Chapter 08

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Shivaay baby where are you lost.  It's been ten mintues I'm talking to you. And you are the one ,who's not even paying attention to me.  Are you ok baby.  Tell me what's wrong. She run her hand on his cheek scooting more closer to him, but he is least bother about that and all his mind is on anika , who spent whole day ignoring him. and on top of that roaming around with that  rayaansh.  He can't believe she can change in seconds.  Before few days , they broke up and instead being sad or something. she  quickly got normal and moved on as well with that stupid guy.  He thought might she comes to him and say sorry for her behaviour. but no ,she is in fully mood to ignore him and not even paying a single attention to him. 

I'm fine tia. Just little tired.  He mumbles gazing at anika who is sitting far away in the garden all alone engrossed in her book. Seeing her ignoring him he is feeling like to scream at her, and ask her why the hell ,she is not talking to him. Leave talking ,she didn't even come to him once. It's feels like he became the part of the crowd of  college , who is stranger to her and she doesn't want to talk to them at all.  Suddenly his eyes lighten up when he saw her coming towards him.  A smile break on his face thinking, she must be coming towards him. As much as , she coming near him , he is getting impatient. He is so ready to taunt her that, where she was, and why didn't sh came and meet him. But to his shock instead  coming towards him , she passed by him and went towards canteen  without sparing  single a glance at him.

Can I get caramel frappe please , she requested to the guy who was on the counter. He nods and god busy to make her order.  She just tap her card on the machine and went towards a table where she set there back facing him. 

She is not talking to us even.   Om and malika says taking seat besides shivaay , who is feeling hell offended seeing her ignoring him.  

T.  Don't you guys think , she have got so much attitude.  I mean she is nothing , but daughter of Shivaay's driver. But she behaves like , she is daughter of top business man.   She sneers looking at anika , who can clearly listen to her , but she is really not in mood to fight with anyone.  Moreover, it's out of her nature. She really don't have capacity to fight with anyone. she just ignore  these stuff and try to keep distance from it. 

M. Shut up tia , no matter whose daughter she is.  She is our friend and we are concerned  for her. Moreover whatever your so called boyfriend have done it , then obviously she will behave like this. you can't expect her to forget everything and sit with us Shamelessly like nothing happened.   Malika says glaring tia ,who look at shivaay sadly indicating that how his friends are insulting her

Sh. She didn't say anything wrong either. She is daughter of my driver.  And we can't neglect it.   So  her showing attitude like that is not valid. Moreover she should be thankful that people like us made her our friend. Otherside she didn't deserve it. I did really big mistake to give her importance. If I would had kept her in the limits ,then that day, I didn't need to get slap.   He  deliberately says in loud voice, so that she could listen to him thinking might she would react something , but instead he widen his eyes , when she just grabbed her drink and left from there without even looking at him.  

R. Annie you were here. I was searching for you everywhere. Guess what I've been selected for playing lead role in the play.  Rayaansh says holding her arms.

Really congrats ray. I'm so happy for you. She smiles forgetting  her own pain and genuinely showing happiness for her friend. 

Won't you ask who's my  female lead.   He grin raising his brow up.

An. Who ?? she frowns. 

R. You Annie youuuu. he screams and hugged her tightly kissing her hair making shivaay hold his drink so tightly that , it exploded in his hand making his friend  and girlfriend shocked.

An. Whattt ?? But why me. I didn't even fill any application for that.

R. But I did , and they selected you. Now let's go dance teacher ie waiting for you.     He wanna  meet  you. Saying this  he held her hand and took her away from there, leaving shivaay just fums in anger. He just squeezed his already bleeding hand and left from there burning in anger. 


Closing time Anika is   Going out From the exit when one girl came and blocked her way.

G. Annie are you coming Shivaay's birthday party tomorrow evening.

An. No I'm not coming. I've some work tomorrow. She says least interested in any of thing which related to him.

G. But everyone are going. Whole college is invited.  I've heard loads of celebrities are coming as well .  I guess it gonna be a big party. 

