Chapter 07

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Anika comes towards a isolated place and started crying sitting near the tree leaning on it. She can't believe, he can do this to her. She had believed on him , she had trusted that ,no matter what happens, he would never take her advantage. But she was wrong. She was utterly wrong. He did take her advantage ..infect he was taking from start only. He was using her like a pawn to make things alright In his life. But she was such naive that, she didn't understand what he is doing. And she can't blame him for that either .. as it was all her fault. She was the one who gave him chance to use her. She was so in deeply in love with him that , she did everything Whatever he asked her. From childhood to till now ,she kept doing things for him. but in end what she got !!nothing but humiliation. Suddenly a moan left her mouth when someone gripped her arms and pinned her with the tree making her gasp.

How dare you , how dare you slap me. Shivaay growl squeezing her arms in his fist making her cry in pain

An. Shivaay I

Sh. Don't take my name from your filthy mouth anika. Just don't you dare. I gave you everything. I increased your standard infront of people.I gave you all the respect which you didn't even deserve. You bloody got chance to be my girlfriend ,which girls dreams of. But you are such a hypocrite that ,instead being grateful, you insulted me infront of other people and slapped me. He growl pushing her towards the tree leaving bruise on her back as well as on her arms which he is holding tightly.

Sh. You slapped me that also infront of people just because I defended you infront of that Daksh ha. You didn't appreciate it anika. You didn't even felt little thankful towards me. and took your all anger on me without thinking one. How can you do this ha. How can youuu He scream  jerking her away making her fell down.

Sh. You know what it's not your fault. It's all mine. I should had keep you in limits. I should had keep reminding you , that you are nothing but daughter of my servant. I should had remember that people like you deserve to be in limits , neither for sitting on the heads. If I would had reminded  you about it , then today I didn't had to face all this. But it's not too late. It's not. I've decided to finish all this. I'm breaking up with you. All the drama, all the plan comes to the end here. From now on , we have nothing to do with each other. You can do whatever you feel like. Just go to hell. Saying this he about  to leave but again came back and held her face in his palm harshly.

Sh. And one more thing you are not my friend anymore. We over for that also. So stay away from me. Saying this he left from there pushing her away without caring to look back even once. Right now anger is sitting on his head. And he really don't have anything else to think despite anger. Anika sobs and set on the floor hugging her knees. She couldn't answer him back. She couldn't say him anything. It's not that , she didn't have anything to yell at him. She had many things to spit on his face. But as he reminded her , her place she got to know , whatever she will say to him. It won't work on him , or make him realise his mistake. As he was like this always. It's just she took time to realise the reality. She was so blind in love that , she neglected to see his true colour. And kept loving him without expecting anything from his side. But today as he brought her on her real place in seconds. She have understood , she never meant to him anything. Leave loving her , she wasn't even his friend. It was all drama to bring her in plate and take favours from her whether if it's for homework , helping in exams and tests or pretend to be his girlfriend to impress  his crush.

I hate you shivaay ( hiccups ) I hate you. She hiccups badly sitting under the tree crying like a child pushing her face into her knees. She never thought that her love for him would make her so weak and fragile. But It did , and now she is crying non stop cursing herself for loving man like him , who never appreciated her feelings for him.

On the other side

Shivaay is standing near the pond lost in her thoughts. He can't believe , she can slapped  him like that. The sound of slap still echoing in his ears. Again and again he is remembering that moment ,when he was defending her,  and instead being thankful, she slapped him infront of all people and left from there expressing her hate towards him. How can she do this. How can she forgot her place and behave so cruel with him. She did wrong infect he did wrong to forget that she is nothing but his driver daughter. If he would had keep in this mind then today ,he didn't have to get slap from her and get humiliated infront of dozens of people

Shivaay baby tia comes there and rest her hand on his shoulder.

Tia, he whispered her name and turn her side bending his head down

T. You don't need to bend your eyes in shame shivaay baby. It's not your fault. You were just helping her. But she took it wrong way and slapped you. If I would had been on your place then , I would had fall for you more and keep thanking you for taking my side. But she didn't do and behave such ungrateful. I'm so sorry baby , because of her you faced all this. She says having soft gaze caressing his cheek. Shivaay look at her with teary eyes and hugged her Pulling her in his arms. Tia caresses his back and console him speaking sweet words in his ears,  which seems like working like a magic  on him and he kept hugging her tightly for Almost fifteen minutes. Anika who was walking passed from  Little for from  then. Seeing them together she sighs and divert her gaze away not interested  at all in  his life. Now she don't give shit about him. He can do whatever he feels like. From now on neither , he is her friend nor her fake boyfriend. Shw heaves out breath and left from there deciding to leave from her , as the reason of her coming here is completed.  so staying here is useless. She changed herself in black jean and top wear her coat and left from there grabbing her bag pack without letting anyone know.

