Chapter 01

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Maa please don't leave me. Please stay with me. Nikka will not able to live without you maa please maa please. Five years old girl crying sitting near her lifeless mother being covered in all blood and bruises. She is shaking her ,patting her cheeks but nothing is working on her mother and she is just laying subtle having closed eyes. Her father sobs seeing his wife's dead body and pulled his daughter against his chest crying bitterly. In a day "he lost his wife and unborn child. which he never ever imagined in his dream even . Now he is afraid how will he take care of his daughter who is just a five years old Child and didn't even see the whole world. Everything have became so complicated that now he is not able to think anything. His mind have got blank without having a single idea what he gonna do ahead. His daughter look at him with  her beautiful doe shaped eyes and hugged him bursting into uncountable tears.

Nikka shshsh baba is here. Shshsh. He try to calm her down but nothing is working on her and she is crying none stop with hysteric hiccups . Suddenly she got panic when the two ,three people came and carry her mother on the stretcher walking away from them making her traumatised seeing her mother leaving her crying hysterically

Maaa don't take maaa please don't leave me maa maa she cry and run behind them with her tiny feet. Her baba  shout her name and and run behind   his daughter to catch her but she is too fast aiming to take her mother back from those cruel people who are taking her away .

Nikka stop Nikka Nikkaaa he calls her running behind  his princess . Suddenly she gasp turning back when her father fell down colliding with stone and hit his head with tree leaving himself in pool of blood and got unconscious infront of her eyes laying on the road lifelessly


She got up and set on the bed breathing heavily. In seconds her skin turned pale while she is sweating profusely. Her father who was in living room he come running there and saw his daughter's disheveled state .

Nikka he comes towards her and kept hand on her face caressing it softly.

Nikka you alright baby. What's wrong. She look at her dad and nods no wiping her tears

I'm fine baba. I'm fine. She mumbles grabbing the  glasses from the table  with trembling hands and  drank It fastly wetting her dry throat. .

You saw nightmare again. He says caressing her hair softly .

It's usual thing now baba. But I'm fine. She assure him and got up  wearing  Into her shoes.

You sure. He says creasing his forehead with worry lines.

Yes baba I'm fine. She run thumb on his white beard and went towards the washroom

Ok that's fine. Come fast. I've made your favourite breakfast. Ok.her father says passing her smile which always gives reason to her forgetting her nightmare.

Ok baba I'm coming. Saying this she went in the washroom and closed the door.


After freshening up she stood infront of the mirror and remove the fog from the surface of it

Me anika ups my baba's nikka. I'm simple Average girl having little dreams and wishes in my life. I've me and my baba in my family who  are living in this small house which is provided by his boss to us. I don't dream big. I always believe on hard work and determination. I've only one goal in my life and that's doing mba and getting his attention on me. After my baba I love him the most in the world. I know Im dreaming to get moon standing on earth but what can I do when this heart just became his since I'd seen him first time in childhood. His blue eyes was mesmerising. As my brown eyes had fixed in them. I'd just lost myself in their deep ocean colour . Everything just had got blur when I'd seen him infront of me. I know I was six at that time but in love "age doesn't matter. when heart start considering someone so much then what we can do. He was so charming and handsome which he still is. (Chuckle ). Every girl just drool over him but for them he would be their certain time crush.  but for me he is my life time love whom I will love till my last breath no matter what happens. I know I'm dreaming so big. I can't have him in my life time and how would I !when he is shivaay Singh oberoi and I'm his average looked friend. who is actually his dad's driver daughter. I agreed we played together since child hood infect most of the life we spent with each other. but it can't be true not even in dreams. He will he never mine and that's I know always. ( tears rolled down from her eyes thinking about it).

Nikka come out. Your breakfast is getting cold and shivaay is here to pick up you as well. Hee dad shout gaining her attention.

Shivaay she immediately wipe her tears and run outside not before getting into her mini check dark grey skirt tugging the top inside and then she worn loose black buttoned shirt on top of that. She immediately applied little balm on her lips and then tug her hair in pony tail looking cute and simple on the same  time

Nick where are you. Nick he enters in there giving her reason to tint her cheeks In natural red. Seeing her near the mirror he goes towards her and fix her glasses with his index finger passing her his charming smile .

Why your cheeks always get red seeing me infront of you. He grin touching them
Might she put the makeup on them. but there's nothing came on his finger proving it's natural colour of her cheeks.

It's nothing like that ok. My cheeks are fine. She look at the mirror and rub them making them more red.

God girl come let's go. We are getting late for college. Today we can't be late. We have to be early in there. Shivaay says pulling her by holding her hand.

What happened Shiv why we have to be early. She frowns looking at him

Sh. Can't tell you here. Don't have time for that. Come let's go. When we will reach there automatically you  will get to know about it. Come let's go he held her wrist and dragged her with him outside

Nikka shivaay  atleast do breakfast  kids. her father shout from behind but they just wave their hands and left firm there.

