Chapter 05

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Shivaay who thought to check on anika ,as it's been one hour, he didn't see her around. and now he is bit tensed for her. He even tried to call her as well. But she is not picking up either.. which making him more worried.

Shivaya what's wrong ??you seems tensed. Om says resting his hand on his shoulder

Sh. Guys did you see you anika. It's been an hour she didn't come into sight.

M. She must be in class somewhere.. or if not then maybe in library. Malika says munching her crisps.

Sh. No she had two free classes because of professors absence. And in library as well she wasn't there. Hearing him all got worried and look around hoping to her glimpse of her. but she is no where to be seen.

M. Err I think we should check it. All nods and started looking around for her.

After checking whole college ,they couldn't find her any where, infect they called her work place as well ,thinking might she went there. But to their disappointment ,she is not there either. And about rayaansh then, today he didn't come college because of illness. He stayed at home today. Now whole days went ,but they couldn't find her which is making them so worried. They so wanna call her dad and tell about her absence ... but holding themselves thinking ,he will get worried unnecessarily better they search her itself .

In the other-side

Anika groan holding her head which is banging so badly. She try to sit ;but her head pain didn't let her and she fell back on the floor clutching it.

Aaa she hissed and closed her eyes because of throbbing pain. Tears started trickling from her eyes feeling helpless laying in the dark room. Where she is not clearly see anything. After few minutes ,she slowly raise her body keeping hand on the chair and got up stumbling around. She about to fell down again but her hand held something strong and she saved herself to touch the floor. Sob escaped from her mouth feeling hell weak in her own body. She is cursing that person, who pushed her in this dark room leaving her to die alone. She slowly walk towards the door and fell near it hitting her knees on the floor.

Where are you Nick he says rubbing his forehand in tension, while standing near the store room. Tia who saw him there, she immediately goes towards him and stood infront of him passing him smile

What are you doing shivaay baby ... is there something wrong. Seeing her there he smiles and nods no.

Err nothing just came to check on anika. I'm not able to find her.

T. She must be around don't worry. She will come on her own. She says looking towards store room having fear in her eyes.

Seeing her looking towards the door he got suspicious and kept hand on her shoulder.

Sh. Are you alright he says nudging her.

R. Err yh I'm fine.. I'm fine don't worry. It's just I was thinking ,if you are feee then ,can we have coffee together. She smiles moving towards him resting her hand on his chest. Hearing her request his eyes beams up and he nods instantly feeling happy to get her attention.

T. Ok let's go then. She bite her lips looking at him seductively and about to take him ,when shivaay stopped hearing tapping sound on the store room door .

Sh. Wait I think someone is in there. He says moving towards the door.

T. Err no one is there. You are assuming things. Come let's go. She try to take him away fearing for being caught but he is not ready to listen to her and shows her hand asking her to move away.

Tia fidget with her fingers and loom here and there in tension seeing the situation getting out of control.

Shivaay , anika whispered tapping on the door again which made him more curious and he immediately open the door. As door opened anika fell in his feet in subconscious state making tia and shivaay shock. Tia bite her nails in tension and try to escape , but seeing his friends coming she stopped and look at anika tensely.

Nickkk ..shivaya set on the floor and immediately take her in his arms patting her cheek.

Nick open your eyes , Nick he calls her again and again ..but she is not able to speak anything having half eyes closed.

What happened to her how she landed inside. Malika cry taking place near anika along with her other friends.

I don't know. I just heard the voice and opened the door and she was in there. Shivaay says having tears in his eyes. Tia curse anika for getting conscious on meantime , when shivaay was there. If she won't had then ,he would never had got to know about her

T. Shivay I think we should take her in nursing room. She plays smart and Jump in behaving nice.

Err yh yh we should. He immediately carry her in his arms and took her in nursing room.

After sometime

Shivaay is standing near anika waiting for her to open her eyes while tia is near him resting her hand on his shoulder

R. She is fine trust me. Nurse said she is unconscious because of sedative. She says calming him down standing so near him ,that even he can feel the heat of her body. Shivaay nods and silently and kept looking at anika waiting for her to get up. Suddenly he got alert when he found her opening her eyes. He immediately March towards her along with his friends and kept hand on her head.

