Welcome to HalfBlood (AU)

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Hi this is Sabrina Green, Author of these one shots. Now I know most of you are probably quivering in fear and whatnot but I've decided to share my new favorite fandom with all of you in a mix of Percy Jackson. Those that are in the know, probably just took another look at that title and laughed a little. Those who are not, you will soon. The video is the first episode. Watch it.

You're Welcome to all those readers who did not ask for another AU.

Oh and I also tried this one in First person which I haven't done in soooooooo very long.

Welcome to HalfBlood

To be fair, I did call her immortal.

"Beware of cats. Beware of Catsssssss." I spoke into the microphone with a grin. My voice was coarse but I cleared my throat and for the first time in a long time, it felt good to use it.

"Welcome to HalfBlood, listeners!" I pressed a randomly selected button I assumed made some type of sound effect. It played some type of background music, which I ignored looking for something to talk about. Anything really. I could say anything.

The radio recording booth was the standard type, I think. I wouldn't know, I've never been in one before today. Paxton or whatever that guys name was had told me I could hang in here while he and my mom worked. I stayed in the front room, closest to the door. In front of me was a button dashboard as long as a dinner table and more buttons than grains of sand in the desert. I've been here for about ten minutes and I had just found the microphone. 

"In news today, It seems that old man Mcshiefter has discovered a hole that leads to the center of the Earth, in his kitchen. When asked about it, He explained that it wasn't there yesterday but now it has opened right under his dinner table. A strange whispering seems to be emanating from it speaking directly into nearby persons minds. "Feed Me," It says in a sultry voice, "Feed me the unborn!" A meeting on what to do about this new demand will be held at noon in the old clock tower where citizens who do not agree will be pushed off the ledge. The Hole itself will be present at the meeting.

"Women over the age of twenty two, seven days, forty three minutes and seventeen seconds are now required to adopt a dog, in accordance with the new law passed by our mayor, Zeus, last week. This makes about as much sense as his marriage to his wife, as he was spotted yet again last week with a girl other than Hera. The Halfblood SPCA is looking forward to see all you beautiful women coming in soon before the Secret Police find you!"

I laughed at my own joke quietly. Pressing yet another button, I set my feet on  the dash and leaned back in the chair I had claimed as my own. "Citizens are reminded that going anywhere near the invisible woods will result in immediate detention and reeducation!  Remember the Invisible woods could be anywhere and everywhere! If you see the invisible woods, you are required to run as fast as you can in the other direction, no questions asked."

I shifted again feeling the crackling of a paper in my pocket. I pulled out the newsletter that I had received a couple hours ago and promptly forgot. How hilarious.

"Listeners...dear listeners..." I said, scanning the sheet with another grin, "The Police have urged me to inform you to not be afraid of the heavenly light that started spilling from the sky yesterday afternoon. The Angels, they say, are descending in that light to correct all our wrong doings and execute the ones who cannot be fixed. If you see any of these angels publicly executing your neighbors, your friends, or your dearly loved families, remember to ask for an autograph. That might be the only time you are able to get one! Angel autographs are currently going at $25,000 on Ebay. And we will know if it really is an angel's autograph because they will sign it in pure condensed light that will burn your soul to the core faster than Mrs. Dodd's glare when you don't turn in your math homework on time.

"Also today, I have had the pleasure of coming face to face with an immortal." I sighed, remembering back to earlier, "She had the voice of an angel, though no one really does know what an angel sounds like. A Bossy news reporter maybe? Or maybe it's like a boring history class with Mr. Morpheus. Either way, this immortal had that voice. Her eyes were crisp and dangerous, as if she could kill anyone at any moment. She handed me a paper, our fingers touched, and for a moment I felt like I had a higher calling: A calling to be something more than a voice on the radio. A calling to be a.... sexy voice on the radio.

"I know she was an immortal because after she handed me the paper with my destiny on it, I watched her jump into the middle of Friday afternoon traffic, get hit by a car, then jump up, unfortunately unscathed, and run off into the sunset to give some other person a newsletter that she wrote and no one will ever care enough to read."

