The Cave of Confessions

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Serena POV

"Are you sure we came through here Ash I don't recall this cave, and-" I asked, soon to hear him interrupting me, "No I definitely do remember coming through here besides it's the quickest way back to Lumiose city, I have to get back within two days in order to catch my plane back home, and you need to get yours tomorrow in order to get to where ever you're going on time!" Right, we are going to separate, how fun.

As we began to walk through the cave I began to look around.  it was beautiful. there were pink crystals every where. It really added a romantic theme to the creepy vibe I had been getting around this place.

I had turned around to find that the rest of the gang had disappeared. Great. Now I was alone. "Serena?". My head snapped around to the locating I heard the noise. Who was that? I thought, I decided to follow the noise. "Clemont?" I waited for 5 seconds but had no reply, "Bonnie?". Once again I waited and waited but still had no answer. "Ash?" I called I was scared for a few reasons, one I was alone two someone I don't know had just called my name, and- I saw a figure, he had raven black hair, a blue jacket and a Pikachu, "Ash? Ash Is that you?" I asked, as he turned around  he had red bloody eyes and a purple aura began to form around him. "Now, now Serena don't look so scared. Why don't you come here?" I tried to run but he appeared right in front of me. He pinned me up to the wall in a choke hold and there was no way I could escape now... this was it.

Ash's POV

I was walking in front of everyone to look out for coming danger, but it had never occurred to me to look back. After a while of walking something was off, I usually have Serena worrying about me right around now to make sure I was ok, needed food or water, I turned to look and she was gone.... where the hell was she? She had just disappeared!! If I had just looked she would still be here with me. "Hey Clemont, Bonnie have you seen Serena?" I ask worried. "No I haven't seen ere since we came in come to think of it...." Clemont replied. I ran off I couldn't bare the thought of her getting hurt, not one of my closest friends. My heart ached, I couldn't understand why the though of her as my friend made me so upset. I had to find her. "ASH!! WAIT!!" I couldn't wait knowing that Serena could be in some kind of trouble somewhere.

I keep on running, that's all I can do, run and call for her. I feel so alone, like I cant do anything to help, I cant stop her pain. All I can do is hope that she isn't any.

I turn a corner and see a girl lying lifelessly on the ground. It was Serena. Her honey blonde hair sprawled across the floor and her once full of life skin and enthusiastic personality was slowly evaporating from her.

I pick her up as if holding a delicate flower, scared to break it, scared to touch it. Her body moves to my will, as it has no strength to fight against it. As I take one hand in mine and hold her to my chest I feel myself start to break, as someone so close to me is starting to leave. I wont be able to speak to her again, laugh with her again, hell, even see her angelic smile again. And it'll all be my fault as I wasn't there to protect her.

I felt a flood tears stream down my face. I cant stop asking myself 'why?' 'why could I just look out for her?'  'stay with her?' but all I can do is blame my self?

"I... I..." I open my eyes to see who was talking, it was Serena, she was murmuring, but  I couldn't quite make out what

Serena POV

I couldn't believe he was doing this! I couldn't breath! "What do you want from me?" I said in a scared and raspy voice "I want you to tell Ash how you feel! if you can accept your true feelings for him then you will pass your test and you will be freed". Accept my feelings? I love him there is nothing else, but to tell him? I can't.. I- I'm afraid of what he wil say. If he rejects me. I couldn't live with that. knowing that he never felt the same.

As soon as I thought that Ash came into view. "Serena?" He was looking for me? He hadn't given up? I couldn't believe it, I never knew I meant that much to him. He stopped and walked towards something I couldn't see what it was as Dark Ash was in the way. but I saw some clothes that were very similar to mine. what was that-? "Yes Serena that is your body he cant accept the fact tht you are dying" I'm dying? I think "Yes Serena. the longer you don't say your feelings the faster to die. what will it be?"

I wanted to tell him I really did but, I.. I'm afraid. I can't "You can" Dark Ash said "Serena please come back I need you. I can hear you just tell me what is wrong, I can help please Serena... please..." Ash was crying. He needs me? He wants me to come back? I try to talk but I cant. It hurts. "Time is up" Dark Ash said. His grip on my throat became tighter, but as it did so did my determination. "Ash I, I"


"Ash I, I" Serena spoke. Serena? She is coming back, I knew she would, and I would never, EVER leave her again. I will protect her because... "I LOVE YOU!"

She woke up in my arms. "Ash? Is that you?" She asked. "Serena, I'm here I'm so sorry..." I replied crying. she cupped my face in her hand and said "Don't be. It made me realise something..."

We got closer and closer....


So that's it for this ep guy thanks for reading!!!! Sorry I haven't been updating, and it has been great meeting some of you! I really, really hope that I can meet some more of you as you are all so friendly and supportive. Hopefully we can do collab stories and stuff like that in the foreseeable future.

Until next time... BYEEEEEEE *high-fives screen*

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