Chapter 2

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Seeing him proposing her for being his girlfriend shook her  deep down. She is not able to believe on her own ears that shivaay " whom she loved ,since she got senses ;he is asking her to be his girlfriend.  She try to disguise it ..but everything is just going over her head making her numb and paralysed on the same time. She  open her mouth to speak but everytime nothing is coming out except air.

Nick  where are you lost.  I've asked you something. Will you be my girlfriend.  He tilt his brows up in question holding her arms in his hands. 

An.  I just I

God girl why are you reacting like I'm asking you in real. It's just for few days: and as tia will realised how much I want her. then we will finish all this drama. Hearing him anika snapped   her eyes and look at him shockingly not able to believe on his words. 

An. Whatttt ??? She mumbles widening her eyes

Sh. Don't say no please Nick.  There's no one else who could help me. please be my fake girlfriend and
Help me in this situation please.   He pleads her Holding her hands in his palm repeating please again and again.

An. Shivaay you are not understanding it's not easy. I mean how will people react seeing us together. They will get to know that it's all fake. And moreover I can't do this. I just ... (she stammers)

Sh. So you are saying you won't help me. He step back looking at her disbelievingly.

Shivaay you should understand as well. It's not easy the way you think. Today only you proposed tia and tomorrow you are expecting me to be with you as your girlfriend. Won't you think it will be odd. Keeping her feelings aside anika try to make him understand but seems like nothing is going in his head. He is just too adamant on his decision like it's just a simple drama for him nothing else. But anika is not taking lightly. She have literally dreamt of this moment her whole life. She never thought that it would come like this where He is asking her to be his fake girlfriend. But she knows how hurtful it will be during this phase seeing him faking all his feelings.  just because he wanna impress a girl who apparently rejected him infront of  whole college people.

Sh. That's mean you won't do it. You are not ready to help me. He says looking at her With teary eyes

An. It's nothing like That shivaay. I wanna help you but not this way. You are wrong on your place. If tia doesn't want you. then you shouldn't force her to be with you. Don't go behind that person who doesn't care about you. Just stop being stubborn and look at the situation. She says all this controlling her tears which are threatening to come out anytime feeling miserable and broken on the same time.

Sh. If you can't help me Nick then say it on my face. I will find someone else to do it. But one thing let me tell you. If you didn't help me then our friendship which means a lot to me it will lost the charm. We won't be same like before. he played his trick in his crisp voice making her shock with his statement.

Shivay have you gone mad. What the hell are you saying. How can you just say like this because of some baseless matter. She yells looking at him shockingly after listening his shit. 

I know Nick I'm blabbering stupid things. but Nick I really want your help.  please don't say that you can't. You are only my hope left for me . Pleas Nick please. He pleads holding her hand shedding tears from his blue eyes which she can't bear to see at all. She exhale a long breath and stood back facing him while rubbing her forehead in tension. She is not able to under what to do and how to make him understand it's so wrong. But she knows he won't listen to her and will stay on his words till he doesn't hear yes from her mouth. Which will be utterly a cruelness to her feelings and heart. But she has to do it. She can't see him crying like that and hurting himself. She always said that she would die for him so maybe this is little exam of her feelings towards him. Which might she has to go through ,no matter how much it gonna hurt her. She bite her inner cheek in tension and turn looking at him with moist gaze.

Ok I'll do it. At last tear fell from her eyes and a smile appeared on his face as he heard her yes.  Soon she being carried by him from her waist and he twirl her around laughing like a happy child. This is exact like her dream where she had imagined him to carrying her like this.  when she will say yes to his propose and will laugh in joy. But this situation is different. Everything is happy as her dream But things are not the way she thought. It's totally different and it's breaking her heart into many pieces making her feel vulnerable. 

You don't know how much you made me happy Nick .  I'm sure in few days tia will be with me and she will realise how better I'm for her.  Thank you Nick thank you. Thank you. He  put her down and hugged her tightly resting his hand on her head  feeling so much happy after getting yes from her.  Now he can't wait for tomorrow.  Definitely tia will be shocked seeing him witn someone else.  On the other side anika is not feeling good. She is feeling  like to cry hard and tell him she is the one who loves him More than anything. If he has her then why he is searching  love in some other  people. But she don't wanna do that either. If he doesn't want her and have happiness in someone else then She is happy for him whether if it's with her or with someone else.

