, Skylar."

When daddy and mommy left, Daddy looked back at me and crossed his eyes making a fishy face. It made me feel a little better. But then the door closed and Uncle Percy locked it behind them.

That was the last time I saw Daddy.

He was right. Daddy, I mean. He said they would be back before I knew it. Uncle Percy and I played games, and Aunt Annabeth made spaghetti for dinner.

We played pirates and Uncle Percy let me win. I pushed him over board and he "died". He made fish noises as he died, saying he would always remember me and something about that one time he got turned into a guinea pig. I didn't get it, but Aunty Annabeth laughed.

When I asked why she wouldn't join our game Aunty Annabeth said she couldn't. She said she was...something like pregnant? That she had a baby in her tummy. I asked why she couldn't get it out. She smiled and said it wasn't time yet.

I didn't understand but Uncle Percy said it was time for dinner. His face was really red. I thought he might have been angry, but Aunty Annabeth said he just felt awkward.

After dinner, Uncle Percy wanted to watch a movie. He let me pick. Daddy and Mommy let me keep all of my movies next to the TV. I picked out Beauty and the Beast. I really like that movie. It's scary at first, but Bell is really nice to the Beast. Mommy and Daddy said that's how they met at first.

Uncle Percy complained that Finding Nemo was way better and Aunty Annabeth hit him.

The movie was almost over, when the telephone rang. Aunty Annabeth got it. Uncle Percy tickled me, to make me laugh. But he stopped as Aunty Annabeth yelled out.

Uncle Percy ran into the kitchen, he told me to stay, but I didn't listen. Aunty Annabeth was crying. She dropped the phone. Uncle Percy ran forward. He caught Aunty Annabeth before she fell.

"Annabeth!" Uncle Percy looked scared. I was scared.

The door started banging really loudly. It rattled the house. I screamed. It was like the thunderstorms my mommy told me never to worry about. But I still did.

I heard mommy's voice calling me. Uncle Percy told me to stay. This time I listened. Uncle Percy didn't look scared anymore. He looked scary. He put Aunty Annabeth in a chair and ran towards the door. Aunty Annabeth was still crying, I didn't know why.

"Percy!" My mommy's voice echoed in the halls. She sounded scared. "Let me see my daughter!"

Mommy came running into the house. Only she didn't look like mommy. She wasn't wearing any shoes and her feet were red. Her pretty dress was ripped and torn. Something red was falling from a cut on her arm and her forehead was covered in the red stuff.

Who would hurt my mommy?

She swept me into a hug. She was crying. Her hair didn't smell like the fresh air. It smelled sour, tangy, like lightning. Lightning scared me.

"Skylar, baby." Her voice was really watery. She was scaring me even more. "Skylar!" She just kept saying my name.

"Mommy, where's Daddy?" I was crying too. I wanted Daddy.

"Skylar..." Mommy said, "daddy's...gone."


Mommy hugged me tighter like I would leave too. "He...He went on Vacation."

"When is he coming back mommy? He said he'd take me out for ice cream tomorrow."

Mommy was crying a lot. Aunty Annabeth came up behind her and also hugged her. "Baby, he can't come home. He's going to be gone for a very long time."

I was confused. "So he won't get me ice cream?" I sniffled, "but he promised!"

"I know, baby. I know."

It wasn't for another five years when I was twelve, that I realized my dad, Luke Castellan, was not on Vacation.

He was dead.

For AnnabethxGranger.Virsa...This is all your fault.

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