Her Last Performance

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Serena stood in the middle of the stage the dedication and desire to win took over her fear of the crowd, as she really wanted to be crowned Kalos queen, to show everyone what she is made of, along with the fact that you should never give up- thinking of her first performance. With Braixen, Pancham and Sylveon at her side fear came across her mind no longer, but it was at this performance that finally caught the attention of a particular boy in the audience. Ash Ketchum. He was always there for Serena and cared for her, he always rooted her on and her love for her friends and himself being never-ending was something of hers that he loved. He was proud of the achievements that Serena had accomplished yet he sat there having nothing.

As he looked towards the stage where Serena danced with her Pokemon elegantly his mouth stayed agape. He had never truly thought of any companion of his as he did Serena. Perhaps she could be a best friend? But, even that couldn't describe his feelings for her. She smiled on the stage and gave off such a welcoming aura to everyone in the audience.

Sylveon- the fairy Pokémon- used fairy wind around the group to made them fly into the air while she held to the hands of Pancham and Braixen. They let go of each other and Braixen used flamethrower but in the forms of rings and Pancham then proceeded to throw Serena through them as they slowly made their way to the floor. Pancham then used Dark pulse Braixen Flamethrower and Sylveon Fairy wind. They all collided in the air to create a giant flower over them. Braixen then ran around setting the stage around them on fire as the stage light dimmed to give off a magical effect. Pancham then used a final Dark Pulse on all of the fire blotches to let them out once he finished they had all met in the middle of the stage to spin then strike a final pose.

Serena was breathing heavily from the final performance that she gave from tiredness then Pierre came on stage, "What a wonderfull performance miss Serena!" He said as she received a standing ovation from the whole audience, she had a look around when a particular group of three caught her eye. she smiled and waved to her friends who were sitting in the mass of people. Serena waited on the side as the current Kalos queen walked down the steps. "How do you feel about this performance miss Aria?" Pierre asked the Queen "Honestly Pierre it would be difficult to beat, but that was defiantly a performance deserving of a win, congratulations Serena, It was beautiful!" Aria said towards Serena "Good luck Aria! I know you'll be amazing!" Serena replied.

Aria then performed her dance. to which it received a standing ovation again. Serena and Aria stood side by side and hand in hand and waited for the results to be revealed. With the anticipation rising in the air to two girls looked at each other for comfort. "And the winner is...






SERENA!! We have a new Kalos Queen!"

Serena stood shocked from what she had just heard and hugged Aria "Congrats Serena! You deserve it." She said as a crown was placed ontop of Serena's head Pierre walked over and took Serena's hand "The new Kalos Queen! Do you have anything to say?"

"Yes she replied. It's an honour to be up here and I just want to say thank you to my friends over there (she points to Ash, Bonnie and Clemont) my mum (she smiled) and Aria!" Aria looked at Serena confused "Well done Aria, let's do this again sometime, for fun!"

"Yeah!" Aria answered

Pierre told everyone about the festival of the new Kalos Queen that was taking place down the road, so Serena tried to meet with Ash and the others, however this didn't exctly go to plan, because as soon as she walked away from the safety of back stage she was bombarded with people asking for photos, autographs and others even asking to be her boyfriend.

Ash, Clemont and Bonnie walked over and saw Serena in some trouble. "Free ice-cream in the car park!" Ash shouted which was returned with a load of people running to the car park, "Well let's go ge some ice- cream!" Serena shouted " There is no ice-cream the three laughed, "then why'd you.... ohhhhhhhhh" Serena realised. Soon enough everyone came back, and one person shouted "oi, get off my girlfriend!" Ash looked over at Serena and she shook her head, as he was about to say something Bonnie took it upon her self to shout "NO! AMOUR WILL PULL THROUGH!" while Clemont laughed at this Ash stood confused and Serena had a face that was just about as red as a magikarp "Bonnie!" she shouted " Serena will end up with A--" Bonnie started but was shortly cut off by Serena " Clemont sort your sister out!"

"Hey, if I can put up with it you can! besides I think you two would make an adorable couple!" Clemont said

"Serena and who? He'd be one lucky guy.. I mean... uhhhh" Ash said

Serena looked at him confused and startled at what he had just said

"Uhh....... quick or we will be late for the festival!" Ash said, then began to run out of the building

everyone else followed after Serena who began running after Ash

"Serena look out!" some one shouted

Then she was unconscious. Ash quickly met her side "Serena!" Ash picked her up and ran to a Pokémon centre where she was looked after

~~Time skip~~

"You can come in now Ash" Nurse Joy said

Ash walked in and met the girls side and took her hand. He repeated how sorry he was and kept apologising to the asleep girl. As she woke up Ash looked at her with loving eyes. "Serena! Your ok!" Ash said

Then Serena said three words that had changed his life

"Who are you?"

And with that he cried and ran "Ash wait!" Bonnie shouted after him but he was gone.


So this one was a little sadder than it usually is but I decided to give it a try. I read XxWhiteYvonnexX 's last one shot where it was sad and decided to give it a shot. So hey This is where I get most of my inspirations from, as they are such an amazing writer!

Hope you guys enjoyed Vulpix out!!! ^~^

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