At mid night

After spending a good quality time with tia, he comes back in his tent  thinking she might be in there crying for whatever happened .. but when he entered , he got confused, when he didn't find her in there and her belongings are also missing. 

Where she has gone , he whispered going in thoughts feeling worried for her. But then,  he  shrug his thought to thinking might,  she went to malika for sleeping. As she didn't want to be with him. So without thinking anything he lay down on the mattress and closed his eyes resting  his arm on his forehead.

On the other side

Anika set in the bus after keeping her bag aside. She lean on the chair and then rest her head on the window looking outside.   She is feeling low.  She is feeling so devastated after whatever happened today.   She never thought that shivaay ,  whom she always admired and wished to be with him whole life. he will be like this.  Today literally he made her feel shit. She felt like  to kill herself for falling  for that man ,who don't even consider her his friend.  From childhood she thought he is her best friend. But it was all lie. Whatever he blabbered today. It made her realise that , for him she was nothing , but daughter of his driver, nothing more.  In all Those months she  pretended to be his girlfriend, despite knowing how much it  is going  to hurt her , while doing all the drama. But still she done for his happiness. But what she got in nothing , not even appreciation.  He just degraded her .. and then left her like dirt. After all this she will never able to trust on anyone specially on friendship. The way , he he treated her ,  she will never believe on anyone. Never ever. She sobs leaning to the window and closed her eyes letting her tears rolled down from her eyes like river.

After some hours

She reached at her house and  closed the door after  getting In. She thought,  her father would be asleep by now. But finding  him standing infront of her in hall she got shocked.

Baba she whispered looking at him with red puffy eyes.

H. Annie you here. I thought you are on the trip with shivaay. He says finding her infront of him all of sudden. As per as he knows, she was going to come back in two days , then what happened that she came back so soon.

An. Baba I just ....

H. You alright bache . What made you to come back so soon. Hearing her father's soft voice she nods no and run towards him throwing her bag on the floor. and in no time she hugged him tightly keeping her head on his chest

I missed you baba , I missed you so much. Saying this she burst into tears  making her father worried seeing her crying suddenly

H. Bache it was just matter of two days. And I don't think so , it was hard for you to stay away from me for mare  few days.

An. I don't know baba,  I just couldn't stay there and came back. I missed you so much. I love you baba I love you so much.  She cry shedding uncontrollable tears which soak in his shirt making his eyes wet as well seeing his daughter crying

H. I love you too bache. I love you too he hugged her and kiss her hair many times caressing her back.

Just don't crying like that baby. You know that you baba can't see you crying like this. Just calm down. He caresses her hair and peck her head soothing her pain. Before an hour she was thinking,  no one love her in the whole world. But as she saw her father , she got to know,  he is the only one who loves her and care about her genuinely. She will meet thousands shivaay in her life.  but the way her father love her , no one ever will do. He is precious and she really don't wanna loose him. She snuggle with him and kept sobbing silently feeling his warmth

After sometime

Her father made her eat food with his own hands  and then tuck her in the bed like he used to do in childhood.

Come have sleep , he help her to lay down and ask her to close her eyes .. which she did and went in slumber holding his hand . Harsh so wanted to ask his daughter what happened and why did she cry like this. As she never cried like this in her whole life . But seeing her condition,  he couldn't do and decided to let her sleep. He will ask her in morning that what happened and how did she come back out of sudden in middle of the night. he peck her forehead and left from there letting her sleep peacefully

In morning

Malika couldn't control herself and decided to check upon on anika as she couldn't see her whole night. So without thinking anything , she comes out of het tent and March towards Shivaay's camp , which was few steps away from hers .

Annie are you alright , please come outside. I wanna talk to you. Shivaay who was sleeping inside,  his eyes got open .. when he heard malika's voice. Without buzzing around. He open the zip and found Her standing infront of him having frown.

M. Err can you ask anika to come out. I wanna talk to her. She says trying to look inside hoping to see anika

Sh. She must be with you. Why are you here to search her.

M. With me ?? Are you crazy shivaay , why would she be with me. When I didn't even meet her from last night. She supposed to be with you in your tent.

Sh. Then check somewhere else.I don't know where's she. Since we have broken  up I didn't see her around.  

M. Broken up whatttt ??? she widen her eyes after hearing him

Sh. Yh we broke up. And I really don't wanna give explanation to you , that why it happened and all. So don't ask.  Anyways check around.   she must be somewhere else. She is not here with me.  

M. But shivaay it was small thing. How can you broke up with her.   She try to make him understand , but he is not in mood to listen to her and shows her hand having stern face. .

