➳ Her Obstinate Husband

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Shivaay, get your hands off my waist.

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Shivaay, get your hands off my thigh.

• • •

Shivaay, hands off my neck.

• • •

Shivaay. Hands out of my top!

The above pretty much summed up Anika's annoyance. Married for more than seven years yet she couldn't make her stubborn husband change his ways. Earlier things were different. But with a five year old naughty boy, specifiaclly junior 'him' around them who learned anything he saw, things were bound to be different. 

Habits die hard. Indeed it was true. Ever since their marriage Shivaay had got into a habit of touching Anika even if they simply sat and watched a movie together.

Lately it had started irking Anika. Their little son Ansh had began leaking their romantic gestures outside. Anika was embarrassed when Ansh's teacher had told her that he greeted his friends by  kissing their cheeks. When questioned he had said that his home everyone kissed everyone. His mom kissed him, his dad kissed him. His parents kissed each other. 

Anika had come home fuming and had brought to the floors the much needed discussion. But how did he respond? Laughing out loud and kissing her cheeks. That night had simply ended with a hot love making. 

Now Anika knew her husband pretty well. She knew talking wouldn't change him. He was an obstinate man. So she had began policing. She was vexed with his unchanging ways. The more she told him not to, the more he was determined to do it. 

Thinking of possible ways to make him understand she emptied the chopped veggies into the fry pan. 

"Hey Darling!" He slipped her hands around her was it kissing the junction of her neck and shoulder. 

"Hi Shivaay. How was your day?" She pressed her cheek against his blowing a kiss. 

"Pretty much, successful. We got the assignment in out hand. " he smiled walking to the fridge to get out some cold water. 

"Papa...!" Came an excited voice. Ansh hugged his father. "Hey Champ." He kissed his full cheeks, which were much like his mother's. The boy returned the kiss, pressing his lips against his dad's stubble. Anika inwardly grimaced. Though the sight was terribly cute.

Talking to his son, he disappointed outside the kitchen making an annoyed face at his wife for not keeping water bottle in the refrigerator. Apparently, he was a bad influence on his son.

After dinner, like everyday, the trio sat on the couch of the living room watching discovery channel. The only reason Shivaay looked forward to this time was because he got his wife sitting beside him. But for a month now, she made their son sit in between. He knew what she was up to. 

He'd slip his arm over the headrest and reach her curls or neck. But now he was slowly getting frustrated. His wife had been playing too much of this avoidance game. She also slept early. There sex life had almost reduced by ten times. He knew her tactics. She was ignoring him to make a dela with him. He was not naive or immune to her logic. 

From four days, he had expressed no desire to be interested in her in bed. He knew she was getting worked up by his sudden immunity. Not to make miss at mentioning she was dressed in a sexy off shoulder top today. He kept his amusement to himself as his wife and son gaped at the crocodile documentary. 

"Come on Ansh. Time for bed." He declared as soon as the time was ten. He picked his son up, who pleaded for five more minutes. But Shivaay was a strict father when it came to timeline. 

Anika tidied the hall while he took their son to his room. They'd got Ansh into a habit of being independent and learning to do things on his own. He slept alone, bravely. Anika was proud of the fact. Shivaay simply justified saying his son was like himself. 

When Shivaay entered his room he was bowled over by the sight before him. The lights of the room were dim and his wife stood in the balcony admiring the night sky.  She looked splendid in the olive colored gown that blew in the direction of the breeze. Her hair was open and her curls swayed in the cold breeze. He walked over to her standing behind her. "You look... Lethal!" He grinned remembering one of the nights of his honeymoon days. 

She grinned pressing her head backwards against his shoulder. "You can see me?"

He  smirked. "Very much." Bending down his head  kissed her collarbone. He saw ample of her skin as the breeze ballooned her gown. The fact that she didn't have anything on but her undies, made his eyes grow lusty. 

He turned her and kissed her lips. She inhaled a sharp breath as her cold body was engulfed in his warmth. His hands stationed her waist while his hear buried over her chest. "How do you manage to turn me on every freaking time?" He mumbled kissing her jawline.

