➳ His Bold Beauty

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Anika, she was like coffee. 

Dark, bold and bitter. 

But she had her aroma.

Shivaay, he was like sugar. 

Sweet, kind, composed and  gentle. 

Too much and you don't want it. Too less and you want more.

 Left it's taste wherever it was added.

"Hey!" Anika greeted her fiancé, from her balcony upstairs as she saw him get off his car and walk up to the porch of her house.

He sweetly waved at her. She smirked walking quickly into her room. Darn, the stars, their marriage and to be executed only after ten months. Only two were down. Anika had no clue how she'd survive until then. She was craving to know that man better. Love at first sight which until now had been a joke to her was now as real as the existence of electrons in atoms. 

Anika had plans. Seduction plans. She was fatally attracted to her sweet man. More than two entire months, she had tested him. He passed all of them, with an A+ . From attitude, ego, to his male hormones she tested them all in her weird bizarre ways. He was a freaking topper. He hadn't even kissed her when she was all over him pretending to be drunk last fortnight when they had hit the club together.  She now felt, he was the man. The man for her. 

Coming back to the plans. She was craving for intimacy with her to-be husband. Not her fault, he was as hot as steaming black coffee. She craved for a burn on her tongue. At least she'd seduce him to the first base today. She was tired just fantasizing him now. She needed him to, perhaps better put as them to get into action. 

She applied her lipstick, not making it over the border dark though. She adjusted her ample rounds up, checking herself out. Her parents were out of town and she had called him over for dinner. They had had donner dates multiple times  but this was going to be different. At least that was what she planned for. She chose a simple yet sexy enough black dress that gave a peekaboo to her cleavage. Men are more seduced by little than ample, that was what she knew through a lot of magazines and books. The dressed ended a little above her knees flaunting her suntanned golden legs.

She gave herself a smirk and ran down to open the door.

"What took you so long!" He remarked entering inside and shutting the door behind him, then removing his shoes. 

"Hey, it's okay."

"Oh come on. " he said not accepting her formality. "Seems like it will rain tonight."

"Hmm.." She said smiling at him. While he went about removing his shoes and looking outside the window, Anika royally checked him out.  Perfect piece of mankind her to-be was. The perfect frame, she liked the fact that he wasn't all muscular. But the tight appearing shirt sleeves promised nice biceps.

"We could have hit the new restaurant, the Royal Kitchen have opened.  I hear it's too good. You shouldn't have taken all the efforts to cook." He smiled at her. She was so pretty both inside and out. He particularly liked her aura. The relaxed soothing kind.

"I didn't." She passed him a small smile. "I mean... I gave the cooks instructions, they made it." She attempted to make it sound better.

"Ahaan? Nice. " he smiled. He was excited for dinner today considering she would have made it. Stupid him. 

"Hungry?" She smiled walking in to the dinning area while he followed.

"Honestly, very." He said. He hadn't eaten since the evening and had had an early lunch.

She giggled. That wasn't her style. Smiling and giggling wasn't but around him she had realised she did that a lot. 

She set out the plates quickly while he assisted her. He was so adorable and understanding. He occasionally told her something about the cutlery or the wines he had had. Anika simply listened. Her heart was slowly entirely getting filled with him. Only him. 

Occasionally, her eyes would automatically rest on his lips as he spoke. As he leaned over the counter talking about various things while she heated the food, her mind would wander thinking how it would be to have her body against his. One thing Anika knew was, she was looking at him in possible ways, he didn't even have an hint of. She could see that. She dropped the cloth and bent down, while any other man would have checked out her rearside he was before her bending to pick it for her. She wanted to marry him right now. She didn't even want another woman to find out how adorable this man was in the seven more months or so till their wedding. 

What if he ran away from the wedding? She'd rightfully kidnap him of he ever got to that. She was growing possessive, and enchantingly attracted to this man. If he asked her to let him take her today, she'd happily give herself. 


"Yeah." She said coming out of her thoughts that were driving her insane. Darn a woman's hormones. She wasn't PMSing or anything. It was just that she had waited to long for the right man. Now that he stood before her there was no way she could silence her lustful thoughts or put out the fire of craving.

They began eating gradually with a slow soft music in background. Not a candle light dinner bit a romantic one for sure.

" How do I look? " she asked him breaking the silence which only meant her being lost in him. In lethally sensual ways.

"Ahh." He looked up from his plate not at all expecting a question of that sort.

"Pretty." He said with a hint of shyness showing as the little pinkish color below his eyes.

