Protectors 3 (AU)

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Protectors 3

Percy had been to a total of twenty four of these meetings in his lifetime. The sad thing is that this was the first one that wasn't his fault.

He straightened his jacket and combed back his restless hair. In his rearview mirror he could see that it was a wasted effort. Annabeth always told him his hair was like a black sea- it couldn't be contained.

Percy sighed and got out of his car. What could've possibly sent Tristan over the edge, this time? Percy had watched his kid grow up, grow into the guy that Jason was. He took his promises seriously, especially ones to his mother. So breaking this one must be killing him worst that any punishment he could ever get.

The receptionist at the front desk looked him up and down when Percy walked in.

"I'm here for Tristan Grace."

The woman fixed her antique glasses. "Are you Mr. Grace?"

Percy sniffled a snort, and fiddled with his wedding ring. The engraving felt like home, bringing back the wonderful feelings from forever ago. "No, ma'am," he said, "Just his supporting guardian."

She handed him a sign in sheet and told him how to spell his name. Percy smiled like she was telling him new information anyway. It was probably better to pretend like this was the first time, for Tristan's reputation.

"They're right behind that door." She smiled and pointed to a door beyond the desk that was firmly shut.

"Thank you." Percy awkwardly shifted behind the counter. The Secretary gave no notion that she'd even heard him speak. She turned back to her computer and glared at it with an intensity that made Percy wondered if she was even sane.

He opened the door and took stock of everything in the room in a millisecond. There were four chairs, polished that looked about as uncomfortable as the ones in every back Percy had ever been to. A large desk that was neatly cluttered with papers and paper weights and pens and an empty coffee cup. A bookshelf in the corner with labeled binders counting the extraordinary number of years the school had been opened.

Behind the desk a man who looked old enough to be Percy's great grandfather was sitting patiently with his hands clasped together. Percy didn't know if he was doing that because he had no other thing to do with his hands or if he was praying to a deity out there to relieve him off the two bickering boys occupying two of the chairs.

Both the boys froze in there hankering to look at Percy and release a sigh of relief in unison. Tristan was sporting another black eye to match the one from Dylan three weeks ago that Piper had covered with makeup that morning. The other boy, a blond haired teenager with head phones around his neck, was applying an ice pack to his jaw and say leaning to the side like his side was in pain. The boy had a scar running down his right cheek that looked, thankfully, to be weeks old. At least Tristan hadn't inflicted any lasting injury.

"Percy!" Tristan exclaimed thrilled.

"You are so lucky your mother is on set right now." Percy told him, "She's going to bury you, kid."

Tristan looked mortified. Picture Perfect for the coffin he was going to find himself in when Piper got her hands on him.

The blond boy snorted, "Rich kid."

"Dumb blond." Tristan snarled back.

The boy removed his ice pack like he was going to shove it down Tristan's shirt.

"Boys," The man before them said sternly. He stood up, and politely offered his hand to Percy. "Chiron Brunner, Principal. I assume you are Mr. Grace's supporting guardian?"

Percy took his hand in a surprisingly firm handshake. Chiron didn't look like the type of person who would have such a tight grip.

"Percy," he said, "Or if you prefer Agent Percy."

Chiron allowed for a small amused smile as Tristan groaned and melted into a puddle behind him.

"I'm so sorry for any of the disruptions Tristan had caused. I swear he normally only gets into fights after the fourth week of school." Percy shot said kid a double sided glare that shut Tristan up. The blond boy smirked at him.

"It wasn't my fault! He started it!" Tristan shoved a finger towards the other boy who leapt to his feet angrily.

"No, I didn't! It was all you!"

"You punched me!"

"After you said-"

"Boys." Chiron said again in that tone that commanded silence. Percy wasn't even in trouble and he felt ashamed.

The door opened again, "Sorry I'm late, there was traffic--Percy?"

Percy looked up at the tall blond man who'd walked in and laughed. "Jason?"

He looked different from the last time, though Percy couldn't quite put his finger it. He was taller, with that same bold stance from when they'd first met all those years ago. Blond hair that had seen far too much sun light recently.

They both stiffened as realization dawned on them.

"Is that--?"