Nick , hearing her name form his mouth she open her eyes and found her standing near tia who is rubbing his back having innocent face , like no one is nicer than her in the world.

You alright Nick , he took seat near her having her hand in his palm.

Rrr yh she managed to answer still gazing at tia who got little tensed seeing her eyes stuck on her face.

M. You scared us Annie. How did you end up in the store room.

An. Woh a girl had came to call me said professor faruq is calling me. But when I reached there. someone pushed me inside making me fell on the floor hitting my head with the chair and I fell unconscious.

God how can someone do like this. Did you see someone. Om says gazing at her concernedly. Anika first look at shivaay and then look at tia who is still standing near shivaay.

An. No I didn't she whispered making tia sigh in relief after hearing her. If she would had open up then huge problem she would had faced up.

You scared me Nick... shivaay take her in hug wrapping his arms around her. Anika kept hand on his back and look at tia ,who figured out anika saved her by telling the lie. She knew , she is the one who had pushed her in. On the other side anika kept her mouth mmm while telling the truth to shivaay. As she knows if she did then, he won't believe her and will say she is lying to put tia in trouble. And she is only one who put herself in the trouble to gain his sympathy.

Sh. Come let's go I'll drop you home. He says caressing the little bandage 🩹 on her forehead.

Hmm she hemmed and held his hand to get up.

I'll meet you later tia. Then we can make the plan for coffee   hearing him anika look at him and then tia who nods passing him smile. That's mean tia has started playing her game on him.  and being dumb ,he started believing on her words again. Anika sighs and bend her head down not able to understand what to do and how to manage everything.

At  night

She comes in her room and lay done on the bed curling like a ball having tears in her eyes.  She don't know but she is feeling vulnerable today.  The way today she fell in the trouble. because of it the way shivaay was standing with tia when she opened her eyes ,made her feel so sad.   She knows ,she is his fake girlfriend and doing all this to help him for getting tia. But still her heart hurts. It's make her feel so bad on her own self. As much as time is passing in this drama.  It breaking her more and more from inside and she is not able to understand what to do and how to handle her broken state. That guy whom she loved from childhood ,he is in love with someone else. and dying to get her in his life without Realising  ,he have someone ,who loves him more than anything. She knows she is behaving little selfish. If he doesn't love her then ,she shouldn't hope it as well. But her one part of heart and mind is pursuing her to tell him that how much she ove him and she want him in her life.  But she can't do it. She don't wanna be called Selfish.   If he doesn't love her then , she will let him go for his  happines ,no matter she has to stay in pain for whole life.   Thinking about this she thrust her face in the pillow and cry silently. While crying suddenly she felt some movement in her room. She immediately  wipe her tears and  look back but next second she baffles when she found shivay is coming through her window.

Shivaay , she shout his name making him startled. He immediately run towards her and closed her mouth jumping on her instantly making her shock with his sudden move.

Shshsh don't scream , your dad will hear it. He says pressing his hand more making her hard to breath.

Oh sorry he mumbles and remove his hand from her mouth

What... what you doing here. She whispered looking at him with wide eyes.

Just came to see you. Is there any problem. Anika instantly nods no looking at his face. Seeing her lost in his face ,he click his finger infront of her bringing her back to earth

Don't look at me like that. Otherwise mohabat ho jai gi. He smiles making her baffles and she set up pushing him away.

An. It ... it won't happen she says tucking her hair back.

Sh. Are you sure. He grin playing with her hair.

Yh sure , now tell me ,what you doing here at this time. She says removing his hand from her hair.

I've already told you I've came to check upon you. You are alright right. He says rubbing his finger on her bandage.

Err yh I'm fine , just little bit aching nothing more. She managed to speak turning her gaze away from his face.

Glad to here that , saying this he jump on her bed and lay on mattress resting his arms under his head.

An. What you doing shivaay . Are you planning to sleep here.

