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Requested by superjaslin

Jesse just saved me from the wither storm, but Gabriel was still up there! Jesse tried his best to grab him, but it didn't work. Gabriel, for all we knew, was dead.
Jesse ran up to me. "Jesse! Head to the portal!"
"I'm not leaving without you!" He yelled.
"I'll stay here and do whatever I can, to help. Just get through that portal!"
Tears fell down my face. I had no idea what I was doing. The wither was destroying the "untouchable" shelter. But it got to Gabriel.
"I'm staying with you!" Jesse yelled.
"No. Go through the portal. I'll meet you there, I promise!" Tears streamed down my cheeks. "Just go!"
"I know this won't be the last time I see you, but if it is, I just want you to know," Jesse pecked my lips. "I love you."
Before I could say I loved him, back, a giant wither tentacle hit Jesse, and him and Lukas were in the portal.
I broke down crying. It wasn't normal for me to cry. But if your life long hero just died, and the man who just told you he loved you just got thrown into another world, and your world was being destroyed, you would cry, too.
I clutched my arm. I rolled up my sleeve. A small purple rash crossed it. What was it?
I ran out of the temple, and didn't stop when I got to the forest. I don't think I stopped running. I just kept going. The thing on my arm was getting worse, every time I looked at it.
The sun was rising, but I didn't care. I didn't want that thing coming anywhere near me. I was growing tired but I didn't stop running. I began to sweat under the beating sun, but I kept on running.
Eventually, I made it to a beat up temple.
I banged on the iron door, and to my surprise, I was at the right temple. Lukas answered the door.
"Petra?" He asked.
"Hey... I... I made it..." I said, out of breath.
He held the door open, so I could come in.
"Are you OK? What happened? We all thought you were-"
"I'm fine, now. I'm here. You don't need to worry." But then I remembered the purple rash on my arm.
"You should rest. I'll make this place safe for us to stay in." Lukas walked up the stairs, I followed him.
"Axel left to go get Magnus."
"Where's Jesse?" I asked. I almost forgot that he kissed me, and told me he loved me.
"He went with Olivia to find Ellegaard."
I sighed, and sat down on one of the beds. The map on the wall was huge! I lay down, and looked at my arm. The rash was getting worse.
"You OK, Petra?" Lukas asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I put my sleeve back on my arm.
After a while, Axel came back with Magnus. He looked a lot different than I pictured him.
"So. Are you this Petra, your friend's talkin' about?" Magnus asked.
"That's me." I held out my hand. He shook it.
"Axel, you're back!" Lukas said.
"Yeah. Why do you care?"
"I dunno."
Lukas led us back upstairs. The rash on my arm was slowly spreading.
"You alright, kiddo?" Magnus asked.
"Never been better." I said.
"What is that?" He pointed at my arm, that I hid behind my back. "Why is it purple?"
"No idea. I'm sure it's nothing." I scratched at my neck.
"Alright, then."
I heard screams, and then Lukas yell something. I walked downstairs, and leaned on the wall.
Lukas opened the door. "You guys are never gonna believe who showed up while you were gone."
Ellegaard came through the door first, then Olivia, then Jesse.
"Petra!" He yelled. He ran up to me and squeezed me like he hadn't seen me in years. "I missed you, so much!" He whispered.
"I missed you, too." I hugged him with my good arm.
I swear I almost saw a tear go down his face.
I hugged Olivia, and we all walked upstairs.
"Can someone explain to me what he's doing here?" Ellegaard asked, pointing at Magnus.
"So, who are you. And why did you bring the Queen of the Nerds with you?" Magnus asked Jesse.
"Hey, that's Ellegaard. Show some respect." Olivia barged in.
I was barely paying attention to the group arguing. My head started hurting, and my vision started getting blurry. Sweat dripped down my face. I lifted my sleeve, and my rash was almost glowing. And before I knew it, I fell, unconscious.
I woke up, in Jesse's arms.
"Petra?" He asked.
"Hey." I said, weakly.
"I thought we lost you." He hugged me. I hugged him back.
"I forgot to tell you." I kissed him. "I love you, too."
Author's Note:
Wow! That took a long time to write. Sorry for the shortness, I was stuck on writer's block, for a while, so I came up with something short and sweet. So, thanks for reading! Bye!!!

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