An. I don't care. You people can go. I'm not interested to meet anyone. Hmm anyways i need to go , I'm getting  late for my bus. Before she says her more she left from  there hurriedly holding her books in her hands.  


She pay  for her ticket and set on one particular seat near the window.    She is lost in her own thoughts , when her eyes landed on shivaay , who is standing with tia near his car leaning on her. Seeing  the smile on his face , while looking at tia, she just  divert her gaze and look away not interested to look at them. As she turns her face away Shivaay's smile faded and his eyes  tucked on her hoping, she will look once at him but as usual , he got nothing but ignorance from her side.    He grit his teeth snd hit on his car scaring tia work his sudden move. 

You ok.  What happened. ?? Tia says looking at him shockingly. 

Sh. Nothing happened. I was just thinking  why don't we go for coffee.   He smiles holding her hand.

Tia.  Yes let's go.  I'm excited for it.  Shivaay nods and immediately drove away from there along with her.

At anika's work place

R. Annie boss is asking you to go and take orders.  There's three are four couple have set near the window.

An. Yh ok I'm going. She grabs her note book and left from there.

After taking other people order, she reached on particular table where two people are sitting back facing her.

An. What can I get you sir ?? she says writing something on her notebook.   

I need a red velvet cake  in one plate and a mug of coffee which we gonna share. Shivaay turns his face and spoke passing her smile.   Seeing him there she got silent and look at him and tia , who is leaning at him holding his hand.

An. Right away sir. Saying this she left from there leaving him shock. He wanted to see hurt in her eyes. but here she gave him blank gaze and left from there.

R. You alright anns, ray says holding her hand.

An. Yh. She  smiles at him and  take the piece of cake  in the plate and then grabbed one cup of coffee to leave from there

Here's your coffee and red velvet cake. Saying this she about to leave , but shivaay stopped her calling her waitress instead anika.

Sh. Waitress where are you going. Is this the way you  serve people. 

Anika closed her eyes and look at him with smile  folding her arms.

What happened sir, is there any problem. She says in her soft voice maintaining her smile ,which he is finding so cringe right now

Sh. Yes there's many problems. First of all , this table is not clean. Second thing , this cup looks dirty. And this velvet cake doesn't seems fresh. So I want you to bring it again. He orders her having smile on his face feeling satisfied to piss her off.

An. I'll clean it and change your order. Saying this she get a piece of clothes out and clean the table ,which was actually already clean. But he made her do it. After that she grabs the tray and left to bring fresh one.

R. What happened Annie ??why did you bring the order back. Anika kept the tray back and sighs

An. Shivaay is here. She kept her answer short and started preparing it again

R. You don't need to go. He will do things to piss you off. Let me do it. Rayaansh says taking the tray from her.

An. But ...

R. It's ok don't worry. You can take someone else order.

An. Thank you ray. She smiles finding a genuine friend in him ,which shivaay was never been.

R. It's ok anns. He flick her nose with his finger and left from there grabbing the tray.


Shivaay who was sitting with tia , he grit his teeth when he found Rayaansh infront of him instead anika

Sh. Where's she ?? Why did you come. He says in his thick voice glaring him.

R. She is busy in another work. So I brought it here.

Sh. What kind of service it is. Why the waitresses are getting change. Where's she ?? Get her here. She is the only one , who will serve me. Just call her here. He screams gaining people attention.

R. But your food is here which you ordered. Why do you asking for her

Sh. Don't back answer me you asshole. and just call that girl. I want her to serve me.anika who was seeing it from the counter she closed her eyes tight seeing him creating scene , so without thinking anything , she left towards his table to stop him

Ray you can go. She orders standing infront of shivay , who pass her wicked smile making her roll her eyes.

R. But Annie.

An. It's ok ray. I'll handle it. You can go. Rayaansh unwillingly nods and left from there.

Sh. Coffee is nice now. He smiles taking the sip from his cup. Tia about to take spoon from the cake ,but he didn't let her and itself ate it Looking at anika , which annoyed tia so much. She is not able to understand what's happening around her. One side this guy wanna be with her. But on the other side, whenever he touch her , or do something , it's feels like he is doing all this to make anika jealous.