Ok be ready tomorrow in good clothes yh.  Make sure it should match my standard and fix your hair as well. And also do little make up.  I want everyone just get flat seeing my girlfriend.  Did you understand.   Anika without uttering anything  just nods her head and agreed with  him. But thing she got to know that he doesn't like her the way she is.   According to him she is just bellow average girl ;who doesn't have sense of fashion or good looks.   She heaves out breath and pass him tight smile

I won't disappoint you.   I promise.  Anyways  in half an hour I need to at my work place so see you tomorrow.  Hmm saying this she about to head away but he held her hand and pulled her back making her breath stop for second

Thank you again he bold her chin and kiss her forehead giving one more reason to not sleep tonight. First she had planned to grief out on her pain at night and now this forehead kiss also got included in it making her condition worse. 

Hmm saying this she  smile little  stepping back and left from there still not able to come out of the moment when he kissed her forehead.

At her work

Seeing her trembling hands and pale face made her friend rayaansh confused. he never seen her like that before. She's always been so cheerful and happy no matter what happens. But today she seems extra nervous which she never been before since she known her.

What happened Annie why you seems tensed. he says keeping hand on her shoulder

An. I'm ...I'm fine she clear her sweaty forehead and try to pass by him,but  she collided with counter and whole coffee mug fell on the floor making her scared and frightened having shivery body.

It's ok it's ok don't be tensed. It's just a coffee. We can make new one. He assure her and get the broom and mop to clean it. After doing it he hold her hand and made her look at him

R. Now tell what's wrong. He says squeezing her hand softly.

Anika look at him with teary eyes and kept her head on his chest bursting into tears

I can't do this ray. It will be so hard for me to bear all this. She cry making her friend confused and worried on the same time seeing her condition

What you can't do it. Tell Me what happened ?? He says consoling her rubbing her back.

Shivay .... Shivaay said I've to be his girlfriend that also fake one for few days. Just because he wanna make tia jealous. so that she accept his proposal and become his girlfriend.

R. Is he mad??? How can he demand such big thing from you. Doesn't he know how big stupid thing it is. He shout not able to believe on her words.

An. I tried to make him understand. but he said it's just matter of few days. After that everything will be fine. as tia will come back to him. She sniffs wiping her tears while looking down

R. And you agreed for it. Didn't you. He says looking at her disbelievingly

An. I didn't want to ;but he was pleading and crying so ....

R. So you couldn't see him like that and decdied to be his fake girlfriend. God girl have you gone mad. How can you be so cruel to your own self.

An. He is my childhood friend and if I won't help him then who would do. Moreover it's just matter of few days and ...

R. It's not matter of few days anika. You and me knows how much you gonna be hurt during this fiasco. It will be literally nightmare for you.

An. I know it will be but bht I can't see him hurt. She says turning her back towards him

R. Yh why not when you love that bastard so much.

An. Rayaansh stop it ok. Don't abuse him.

R. Fine do whatever you want but don't come running to me when he will use you like a object and then will leave you after fulfilling his stupid motive.

An. He won't do it he is just. ....

R. Don't Behave like I don't know that guy. Stop being blind anika and just remember each and everything.  which you done  for him. but in return he did nothing. He always used you  Annie. Whether if it's in exams or in something else.  and as his motive gets fulfil he leaves you like he never needed any help from you ...

An. He won't do it this time. Stop thinking rubbish. Moreover in few days I'm sure that tia will be back to him and everything will be finish. So don't think negative and let it be. She says grabbing the cup from the counter and started making coffee for customers. Rayaansh shakes his head and wish god to gives her some sense to understand that guy is using her.  and her friendship is just a useable thing for him. which he use anytime by blackmailing her with his tears  and then leaves like he never wanted it.

Next day

As per as his wish she got into a cute little white dress with minimum makeup and infect she opened her hair as well.  which is not usual at all. She always keep her hair tugged into ponytail but today she left them open looking so pretty that whoever gonna see her like that. They will forget to blink their eyes.

