Mistake (PJ/Avengers)

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Jason just wanted to forget that day. It was the worst day he'd had in a while. He hadn't talked to his dad since. It had been almost a year. He'd thought maybe karma would maybe pass him by...

Lol noob!!

"Wow! Piper I can't believe it!" Annabeth giggled looking at her menu. She was holding it with her left hand leading Jason to believe that she was holding hands with Percy under the table. Percy was leaning on the table grinning at his girlfriend. They were both dressed up, Annabeth in a grey dazzling dress that complemented her eyes, and Percy in tux. "This is unbelievable!"

But they were nothing compared to Piper's beauty. Piper leaned against him, her hair done with a turquoise feather that Jason wasn't sure where she got it. She wore a fine-fitting turquoise dress as well, like the color of her snow boarding jacket back on their first quest.

As if sensing him staring at her, Piper looked up. Her beautiful eyes glittered with laughter.

"Everything ok, Jason?" She asked grinning.

She'd planned everything to perfection tonight. It was Jason's one day off from being the high priest of the gods so the four of them decided to go out. A double date! They would've invited Hazel and Frank but they were busy in New Rome, while Percy and Annabeth were on the very last term of high school in the mortal world. Piper sprung some of her allowance and got them a reservation at a fancy restaurant not far from camp. So far the evening was better than he expected.

But he got a sudden chill in his spine. His every nerve went on alert. Like a warning before an attack. He glanced around quickly darting his eyes from one person to the next. Mortals dined on food that cost more than his apartment, waiters served wine and food, and lofty music played softly.


He looked back at his friends who had stopped talking to look at him. Percy frowned. "You okay, bro?"

"Yeah." Jason said, "Hmm? Yeah sorry, just distracted. Everything's perfect."

Piper snuck him a kiss. "It better be perfect, I paid a lot for this!" She joked.

Jason grinned and he shoved off his cold feeling. He decided to get distracted by something a lot more likable, like his gorgeous girlfriend, Piper.

That was the plan, and it worked very well until the arrow blew up his steak.


Tony had been working in his lab when his computers started beeping. He looked up from his newly designed blueprints at the flashing lights across his lab.

"Friday, what's up?" Tony asked, he really missed Jarvis (long story) who would automatically telling him why his stuff was making noise.

Friday's robotic female voice rang out in the lab as Tony rolled over in his rolling chair. "Match on sample 82C, as provided by Thor. Human, male, age: 19, name: -"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?" Tony asked.

"About a year ago sir, Thor asked you to find the human associated with a sample fingerprint. A match had been found."

"A year? Why did it take so long?"

"I don't know sir. Thor requested you call him immediately on this specific number. Shall I call him for you?"

Tony nodded absently as a number flashed on his screen along with a 3D portrait of a teenager, with bright blue eyes and blond hair. There was a scar on his lip.

"What did Thor want with a Jason Grace?" Tony Stark wondered loud.

Seconds later Friday reported that Thor requested all of the Avengers to assemble.


"And then she kissed me!" Percy said, "She kissed me right before I was about to go die from a bunch of teddy bear dog things!"

"Hey!" Annabeth protested, "Cut me some slack! I was head over heels for an idiot!" Piper and Jason couldn't help but laugh. "Besides you didn't even die!"

"Well I had something so much better to live for." Percy grinned and rolled his fingers over her knuckles, before leaning in for a kiss. Piper was smiling, and she snuggled against Jason a little more.

Jason wrapped his arm around her.

"Oh man," Percy groaned, "When is the food going to get here? I'm starving!"

Jason laughed as Annabeth rolled her eyes. About that time the waitress had come over carrying four of plates expensive food. Percy's eyes went wide. He leaned across to Jason, and whispered, "We're paying how much for this? We should stop at that diner across the street and get some actual food after this!"

The waitress, a skinny red head woman, set his food in front of Jason who nodded a thanks. Piper actually thanked her, speaking in French, which seemed for some reason the accent that all the employees.

"I can't wait until we finish! I got us tickets for a movie later!" Piper said, "A scary one, too!"

"Are you sure anything scares us anymore?" Jason sent her a lopsided smile. He picked up his knife to cut up his steak.

And that was when the windows broke.

The boys, who had been sitting next to the windows were showered in glass and a single black arrow pierced his beef. Jason leapt up, but he barely had time to move.

The arrow exploded knocking Jason over the side of the booth onto another couples dinner. His head slammed into something hard, and his vision tunneled for a couple seconds.

Yelling and screamed rocked the building. Mortals fled the scene, Jason couldn't see.

"Piper!" He yelled, everyone was moving quickly, in every direction. "Piper!"

"Jason!" Percy appeared and dragged Jason off the table and down on the ground. The red head waitress had pulled out a gun.

Percy and Jason dove out of the way of the bullets sliding behind the bar tenders counter. The wine glasses on the shelves behind the counter shattered back at them. Annabeth was crouched fingering her Dragon bone sword. Her dress was torn along the side, and several cuts lined her arms. She didn't look in pain, though, she looked murderous.

"I wanted one date!" She screamed, "One freaking normal date!!"

On the other side of her Piper laided down, her eyes were closed and her skin pale. For a second Jason thought she was dead. His breathing hitched, he felt like he couldn't breathe. A thin tail of blood ran down the corner of her brow. Percy sensed distress.

"She's fine!" He insisted as another set of wine glasses shattered across them, "Just unconscious!"

Jason peeked around the counter almost getting his head shot off. He grabbed Percy and moved him just before a section of the counter was obliterated.

"Who's attacking us?" Annabeth demanded, "Perseus Jackson what did you do?"

"Me?" Percy cried, "I didn't do anything!"

Annabeth shot him a look. The sky rumbled and lightning cracked right outside the building.


Jason stiffened and cursed.

"HA!" Percy yelled, "Told you!"

"You are so joking!" Jason moaned. "It's been a year! I thought...I thought-!" He looked at Percy and Annabeth helplessly. He dove across the floor, taking refuge from behind the counter to an overturned table. He landed awkwardly through, on a broken edge of a wine bottle. He winced, biting back painful tears that tore in his throat.

Annabeth and Percy knelt over Piper, looking at him. Annabeth said something to Percy but Jason did hear what. Percy made a split- second decision and followed him over. He landed heavily against the table. Bullets missed him by a couple centimetres.

Jason clutched his side, it was slick and when he pulled it back his hand was coated in red. He looked at Percy sadly, "Percy, I need you to get out, take Piper. Please. When she wakes, I need you to tell her I'm sorry."

"What? No!" Percy said, "We're not leaving you!"

"Percy." Jason shifted.

"You're bleeding!" Percy ignored him. "Come on. We can-"

"Percy!" Jason yelled, "If you guys don't go, he will kill you. Please! Please just go. Tell Piper I loved her."

Percy looked like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. His eyes searched for some hint a joke or whatever. His tux was ruined shredded like he'd dropped it through a paper shredder. A dream of a life no demigod could ever have. A normal one.

"Jason, what did you do?"

Percy saw fear flash on his friends face. Jason glanced over the table wincing as pain dug into his side. "I screwed up," Jason mumbled, "I screwed up."

"What did you do?" Percy asked again.


Lightning exploded inside the restaurant. Wind ripped the table away from them and the entire building surrendered to the menacing figure floating over them. A man in a blood red cape, and amour unlike any Greek or Roman design. His eyes were flashing like lightning themselves and anger radiated off him enough to terrify anyone. His hammer was raised perched to annihilate Jason.

"He," Thor spit, "Tried to kill my father, Odin."

So? Thoughts? Good? Bad?


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