Society of the Paranormal 2

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This would've been out yesterday, but I got distracted drawing this cool hidden square project and watching Psych.

Society of the Paranormal 2

"Alright," Cecil grinned maniacally as he rubbed his hands together, "Let's do some magic!"

Lou Ellen snorted in response as she set up on the the cameras with practiced ease. Nico and Will came over to them looking like their usual Summer/winter combo. It didn't pass over any of them that Nico was acting more angrily than normal. Hate seemed to radiate off him in waves so think Cecil was surprised he wasn't drowning.

"How's the set up?" Nico grumbled.

"Peachy," Cecil responded typing in his thirty one letter password to unlock his carefully devised system."When Lou finished I'll have the entire room covered. Sensors online, and then if there's even a glimmer of a ghost we'll get them. Though I don't understand why you don't just do your thing like last time."

"Because it's incredibly stupid and dangerous," Will butted in. "He almost died!"

"It was worth it though. Those pictures were amazing." Lou Ellen slid down the ladder Jason had provided them and grinned.

Nico however did not. He glared across the floor to where the other group was conducting their own research.

"I'm not going to do my thing." He whispered harshly, "especially not with him here." Cecil, Will, and Lou Ellen shared a look.

They would've had to be deaf and blind, and probably dead too, to not understand that Nico had a past with that green eyed Percy character. It made Cecil worried. If his ghostbusting career had taught him anything, it was that pasts never stayed in the past.

"Alrighty then," Cecil was the first to speak per usual, "We'll do it the old fashion way. I'm gonna need a list of all the people who attended the party, including waiting staff and anyone who was in the castle. Oh boy." He took a swig from a red thermos filled with a mystery energy drink Will had made him prior to the trip. He grimaced, "this is going to be a long night."

Lou Ellen patted him on the back, "look on the bright side; we get to spend the night in a possibly haunted house!"

"I'll go get that list." Will offered, "I'll be right back."

Nico nodded absently but he only strolled off to go do whatever Nicos tended to do. Cecil and Lou Ellen watched him.

"How long have we known Nico?" Lou Ellen asked thoughtfully.

"Uh, three years?" Cecil counted on his fingers, "yeah, three."

"How come we've never heard of Percy Jackson before this?"

Cecil shrugged. His fingers tapped his keyboard but he didn't type any letters.

"What's one more name on this absurdly long list of people?" Cecil said finally, and opened up his browser.


"Hey Jason!" Annabeth said at the same time as another voice rang out. The blond butler looked up from the phone he was reading. In an instant she took in his appearance, a nasty habit that she tended to do subconsciously.

She knew that he did not like the idea of them being here. His posture was too stiff. He had bags under his eyes from worry. He had been pacing far too much and his feet were killing him. He probably hadn't sat down since that morning. All in all though, Annabeth couldn't see exactly what Piper found so attractive about him.

Yes, Annabeth had picked that up off her just by merely observing them together. Annabeth felt a swell of pity for the rich girl. Jason obviously had no clue of her feelings towards her.

Annabeth knew that feeling.

Her gaze swept over to Percy. The little headache was reading over Grover's shoulder and pointing at something on the computer screen. His green eyes were dull. His smile fell short of them. It was like he was hiding everything about himself in a fragile shell.

Of course that's what made him so fucking perfect. Annabeth hated him for it, but not more than she hated herself for loving this mystery of a person. The boy who showed up in Long Island Sound with a sharp eye and a mysterious past. She wasn't just infatuated.

Beyond all of her own comprehension she was in the dangerous illogical area of love with Percy Jackson.

"Annabeth? Will?" Jason answered both her and the other blond boy from the joke of a group the Paranormal Association. He seemed less than delighted to help them. Piper had excused herself to go take care of something, but she had left Reyna here to "help". The stoic girl was just watching them all with the same impenetrable face.

Annabeth and Will shared a look, but Annabeth spoke first, "I was wondering if I could get a copy of the names of attendees to the party. It might help narrow down who would do something like this."