Percy's mouth hung open as he stubbornly refused to look at the blond boy. Luke. Luke Jackson. Oh gods, this was his and Annabeth's son. The son he was never going to get to hold, to ruffle the hair of, the boy that Percy was never going to see.

"Shit." Jason and him said together.

"Is there a problem, gentlemen?" Chiron asked standing up slightly. He seemed to sense the waves of panic coming from both the adults.

"I'm going to be sick." Percy threw a hand over his mouth.

"Give us a moment, please," Jason grabbed Percy's other arm and dragged him back out of the room. The boys and Chiron started on bewildered as Jason yanked the door closed again.

Percy was pale and sweating. His son...

"Oh my gods." Jason swore in a low voice. Had it been any other situation Percy probably would've made fun of this rule abiding, goody two shoes spitting profanities in a school.

"I can't. I can't." Percy repeated, "I can't go back in there. What do I say? How do I act? What if he knows? What if Tristan knows? What if Annabeth finds out? She'll kill me. Jason, she will actually kill me. She will laugh as she kills me!!"

"How did this happen?" Jason hissed quietly. He glanced at the secretary who was diligently typing on her computer. If she could hear them she made no mention (Percy bet she wasn't even actually do work, probably writing fanfiction).

"How the Hell did this happen? Nico swore that this was never going to happen!" He grabbed his hair cropping it. Even after he let go it stayed in the same position. "This is horrible. What if Piper had come instead of you?"

"She on set. What about Annabeth?"

"Board meeting." Jason straightened his suit jacket, "I'll call Nico as soon as this is over and figure out what's going on. I'll get Luke transferred to another school."

"Good plan. Good plan." Percy frowned, "Wait, isn't this some prodigious school? How the Hell did my kid get in here?"

"Annabeth, dude." Jason reminded. Percy nodded because that made more sense than he cared to admit.they both turned towards the door again.

Percy did a couple deep breaths. "When I was eleven I learned how to fight from a self defense summer camp. I trained in kick boxing for eight years and was the highest ranked soldier in my unit." He jumped twice as if to confirm it to himself, "I can do this. I can do this."

"Eleven?" Jason repeated shaking his head. He fixed his tie, "I started when I was five."

"Show off."

Percy opened the door wearing a fake smile.

"Sorry about that, sir." Jason said apologetically, He offered out his hand. "I'm Jason, Luke's active guardian."

"More like active buzzkill." Luke muttered. Jason shot him a fatherly look that made Percy's chest hurt. He should be the one doing that, scolding his son for being disrespectful.

"Ah yes," Chiron said, "I figured as much. Seeing as you and Tristan's guardian are well acquainted, I was wounding if we might start this conference."

Percy and Jason nodded and sat down. If Percy closed his eyes he could pretend that everything was normal, and his heart wasn't beating at a million miles per second because the boy on the other side of Jason was his blood. Percy could pretend that everything was fine and after this meeting nothing will have changed.

But pretending only got you oh so far.


The meeting only took thirty minutes.

That is if it had been thirty minutes in Hell as Satan's minions very slowly carved out his insides with a butter knife.

Percy was sweating like crazy by the time he finally got up to shake Mr. Brunner. He prayed that his hand wasn't as clammy as he thought it had been. He was worried of what he was going to tell Piper.

To be honest, he hadn't been paying an ounce of attention. Just nodding every so often as Chiron explained what would happen if Tristan and Luke got into another fight: suspension. Not that it mattered. Before the end of tomorrow one of them was not going to be coming back to the school.

Percy spent all his will power on not looking at Luke. He supposed that it wouldn't have been so bad if Annabeth had picked out a name that he hated, but no, she'd picked the name he'd wanted.

She'd picked his top choice.

Oh who was he kidding, Annabeth could've named him "Ketchup" and Percy would've still felt this horrible longing just to sweep him into a hug. He was sure that would be entertaining for Luke. This random stranger hugging him and explaining "Hi, I'm your dad, Percy Jackson! No, I'm not dead, but don't tell your mother."

Percy marveled at Jason's composure. He smiled and laughed and if his thoughts were anything near as chaotic as Percy's, he showed no sign.

"I imagine that it would be better if we meet again under different circumstances." Chiron said to bring the meeting to a close.

