➳ It All Started With That Kiss

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Note: A Random scene in the life of a couple. The title should give you an idea. ;p 

"Shivaay...." She shouted banging the door of the bathroom.

"What?" He screamed back.

"I need to bath today. Will you finish all the water in the tank and then come out?" She taunted angrily hitting the door.

Surprising her he opened the door and peeked his head out. "What's your deal?"



"I will ...I will crush your favorite shirt!" She warned snapping before his face pointing her index finger at him.

"You won't. That was gifted to me by you. Remember Darling?" He made a sweet face. "Now let me bath in peace, unless you want to join me!" He winked and hut the door.

This was his idea of revenge? Seriously? She looked at the door of the bathroom exasperated. Well, let this particular Oberoi go to hell in his shower. She gathered her clothes and stormed out to the guest room. Let's see who gives up.

So it all started with a kiss. Or better to put it as unfulfilled wish of a kiss. Shivaay and Anika had been married for four months now. Arranged marriage it was. But the arrangement was nothing less than perfection. Done with their, Shy- I Love You - phase already, the bold intimacy was in reign. Sparking touches, shy hearts and timid kisses.

Their first kiss of love was well in the basement. A story for another time. Coming back to the unfulfilled wish. Shivaay his lady love, his pretentious shy wife, to give him that full kiss, the previous night. She had very mercilessly rejected. There began the woe of unfulfilled wish and the vow of vengeance.

Shivaay had made up his mood to shower no affection on her whatsoever. More, be rude and irritating so she'd never repeat what she did the previous night. Rejecting her dear husband's hearted wish. 

Stubborn? Sure he was. But she was no less. She would let him do what he wished. Secretly she'd wanted to see how far he takes this. Mrs. Or Stubbornness what would he keep?

Now it had been three days. Forget kiss, or a loving hug, he barely touched her. All he did was annoy. Anika never knew this man could be so annoying. Right they said, whoever the -they, were, Marriages aren't just a bed of roses, there is more than that. 

Now as she lay beside him on the same bed her thoughts couldn't stop the rat race. Why can't he give up and be the sweet him? Why is he annoying me so much? Doesn't he feel this void? Should I give up and just snuggle, perhaps give him a peck or two? NO! 



"Lunch tomorrow?"

"I am not free." He said smirking to himself. Finally ! Finally she was giving up.

"No. I meant what will you have for lunch tomorrow?" She pressed her lips against each other to keep from gigging away. Bring it on, let's see who wins.

He blinked twice and gulped. What? Ahhh stubborn woman

"I meant I won't be taking lunch from home, I am not free meant. I have a meeting over lunch." He mentally patted his back for coming up with anything at the moment.

"Right. Then..I will go all by myself!" She quickly came up with something. All she wanted was a going conversation so that she could hear his voice. A little more longer.

"Go where?" He asked immediately.


"What!" He reacted immediately.

"I meant tomorrow's date is 7th right? Yes. So I ..I mean the plan was we...but since you aren't free...I... was  supposed to meet Rohit and Raina. But Raina and you can't make it, so leaves the two of us. " Anika held back her smile. Jealous hubby works fine. 

"Fine!" He commented, falling into silence. Why is she meeting Rohit over lunch ? She can push it of Raima isn't coming, right? She knows I don't like him. Oh, oh, she is playing. Not bad. But she should know who she's playing with.  He slowly inched his feet closers to hers. Soon his little toe was touching hers. She stiffened at the sudden contact. Looks like the cat was coming back home.  She responded in no way. 

"Drop it Anika. Just say already, you miss the me!"

She blushed at the tone he said that in. "Why will I miss you? You are right here." She said as though not understanding what he meant. Jealously works wonders on him. She noted in her head.

Next his hand slipped closer, to hold hers. "You miss me terribly!"

"I don't understand." She tried to mask the amusement in her voice. 

"Ahh!" He groaned, turning and hovering upon her.

"Shivaay!" She gasped. This sudden flip was so unexpected. 

He stared at her, he couldn't believe he could be so much in love. Even though he kept himself distant from her, he missed her so much. He missed being the him he was around her. Those intentional brushes of hands. Those eyelocks. Those stolen chaste kisses. Those winks. Those teases. Three days and he missed so much. 

Soon his eyes drifted downwards to her lips. Damn. He missed them too. Kissing those was his new favorite thing. Fudge this stupid annoyance, already.

Anika had never felt this way before. He invoked in her all the madness she never thought she'd have for anybody. She stared into his eyes, loving all his attention and still a nervousness building in the pit of her stomach. 

"Give me that kiss." He whispered huskily, his breath fanning her cheeks. 

"Still stuck there. " she asked amused.

"Anika. How hard is it for you to kiss me like I kiss you?" Irritation made his words straight forward. 

"Shivaay!" She whisper-gasped while her eyes widened. 

"We are married for life. You'll have to learn to anyway. I swear I will never say you kissed me horribly. " his gaze softened while his eyes promised to keep his words.

"How did you know?" She asked baffled staring at his eyes.

"It's as easy as multiplying a two with one. I know you are anxious about our intimacy. I've noticed you reading those side columns in newspapers. I've seen you see those kisses in movies intently when you think no one's watching you. " he gently stroked her cheeks.

"You knew. " she broke their eyelock. "This is embarrassing."

"No it's not. It's perhaps cute. You want it as much as I do. But, your lack of knowledge is such a turn off."

"Shut up. " she whacked his shoulder playfully.

He stared a her and then lowering his face kissed her lips. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. He broke the kiss. "I go first and then you..do as I do." She blinked as he said that. Soon his lips took in her lower lip. He released it gently looking at her. She imitated. In  mere minutes their tongues were mating crazily. He broke apart breathless. "Woah.. you are a terrific learner." He said in between his necessary long breaths.

"You..are a terrific liar." She said breathing heavily her chest heaving up and down. 

He grinned. "You can practice. I am here for you." He winked. 

She smiled shyly when she wanted to gakre at him. She raised her head to kiss him when he pulled back. 

"What?" She asked irritated and confused at his sudden withdrawal.

"Are we just kissing? Anika I am a man who finds you to be an  insane turn on. It's possibly inhuman to stop."

"Pathetic." She said grinning and pushing him away. 

"Say all you want. In a matter of days, darling, I bet you'd be crazy for me " he lay beside her smiling at her. She kept a pillow in between their bodies and turning to his side captured his lips. He was startled at her bewildering approach but none the less kissed her back. 

That was how, it all started with a kiss!

I had an urge to write something light. Hence this one shot.

Hope you enjoyed it.

A not for the next one shots :

Do drop in your requests of you have any. Something you haven't red before. Something you think can't be written on. I will TRY to write on them. It could be ..

* A few random words , I could try weaving them into something meaningful.

* Give me a short character trait...eg. He is a heavy sleeper and she can't sleep. Anything like that.

* A theme/ line/quote or a lone from a song.

*Anything, you think is impossible to write on.

I will TRY .

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