Chapter 03

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What , are you serious guys.  Wait wait what I'm missing here.  As I remember yesterday you proposed  tia. And we thought after her rejection ,you must be grieving out about it. But here matter   Seems different. you are standing with anika here. And calling her your girlfriend. Malika  says being baffled with his sudden change of mind along with their friends, who are not able to understand what's happening here. And how come anika became his girlfriend when till yesterday he was in love with tia head over heal.  

It happened. ,  yesterday when I went home and thought about all  my feelings. that time I'd realised ,I don't love tia infect I love anika . so without thinking anything.  I went to her and  expressed my feelings. and surprisingly she was already in love with me and decided to give me chance.  So here you go.  We are standing infront of you holding  each other hands.  He says kissing anika's fingers looking at her with love. Which actually broke anika heart in million pieces being known it's all fake and part of his plan.  That moment,  which she waited for her whole life.  It's actually happening ,but on the same time it's not true either. Infect he is doing all this to win back tia. Whom he loves truly. 

Sh. Isn't anika ,? He says looking at her raising his brows up expecting answer  from her.

Yh she kept her answer short and bend her head down hiding her  tears which are threatening to come out any time.

Aww I'm so happy for you guys.   Malika says taking them in hug which they reciprocated ... patting her back

So shivaay I guess we gonna get party for this.  After all you got your girl.   Om says joining hands with him

Sh. Yes of course, you will get the party. After all I've got my girl.   He  says looking other side of the college where tia is standing  with her friends.  Seeing his gaze at her ,anika  felt uncomfortable in his hold  and came out from it fidgeting with her fingers.   All those words, all those  confessions. Whichever he is doing. It's all for tia.  Not for her who is standing near him pretending to be his girlfriend.  And This thing churned her heart deep down. But for his friendship sake she is keeping the smile on her face trying hella to be strong  infront of everyone. 

An. Erm guys I think it's time for my class. So will meet you later.  Anika  says cutting their conversation in between.  

Sh. Come baby. Today I'll drop my girl in her class.  After all being your boyfriend it's my duty to do it.   He says pulling her closer holding her waist. 

An. Yeh fine. She m simply nodded and left with him for her class.  As she entered whole class boys stopped doing their chores ,and look at her like they saw some unreal thing. Shivaay who came along with her ,he grit his teeth in  jealousy and kept his hand on her back out of possessiveness. He don't know but he didn't like the way they looked at her.  It made his blood boiled. 

Erm you can go.   Saying this she about to go ahead but. He held her hand and pulled her back too him clutching her waist.

Take care of yourself.  We will meet after the class.  Saying this he placed kiss on her forehead and left from there leaving her confused with his behaviour. She agreed he is doing all this drama to impress to tia and that's why he is trying his best to cling with her. But here there's not any tia. Then why he was behaving  like that.

Anika beta go and have seat. Hearing professor she broke her zone and set on her bench besides rayaansh.  He shakes his head looking at her being disbelief with her  stupid sacrifice.  He knows she is too nice to people. And can't say no ,if someone ask for favour. But that's doesn't mean you will hurt yourself   During being good.  Right now ,he so wanna hit her head and give her some brain to think that shivay is using her.  But he knows she won't listen to him ,and will end the conversation saying he  is her childhood friend. Xxxx.  So except sympathy he  can't give her anything.

Bro can I sit with her.  One of guy asked rayaansh who glares  him and remove his hand from his shoulder. 

R. Stay in your place.  Saying this he turn his face and got busy in the class

After class

Anika grabbed her books and bags and head out waving her hand to rayaansh who had another class to attend while her period is free.   She come out from the class and heading to  library,When tia block her way making her step back.

Waooo someone got changed  in a day.    You impressed me girl.   Look at you.  These  sleeveless dress, these hair ,infect your glasses are gone as well.  Seems like shivaay gave you a good makeover ha.  She smirk touching her shoulder which jerked by anika. 

Don't touch me.  She try to head out ,but  suddenly she yelp when  tia kept her foot in between and made her fell on the floor getting hurt on her legs. 

Aaaa she cry in pain holding her legs. Which got bruised  up being hit  on the hard floor.

T. Awww such a fragile you are. But I guess you have to be strong b now being my enemy. Im sure you must be thinking , you got shivaay and achieved everything.  Then let me tell you , shivaay is mine. And I'll make sure to take him away from you ,no matter what happens.  Yesterday I rejected him, so that he understand my value  more. Otherwise I've an eye on him since long time.   So kindly grab your shity things and forget to have him I won't let him to be yours. Saying this she kick her bag and left from there leaving her crying holding her legs.   Shivaay who had came  to get her he got shocked when he found her sitting on the floor holding her legs.

Nick he immediately rush towards her in fast speed and set on the floor keeping hand on her head.

What happened why are you crying.  But soon he got horrified when he found her   Knees bruised up.