An. I'm glad you liked it. Anyways if you are done then can I leave. I've another people to serve as well. Saying this she try to go , but he held her hand and stopped her.

Sh. Wait won't you take your tip ... he says freeing her wrist.

An. I don't need it. She smiles and again try to go , but he stopped her again making her annoyed hell out.

Sh. But I don't wanna give. Saying this he get bunch of money from his pocket and throw towards her making her closed her eyes

Sh. Take this money and buy something good for yourself. Poor you needed money to lift up your expenses. He smiles and got up following with tia having smirk.

Sh. Let's go baby he held tia's hand and left from there leaving anika astonished with his move. Her eyes filled with tears with his cheap move. She can't believe , he is same shivaay , whom she always admired and loved him truly. She sniffs gritting her teeth and gather the money from the floor and table , which he left ..and stormed out behind him having red eyes. Shivaay who reached near his car , he about to open the door , when he felt a tight grip on his shoulder. Before he react something he's been turn by the person and the money snapped at his face making him closed his eyes

An. I don't need your bloody donation. Give to that person who needs it.Or better to give to your girlfriend , might it helps her to buy full clothes to cover her body. She glare him and tia and went inside flicking her hair back leaving him angry and astonished with her sudden move.

I will kill you snika. I will bloody take your life. You have to pay for this. If I didn't make you say me sorry infront of thousands of people. then my name is not shivaay. he growl kicking his car making tia hell scared to seeing him turning red in fury.

Next day

Anika is sitting on her house roof, when malika comes there.

Annie what you doing here ??, aren't you ready to go for birthday party. Anika look behind and found malika is standing being all ready to hit the party.

An. you here mali ?? She says getting up from the swing.

M. Yes I'm here. I just came to take you with me. Everyone have been arrived. You are only missing from there

An. Errr I'm not coming. I've test day after tomorrow. You go and enjoy. She smiles taking seat back on the swing.

M. You are forgetting , we are going in same college and I don't think so we have any of test. Anika closed her eyes and look at her silently

An. Mali you have to understand, I can't match your standards or family back ground. and that's mean I can't be your friend either. So please let me be like the way I'm. If you wanna do friendship , then do with om, tia or shivaay. But not me. She says having serious tone , which malika didn't like at all. She can't believe she can think that , she is not be her friend just because she is poor.

M. You think that I'm like shivaay. , her eyes filled with tears making anika close her eyes sighing. She got up and held her hand gently in her palms.

An. No I don't. I would never. You been really nice to me. But now I can't Allow myself to have friends , who are upper in status and everything from me . I've already got hurt because of it. And don't wanna get more. So please try to understand. She try to make her understand ,but she just snatched her hand away and look at her with teary eyes.

M. I don't care Annie what you think. You have been my best friend. We shared everything with each other whatever happened in our lives. I can't let you decide to break our friendship like that ,because of shivaay. I know he is doing wrong. He shouldn't had treat you like that. But because of him, you can't punish me Annie. You should believe on me. I would never do the way he done it. You are precious to me. I don't care ,if you are poor or have nothing. At least you are not fake like others. You are my best friend and that's matter to me nothing more. So don't even dare to say that you are not my friend anymore.

An. But mali I

M. Shivaay is nothing to me infront of you. Did you understand, if you want, I would never talk to him whole life. But stop punishing me for his mistakes.

Sn. Ok I'm sorry she sighs and hugged her tightly making her burst into tears.

An. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just thought might it's good for all of us ...

M. Stop thinking like that. You are my best friend no matter what happens ,you will be always my favourite. She sobs tightening her grip around her making anika got teary eyes.

An. Ok now stop crying. Your makeup will be spoil she broke the hug and wipe her tears with her thumb.

M. Now shall we go.

An. No I can't come. Try to understand. Moreover I'm not invited. So spare me.

M. Fine I'll just wait for him to cut the cake then I'll land in your house. We will watch movie together.  She smiles  holding her hand

An. As you say highness. She chuckles taking her in hug again.

Precap .... Anika had to go in oberoi mansion for searching her dad. But she didn't know that she is going to face humiliation in there

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