"That's it?" She narrowed her eyes. He seemed to be more interested in the food on his plate. 

"Gorgeous." He offered another word looking a little awkward. He had heard wives always wanted appreciation, even fiancée did, w

as new. 

Excellent. Not a hint of teasing or romance. She smiled.  

" There's something I need to say." She said as they sat side by side at right angles on the long dining table.

"Hmm." He said interestedly. She leaned closer on the table. "Come closer."

Awkwardly he did what she told. Perhaps she wanted to tell something secretive.

"I think, I am irrevocably falling for you!" She whispered softly.

He stated at her and moved slightly away. Then his gentleman smile was back on his face, "I think that as well."

"Really?" She asked bewildered. Inside her heart was already dancing like a maniac.

"Yeah." He said shyly looking at his fingers. She pulled her chair closer to his and leaned on the table, making sure he could see a little more clearly, her woman's valley. The idiot didn't bother to.

"Prove it!" She whispered. He stared at her. "How?" He said aloud. God, couldn't he keep his decibels low. She was creating an atmosphere and he was ruining it.

"Any way, " she shrugged. 

"If it could be proved it wouldn't be endless, or immense." He said softly. His eyes fixed on hers. "And what I feel for you is.." He fell silent.

She was tongue tied. Not many people could do that. He did. She smiled. Little did she know that it was a shy smile. The bold sassy Anika was shy. One man made her that too. with nothing but a cute way of expressing his feelings for her.

They sat on the couch, on extreme ends facing each other as they waited for the maddening rain to settle a bit. Anika forbade him from driving back in the dark rainy night. 

She looked at him, " I have to make a confession. " she said softly. She didn't want to keep him in dark, not after she learned he was falling to her. "I had a boyfriend in the past."

His face fell a bit but he continued to show interest. "Hmm"

"I broke up with him because he had ego issues. Too cocky. Too irritating. Too dominating." She kept adding.

"You are warning me?" He asks confused.

"No,no. Jut telling you. We went till the kiss not beyond that."

Shivaay now blinked awkwardly. She had kissed another man? More than that shocking was she was telling him. He nodded his head not gathering what he should say. 

"I think I should leave." He said turning to the window. 

"You hate me? Are you judging me?" She asked directly seeing his attempt to escape the talk.

"No. No. Just.that ... I don't know. "

"Jelaous?" She asked hoping he'd say yes.

"No.No. Awkward." He explained.

"Why are you so awkward?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what I said. Why do you get all awkward around me?"

"It's not that. A few things are awkward like this. I mean, I haven't spoken like this to a girl before. " 

Anika smiled widely. She scooted towards him. " Did you not have girls mad behind you in college or school?"

"I went to an all boys school. And in college I wasn't interested I had an ambition to fulfil. "

No wonder! 

"Now?" She whispered softly.

"I am awkward." He said staring at her eyes.

"Why? I will be your wife soon."

"Anika, I know!" He said leaning backwards as she came still closer.

"Don't you find me sexy?"

"Huh." He looked at her baffled.

"Darn you Mr.Oberoi. Am I not appealing enough. Why are you moving away?" She rested her hand on the armrest of the couch, irritated.

"We aren't married Anika!"

"Which century are you in handsome!" She grinned, staring at his cute expression.

"Twenty first." He answered. Anika slowly moved her hands on his shirt. He stared at her. While their eyes stood fixed, Anika slowly moved her hands over his shirt. Feeling every bit of him.

"Anika, stop" he said looking into her eyes.

Dejected she moved away. Trying to not look embarrassed.

"Hey, I..I didn't mean it that way. I just.. I don't know. " he shrugged.

This man knew nothing. There was a lot she had to teach him.

She smiled. "You are such a goner Shivaay!" Saying that she moved closer again and in mere seconds captured his lips in a kiss. At first, he didn't respond but slowly he gave in. She held his hands and moved them around to her waist. He broke the kiss, staring at her. They were on the couch of her home, she was sitting dangerously close and his hands were on her waist.

"That was my first!" He confessed smiling. 

"You'll forget that soon Darling!" Saying that she pulled him closer by his shirt and her tongue found it's way into his sweet mouth.

"God, you intimidate me woman!" He said breaking the kiss that was growing hotter. She chuckled, seeing him blush. "And you drive me insane stupid man. No. Sweet man!" She said staring at his lips. 

Shivaay was sure that night, that she would drive him crazy, his bold beauty!


This one was for cutesnehu.

Gave myself an assignment to complete this today and I did!

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