"Uh, I need the same." Will said, he shot her a sideways look.

Jason sided and rubbed his eyes. "Right, gotcha." He slid his phone into his pocket and glanced at Reyna, "I've got a couple copies in my office. Come on. Reyna we’ll be right back."

She nodded but didn't say anything.

"Oi!" Percy yelled from he stood, "When you get back can you show me all the areas guest were allowed?"

Jason looked like he was going to refuse, but then something surprising happened.

"I'll do it." Reyna said speaking for the first time in hours. Everyone looked at her. Even Jason got that expression that said that was not what he was expecting. "What?"

Percy took a long non committal sip of diet coke. Annabeth wasn't sure where he got it but she had long since given up figuring out. She most often packed their bags, (while Grover picked up research and Percy, surprisingly, did paperwork for time out from school), and even if she made a point not to pack any soda, they got it anyway.

"I'm coming," Nico said, “We’ll need to know the same.”

Percy spit out his soda, choking profusely. His eyes flashed with a light and for a second Annabeth saw nothing but pure terror in them, as if being alone with Nico and Reyna was his biggest fear.

“Ow! Ow! Cecil!” A loud cry came from the other direction. Annabeth turned around just in time to see the blond girl she vaguely recalled was named Lou Ellen, push her partner off his stool. She rubbed her side glaring him down. “I got it!” She told him, then turn to the group, “I’ll go with.” She picked up the camera Will had been using earlier and padded over to where Nico was standing.

Percy didn’t look any more relieved than before.

Jason turned to the last two, looking at them with a tired look. “Will you guys be alright alone together?”

Cecil and Grover regarded each other. From across the room the both looked to be challenging each other to a video game match over their laptops. Annabeth prayed Grover had enough sense not to use her laptop for something like that.

“As long as he’s not a serial killer,” Grover answered finally.

“Aw man, I’ve had that happen before.” Cecil shuddered at bad memories, “not fun. Would not recommend ever again.”

“I got stabbed! With an actual knife!”

“The guy was going to use me as a human sacrifice! Do I look like I’d make a good human sacrifice?!”

Grover assured him he did not. In a gesture of friendship he pulled a soda out of a backpack near him and tossed it towards the other boy. Cecil grinned as he caught it, examining the label with a snicker and popped the tab.

Will sighed quietly, “They’ll be fine.” He said to no one.

They aren’t the ones we’re worried about. Annabeth refrained from saying allowed as she watched Reyna lead the group past the caution tape and toward another hall. Percy walked beside her, Nico just behind and Lou Ellen was already snapping pictures of everything. Percy looked back at Annabeth making one last eye connection. For a second Annabeth wanted to call out and join them. Percy looked scared for his life.

She had never seen him like this. Not even when he’d taken that bullet for her last year. He was always laughing and joking and mocking perpetrators. If something was enough to scare him, Annabeth was certain she should be terrified. But all she felt was a nervous excitement.

Nico Di Angelo was a piece to the puzzle was that Percy Jackson. If she could find out more she could figure him out, she could figure Percy out.

A tiny voice in the back of her head asked her if she was going to like what she found.

“Come on,” Jason said, “My office is this way.”

Annabeth and Will followed after Jason in the brisk pace he set forth. He walked in such a hurry that Annabeth barely had time to enjoy the architecture of the castle. She had always a fascination with castles and their blueprints, but she had long since traded her dreams of building works of art for solving the mysteries inside them.

Even so she couldn’t resist the urge to run her hand along the cool stone wall. The feel of it seemed to ease her nerves. Will shot her a strange look but said nothing.

The building was centuries old. The walls were cool to the touch. The stone corridor decorated in lavish tapestries every so often. Other than that the walls were bare, which should have given Annabeth a cold feeling but it just made her feel slightly more excited. The ceiling was lower, and the walls were lined with torches every couple of feet to light the way. It was so authentic Annabeth wanted to squeal.

“They’re electric,” Jason said, completely crushing her questions before she asked, “installed a couple years ago under orders of Mr. McLean. He thought it would make it easier on the staff so we didn’t have to go relighting them every hour. Now they just run on switches.”

