Chapter 04

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In morning

As usual it was her repeated boring morning, where she got up ,took bath and leave for college. Today she was really not feeling to go in college because of yesterday fiasco. Whatever he done yesterday in love of that tia, it was unacceptable. She was his childhood friend . And being his friend he should had trust on her. But no , he didn't and  believed on the tia more than his friend ,who got ready to keep her feelings aside and helped him. But why does she think that, he would trust on her and believe her ""when she knows he always consider her to get help, but when time comes, then he trust on the other people ,whom he know mere for few days. But it's not his fault either. She should had think about it before Accepting his request. If she would had ,then today, she didn't had to face all this, and getting sad seeing him not caring about her or her father. With those thoughts she is walking in corridor when she collided with Someone and her book fell on the floor making her irk. She huffs and set on the floor collecting them.

Aww seems like someone had fight with her fake boyfriend ,which made her so lost that she didn't even see me coming. Hearing tia's voice anika exhale the breath and stood up fixing her glasses.

You didn't take time to come in your old self. Didn't you. Tia smirk looking at her tip to toe folding her arms.

Ani. Yh It didn't. Because I couldn't stay in facade like you ,who is covered with tones of Make up and behave like she is most prettiest girl in the whole college. Anika sneers making tia hell angry with her remark

T. Just shut up anika. Otherwise In none seconds I'll disappear you from this college. You don't know who my dad is ....

I am really not Interested who is your dad and which family you belong. So showing off your dad's money and status won't work me. Did you understand. How move Away from my way. I really not in mood to talk to you further. Saying this she pushed her and went in the class leaving tia fuming in anger ,who is feeling like to hold anika's hair ans drag her in whole college.

You will pay for it anika. You will bloody pay For it. She hissed like a witch and stormed away from there following with her minions.

In class

Anika took place on a bench which only two people can sit and got engrossed in her book. Till yesterday she was tensed that, how would she carry on the drama , as it will be really hard for her to pretend to be his girlfriend, and might it will affect her studies also. But eventually everything got finished in a day ,and now she is sitting here studying calmly without having any worries or tension in her head. But maybe it was her wrong thinking and she felt someone set besides her. She raise her doe shaped eyes and found shivaay is sitting besides her looking at her face. Seeing him there she huffs fixing her glasses and try to go ,but he held her hand and pulled her back on the seat.

Sh. You are not going anywhere ,till I don't talk to you. He says gripping her wrist tight in his hold so that she doesn't leave.

An. But I don't wanna talk to you. We have done enough talking last night. Which made me realise that my position in your life is nothing, but a spare helper which you use when you need it and then throw it like you never wanted it.

Sh. It's nothing like that Nick . I was angry at that time. That's why I blabbered all that. I didn't mean anything. He pleads making sad eyes caressing her hand with his thumb ...

An. No shivaay you were not angry. You were in your senses. It's just tia is more important in your life than anything else ,infect your childhood friend ;who was with you almost your whole life. You preferred to believe on tia more than her. You didn't even ask ,what Happened properly ..and why did I reacted like this. You just came in my house and started accusing me saying ,I've slapped your girlfriend.

Sh. I'm sorry Nick. Please don't think like that. You are more important to me than anything else. You are my friend, my partner in crime. How can you thought that you are not important to me. I know I blabbered shit last night" but you know that as well ,how I get blind in anger. Please forgive me. I promise ;I would never do that again. He made puppy eyes taking her face in his palm ,trying to melt her ..but seems like it's not working at all.

An. You will do that again shivaay , and I know that as well. And because of it I'm sorry ,but I won't be part of your plan anymore. So kindly spare me. Sorry for disappointing you, but I can't do this. Now please leave. Professor must be coming. She remove his hand from her cheek and move away engrossing in the book

Seems like someone got in fight in a day . It's ok bro if you broke up. You can get thousands of girls out there. But anika I guess being single is also not good as well. So I suggest you to come in relationship with me. I promise you ,I will keep you happy. Daksh smirk keeping hand on anika's shoulder which soon pushed by shivaay and he clutched his collar looking at him angrily. Whole class attention went on them and they started gossiping looking at them.

