His past companions....

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Serena POV

While we were out shopping for Christmas presents I had seen a shop that I really wanted to go in- as I had seen something that Fennekin would LOVE. But Bonnie had seen a shop that she wanted to go in. "Hey how about I go with Serena to check out the shop and you go with Bonnie?" Ash asked Clemont. "I think that's a great idea! I hope you find what you are looking for Serena! See you guys at the train station at 6:00 ok? We don't wanna be late for  getting a decent room!" "Yes Clemont!" both Ash and I replied.

As we walked into the shop Ash saw something "Aw Dawn would love this!" Dawn? Who was Dawn? Does he have a girlfriend? And I have been flirting with him all this time??? "Hey Ash, who is Dawn?" Ash looked at me with confusion painting his face. "Huh?" Ash questioned, "Well you mentioned Dawn would love something. I was just wondering, sorry." I said while looking away embarrassed. "Oh, well no it's ok, she was just one of my past travelling companions. She was really nice and Pikachu just loved playing with Piplup, reminds me of Misty." Ash looked at my facial expressions and got ready to explain again. "Misty was my first travelling companion, quite stubborn and angry, but had really bad temper. Like Iris, again she was a companion, though she had a temper she wasn't all that bad she had a nice side to her too. And don't get me started on May, I think her and Dawn would have really gotten along!" I looked at him, with such sadness I don't actually understand how he didn't see. He had past companions, would he leave me as he easily did them? He couldn't right? We carried on walking around the shop, I bought the thing for Fennekin and Ash bought Pikachu a pokéball onesie and a lollie-pop. But I still couldn't stop thinking about the rest of the girls.

Ash and I had gotten to the station but a guard handed Ash and I a letter, it was from Clemont. He said that Bonnie started falling asleep earlier than expected to he took her home. While we were on the train I started writing in my diary just to be put off by Ash fumbling around in his bag for something. Once he had it he started to flicker through something and laughing. "What's up?" I asked, "Oh sorry Serena it was just photos my old friends and I, I took them when I was travelling with them. Here." He showed me all of the images goofy ones and nice ones. I wish it were me. If I hadn't of moved away then I would have been in all of those pictures with Ash. My eyes started tearing up at this thought. "Hey Serena, you ok?" Ash asked comfortingly, "Huh? Oh, yeah just um. Out of all your past companions what number would I be?" Ash wasn't even shocked by this question. But he knew the answer. Afraid of what I would hear I quickly said "Never mind that!" while waving my hands in front of my face, "Serena, please tell me what is wrong."

"No, it's ok Ash, but thank you" I replied

"Ok, if you need me I'll be here"

Time skip

I twisted and turned but I couldn't seem to get to sleep. Today has just kept me awake. I'm just so jealous that other girls were with Ash, I mean I'm glad he had fun and all but the thought of him with all of those girls just made me upset. I looked onto the table and saw the same envelope of photos that Ash showed me earlier. I picked them up, got the key then walked outside to look at them. Each smile made me cry more and each tear gradually quickened the pace at which they fell, soon enough I was crying my heart out looking at all of the photos. "Serena? I knew some thing was wrong please let me help you!" I turned around to see Ash standing there. "Sorry Ash did I wake you? You can go back to sleep now" I said as I faked a smile "I think you underestimate me. I know you are upset, I really wanna help..." "Ash you can't this isn't something you can help with..." I said quickly "No, I think I'm more into this than I thought. It's about me I can tell, you haven't spoken to me at all today, you are crying over my photos. and you ask out of all my friends what number you are. I thought you'd know the answer by now?!" Ash began "Yeah probably last look at me.." "Serena, I have been looking at you this whole time and if you think you are the last one and if you can't see what I see then something is clearly wrong and you may need glasses because Serena.... you are my number one."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into an hug then the next thing you know I am doing what I have only been dreaming of doing.....

.....I am kissing Ash 


So this is this chapt. hope you enjoyed!!!!

Until nest time.... BYEEEEEEE *high-fives screen*

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