"Of course, sir." Percy replied, possibly way too quickly, but he wasn't going to worry about it. "I can assure you that Tristan will be on his best behavior for the rest of the year."

Tristan made a sound of protest, but Percy shot him a dark glance and enforced it with, "and top of his classes."

On the way out of the school building Percy was sure he had never been more relieve to get out of a school. He walked side by side with Jason as they both marched their charges to the parking lot.

On the steps of the school Jason saluted Percy. Percy retailed with duel finger guns at him and a smirk. Jason rolled his eyes, and shoved Luke towards his blue hybrid.

When they were out of range, finally, Tristan seemed to explode. "What's going on? How do you know them?"

Percy looked down at him surprised, "What do you mean?"

Tristan huffed and crossed his arm glaring through his black eyes. "Percy don't treat me like I'm dumb! You're sweating through your suit! Mr. Brunner is scary, but he's not that bad!"

"I wouldn't push, Tristan. You area load of trouble--"

"Percy." Tristan said. He'd stopped walking a couple paces ago leaving Percy to look back at him. The younger kid was stiff, and the movement Percy had thought was his walk, he now noticed was him shaking. Tristan looked up, biting his lip. "Please."

Percy glanced towards Jason who was talking with Luke right by his own car.

"Tristan, listen to me." Percy knelt so they were the same height and he was certain he had all of the young teenagers attention. "I want you to avoid Luke Jackson at all costs. Don't look at him, don't talk to him, don't you dare start a fight with him."

"He started--"

"None," Percy interrupted, "Don't. Just don't. No contact with him at all. Do you understand?"

"Percy, how did you know his last name was Jackson?"

"Do you understand?"

Tristan opened his mouth but his eyes weren't looking at Percy. He was looking over his shoulder. "LOOK OUT!"

Percy whipped around just in time to see Jason's car windows shatter with bullet holes. "JASON."

Percy grabbed Tristan's arm and drag him down behind a faculty car. He palmed his hidden pistol, swearing at himself. He'd been so focused on Luke and Jason that he hadn't even thought about them being attacked here.

"Stay down!" Percy commanded, though Tristan was petrified with fear. Percy glanced out letting his battlefield senses take over again. He couldn't see what happened to Jason and Luke but he could see people flying from hidden spots wearing casual clothes. They all had guns and judging from the fact they missed Percy by only a couple millimeters he assumed that they knew how to use them.

Percy fired a couple short shots picking off the undercover monsters. Tristan whimpered, his head down and hands covering his ears as he tried to drown out the sound.

He pulled back just in time to avoid a bullet in his shoulder. He took a deep breath, wishing that he had brought another gun. He didn't know how many shots he had left (how many did he start with?). He didn't know how many monsters were left (they just kept coming). He didn't know if Jason was alive or dead or both (was that possible?).

"Damnit!" He shouted, "Tristan get my phone!"

The young teenager looked at him shocked and confused but Percy whipped back around. A Monster, dressed as a hippie, slammed against the other side of the car. Percy slammed his face into the hood and pushed him into one of his gang friends.

Tristan fumbled with Percy's phone typing in the password he'd seen Percy put in half a million times before: ChasingJacks. "W-Who? What?"

"Zhang." Percy said leveling two more monsters, "call him now, and tell him, "code Fucking purple"."

"Permission to curse?"

"You are so your father's kid." Percy clicked the trigger again but nothing came out. He cursed.

Tristan was taking into his phone, crying unabashedly. Percy could barely make out his words, but he hoped that Frank understood that it was bad and they needed backup like yesterday.


Percy glance back up his entire being freezing up. "Wait!" He yelled but his stomach was already tied into knots the size of eggs.

"Jason! He's-he's-!" Luke was running his face full on panic, his scar stretching across his face. Percy pulled his trigger again and again but there was nothing left. Luke was tackled to the ground and out of sight, and the only thing Percy could do was scream.

Everything that happened next was a blur. Percy remembered feeling the ground shake violently like the world was going to split in half. The sky lit up. The vibrant blue morphed into orange and red and black. Percy yelled but he couldn't hear himself. The car that they had been huddled against flipped. He shouldered Tristan out from behind the car and then everything went black.

(For plp000 you did not say it had to be some type of good ending, therefore, I had a little fun with it. #sorrynotsorry)

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