I snorted, crumpling the paper in my hand and tossing it behind me, just like 99% of the school population does. "More News on the hole to the center of the Earth, It seems like the vote was unanimous. All twenty five of the survivors a top the bell tower have agreed to throw all the Eggs in HalfBlood into the pit. Anyone found hoarding any eggs will be taken to the Newly built Reeducation center on the outskirts of town where no one will be able to hear your screams over the sounds of the seagulls. No one knows why there are seagulls there, considering that there is no sea for another couple hours in any direction, and no one cares. 

"On a side note, Seagull expert Savannah Jones, who came to our town to research the seagull phenomenon ran into the Clearly Labeled Corn Maze of Epic Insanity screaming about secret police, corrupt governments, and lottery numbers, with heavily armed assassins following closely. She has not been seen since. 

"According to this red papered note I've been handed by my tiger secretary, Tiger, I am to report to the reeducation center directly following....this....broadcast...I'm sure it's nothing, folks! Anyway now a word from our sponsors, Imaginary Voices!"

I let silence fall on the mic for a minute, like a good radio show host, before coming back an introducing the weather.

"Today it's going to be Sunny and happy, with a side of bacon and thunderclouds so huge and gigantic you will forget what the sun ever looked like and--dear gods! The rain will be so powerful and dangerous that your houses will be swept away in a cold frothy flood. Hold on to your children! Hold on to the Trees! But nothing will save you from the impending death that it coming directly for your soul through the electricity of ten thousands volts in lightning flashes of pure unadulterated DEATH. 

"That is all over today folks! I am...." I frowned tapping my fingers on the button dashboard as I scanned the room for something to call myself. My eyes fell on my open school bag and the discarded homework and books. "I am Riptide. Goodnight Halfblood. Goodnight."

I pulled away from the microphone and let my fingers sit on the dashboard for a little longer. What was the harm anyway? No one was going to hear it. Still I felt kinda sad about it. So many things and I just couldn't find the courage to talk about any of them when people were around.

Some scars run deeper than you'd think.

"Percy?" The door opened jolting me from my imaginary show hosting. I whipped around to see my mother dressed up in her navy blue business suit practically glowing with happiness. Beside her was the man who had shown her around. Peter or something like that. He kept looking at my mom, and it was making me uneasy.

I smiled anyway, faking an innocent look.

"Oh Percy, you are never going to believe this! The radio interview went perfect!" My mother gushed.

"She's a natural." Patrick said with his smile though his eyes were on my mother again.

"It wasn't that good, Paul!" My mother turned back to him but not before I noticed her blush. Oh dear god, listeners.

I started blankly as I watched my mother and this guy we met about an hour ago go googoo eyes for each other. I'm not gonna lie, it made me start to sweat. A spike of fear ran through me.

A new guy, a bright smile, a well mannered conversation.

I leaned back, my hand "accidentally" hitting a button. A loud sound broke them apart, something like a car crash. I feigned innocence again, but my mother gave me one of her looks.

Paul --that's what mom called him, right?-- surprised me. He actually laughed. It was a shock to my mom too, though she didn't show it. It was kinda alien to us.

How pathetic.

"Uh, sorry!" Paul said realizing neither of us were laughing. He extended his hand to me and I shook it out of politeness. "I'm Paul! Paul Blofis, and you are?"

I internally cringed because I always always hate this part of the conversation. The silence that sits there until someone jumps in and explains. It took my mom a moment too long to answer.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, "Paul, sorry, this is my son Percy! He uh, doesn't speak."

"Well, I..." Paul seemed to not notice our awkward tension, but he switched the topic away from my quietness, "I'll see you next week right? For a follow up right? Maybe even read an excerpt from your book?"

Mom was ecstatic again. Her eyes lit up. I grabbed my backpack and zipped it up, hiding the book I named myself after inside. My mom and Paul eagerly talked about setting up another session for my mother to promote her new book.

"So I'll just call you when I finalize the plans, right? Can I have your number?"

My mom practically the her phone at him. After typing in his number and handing it back with a silly little smile he scribbled down a note on his clip board and said goodbye to me. Paul then stood awkwardly looking at my mom before saying another goodbye and hastily walking away.

"Don't give me that look, Perseus," My mother said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were playing High School: Home Edition," I said.

Okay, you got me. I didn't say that. In fact, I didn't say anything. I never do. After all...I am mute.

