The Day She Left For Good

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The day she left everyone started to panic. They thought she'd been kidnapped again.

Hermes couldn't find her, no matter where he flew. And he flew practically everywhere.

Hectate couldn't find her with the Mist.

Athena was out of her mind with worry, which was not a good place for the wisdom goddess to be.

Poseidon raged the seas in search, growing desperate.

Artemis led the hunters around the world. Thalia would Iris message camp constantly with updates.

Iris stopped accepting payment for each message. Things had gotten too desperate.

Even Zeus was worried. Worried the most.

He locked himself on Olympus. He refused talk to anyone. He laid on the bed in his temple staring at the ceiling. He claimed it was all his fault. And it probably was. She'd finally gotten so sick of him she'd left.

He never knew how much he loved her. Needed her.

He wasted away, spending his immortal life regretting every kiss, every one nighter, every smile that wasn't to her.

Hera let herself fall into the world of mortals. She finally felt appreciated. She finally found a good love. And she left her past behind. She stayed by her mortals side, she loved him, and he loved back. She aged with the mortals years. Long and happy. She rebuked god-hood. She became mortal.

And after a lifetime...

She had finally left for good.



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