Sh. God Nick what have you done to yourself.   He says touching her leg.

An. I didn't  do it.  Tia done it. She hiccups
Shading uncountable tears  blowing her knees.

Sh. Shit ok get up.  Get up. I'll take you to the nurse. Saying this he pick her up in his arms and took her towards nurse. 

Careful ,he mumbles and kept her on the small  recliner type thing, while nurse got the ointment to put on her wounds.

Ssss she hissed holding his hand tight feeling hell pain. Shivaay assure her and caresses her hair lovingly soothing her pain.  After making sure it's fine ,nurse left from there. As she went ,he set besides her and wipe her tears with his fingers.

You doesn't look good when you cry. He smiles  tucking her hair back. Anika smiles little and   Sniffles looking down thinking ,he is the only reason of her tears and he is saying, they doesn't look good on her. But she didn't say it and set there silently.

By the way one thing happened good ?? He grin making her frown while looking at him

An. And what's that ??

Sh. That's tia is really jealous of you.  I'm sure ,she didn't like to seeing you with me. And the way she hurted you, now see soon she gonna react and will come back to me saying she did mistake to reject me. 

Hearing him she baffled and look at him being amazed. She thought he would be confused with tia's cruel behaviour towards her. but instead ,he found it excited and hope to get her soon. But how can she thought he would care about her. When he is blindly in love with tia and just doing all this to get her.

Err shivaay. I need to leave. I had to meet professor regarding my notes. So will meet you later.

Ok take care. He helps her to get up and let her go from there. As she came out from the nursing room her tears betrayed her and started shedding Profusely making hard for her to breath even.  Today was first day. And it was so hard.  Noe she is somewhere regretting to accept his request. As she is sure ,ahead days gonna be more harder than today . Being part of this  plan will leave her heart broken nothing else. But what she can do ,when she already have promised him and can't say him  no.  Now she has to get along with it till he doesn't get along with tia and will leave her grieving on her  one sided love.

She wipes her stubborn tears and went into the professor room to get notes.

Like this whole day passed. In whole day she got nothing but feeling so  weird and why won't she. When whole day went shivay  making jealous tia. And for that he was being extra touchy to her and was showing her fake love ,which actually he doesn't have one % for her .and just doing to get tia  to his side.   And about tia and then she was throwing death daggers through her eyes making expression like she wanted to kill her some how.  Today the way she pushed her, she had courage to back answer her.  If she wanted then she would had pushed her same, and would had showed her actual place. But she subsided her anger because of her friend ,her shivay. Well he is not her shivaay , he will never be.    Now she can't  wait this shit to finish so that she could move on with her heart broken and one sided love. 


Shivaay has asked her to come along with him somewhere , where  apparently tia was present. But she deny  ,because of her job,which she can't skip it.  Seeing the situation he also agreed and let her go.  Right now she is at her job and doing her work, when  she saw tia and her Friends entering in the cafe. Seeing them there she tried her best to hide herself from their gaze. But unfortunately they saw her and waved their hand specifically calling her as waitress.   Anika so wanted to run away from there. And hide herself in some  hole where they can't find her.  But she don't wanna do it either ,as it's her job.  It's her hardship. And she really don't wanna feel embarrassed about it. Infect she is happy that she is handling her own expenses on her own ,instead relying on her baba ;who has other things to do also.  So she heaves out breath and went towards them having iPad in her hand while fixing her cap.

T. Oh so miss anika works here.  I can't Believe shivaay would get so traumatised  by my rejection that  he had  go for a middle class waitress, who apparently washes dirty  dishes in a small cafe. She giggle with her friends hi fiving to them.

An. This is my work place. And I really don't feel embarrassment about it.  and I guess shivaya doesn't do it either. So kindly do your order and tell me what you wanna have.  I've to attend other people as well. She back answered her having stern face.

T. First of all bitch , call me mam. Im your customer not your bloody mate. Second thing ,stop showing me attitude you waitress. It's your work to respect me and take my order impatiently. So don't even dare to  glare me. Otherwise In seconds ,I'll complain to your manager will make you fire. Did you understand. She  threats  her looking at her like she is some filth or something. 

An. Look tia give me order ,   Don't bring college thing here.  Anika says trying her best to control her anger seeing her showing attitude.

T.  Where's your manager . Where the hell is he. I wanna talk to him. How dare your misbehave with tia kapoor. Just call him. Today if I didn't sue you then my  name not  tia kapoor. You bitch you piece of shit. Now see what I do.

An. But I didn't misbehave with you. I just ask you to tell me your order. She try her best to be calm but her patience broke when she brought her family in between. 

T. Yh right you asked me  to do order didn't you. The way your dad takes orders and shouts from
Shivaay's family. Same filthy daughter same filthy father. As these words slipped from her mouth anika glares her with red eyes and slapped her making all people gasp who were watching  their drama.