Sh. Ku ... is there any problem. He smiles pulling her closer making her fell on his chest. Seeing his odd behaviour anika is not able to understand, what's going on and why he is behaving like that.

An. Err shivaya what you up to. She stammers gazing at his face.

Sh. Nothing just was feeling bore at home. So thought to come and spend time with you.

An. Aha she smiles setting up near him.

Sh. Yea, so can we watch something today like movie or something

An. ok which one you want ,,,

Sh. Errrr let's watch AFTER. What's say. He grin.

An. Ok let me get the laptop she smiles getting down from the bed and immediately get the laptop.

Sh. Nick first let's make noodles and some snacks. I'm starving as well. He pout acutely making her aww seeing his face.

An. Ok let's go. Saying this she wear her slipper and about to head out ,when she felt his want palm sliding in hers.

An. Err tia is not here. She says looking at him

Sh. So ?? can't I hold my friend's hand like that. He smiles

An. Err it's nothing like that. You can hold my hand. Anyways Leave these talks and let's go in kitchen. Saying this she dragged him with her to towards kitchen.

Where's your baba. He says grabbing the spatula from the drawer for rotating in boiling noodles.

He went with your dad somewhere. and I guess he is not coming back today .that's why I'm alone at home. She smiles standing near him.

That's great. He ruffles her hair and put noodles spice in that.

Nick ... he calls her gaining her attention.

Yes shivaay she says looking at him.

Err you didn't tell me who had locked you in the store room. Hearing him she stopped doing her work and look at him

An. I've told you na I don't know.

Sh. Tia has done it .. didn't she. Hearing him she dropped the knife and look at him shockingly.

An. Maybe she whispered looking down. Shivaay
Shakes her head and stood infront of her looking at her face and chin her up making her look in his beautiful blue eyes.

Sh. You could had told me about it. He whispered caressing her cheek with his thumb.

You won't had trust me she whispered making him shook his head

I would had , as I'm seeing , how she is getting jealous of you. And surely she must have pushed you in the room. He says tucking her hair back moving closer to her that even they can feel Their breath fanning on their face.

Hmm but still I thought you will again say that , I'm blaming her. that's why I didn't tell you. She pout acutely making his eyes directly landed on her lips which are looking so tempting and irresistible.

Next time don't hide it ok. Anika nods and smile at Him.

Good now let's go. He grab the noodles and drinks and left from there. Anika is shook with his sudden changed of behaviour. How can he change suddenly. She never thought that he would get to know about her , and even won't yell at her for blaming tia. Last time when she had slapped her ,he was Howling and was ready to break their friendship. But this time he behaved so out of her expectations. She never thought that he would trust on her. Thinking about this she smiles and tuck her hair back looking down.

Nick come na. I've already got the movie on. He shout from outside bringing her back on earth.

Sn. Coming she grab the crisps packets and left from there.

After sometime

Anika is busy watching the movie when she find him looking at his phone continuously. She first look at him and then gaze at his phone finding him stacking tia's Instagram.

She is so pretty don't she. , I just wait to have her as my girlfriend ,and then I'll straight away propose her for officially mine. He smiles dreaming about the future with tia making Anika's smile faded away and she just hummed looking other side.

I'm sure we will make cute babies. The way she is pretty ,our kids gonna be beautiful as well. He says running his fingers on her pictures.

An. Yh surely. She blink her twice controlling her raging tears in her orbs. Shivaay pinch her cheek and rest his head on her shoulder looking at the laptop . Anika sighs and lost the interest to watch the movie anymore. As much as he talks about tia ,it's hurts her more and more. It's hurts to seeing him predicating his future with tia instead her. She is not able to imagine to seeing him with someone else ,except her. But unfortunately ,it does gonna happen. He doesn't love her. He is with her, because he wants to get tia. And As he will get his love of life ,he will throw her out of his life like fly from the tea and won't bother look back at her.

Nick where are you lost. Aren't you liking the movie. He nudge her bringing her back on earth.

Err yh I'm watching she pass him tight smile and started watching the movie unwillingly.

Precap....... trip later tia says to shivaay she does love him and she can't see him with anika.

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