To prove his point, Jason stopped by a tapestry of a woman holding a rose and flipped a switch that was cleverly hidden behind it. Immediately the hall was plunged into darkness. For a second Annabeth thought she saw something in the fabric of the dark and a yelp went out among the three.

Jason flicked the lights back on with an eyebrow raised. Will was standing a couple feet over from where he had been before, rubbing his side. He gritted his teeth and glared at Annabeth.

“What was that for?!” He scowled.

“What was what for?”

“I get that you don’t like us but that was just low!”

“Who said I didn’t like you?!” Annabeth huffed crossing her arms, “I didn’t do anything! Your friend was the one who sucker punched my f-friend!” Annabeth hated the way she stuttered over the word. It was like calling him a friend out loud was dooming them to never be anything more.

“Knowing Nico he probably had a good reason! Plus you’ve done nothing but scoff and roll your eyes when we discuss stuff. Don’t even try to deny it, everyone saw you!”

“Well maybe if you-”

“Both of you just shut up!” Jason snapped. His blue eyes flashed with annoyance, “You’re acting like little kids! Geez! I’m going to be outright with you guys: I think you being here is a horrible idea. So just...just shut up!” He turned and continued walking with steam practically flowing from his ears.

Will shot Annabeth another dirty look and they both hurried after the blond butler.


“The guests were allowed as far as this hall.” Reyna said, “There were guards posted here and here to ensure that no guest were slipping into the back halls or attempting to lift something from the castle.”

Percy looked around hand over his mouth in deep concentration. He focused on memorizing every detail, a skill that somewhat came easily to him. He was building a mental map of the entire castle with just a sweeping glance at everything. Lou Ellen stepped up beside him clicking pictures rapidly. Nico was analysing the stonework.

“What’s out these doors?” He asked suddenly pointing towards the stained glass doors to their right. The rose pattern let a scarlet shadow into the castle. Lou Ellen snapped a picture of the design, or maybe it was of Nico. Percy wasn’t sure. The boy in black scowled at her.

“Hedge maze and garden.” Reyna answered. With a swift movement she opened the doors and introduced them to the world outside. “Guests were allowed out here, but few actually went. The Maze can be quite confusing if you don’t know the pathway. Besides it was hot outside, being the middle of summer, and most of the party was inside.”

Lou Ellen took a picture of the maze, which started a couple meters away. Directly in front was a quiet sitting area with a white marble bench and a brick floor. Neatly tended flower beds bordered the path until it gave way to the towering hedges, like a runway. The hedges were full and green, even in the light chill of the Fall. They stood a foot taller than even Percy. The start immediately split into two directions left or right, and the brick gave way to well worn dirt.

“I wanna solve it!” Lou Ellen said popping a piece of bubble gum into her mouth. The smell of it was so strong Percy found himself stepping away from her.

Reyna shrugged, “Be my guest. I think only one or two people actually know the key, Piper being one of them.”

“The other?” Nico asked.

“Jason,” She said, “If he was motivated enough.”

“You can’t?”

She fixed Nico with a cold glare that Percy wasn’t sure if it was hostile or just her usual look, “On a good day I could maybe find the center. I don’t do mazes.”

Sensing a heavy, dangerous topic, Percy took it as his que to step in. “Hey, uh, Reyna,” He said, “Were you there the night of the Charity Event?”

She looked at him surprised, “Piper wanted to come see her father before the party. As her bodyguard, I deemed it appropriate to memorize where everyone was.” Her voice had an edge to it like she was daring him to challenge her.

“Did you notice anything off about anyone?”

“We were only there for fifteen minutes, and that was hours before any real guests showed up.”

Lou Ellen to a picture of a rose bed, “That's not answering the question.”

Reyna swiped a piece of hair from out of her face. “look, I don't know! If you want to really find out, I'd suggest talking to Hedge.”

“Hedge?” Nico repeated.

