My Straw Hat Girl

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A young boy ran through the masses of people with his friend- a girl, which is not a girlfriend... yet, running right behind him. His name was Ash; raven black hair, chocolate brown eyes with a peculiar sense of fashion, a yellow tank top which had a red stripe running around the waist, blue denim shorts and tiny red trainers. Ash is your typical young out going six year old boy, he loves to make friends and see others smile. He cares deeply for others and 'will never give up on anything until the very end' which coincidentally is his motto.

The young girl, Serena, wore her long blonde hair trailing down her back but the front tucked behind her ears, her free flowing dress gently brushing her knees, the top of her dress a light pink with a darker shade around the waist. The look is finished with her straw hat that shaded her pretty face. Serena didn't really talk to anyone else but Ash and he doesn't know why she doesn't speak to anyone about it, doesn't answer questions in class and doesn't speak to anyone else. In class everyone calls her stupid as she doesn't answer questions but in her book she gets every single one correct. Every time Ash is about to step up the teacher asks him to read the answer in her book, but the other pupils just say that it was Ash's answer and that Serena is still 'dumb'. The teacher carries on with the lesson and tells them to stop being so cruel. This usually happens every day.

The blonde continued to race after the raven not daring to give up on their game of tag. Running through the playground of their school one behind the other.


I ran towards the tables to run through the group of people there, my plan was to lose Serena and then hide somewhere. I use my small body to squeeze past the group of five and look around; as I had wanted Serena was nowhere to be seen. "I won!" I shouted "Not so fast Ketchum!" She retorted she was on top of one of the tables, jumped down and grabbed me, her face right in front of mine, her hat flying off with the wind, but neither of us noticing.

All I could see was the ocean,

Or the sky,

But either way it was beautiful. I blinked at realized it was her eyes I was staring into, her honey hair flowing with the breeze into her face. I tucked it behind her ear and her cheeks when a light shade of pink. I smiled. I love when she is happy, I love when she smiles, I just love Serena. She always manages to make me happy somehow.

Serena's eyes widen as she taps her head. "My hat!" she screams, I look for her hat, I don't want her to be sad, she will never be upset when I am with her, I will protect her smile. I will protect her.

I see it on the field, she does too. "Three..." I say

"Two.." Serena continues

"ONE!" and we both ran off, I was in front but the hat started to fly off again, closer to Serena's side of our 'running track' and she takes a short cut. "Not on my watch" I whisper as I speed up. Serena grabbed her hat just as I got there. And I had tackled her to the floor. To immediately start tickling her but abruptly stopping, remembering where we were.

I held out my hand to help her up, and hers fit in perfectly. Her hands were so soft, so small, seemingly like what you would imagine an angels hand to have. But then again, you are an angel, aren't you Serena? You just don't know it yet do you? Instead of standing I fall to sit next to her on the green grass. I look down her arm, to see what I thought was paint, sit back up and dive into my pocket. What I find is a soft handkerchief, white with a blue border and on the bottom right at top left was a pokéball symbol. I licked one corner as Serena watches curiously, take it to Serena's arm and gently try to take the paint off, but she winces in pain. as soon as she did I stopped, took it off, and looked at her, wide eyed. "Serena, if that isn't paint, what is it?" I ask slowly

"N-nothing" she said standing yet looking down. Her hand slowly raises to cover the mark.

"Serena, your my best friend, and that clearly isn't 'nothing' so just please tell me what is wrong" I began begging

She started backing away from me, I reached out my hand, longing for her soft touch once again. I looked down thinking of different ways that I could see her smile one more time. Something came to mind, but when I looked up I saw her tear stained face but looking behind me as she shook her head. She turned and left, running to our tree, she would only ever go there if she was truly upset, I took a step forward and someone ran past me to turn and stop right in front. She stood in her denim shorts yellow crop top and orange suspenders. Her ginger hair was tied in a ponytail to the side of her head, she raised her arm to wave at me as she smiled, I looked over her shoulder to look at Serena but she moved in front of my view. Her name was Misty, she kept always trying to get my attention but Serena was my top priority, forever and always. "Not now Misty I have to go." I said plainly and walked around her to begin my short journey to Serena.

there she had sat all alone under our tree, legs bent up to reach her chest, arms wrapped around then to hold then close. I sat besides her and rested my arm around her as she leaned into my shoulder, resting her head to top of it peacefully, her eyes closed sadly, but yet she was smiling. A rustle was heard from behind us, I turned to have a look, I saw my mum slowly walking up to us, swiftly I held a finger up to tell her to give us one last minute, she obliged by nodding, but there was someone behind her who didn't seem so sympathetic. It was Calem, Serena's 18 year old brother. Calem had black hair and brown eyes- like me but he always seemed so lifeless, so angry but most of all, so sad. Their Mother- Grace- was never at home as she was always working. She had three different jobs as Calem always stole money from her when ever he was able to. I took Serena from my shoulder and gave her a hug, as if it was going to be the last time I was going to see her.  One hand wrapped around her back and the other around her head, trying to protect her from any harm.

