Solo Player 4 (AU)

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A quick thank you to everyone who went and voted on our other story! You guys are the best!

Solo Player 4 (AU)


Percy couldn't think. He couldn't breath. He couldn't move. It was as if he was there just to simply exist in agony. Around him the other game player's screamed. The ground felt sticky, Percy's fingers twitched in the red pool forming all around himself.

"One down," The voice over him said, "Four to go."

Was this it? Was this how he died? At seventeen, inside a game, with a virtual sword wound in his stomach and his own virtual blood coating in his clothes?

Health: 5%

What a sucky way to go.

He could picture his own funeral, His mother dressed in black. She wouldn't have worn make up, because she would have cried it all off before the ceremony. Tyson probably would only understand half of what was going on. His little four year old brother...Percy felt a couple tears fall. Tyson who he spent so long trying to save, was losing his older brother. Fifty million for Tyson...what bullshit. Percy was never even going to get to see that little squirt again.

"Scatter!" A voice yelled from beyond the haze that had become Percy's entire existence. The world was blurring, becoming unrecognizable other than the red line over his white text name. The ground shook though that might have just been Percy's imagination, just like the crashing of feet around him and the clashing of metal swords.

Something bumped him, kicking him out of the way. Light flashed overhead, a scream pierced the air. "RUN!"

A camera floated near where he was, watching everything. Percy wished he could tell it something, anything. One last message for his family, for Grover. But he couldn't even breathe much less talk.

Something stumbled over him. Percy could just see the edge of purple cloak splattered red at the bottom. Their health bar was in the yellow. Whoever it was never stopped to turn back. They kept running, breaking between the tree and disappearing into the forest.

Percy hoped they got away. Oh gods he hoped everyone got away.

The ground was definitely shaking now. The pain in his stomach spiked with each vibration, but he couldn't even find the strength to cry out. A crack appeared in the ground right next to him, widening, with each ragged breath he puffed out. Another scream. The crack shook violently. Percy watched helplessly as it crept towards him in slow motion, devouring the ground until he could feel himself falling into the inky blackness. For a second Percy couldn't tell if it was his consciousness or the actual hole that was forming.

Suddenly Percy was jerked back. Pain stabbed through his body, attacking from everywhere at once. He spit out more blood, then everything really went black.


Wait what are you guys doing?

I mean come on! Percy has like 5% health left. And he just blacked out. And everyone's running away.

The guy's got no hope of living after this.

No way.

Not Possible.

Not happening.

Wait, what do you mean there's still more to this chapter?!

Why the Hades is it not here then?!

What in Tartarus are you talking about, Sabrina. I just checked your profile. There's no new story called Solo Player with an amazingly awesome cover designed by Twila on your page.

I just...


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