Readers' Suggestions / Who wants One-Shot #9?

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Hello Readers!

Oof, this book hasn't been updated in soooooooo long! Let's shake the dust off...

Well, I hope you're all staying safe from Covid-19... In these annoying but necessary times of confinement and quarantine, I'm hoping to have more time to write (let's stay positive) and I was thinking that I might write a one-shot to take a short break from Aaron's second book.

Now the question is: would you like one? And if you do, what would you like? Which characters?

There were a few random ideas in my Word file with potential ideas for one-shots (like Camden popping Ethan (his colleague)'s cherry, a scene with Donovan and Harry, something between Mike and Felipe, etc), but I'd like to hear your thoughts and wishes for once.

It could be any period between where we're at in Eclipse of the Moon and the last chapter of The Darker Side of the Moon, or even the future. Or before.

It could be any of the main characters, or those we barely know.

Gimme ideas...

Gimme some inspiration...

Let me know what you'd like in the comments and I'll try to sort something out.

Promise, it won't replace a chapter of EOTM in the schedule, it'll be additional ;)

* * *

Result of the survey...

Hi again!

Wow, so many suggestions you left!

So, I've gone through all your comments and noted down all the ideas you gave or requested, and rather than replying to each one by one and repeating myself, I sorted them into four categories, so here you go with my comments.

The most popular ideas

Here are the ones you mentioned the most, and without much surprise, Donovan and Harry came first lol.

Donovan and Harry

They're one mysterious couple, even to me although I have now completely defined their background story. They were already members of the small club Aaron had first bought in Chicago, and they're being properly introduced in Rise Of The Moon. What I love with them is that they have so many hardcore kinks that it's quite easy to go into the most intense types of scenes. They will definitely have a one-shot or more.

Camden (with or without Noah)

Cam has always been Readers' favorite character, so I'm not surprised to see him and Noah come second. These two will have a second book as you already know, but I understand that they could be missed, and since Twisted Moon 2 won't come until a few years, a one-shot or more could sound nice as long as it's not about something I have planned in the regular books. It could be a specific scene that was briefly mentioned in Twisted Moon without details, though. I'll have to check this out.

Aaron training Dom

That should have fallen in the last category, but since it was quite popular, I've put it in here. Not going to happen as a one-shot, though, because there are at least five scenes like this in Rise Of The Moon, all very different, so you'll have to be patient and wait till that book is released :)

Shan and Alex alone

That was much requested too, quite surprisingly to me, and I like that idea a lot.

Aaron and Kayden

Pretty much the same as for Aaron training a Dom here. You'll get to see a lot of them together in Eclipse and Rise Of The Moon, so be patient :)

Cam's fantasy to deflower Ethan

So this one comes from a conversation I had with Galagoogoo and DragonFlames32 in our Hangout chat a long time ago, and I can't remember how we got there, but we were imagining Cam deflowering Ethan in their practice. Actually, that one is already defined in my head in terms of background and details, so it'll definitely happen at some point.

Mark, Shan and Alex

I'm missing the trio too, so they'll get more one-shots at some point.

All the Subs together

That would be a tough one, but it could be fun, so I'm keeping this for later if I still have the inspiration after I've written their orgy lol.

Four best friends

I would have loved that idea, I actually do, but it turns out that I recently wrote the chapter with their very first time together at the Black Diamond (soon after Cam joined them in Chicago), but I'm keeping the idea for later.

Ivan and whoever to give a sneak peek at the Master Dom

At the time of publishing this, we're getting quite close to the moment for Aaron to join the lifestyle in Eclipse Of The Moon, so I get the interest some of you may have. I'm just not quite sure what I could include in there without spoiling what's coming next. I have plenty of ideas though, so I'm keeping this for a bit later once more characters have been introduced.

Other couples, duos, trios and more

Foursome Gary, Jeremy, Josh and Liam / Foursome Cam, Noah, Josh and Liam

Skip that paragraph if you haven't finished reading Twisted Moon...

For the others, you know that Liam eventually gets tempted to try a foursome, but I haven't decided yet if it's going to be a one-time thing or if it'll happen a few more times in the future, and in case it's a one-time thing, I have yet to decide which couple they will do this with ;)

Josh, Liam and Aaron

That would be hot, and if I ever do, that will probably something just for fun and outside of the series, i.e. as if it never happened.

Twins in a threesome

That one is also in my list. By now (i.e. where I'm at in writing Rise Of The Moon) the twins have been introduced and given a background, so that one-shot will totally happen at some point :)

Mark and Shannon

Mark and Alex got their one-shot, so I'll do that one day. Of course, there was plenty of Mark+Shannon at the beginning of I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars, but here I'd do something that would be set after Alex had joined them.

Mike and Felipe

These two also have a background story that you'll discover in Rise Of The Moon, but they'll get a one-shot in the future.

Other specific ideas

Shannon getting a massage from Camden / Shannon interacting with Camden

Like for Aaron/Josh/Liam, I'd love to do this and it would be just a fantasy, something that would not really happen in the series.

Light pet play

That's a fun idea and that would totally fit with Donovan and Harry.

Straight to gay

I love this idea, and I'll certainly write something on that theme at some point, whoever is involved in it.

Mark and his previous Sub

Malo. Funny thing is that he was mentioned in the last few chapters I wrote in Rise Of The Moon. I'd definitely write something about them.

Marcus and Sam in Marcus' POV (after the first appointment Aaron had with Marcus for instance)

That specific idea or anything about Sam and Marcus, they will certainly a few one-shots in the future.

Dom shouting Pet in the street

That's an idea I'll have to dig into coupling it with an embarrassing moment or a theme on humiliation, it could be interesting.

Shan and Alex coming across Shan's parents

I know that this aspect (Shan's parents) was overlooked in I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars, so that could be an idea too.

Josh failed attempt at hooking up and eventually succeeding

Ahah, that could be a good one for our super self-confident man. At least, those who are following Eclipse of the Moon know it happened. Kind of.

Jeremy and Gary in a joyful moment long after their wedding

I'm missing these two as well, although they're together where I'm at in the timeline of ROTM, and I'm getting to see them quite often :p

Shannon and Liam as teenagers / or telling the Doms about something embarrassing from their high school years

I don't have many ideas on that one, but I'm keeping for the future too.

Something non sexual about the boys' childhood (hanging at Aaron's house, in someone else's POV, perhaps with Sony too)

That's another one I'll keep for the future, once the series is over, just to add more about the guys' younger years.

Not gonna happen...

Cam and Noah's engagement party

Not gonna happen as a one-shot as it should feature in TM2 ;)

The foursome Cam, Noah, Donovan and Harry

Same here, that's planned in TM2 ;)

Ivan and Anton

I'm not going to spoil, but let's say it's not going to happen as a one-shot.

Kayden, Aaron and Sony

Nice try, @ChooseToBeMe02 ... lol

Aaron fucking Gary

That one's never going to happen. Never. Ever. And if you're wondering why, you'll just have to wait for the end of Aaron's third book.

That's a lot of ideas and I wish I'd have time to write them all, but we'll see what the future brings. Meanwhile, I'll quickly make a decision and you'll get the one-shot once it's ready.

I will leave this part as a chapter of the One-Shots Book so that you can share more ideas if you wish ;)

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