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Surræsca was quiet in the morning. The only noise came from a one blacksmith shop, at the end of the Bluink Alley.

Cia was working harder today. She ignored the upcoming exhaustion. She was almost done!
With narrow eyes, she stared at the work in front of her. It was finally done. Her vision was spotted with the embers of her forge.

They wiped the sweat off their head and smiled. Now the work, a metal table with complicated carvings, just needed some cooling down.

Cia stripped themselves of their large, purple gloves and let some of her icemagic run through her fingertips. Just enough so the waiting time would be reduced by at least one hour.

Happy with herself, she closed her forge. It was already starting to dawn. In a few hours, they would meet with their client.

Cia lived near her forge, just a house away. They lived in a small flat, with few rooms. The bathroom and living room were their own small rooms. The bedroom and kitchen were one room. Before she had moved out, her parents had a similar room construction.

She got out of her purple overalls and shoes. Finally, they could relax. After eating a bit, they fell into a dreamless sleep for some time.
The sleeping didn't last long. Cia got awoken by a sharp pain in their lower spine. With a big sigh, they rolled over and reached for her painkillers.

Her phone told her it was midday. Grumbling Cia got up. The meeting with her client would be in thirty minutes.

„I adore it! Nothing less from a Dwarf like you!", the client handed Cia the money and with a size spell, put the table in their pocket. Cia felt exhausted.

She went to her flat, before deciding to reward themselves with some hot chocolate.

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