I Wish It Were Me...

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I stepped out of the airport and headed for Vaniville town. In my heart was only the dedication and love to take me another step. I could wait to see her again. So dense back then and only now I can see all of the signs she used to display. Perhaps, I'm not too late, and I can love her like how I have felt all these years- never knowing why. Pikachu looked at me somehow knowing what I was feeling, and he coo-ed with joy as I had finally realised what my true dream was- Serena. Just as she told me hers all those years ago.

As I look out of the cart to the beautiful town of Vaniville each ray of sun bouncing off every person reflecting happiness towards every thing within radius. I walked swiftly wanting to see her smile, longing to hear her laugh, wishing to touch her skin. I saw a flower shop as I walked by, so I decided it would be more romantic if she had some. And on the note I wrote ' j'adore tu plus qui tu comprenra' which should mean ' I love you more than you know' well I tried at least...

It wasn't difficult to differ Serena's house as her mother was a Rhyhorn Racer. And since there was only one house with Rhyhorn... It seemed kinda obvious. I walked to the entrance. *knock* I'm actually doing it, I thought to myself. *knock* she wont feel the same way about me, I told myself. But as I was just about to knock a third time someone said "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

I turned around to see a boy with black hair and a red hat with black glasses stand behind me. "This is Serena's house, right?"

"Yes that's right what do you want?" He said while giving me the dirtiest look ever. I'm pretty if looks could kill he'd be guilt as charged. He looked at the flowers and realised what's going on. Pikachu stood in a defensive stance, he clearly didn't like this person. I mentally thanked him

"You're trying to get with my girlfriend?" He asked annoyed

I was devastated. She was already with someone. That explains it, I mean who wouldn't love her like I used to do? The door opened and I handed the flowers to him as my back as turned at the door.

"Calem." Grace said disgusted "Who is your friend?" she asked intrigued.

"I'm no-one, I was just leaving."

"Perhaps you could stay for dinner?" she said sounding desperate.

"Gra- I mean miss I really don't think it would be wise for me t-"I started turning around

"ASH?!" she said and she pulled me into a hug. "I knew you'd come back. Calem head in. I'd like to talk to Ash if you don't mind."

Calem walked in as I was dragged in right behind him. Grace looked scared, petrified even, and there was only one thing that could make a parent this frightened; danger to their child. I should know. I had unintentionally struck fear into the heart of my mother a couple times when doing something irrational and dangerous.

I saw Serena begin to walk down the staircase, but I looked away, not wanting to be noticed as  I was too late. But the peculiar colours of her skin was something he couldn't ignore. "Calem? What are you doing here?" She asked quietly and clearly frightened.  I stood looking defeated as the main person I wanted to see smiling and laughing each new day was currently emanating an alarmed aura. I felt as if my heart had just fell to pieces at the sight that played in front of me.

"Hey babe" Calem said sounding cocky. Calem grabbed her by the waist and kissed her in front of me showing that I wasn't welcome here. I walked out of the house quickly wanting to get away to keep the remainders of my heart that wasn't crushed intact, even if they began to be tainted by the memories of the scene that I was trying to run from.

Grace POV

"A- Wait! Please come back! You're her only hope" I tried but it came to no avail.

"Mother? Who was that?" Serena asked me

"Someone you need to talk to...." I started but she ran after him before I could finish, she may already know who it is. and she may already remember who she used to be.


I heard footsteps behind me. And I could only assume it was it was Grace. Pikachu looked at me with a devious smile, as I looked on confused as I carried on walking "Grace I'm sorry, I cant do it.." I began as I turned around to be greeted with a slap across the face. Perplexed, to even continue an embrace was thrown my way, and once she let go did I notice Serena.

"Firstly hi, secondly ouch, thirdly what was that for?!" I say

"Firstly hi, secondly good, thirdly for leaving me" she answered on the verge of tears

I pulled her into my grasp, yet wanting so much more. But all I could think of was I wish it were me....


Sorry I was so short but I thought I had better get a story out while I still have a few hours of freedom (Half term) left XD I will upload another part to something later, so don't worry!! XD

Vulpix out :P

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