Sh. Don't even dare to put eye on my girl Daksh. Otherwise I will bloody take your eyes out with my own hands. He growl holding his collar tight in his fist jerking him

An. Shivay what you are doing. Let him go ,stop creating scene here. We are in class. She says removing his grip from Daksh collar, who is breathing heavily because of his tight hold.

Sh. But Nick ,he can't talk about you like this. I can't let him do it.

An. We will talk about it later. Right now leave from here. Look professor is here as well.

Sh. Meet me outside. And you Daksh stay away from her "otherwise i will change the design of your face and will cut your this stupid pony as well . He warned him with his red dripping eyes, and stormed away from there in anger. Anika sighs and hold her head in tension seeing Him behaving so silly in anger.

I'm sorry!!!Daksh she apologised to him and turned her face looking towards professor who have started his class already.

After class she grabs her bag and head out of the room checking her notes; when suddenly she got scared seeing shivaay standing infront of her having pleading eyes. Anika heaves out breath and try to go "but he blocked her away holding her arm.

Sh. Please don't do this Nick . Your silence is killing me. Please talk to me. He try to touch her face ,but she didn't let him and move away.

An. Shivaay I've to go in library. Please Leave my way.

Sh. You can go but please say that you forgiven me. Please don't behave so cruel towards me.

An. Fine I forgave you. Happy. Now move away. Saying this she remove his grip and started walking ahead making him follow her.

Sh. No Nick you didn't forgive me. If you would had then, you would had smile. Anika rub her forehead in tension and pass him tight smile.

An. Happy , now leave my way. She again attempt to go which made him angry and he pushed her towards the wall making her gasp with his sudden move.

Shivaya what you doing leave me. Everyone are looking at us . She says looking around seeing the people gazing at them

Sh. I don't care if they are looking Nick. Right now I want you to forgive me. I can't handle your ignorance towards me. Just once give me a chance. I promise I would never do that again. Please. You know that I'm stupid , a empty head man. Who doesn't understand anything ,and does stupid things in anger. But that's only you know o. But if you behave like this then ,with whom I'll share my stuff and talk heart out. Please Nick I'm Sorry for yesterday. I don't know ,what happened to me ,and I behave like that. Please forgive me. Seeing tears in his eyes which she hates the most she loosen in defeat and nods wiping his tears from his blue eyes.

An. Ok fine. But don't do that again yh. Next time I will never forgive you. She smiles caressing his cheek.

Sh. I would never I promise. He giggle like a child and took her in tight hug wrapping his arms around her. Anika reciprocated and caresses his back.

Thank you Nick. Thank for you forgiving me. He sniffles breaking the hug.

An. It's ok now please let me go. I'm getting late. But instead letting her go he held her arm and started following her towards library.

An. Why are you coming with me. She smiles seeing him following her holding her arms.

Sh. Because I need to get one more assurance from you. He smile running his hand on his nape.

An. And what's it. She says folding her arms infront of him

Sh. Errr that ,we are still working on the plan. He smile suspiciously rubbing his nape. Anika look at him and then bend her head down chuckling.

Yh plan, it was all happening for his plan ... otherwise he wasn't going to give shit even to her anger. It's just he wanted to execute his plan again with her help, so that he could get tia in his life ,that's why he was doing all these pleadings and everything. She tap her shoe on the floor two times with dim voice and look at him.

An. Yh fine but make sure it finish it quickly.. as I don't want it last till my exams. She smiles Accepting the defeat infront of him

Sh. Thank you thank you Nick for accepting my request ..and I promise it will finish before the exams . He says taking her in hug again making her smiles.

Now can I go ,or something left behind. She broke the hug raising brow infront of him

Sh. No there's nothing.

An. Cool ... will meet you later. She waves her hand and left from there having heavy heart ,with whom she again played breaking it in many pieces for accepting his request. But whay she can't do ,when she knew he will follow her around ,till she doesn't get ready to help him again.