Sh. It wasn't small thing malika. She insulted me infront of everyone. And I really can't respect someone who doesn't do mine.

M. Oh really then , what about her ha. Didn't you think once about her feelings before kissing her.  I agreed you were her boyfriend and all. But maybe she wasn't comfortable  to get intimate with you In public. That's why she reacted like this. But instead understanding her. You broke up with her.  How can you shivaay.  How can you just give priority to yourself only forgetting,  she has feelings and emotions as well.

Sh. Malika I am really not in mood to   listen anything about it.last night,  your so called friend have Taught me lesson enough. and really not wanna hear from you as kindly stop here and leave from here.  Saying this he about to go back into the tent ,but stopped when tia calls him.

Baby she  comes running towards him and hugged him making malika shock with her sudden appearance and also she hugged him as well. 

Baby I was thinking why don't we go for breakfast nearby.  I've heard there's a nice point in the corner.   Tia  says biting her lips seductively running her hand on his chest

Sh.  Err yh give me two minutes I'll come with you. Saying this he went inside to change his clothes.

M. What's happening here. And why are you with shivaay?? She  raise her brows up folding her  arms.

T.  Didn't you hear shivaay baby ha.  he broken up with that anika.  He was so sad last night about it. So I came to him and consoled him. Now we are good friend or better to say something  else. She winks making malika baffled along with  angry on shivaay  for   Changing his boat all of sudden.  At least he could had wait for few days. But no he didn't and immediately jumped in it without thinking anything.

Shall we leave tia. Shivaay spoke coming  out from the tent. 

T. Yes baby she side hug him keeping her hand on his waist and  left from there leaving  malika shock.  She open her mouth to stop that shivaay , but she is too stunned to speak seeing him moving on so quick. 

What happened malika , why are you standing here.   Om spoke coming towards her.

M.  Anika and shivaya broke. up. She announced making him widen his eyes  in shock

Om.  Whatttt ??? But why. ???

M.  Because of last night. They fought and broke up.  And now I can't find anika. I thought,  she will be with shivaay   She wasn't. Infect  before few minutes he was with tia and now he left with her somewhere.

Om. Tia,  from where she came in between.  He says resting his hands on his hips. 

M. I don't know.   I'm not able to understand , what's happening. Now I'm worried for anika.  She says  creasing her forehead in worry lines.

Om. Let me call her.  Just relax. He fetch out his phone and calls her,  but she didn't pick it up making them tensed.   He again called her but same response. But after attempting three four times,  he heard her father's voice other side of phone .

Hello uncle is Annie there?? .  He sighs holding his phone tight in his hand hoping to get good news.

H. Yes she is sleeping.  Last night , she came back. But she wasn't seems fine.  She was crying.   Om what's happening. Is there something wrong. Why my daughter came back all of sudden , when she supposed to come after two days.  

Om look at malika worriedly and them clear his throat behaving little calmly.

Om. errr actually we all came back last night.  Road was blocked  because of tree falling on the road , so trip got cancelled and we came back .

H. Oh ok that's fine.  But she was scared and was crying nonstop

She saw the tree felling with her own eyes,  that's why she might got scared. He lied looking at malika who nods resting her hand on his shoulder

H. Ok that's fine. Anyways I've work , so will talk to you later. Saying this he cut the call.

Om. We  ara going back.  He announced making malika nods

M. Even I'm not in mood to stay here anymore. So let's go. 

Om. What about  shivaay?? 

M. Let him do whatever he wants. I really don't give shit about him. Come let's go. She hold his hand and left from there

It's been  one week   of that day and during this anika stays so quite. She barely talk to her father even.  All the time either she engrossed in her college work and if she gets free time then she  set on her swings  lost in her own thoughts. Her friends came to meet her and asked her what happened. but she didn't tell them properly and ignored their questions.  But one thing she got to know from  them and that's shivaay and tia are  officially together now. And soon he is planning to propose her on the prom.  Which she nods on it didn't answer about it. 

Today after week she again entered in the college... but this time she determined that , she won't let anything distract her. She will concentrate on her studies and that's all.  She won't involve in anyone's matter infect she will stay away from her friends as well.  as now she don't trust anyone.  So better ,she  stay away  from them.   She tucks her hair back and going towards corridor when rayaansh blocked her way coming infront of her. 

Annie you  alright ,, he says caressing her cheek with his thumb. 

An. I'm fine she smiles at him which he knows its fake. 

R.  Come here. He held her hand and take her in hug  wrapping his arms around her trying to soothe her.  

Everything will be fine ok. Anika nods and broke the hug. 

R. Come let's go in class.  He held her wrist and left for class. But during this they didn't realised someone was watching them  from far away  , having fisted hand  and red eyes

Precap ....... Shivaay's birthday party

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