My mother lead me out the door chatting away about what a great guy Paul was. How he was unlike anyone she had ever met. How he explained everything she wanted to know and was patient and kind and funny and blah blah blah.

I've heard it all before.


My mom doesn't have the best judge of character sometimes. Though, sure, Paul hasn't done anything to make me hate him....yet. The point is others have. When my real dad left my mom fell to pieces. I was five. I don't....I don't think she's really ever been put back together yet. Dad didn't care. I haven't heard from him since.

I'm not gonna talk about the other guy.

I left the extra recording room with my eyes trained on the ground, backpack slung over my shoulder, and my mother leading me away. I didn't look back.

Maybe if I had, I would've finally noticed the shadows of the two other occupants hunkering down behind the recording both wall.

High School is the bane of teenage existence.

This is a proven fact. I've done the research myself. In fact, I am living proof of this statement.

Everyday it's all the same. Jackass Jocks try to prove they're more manly than each other, Psycho Popular girls in designer brands brag to each other about how to be a better bitch, Quiet mousy nerds huddle in confined covens pretending that there is strength in numbers. Annabeth Chase and her well disciplined news crew jump into every conversation they can and document every action that is taken via the hidden cameras in our lockers. The teachers drag their feet as they navigate the hallways hoping just to make it to their classroom without directly seeing some violent act that they need to intervene in. The druggies are selling their goods in every dark alley, with glowing eyes that see potential buyers before they even know they want some.

The fact that I'm mute does not help my case. In fact, imagine this, it actually hurts it further. Yeah, jocks tend to think that because I can't talk, I make an excellent anger deterrent and punching bag. 

I pulled my hood over my head, ready for the onslaught of snide remarks I was sure was coming. But they didn't come. It was silent. Teenagers formed strange groups all through the halls like normal, but not one of them looked up as I slipped inside the prison. I was a ghost, a faint whisper of movement that was clearly not anything worth whatever was on everyone's phone. The only person who seemed to even notice me was Annabeth Chase who looked more furious than normal as she stomped past me to her homeroom. 

Hey, whatever works. I slipped towards my homeroom feeling good. I could enjoy this.

"Percy!" A voice called just before I fully escaped to the classroom. I looked up, slightly shocked to see a guy bounding towards me. I recognized him, sorta. We had Biology together. He always made an effort to talk to me. Which was nice in a way. In other ways it just gave the bullies better Fodder. 

Grover Underwood was a rather frail guy. He had a slight limp in his leg and it kept him out of gym class. People liked to trip him up in the commons and laugh when he stumbled. "We're both outcasts," He had told me once after I gave him a questioning look, "You're mute, I limp, If with recruit someone else we could be the three musketeers!"

 But today he seemed to be as average as a normal teenager. No limping as he grinned and tugged me aside. His phone was in his hand and he was shoving earbuds in my ears before I could even think about defending myself.

"You've got to hear this! It's going viral! A popular Youtube channel posted it last night and it's hilarious! Listen! Listen!" Grover urged pressing play on his phone. I expected some video I guess. I tried to look at the screen but it was just an orange screen with silhouettes of the HalfBlood Water tower and I think that was the school building. 

The noise started and my stomach dropped out. 

"Beware of cats. Beware of Catsssssss."  

It was my  voice. My recording from yesterday. Someone posted it online. I frantically looked around and everyone was hearing it. Oh my gods.

I didn't mean to but I rudely took the phone from Grover's hands and read the description of the video. It was posted by a channel I've never heard of. The description was a short summary of what I talked about. My heart thumping I skipped the red bar to the end and impatiently listened to my voice finish speaking.

"Welcome to Halfblood is a production by GhostsandAngels." A female voice said. She sounded young, maybe my age. "The voice of Halfblood is Riptide. This is a story of a town that is both miraculous and stupid at the same time. If you would like to hear more about the mysterious town of Halfblood visit us at WelcometoHalfblood.com and add your vote to the continuation. Today's advice: Don't hug a porcupine. Don't. Just don't."

The Video ended and I felt like I was going to faint. Right there in the hallway.

"Dude are you okay?" Grover asked. I threw his phone and his earbuds back at him and motioned the "okay" symbol. I was lying and he knew it but I was running in the opposite direction before he could say anything else. 

This could not be happening.