The stoic girl crossed her arms, “Gleeson Hedge, Tristan McLean’s bodyguard. He's ex-military, some special ops officer who couldn't let go of the past. I think he looks forward to fighting, most times.”

Percy opened his mouth but Reyna was already answering his question.

“He was devastated after Mr. McLean’s fall. He stayed awake pacing the hospital lobby for three days straight until they told him the man would be okay. He took it as a personal offense that Mr. McLean almost died that night.”

“Where is he now?” Percy asked, pulling out a notebook and pencil. Annabeth had drilled it into them to bring one everywhere, and the notes on everything. They must have jumbled books again because Annabeth's tedious notes on their last case filled the pages.

“Last I heard, he was residing with his wife and son in town until Mr. McLean recovers. He organizes the guards watching the hospital and keeps a sharp eye on everything.” Reyna told him the address and he scribbled it down quickly.


“So….” Cecil said glancing up from his screen, “You're from Long Island?”

Grover took a sip of his second soda, without looking up. “Yeah, and you're from Westover? That's a long way to travel for a sketchy looking invitation.”

“Lou and I had a bit of motivation. Anything to get out of a twenty page English essay.” Cecil laughed but it fell quiet quickly. Grover seemed unphased that they were the only two in the room. The air was silent and it reminded Cecil off bad times. He went back to skimming through online news articles that covered the “Night of Tragedies”.


“Where's Piper?” Will asked as they entered Jason's office. The butler gave him a strained look.


“Where?” Annabeth pressed without meaning to. She had noticed that Jason and Reyna were still there, but their gracious host, (aka the only person who seemed to want them there) was MIA.

Jason sighed, “She's at lunch.”

“Lunch?” Annabeth snorted, “She lives in a castle with a bodyguard and a butler and probably a whole kitchen staff! Why would she go out to lunch?”

Jason rifled through a metal filling cabinet. For a butler his office was surprisingly full of paperwork. His desk was a mess, his computer was humming a sorry tube the screen in sleep mode. About four empty or half empty mugs sat amidst the carnage of work.

“Before the incident, Piper's dad and some rich noble worked out a deal on a company project and Piper met the noble’s son. Now they have lunch together on Wednesdays.” Jason said bitterly.

“You don't like him?” Will asked.

“Not one bit,” he replied, picking out a folder.

Annabeth pulled out her pocket notebook, only slightly annoyed when she saw it was filled with Grover’s tech notes and reminders. She flipped to the next open page and scribbled down what he had said, “Why didn't Reyna go with her?”

“Reyna makes Dylan uncomfortable-do you have to do that?” Jason asked her pointing to her scripting his every word. His tired eyes conveyed his annoyance prefect.

Annabeth slowly closed it back up, “Sorry.”

Jason flipped through the first couple of pages and then decided this was what he was looking for. He handed the file to Will, who was closer to him.

“I've only got one copy right now. Piper didn't even tell me you guys were coming, but give me an hour and I'll print another copy for you.” Jason trailed off checking his vibrating phone. “son of a-" He scowled again and pocketed it.

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing,” Jason said, “Now if you excuse me, I've got to make like three rooms.”

He affirmed out of his own office, and it didn't pass by Annabeth that he looked rather frustrated and upset. Especially since the text message ID was from Piper.


On the top of the farthest tower, a single figure stood looking down. He seemed to be able to see everything even through the stone walls of the McLean castle. The wind blew hard, but the figure leaned ever so casually against the rough cut window. The glass doors were battering in the tough breeze.

Down below him he could see the blond with the camera taking pictures of the maze while her comrades did their best to ignore each other. The difficult girl in the uniform stood not far off watching. Always watching.

Inside the castle he knew the other brunette boys were typing along on their computers, oblivious to everyone running around them. The bossy blonde girl and the sunlit one were stiffly walking in silence.

A small grin inched onto tower boy’s face growing wider with every second. “This is going to be lots of fun.”

If this is something you would read and you have an infinite amount of patience comment here, and we'll see if I continue this... aww well! See you soon, readers!

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