Keep in the fridge for me baba. We are getting late. She speak loudly while being dragged by the shivaay.

God these kids and their hurriness. He shakes his head and started clearing the table.

In college

An. Are you sure I'll be able to get the scholarship sir. Anika spoke standing infront of her professor who smiles caressing her hair.

Hopefully anika. I've put your name in application. Now it's depends on your marks that they give you scholarship or not. But don't be disheartened ok. Everything will be fine. Professor zakria smiles fixing books In his hands.

Anyways I've class to attend so see you later. Saying this he left firm there. As he went anika heaves out the breath and set on the bench hanging her head down. Now she is afraid. If she didn't get the scholarship then she won't able to carry on her studies.  as her father don't have that much money which will help her to study further. She wipe her stubborn tears and look nothing on particular. Suddenly her trance broke when shivaay comes running towards her heaving our heavy breath.

Nick let's go. Come with me. He held her wrist and started dragging her with him

An. Shivaay what's going on. Why you are behaving so hyper. Will you tell me what's going on In your head.

Sh. IT's surprise Nick. Just come with me. You will get to know. He says excitedly pulling her with him.

An. You and your surprises. Good. She shakes her head and let him take her wherever he wants. Soon her feet came to the held when he left her hand in middle of the area which is decorated with balloons and flowers. Her heart started beating thinking about the reason of it. She kept hand on her forehead and try to speak something but nothing is coming out from her mouth except air. That's mean it's happening. Is he
Going to propose her. Might that's why he was so excited from the morning. Thinking about this only butterfly started fluttering inside her. She is feeling numerous emotions which she is not able to control. Finally her dreams is coming true which she always wished for. Her best friend ,her love of life  is going to propose her infront of many people.  Suddenly whole place with filled with students and shivaay came out from them having flowers in his hand. Seeing him moving towards her , her heart started beating fast. It's feeling like anytime it will explode with excitement. She bite her lips and clutch her long shirt in her hand tight .

Shivaay she whispered his name when he came so closer to her that she is feeling soon he gonna be kneel down infront of her and will propose her being his girlfriend. But soon confusion spread in her brain
When he passed by her and went ahead of her holding flowers. She slowly turns and stumble back when she found him kneeling down infront of the hottest girl of the college having flower in his hands along with chocolate

Seeing her love of life kneeling down infront of someone else made her heart Churn. She can't believe she is witnessing her nightmare infront of her. She try to accept the reality.  but it getting more worse second by second. In her whole life She always dreamt of him to sitting infront of her like this and propose her. but that remained dream only. He never loved her. She never meant to be his more than a friend ever.  with whom he share each and every minute of his life. No matter what happens but whenever he sees ups and down In his life.  she is the only one wo come forward and take him in her wings erasing the pain of his heart whether if she was battling with her own problems . Still She worked  like a healing balm in his life who finish his problem before even they start. Since they have got senses her heart started having different feelings for him. which she never told anyone else and kept buried inside to thinking people gonna make fun of her.  and he will also leave her breaking their friendships which she can't afford. He is her best friend and she can't afford to lose his friendship for her stupid inner feelings. She brought a small smile on her face having cloudy eyes and decided to leave instead making her heart bleed more seeing this scenario. She turn her back and left from there Before anyone noticed but he did who is sitting infront of someone else and it made him restless. She is the only pillar he have who makes him stronger and seeing her going made him weak out there. He gulp snd hold the flowers tightly feeling hell nervous finding himself alone

On the other side

Anika reached in the specific area of library which is all empty except her there.   She slowly slide near the book shelf and set there letting her tears slid down  freely.  This is the only place in whole school where none gonna judge her.  These books which are sitting around her they won't make fun of her or call her loser for crying like this for a person who doesn't love her.  Whenever she feels sad she comes here and spend time alone  letting her heart pure out like fast water of ocean.   These books have many secrets of her which no one have. She can share with them ,sock her tears in their pages.  but they just silently listen to her and doesn't say her anything.   She sobs and   Kept head on her knees pulling her legs near her chest.   She never ever thought that one day she will face this In her life. She thought might the way she loves shivaay. Maybe he does as well. It's just afraid to express but it was all lie. infect it was her just dream to be loved by him.  He love someone else and that's the reality  which is happening outside.  But how can she expect him to love her. when she don't even match his status.  If she is daughter of his driver then he is  already billionaire without doing anything. People says right we should see dream keeping ourselves in the limit and might she had crossed by loving him.  She can't expect moon on the earth.  She can see him but can't touch him. Same goes to shivaay.  She can be his best friend but would nEver be his  love of life. These thoughts only broke her heart in many pieces and and cry her heart out keeping hand on her mouth so that no one can hear her painful sobs.  