An. Don't even dare , don't even dare to say a word about my baba. Otherwise I will pluck out your tongue from your mouth.  Anika screams pointing her index finger at her

You bitch,, tia screams and about hit her but anika's manager came   in between stopping their fight ..

M. Mam I'm sorry. Please forgive her she didn't mean to do it. 

T. Means this bitch hit me and you are saying ,I should forgive her.  I sue this girl today.    Manger just fire her. otherwise I will make sure that I shut this cafe today.  Hearing her got horrified and look at anika shockingly. Who seems not guilty at all to raise hand on her.

M. Anikaaaa   Say sorry to mam.  Apologies to her for your  mistakes.  Manager says glaring anika who seems unbothered.

T. Which sorry. I don't want any bloody sorry. I want her to be fire. Just do it otherwise.   ....

M. Ok mam please don't do anything.  I will handle on my own.  Anika go inside. I'll talk to you there.  

M. Mam today  food is free from our side. Please apologise for facing the consequences. Please  for her mistake, don't ruin our business. 

Tia look at anika and then him having another plan in her brain

T. Fine but this is the last time. If I didn't get service good then I'll surely sue this cafe. Manager nods and immediately called another guy to attend her. Who comes running and stood infront of her.

Come let's go inside. Come manager glare anika and took her in.

What the hell was that anika. Because of you today I was going to lose this cafe. Is this the way you treat your customers. He shout making her step
Back because of his anger

An. She dragged my baba and spilled shit about him. That's why I couldn't control and slapped her.  She called my baba filth. Hearing him he got quite and exhale long  breath.

M. She did wrong I know that but next time don't do ur. TodY I'm not firing you. Because you are good girl. But next time  I won't have any other choice hmm.

An. Thank you  yash. Thank you. She wipes her tears and left from  there.

In  evening

After doing her job. Anika is coming back from it when she stopped seeing shivaay standing infront of her door having red eyes. Seeing him there she got confused. As she remember he had told her ,he gonna go with om somewhere then what's he is doing here.

Shivaay, she didn't even spill his full name that he gripped her wrist tight in his hand and started dragging her with him in her house. As they got in he left her hand  and started moving towards her  having full anger in her eyes.

Did you slap tia he mumbles stepping towards her which made hee walk back.

An. Shivaay I ....

Sh. Yes or noooo

An.  Err yes I did because ... she didn't even complete her  Sentence that he  held her arms and pulled her towards him harshly.

How dare you to raise your hand on tia Nick . How could you ,,, had you forgot you limits, while doing it.    How can you not think once and  slapped her.  

An. Shivaay she ....

Sh. She what ha she what, you bloody. ..... I had told you already  ,whatever happens in this situation , you won't react then how can you just raise your hands at her and insulted her infront of many people.  He screams tightening his grip on her arms which made her hissed in pain

An. I did it because she talked rubbish about my baba. She said my baba is filth and takes orders and shouts from you and ...

Sh. So what if she said it.

An. Whattt she widen her eyes not able to believe he didn't care about that she called her father filth. 

Sh. Yes If she said it then then you should had listened to it and ignore it.  But no you chose to raise your hand at her and insult her like this. Have you forgotten your limits Nick. I had told you to stay in  limits in this game. But nooo !!you didn't listen to me. and on little thing you slapped her.  Hearing him she shakes her head in disbelief and pushed him.

An.  It was about my father.  How can you say that I should had listen to her shit without taking any action to stop her.

Sh. She didn't say wrong anika. Your dad does work under us.  I don't think so you should had feel bad about it.  

An. Whattt ??are you serious shivaay. You know that how important baba is to me and I can't see anyone insulting him ,then how can you expect me to keep quite when she was talking shit about him. He is my father I won't let anyone to insult him.

Sh. And she is tia. Whom I'm trying to win with my hard work,  which I guess you ruined it. He screams without understanding her even bit.

An.  I think I did mistake to get into this shit. I shouldn't had listen to you and be part of this plan.  She says looking at him with teary eyes.

Sh.  Whatttt  ?? what are you saying

An. Which you heard.  I think I can't do this anymore.  When you don't care about my respect, and my baba's then  why  would I help you.  I don't wanna be part of that shit ,which insults me  or  my baba. I thought after knowing ,she talked rubbish about my baba. you will take side of mine. but no you are more care about her than anything else.  Because of her ,many things  was going out from my hand infect my job but why would you care; when you are so blind in tia's love.   So now I've decided I can't do this. Search someone else, who would do all this drama. as I'm not available anymore. Now kindly leave my house. I don't wanna see your face.  Just go away

Sh. Lakin  he try to say something but she held his hand and showed him way out

An. You disappointed me shivaay.  She look at him with teary eyes and closed the door on his face leaving him traumatised with her sudden decision .....

Precap ..... he come back in morning to get her

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