She slipped her hand into his hair. "It's cold here."

"And I feel like a heated furnace." He muttered kissing her ears. His hands caressing her bosom. His fingertips felt this buds underneath the flimsy material she wore. 

She shoved his hands away, pulling him inside. Oh, in a pool of desires he followed his queen. She hurriedly shut the door of the balcony, drawing the curtains turning to him she pulled off his shirt. 

"God, Anika. What's got into you today?" He exclaimed as he felt his wife's lips leave wet kisses over his chest. 

"Just to remind you of what you may have forgotten." She said looking up into his eyes.

He smirked holding her wrist. He stepped back sitting on the bed. Positioning her between his legs he pulled down the loose straps of her gown. Gradually the gown went down leaving her bare before him. He hurriedly let his lips and tongue fondle her bosom while his hands made their journey south. 

She was breathing heavily in silence. Her eyes fixed on his. Their eye lock was intense. They both felt the surging need. She parted her lips as she felt his fingers check her warmth. 

" Shivaay." She said softly. 

He looked at her intently. "Dare you tell me to keep my hands off you again.,"

She gasped aloud as his fingers created havoc. She pushed him over falling on him. "You are very stubborn." She bit his ears. 

"Anika..." He hissed turning them over. Getting off his clothes he joined his wife back in their bed. 

She turned away. He groaned frustrated. "Promise me...you will change your habits....at least around Ansh."

"This isn't a very good way to deal with your husband!" He said grabbing her hand and fixing her below him. 

"You started it." She hissed unable to keep the urge maddening her. 

"Let me end it then." Saying that he captured her lips. She hurriedly responded locking her legs around him. He chuckled at her desperation. She moved her hands down between their bodies. He let out a curse, feeling her hand on his groin. "Anika!" He breathed out on her face. Soon the two drowned in their private world, their bodies dancing to the rhythm of desires. 

After a tiring satisfaction he lay beside her. His hands caressing her thighs as she tried to normalize her breath. "That was something after so long.." He commented in between his breaths. 

She blushed but had to agree. "Can we do it again?" She asked closing her eyes. At once he looked up resting his head against his palm and his elbow upright. He smiled his hands moving up to her bosom to fondle her. He should perhaps start hitting the gym again. She left him drained with just one round. "Someone's high on me. " he exclaimed in a flirting tone.

She smiled not opening her eyes. When his fingers moved over her she opened her eyes turning to him. " Shivay.." she caressed his cheek adoringly.


"Please understand. Ansh is a learning kid. Our actions influence him. At least when he's around keep your hands off me. "

"It's not like he even sees or knows Anika!"

"He does. He is smart like me. "


"Us!" She winked. 

He grinned kissing her palm.

"Shivaay just when he's around. "

"So I can touch you anywhere anytime if Ansh is not around."

Anika smiled widely finally she was able to convince him. "Of course!" She chimed excitedly.

"Anywhere!" He cameclaoser whispering on her face.

She turner beet red at his implication. "God. Dirty man."

"You love this dirty man." His face had a smug grin. 

She poked him biting her lower lip. She did. 


"Hmm.." She said lazily moving her hands over his skin. 

"Have you thought of junior two?"

She looked up instantly blushing. "Two?"

"Yeah. I mean. Ansh is old enough. We could extend our little family, you know. It's been a while I've seen a oversized Anika!" He received a punch on his stomach for that. 

"The idea isn't bad. " she said looking at him playfully. 

"Seriously?" He asked sitting up.

"Yeah." She was surprised at his excitement.

"Then we better get working hard. Considering the fact that it takes us too long to make a baby." He winked and she giggled. 

"You've lost your stamina Shivaay." She remarked.

"Really? Do you want me to show you stars, baby?"

She pulled him down over herself. "Galaxies!" 

He grinned. "Your wish my command!"

Hope you enjoyed it.

– Anami!♥

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