After sometime

After  crying  for hours she decided to keep it aside and join the class not before washing her face with cold water. She wipe her face and then fix her glasses on her red puffy eyes which are looking so crimson because of crying for long time. She sniffs wiping her  face and then fix her glasses on her face bringing fake smile on her face

Time to chase your real dream instead him.  She  determined her own self and grab her stuff from the counter deciding to leave from there.  After  attending  the class she comes back from library and set on the  chair deciding to divert her brain from all today fiasco. She open her book and started reading it.  After few minutes  she is still busy in the work of book when suddenly some people comes and started dragging her with him

Come let's go Annie.  Everything is messed up.   Om says pulling her With him outside

Om what's wrong.   But she got quite when library attender glare her. She gulped and followed her friends outside.

What's wrong guys  as they reached out she spit those words gazing at them

Malika.  You don't know what happened. Didn you see. Seeing their expression she understood they are talking about shivaay. 

Errr yh I've got to know. I was there when he was doing it. What happened. She sighs biting her bottom lips fidgeting with her fingers.

Yes he did but she didn't accept it. Tia rejected his proposal.   This time rudra spoke shaking his head.

Whatttt ?? But why ?? Anika widen her eyes after learning the truth.

M. We really don't know why she did it.  But he is not in good condition. It's been hours he is searching for you. He needs you  nikka.

Where's he  she got restless looking at them impatiently.

In his house. He have locked himself in there.   Hearing him she hit her head and nods

I've to go there. Without thinking anything she  left from there leaving them tensed behind


In his house.

Anika  About to shout his name but stopped seeing his mother who was having gala time with her friends.  She look at her and then roll her eyes Keeping back the wine glass on the Table

You here jhanvi says walking towards her with pure rich lady attitude . 

An. Err yh I need to meet shivaay. Where's he ??  She stammers looking down playing with  her fingers. 

And why you wanna know about it. Didn't I tell you to stay away from him.  I really don't like middle class like you wonder around my son so much.  She spill the bitter words making anika take long breath in defeat

An. He is my friend.   And I need to talk to him. She gain  courage to speak infront of her still looking down.

J.  Don't even dare to  back answer me girl. Don't forget your dad works under us. and if I didn't like your tone then In seconds he will be sacked from this job.   As she said anika snapped her eyes and look at her frightenedly 

J. Anyways just meet shivaay today but  next time I really don't want you to wonder around him so much. Just stay in your limits. Saying this she glare her and went back to her friends who we're busy in their own conversations. Anika gave them side look and immediately walked out from there

In shivaay's room

Shivaay she calls his name entering in his room but instead of him she welcomed by darkness everywhere.

Shivaay she calls his name again and turn on the light and here you go he is sitting on the floor digging his face  in his knees. Seeing his condition she move towards him and set near him folding her legs. 

Shiv she whispered  again keeping hand on his shoulders. As he felt her touch he bend down and hugged her waist dipping his face in her stomach and burst into tears crying like a child.  

Why did she do that Nick  how can she rejected my proposal. I had told her how much I love her.  but she still said she doesn't want me.  She rejected me infront of whole college and insulted me out there. How can she do this Nick. How could see.  He cry like a child making her feel vulnerable as well. She couldn't seeing him like this and started crying as well rubbing his back.

Shivay don't cry. Maybe she wasn't for you.   She sobs rubbing his back but suddenly she stumble when he broke the hug and pulled her closer holding her shoulders

It can't happen Nick.  I'd dreamed about her with me. How can she isn't for me. She is Nick she is.  I can't let her reject me like this. She can't insult me.  Seeing fury in his eyes anika flinch and cup his face in her soft palm looking in his eyes .

Are you in love with her or angry because she rejected you infront of all the people.    She says caressing his  face with her thumb.

I'm both.  I'm shivaay Singh oberoi and I never heard no for anything.  neither I've face humiliation infront of many people like this.  but she Did and I can't  disguise it like this.  I won't let her just step on me  and go without facing anything.  He shout fisting his hands tight gritting his teeth. Anika got worried seeing the vein on his temple which always appeared when he is super angry and tensed.

Seeing him  like this  anika try to ease him but he didn't let her and move away standing on his feet.

She is most beautiful girl in our whole college and I can't let her get away like this.  She has to be mine and I will make sure that I will  do get her at any cost.  He smirk having some kind of sensation in his eyes which anika is not able to understand

Shivaay are you planning something.  Hearing her turn and take her arms in his hold. 

Yes I'm and you will join my hand in it.  He spoke in his thick voice having some determination in his eyes which she is not able to get it at all and frightening hell seeing it.

An.  Matlb.  I didn't understand.  She frowns gazing at him

Shi.   Will you be my girlfriend Nick. Will you be with me. As these words slipped out of his mouth she widen her eyes and look at him shockingly

An. Whattttt ???


First chapter : How's it do tell me in comments 😇


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