From seemingly no where, someone had grabbed her arm and yanked her so she dangled in the air, life some toy a young child was playing with, her legs flailing, her other arm desperately trying to free herself. "Hurry up you little b****! We are leaving!" Calem threw her onto the floor and I ran in front of her to keep her safe from any harm. Serena tapped my arm, I had never seen him like this I never knew that her brother spoke to her like that, or hurt her. She never told me before, and I am not now and not ever letting him have another chance at it, but I wondered at why she tapped me, maybe she was hurt, maybe bleeding, scared I turned to see if she was OK, and I saw her smiling, why would she be smiling at a time like this? This isn't a time to be smiling, and yet I found myself smiling too. "Hurry up! Or we will miss our flight!" Calem shouted again.

"What flight?" Serena asked gently

"We are moving dumb***" He retorted

"No!!" I shouted "She cant leave me alone here! SHE CANT... you... you cant" I slowed into a cry a plee, a final desperate attempt. I couldn't let her walk away from me. She was always supposed to be with me. I looked down at the floor as a tear ran down my cheek. "Oh Ash.." I heard my Mum whisper. I whipped my head up to her, "Can she stay with us? Please let her stay!" I begged. 

"I can't Ash, that is up to her mum as well not just me... trust me I would, but I can't.." Mum replied

"Can I say goodbye?" I ask Calem

"Make it quick." He snapped

I turned to Serena, she looked at me with a smile. Why are you not crying? Why do I see no tears? Why don't you stand up to him? Why don't you love me like I do you? I walked to her closing our distance. and whispered in her ear, for our ears only "When I am old enough I will find you, and I will take you away, we will see the world. We will do what ever you want, as long as you are by my side." I lean back and she nods, I lean back in and kiss her cheek. "How are you so strong?" I ask her

"Because I know you will always be in my heart!" 

I put my hand into my pocket and take it out, but with something in it, I hand it out to her, "Something to remember me by." she smiles and nods once more. Calem huffed impatiently and grabs Serena's arm once more, and begins to drag her off into the distance. "Wait for me my straw hat girl!" I yell to her

"I always will!" She yells back

I turn to my mum, run towards her and hug her, letting my tears pour my feelings out from my heart showing my sorrow, and pain at seeing her leave. I promise Serena I will see you again and I will protect you no matter what.

////////// 5 YEARS LATER //////////


Lazily I reach up my arm to switch off my alarm, and get out of bed, I looked at Pikachu sleeping soundly besides me, and an amazing smell coming from down stairs, I looked on my calendar at the date. My eyes widened and I jumped out of bed. "Pikachu, Hurry!" I yelled. I ran down each step as quickly as I could. Today was the day I was going to Kalos, I was going to find Serena and we were going to travel the world! I couldn't be happier if I tried. Mum laughed at me as she took my empty plate away. Yes I was already finished with my food. No I didn't choke and yes that is a first, I couldn't die before I saw her again now could I? That wouldn't work very well. I ran back up to my room and got changed into the outfit my mum had made for me to wear,  a blue jacket with a white outlining, black trousers, red and black trainers black finger-less gloves a black tank top, and a red cap with half a white pokéball. I then grabbed my bag and ran to the door. "Ash, honey!" Mum called from the kitchen. "Yes mum?" I called back, she walked up to me and handed me a paper bag, "- food for the trip, have you got clean-?" 

"YES!" I shouted

Mum laughed, kidding. I love you honey, be careful and call me when you are there OK?" she asked

"Of course mum." I answered

She then kissed my cheek and opened the door for me. Pikachu jumped onto my shoulder, mum smiled and handed him a baby bottle full of ketchup. "Cha!" Pikachu cooed with glee. as he took the bottle and began drinking from it. I walked out of the house and waved to my mum, then I began walking to the airport. 

////// ONE FLIGHT LATER //////

I walked to the pokémon centre to call my mum, she answered and told me where to go. I walked to a bus and got one all the way to Vaniville town, where I got off. I raised my arm to knock on the door, as it opened, and a woman stood there shocked. "Is Serena here?" I ask, "Grace? Is that you?" I looked at her. Her eyes widened in realization and a smile formed on her face, but that had disappeared the second it had came. Tears formed in her eyes, she grabbed my hand and began taking me somewhere. 

In the distance I saw a Pokémon centre. We stepped inside, and into a room.

There she was,

Asleep in her bed,

All alone,



I just looked, I didn't want to but, I just couldn't look away. I walked up to her and kissed her forehead.

"Calem's in jail. I never should have trusted him, but I did. The only reason I am glad is that now he has gotten what he deserves. Plus Serena got him back."

"How- how long?" I ask

"Two years."

My hands went to my mouth in disbelief. I was too late, and I had let her down. I looked down at her and spoke softly "I should have grabbed you, told you to stay with me. Then you wouldn't be like this. But you are stronger than this. I kept my end of the promise, now it is your turn. Wake up Serena! We both know your smarter, you will beat this! Come back to me!" I grabbed her face and kissed her head one more time. "Please Serena. You can't do this to me. I need you.." I looked down and watched her face, every last inch of it. I eventually gave up...

Untill I saw her eye twitch. She will wake up. I know she will, and I will be here waiting.

My sweet straw hat girl

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