Nick Nick are you ready. Where are you. Hearing his voice she immediately grabbed her bag and phone and shout

I'm coming. Saying this she hurriedly  walked out fixing her dress which reaching to her mid thigh . Shivaya who was busy in his phone suddenly his breath hitched when his eyes fell on her fair legs which always she covered in tights. He just forgot to breath tucking his eyes on them soon his eyes Trace her whole body and got stuck on her face. Seeing his eyes on her made her so uncomfortable. She is feeling like to run somewhere  and hide herself from saving his piercing gaze on her skin. Literally she felt her legs turned into jelly having his eyes constant at her. She gave him nervous smile and pull her dress down looking here and there not able to meet his orbs.

Shivaay you here. Hearing her dad's voice shivaay blink his eyes and managed to tore his gaze from her ,,which he really didn't want to do it. but he don't wanna embarrass himself infront of her father ....

Sh. Err yes I just came to take anika. Erm are your Ready ??shall we leave. He so wanna hold her hand and pulled her along with him. but because of her dad he is controlling his urge to touch her. Anika nods tucking heir hair back and left behind him with slow steps.

Hey be careful; he says holding her on meantime when her heals tripped and she was about to fell down.

You ok. He says passing hee smile which seems not usual at all. Some kind of shine she is seeing
In his blue orbs which she never seen before

An. Err yeh I'm she immediately step away and Flick her hair behind looking down.

Come sit. He Specially open the door for her and let her got in keeping hand on her waist. which he never did before. She agrees she used to go with him college in his car but he never behaved like this the way he is doing today. Something odd she is finding around him

Sh. Shall we leave. Anika shook her head and they drove away from there


At college seeing anika coming out from his car all started whispering. On the first gaze they didn't recognise her from her back. but as she turned they all gasp finding anika infront of them who is looking totally different than her usual. All the boys just forgot to shut their mouth. They drop whatever they had in their hands and started gawking at Her like she is some angel landed in their college. Anika gulp seeing their burning gaze at her and bend her head
Down in nervousness. She fidget with her fingers and about to turn ,when suddenly a strong arm wrapped around her making her breath stopped for a second. She looks up and saw shivaay is standing looking at her with pure soft gaze.

Hey I'm here. Don't worry. He massage her hip little soothing her with his touch.

Shivaay I ... she about to say more but he covered her lips witn his finger making her shshsh.

It's not hard. Trust me. Nothing gonna happen. Just walk where I lead you. Don't care about others ok. Anika nods like a obedient child and let him walk her however he wants. Shivaay smiles at her innocent end patch a soft peck on her head and started walking along with her

Is she anika.same nerdy girl who always keep herself thrust into the book.  A boy  ask his girlfriend having open mouth in shock.

G. Yes seems like.  She says twisting her mouth feeling hell Jealous.

B.  God Damn why didn't I notice her before. As these words slipped from his mouth he got smack on his shoulder along with glare from his Girlfriend. 

Broh she is howttt as fuck.   Why the hell she always hid her face in those big glasses. She is so irresistible.  One more boy remark earning just nod from his friends and and why  would  they  answer !when they all are busy gawking at her.  Tia who was standing with her friends. She just burn into  jealousy not for seeing her with shivaay but seeing her more prettier than her.   She thought she is the only one girl who Rules on all college boys hearts.  but here someone  else  came stamping on her beauty.  She hissed and glare shivaay which gave him reason to have victory smile on his face. but that dumb is not understanding, she is grumpy not because he chose anika over her,Instead she is angry  because anika  have managed to fade her charm with her first look.   Tia huffs cursing  and left from there in anger.

Come let's go. shivaay SLID HIS  palm with  her  and took her towards his friends who are equally shocked like others. 

Annie, malika move towards her and look at her with  not believing expressions.

M. You look ....

Howt says making all people look at him and why won't they ! when he is the only one who is least interested into girl thing and always keep himself away from them. But seeing him looking at her without blinking  actually made everyone amazed and baffle on the same time.

Sh. Stop looking at her .  I can't bear seeing people  admiring my girl like this. Shivay says pulling anika towards him which made her fell on his chest having frightened expression.

Whatttt ??? their jaw drop  in seconds after hearing my girl word from his mouth

Precap ...... shivaay stick with anika as much as he can. Later tia confronts her. 

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