It's been month since their patch up and during this shivaay trying his best to cling with anika and impressing tia with it. Which is actually working as well on tia ,and she seems pretty pissed seeing them together. Now she is regretting to say no to him. If she won't had, then today ,he would had pampering her instead than stupid road trash anika ..who doesn't deserve anything. On the other side, it's getting really hard for anika to continue this drama ,as much as he is coming closer to her. She is felling  for him more and more. and now her heart is paining as well being in venerable condition. She so wanna hold his collar and shout that ,how much she loves him. And she is the only one ,who deserve him, not that stupid tia. Who doesn't even give shit to his existence. But she don't want herself to get low infront of everyone ,and suppressing her feelings having her head down.
right now she is standing near the books rack flipping the pages of book lost in her own thoughts when suddenly someone come from Behind and take her in back hug making her gasp.

Before she react or say something hr tighten his hold around her and peck her temple leaving her breathless.

Hey baby how are you. He smiles turning her and kept her head on his chest

I'm good , she managed to whispered inhaling his sharp cologne, which always makes her dizzy being near h9' .

Is she looking at us. ??As these words slipped from his mouth, all her dreamy bubble burst out and she open her eyes feeling lump in her throat. She slightly tilt her neck and found tia is staring at them sitting with her friends and glaring her like ,she gonna eat her raw.

Errr yh she is , she managed to speak in her cracky voice controlling her inner feelings. Shivasy smiles In victory and place soft feathery kisses on her knuckles still having her head on his chest.

I'm glad that , it's working on her. Soon she gonna be with me same ,like you are in my hold. Anika nods simply and attached her forehead with his chest closing her eyes tight letting her tears fell from her eyes which soon got disappeared in his jacked making it soak. But he didn't realise because of layers of his shirts .

He smiles and kept hand on her head and pulled her closer nuzzling in her hair ,inhaling her jasmines fragrances getting himself lost in it that ,he even forgot to look at tia ,who left from there fuming in anger.

She left ,anika whispered still in his hold ,who was going to take her lob in his mouth ;but hearing her ,he immediately part away and stood in distance from her.

Sh. I'm going to check upon her. I'll meet you later. He flick her nose with his finger tip and left from there hurriedly. As he went ,her eyes. Betrayed her and they started shedding uncountable tears. Anika sniffles and set on the floor hugging the books not able to control her emotions. She knows ,if someone would get to know about her feelings ,then he will hit her head on her stupidity ,and will say ,why are you hurting yourself for helping him. If he doesn't love you then let him go and don't love him back. (But true love is sacrifice, it's giving , not in getting ,in losing ,not in gaining,in realising , not in possessing , that is love.) so what she loves him and he doesn't. Her one sided is enough to make their relation so precious. She smiles and wipe her tears with her finger looking out of the window resting her face on her knees.

After sometime

Anika comes out from the library and decided to hand the notes back to professor instead keeping it with her. Thinking about this ,she is walking in corridor looking down , when a girl come running towards her.

Annie you are here. I was finding you everywhere. She says breathing heavily keeping hands on her hip.

An. What happened Mia ... is there something wrong

M. Err there's nothing wrong. It's just professor faruq was calling you. He said ,he needs to talk to you about something.

An. Where's he ??

M. He was near store room where they keep spare chairs and other stuff. Go and meet him anika nods and left from there.
Faruq sir she calls him entering in the rooo which is dipped in the darkness. Fear gripped around her heart looking around but he is no where to be seen...

An. Hello faruq sir she again calls him but there's no answer from his side.

I think I've been pranked. She whispered and decided to Leave ,instead standing here waiting for him in dark. But before she heads out of the room ,she being pushed by someone ,and she directly landed on the floor hitting her head with the chair leg.

Fuck you anika ... just rot in hell ,someone said and closed the door and put the lock on it leaving her unconscious in dark room

Precap ..... he is not able to find her

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