Someone knew. Someone knew. My heart was beating erratically, my lungs couldn't seemed to get enough oxygen. It had been a year since I went mute. My voice got people hurt. I couldn't let it happen again.

He would hurt them.

I blinked multiple times trying to clear the  thoughts. No, he couldn't hurt them. I reasoned, He was gone. He couldn't hurt anyone. No one knew it was me who was talking anyway. It could've been any of the losers in this school. It could've been a middle aged woman with a voice over. It could've been a very intelligent poodle!

I had just about thought myself out of a panic attack when I got dragged into the janitor's closet.

The door shut behind me but the darkness was only for a couple seconds. There was a crack-crack and a flush of swampy green light filled the tiny space.

"Uh Hi!" A voice a I recognized immediately said. She was the voice at the end of the video. She was my age, with fair skin and freckles on her nose her eyes were pretty and dark even in the glow stick light. Next to her was a boy who looked similar, just a couple years younger. He was leaning on a mop and grinning.

"I'm Bianca!" The girl said, "And this is my brother Nico! I heard you were Percy Jackson?"

She stared at me like she was waiting for a reply. I motioned to my mouth impatiently. I'm mute, can't you see!

"I know you aren't mute!" Bianca said.

"We heard you talking." Nico supplied quietly, "We were in the recording booth messing around when you came in."

"Anyway, We're GhostsandAngels, the channel that put you online. I'm sorry we did it without your permission but it's so funny! You've got a gift, Percy!" Bianca waved the glow stick, "Please come do it again! Let us record more please, please, please!"

I pursed my lips and yanked the phone from Nico's hands closing whatever app he was in. 

"Hey!" The freshman complained. I ignored him and opened his notes and pulled up a new one. I typed fast then handed it to the siblings. 

"I didn't know you were there." Nico read boredly, "If I had I wouldn't have done it. Why?"

Another quick type and this time Bianca read it aloud, "Long Story." She groaned and wailed at the ceiling. "But you have to!"

I typed, "I don't have to do anything, Ghosts."

"I'm ghosts." Nico said, "She's angels. But that doesn't matter you need to see this!" He took back his phone and opened the app he'd been on. His cold fingers touched mine as he handed it back. 

It was an orange background with the banner "Welcome to Halfblood!" The screen was filled with a list of online names. I scrolled and scrolled but the list just kept going. 

I glanced quizzically up at the siblings who were beaming.

"That is the list of those who want a continuation." Bianca answered my unasked question.

I stared at it recognizing Grover's username (forpanforever) among the letters. All these people.

All these people...

"It's gotten a ton of views." Nico said, "People love you a lot. We've been getting more questions on your identity for this fifteen minute podcast than for any other video we've posted ever."

This is real.

Bianca was looking at me with pleading eyes. Nico was looking at his shoes. 

"We started a this channel to get viewers for our band, GhostsandAngels. Dad doesn't think we've got a shot at the music biz and won't even listen to our songs. We cut a slim deal with him over it. If we can get over fifty subscribers before the end of the year, he'll let us continue with the music. If we don't, then We give up singing and playing and go back to studying ourselves to insanity." Nico said quietly. "You're our only hope right now. We put one of our songs in the middle of the broadcast and as long as people keep listening to you they seem to enjoy our song too."

I closed my eyes and tried to burn the insensible ideas popping in my head.

"The end of the year is two months away." I typed. They want me and my dumb ideas to get them fifty followers in two months. that was crazy. That's insane!

"I know," Bianca said, her voice dropping low. She looked broken somehow, like she had been defeated in a horrible bloody battle. "I- We understand. We don't have any right to ask you this." She stared at her glow stick sadly. I shuffled to the door and grabbed the handle. I opened it and stepped into the bright and twilight-zoned hallway. I thought about Annabeth and how upset I must have made her with the truth about her paper. All the people I must have offended with my jokes. I looked at Nico's phone and frowned, disappointed in myself. Then I turned around and knocked on the door for their attention. 

They both looked up solemnly. I tossed Nico's phone back to him and then closed the door and strolled down the hallway.

It was only a couple minutes before I heard the muffled joyous screaming and I knew that they had read the message I had last left up.

"One More." I had typed. 

But for some reason I was still smiling when I got back to homeroom.

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