Chapter 09

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At night

Anika is sitting  trying to study infront of  her computer, but because of loads of music and noises outside making hard for her to concentrate on anything. She huffs  and lean on the chair closing her eyes in tiredness. Suddenly her phone beeps  making her alert. She straighten up and found her dad is calling her.

An. Hello baba, where are you???  It's so late and you didn't turn up. 

H.  I'm stuck here beta. There's loads of work to do.  Anyways can you please bring my glasses and give to me.  At this time  I'm not able to see properly. 

An.  Err me baba, can't you send someone to pick it up.  ??She says heaving hesitation to go in the oberoi's party.

H. There's none would  Listen to me. So please come itself.

An.  Oh ok baba I'm coming.    She rub her forehead and unwillingly got up decided  to go in oberoi mansion.

In oberoi mansion

Everyone are busy enjoying the party. And why won't they,, when it's biggest party they ever had.   Whole place is filled with numerous people  along with many famous people as well .  He invited  all college in there except anika ,,who was his best friend once. But  because of one reason, he develop so much hate for her that, now she is not even included in his nearby people.   

On the other side

Anika enter in the hall and closed her eyes seeing loads of people around her.  She is regretting to come here. She doesn't belong here.  It was better ,if she  would had plan something and send her dad's glasses with someone else. But now there's no way of turning back, so she has to go inside.  She heaves out the breath and decided to search her  father  as soon as possible.  so that she could pass him glasses and leave from there.   With those thoughts , she is walking around looking for her dad but seems like he is not there , he is no where to be seen. While looking she couldn't see ahead and collided with someone which made that person spill whole drink on his shirt. 

What the hell.... Can't you look around while walking. He screams making him jump back with his sudden out burst. All the people who were   Standing in hall ,,they got quite and look at the person and anika who is standing in her loose hoodie having he5 socks till her knees while her hair tied in the loose bun.

Shivaay who saw her , he smirk and move towards them having his drink in his hands.

What the hell you have done anika. , is this the way you treat people around you. Can't you see while walking.  He screams making her confused with his behaviour .

Im so sorry mr sharma , i says sorry   You behalf of my servants daughter. Hearing him ,, his friend grit their teeth and feel like to shout at him for humiliating anika infront of loads of people like that.

Sh. Go and get the drink new  for mr sharma. And then clean the floor where you spilled the  drink. He orders holding her arm in his hand  while jolting her. 

An. Just leave me.  I came here to meet my baba. If you want your work to be done.  then ask someone else.   She says  coming out from his hold while looking at him with fury.

This is not the way to talk to your boss miss anika. So bend down and clean it.  Moreover your father is here for work.  So I guess disturbing him like that is  not good. We don't give  free money to him for chilling around.   Now get the clothe and  clean it.   He orders her while glaring her with his eyes. 

An. But I

Sh. Didn't you listen !!I said cleannn it.  Otherwise don't force me to call your father. Hearing him she snapped at him and feel like to break his face for dragging her father in this. But she can't do anything between loads of people. so better she do it and Leave from here.   She glares him and went to get the spray and piece of towel. After few  seconds , she comes back and set down for cleaning it.  Tia who was searching opportunity to humiliate anika for insulting her yesterday.  she immediately goes towards shivaay and pretend like slipping ,which cause plate of food fell on anika ,making some people gasp ,while some of them started laughing seeing her condition having food on her head along with her clothes

T. Oh I'm so sorry I just slipped.  She pout holding Shivaay's arm looking at anika with fake concern.

T. I guess,  if you cleaning  already then , you can pick up this as well. She smirk raising her brow up looking at shivaay giving expression to impress him. But when he glare her ,she gulp and got confused with his behaviour.

What the hell are you doing shivaay. You are insulting her. Om and malika came to Defend anika , who is picking up the stuff from the floor all Silently looking down

Sh. Stop defending her. Sheee.... He about to say something but stopped when a moan left from
Anika's mouth getting cut on her hand making it bleed profusely.

Nick he immediately set infront of her and try to hold her hand but she just pulled it away glaring him.

An. You don't look good to show concern to your servant sir. So better don't do it. And let me do my work. She pass him smile and clean everything despite having injury on her hand.

Annie (takes her name ) Her father who came there he immediately rushed towards his daughter and held her hand in his palm

H. What happened to your hand bache. What have you done.

An. It's fine. Just got little cut while cleaning all this. She says cleaning the floor.

H. Why are you doing this. This is not your work. He says taking things from her.

T. Why it's not her work. You people are servants right and I guess its your responsibility to do all the work. Am I right or wrong baby. Tia smile holding Shivaay's arm whose eyes are stuck on anika's hand.

H. You can call me whatever you want. But don't call my daughter like that. She  doesn't work here. Her father defend her ,  taking his daughter in side hug glaring tia angrily

J. Mind your tongue Harsh. Is this the way you treat our guests. You are our driver , and if your daughter done something,  then I don't think so it's big thing. She is also not less than any servant. Jhanvi came ahead in Favour of tia , who is smiling looking at anika seeing her getting insult.

Sh. Mom please don't .... He shakes his head no, but his mother and girlfriend are not mood to hear anything and humiliating anika continually without feeling little shame.

Annie you go home. Don't stay here. Go. Her father ask her to leave, but jhanvi stopped them coming in between.

J. Why don't you take help From your daughter. Give her some work. She will do it as well. And if you want I can't pay for it as well

H. No madam my daughter won't do anything. I'm here to work .... Annie go from here. Just leave. Anika look at shivaay with teary eyes and left from there hanging her bleeding hand down. which didn't leave shivaay sight once  and he kept looking at it till she didn't leave the place.

T. We showed her real place didn't we. Tia says resting her head on Shivaay's shoulder.  but he just
Jerk her away and left from There not feeling good after doing all this. He thought,  he would get satisfied teasing her infront of People. but no !! he started feeling angry seeing her getting humiliated.

You will pay for this tia. You didn't do right thing. Malika glare tia and jhanvi and left from there along with om and rayaansh , who had came there as well for the party.

In anika's house

After taking bath

She comes out and got confused to seeing her friends sitting in her house talking randomly

An. You guys here. She frowns seeing them there.

Annie you alright. Show me your hand. Show me. Rayaansh rushed towards her and immediately grabbed her hand which is still bleeding ....

An. It's fine. Just need to tend it little. She smiles ,which they can see ,it's fake. but just because she wanna show them being fine. She is like this. Her puffy eyes can tell the tale of her sobs, which she had inside all alone.

Om. Shivay really disappointed me today. I didn't think that,  he would behave like that. Such pathetic.

M. He was aur friend. but I always thought among sll
Of us ;;he love anika more than anyone . But didn't think that ,he would be like that.  She says having disappointment on her face.

An.  Err can we not talk about it.  I really not in mood to hear anything. She says softly trying to  keep herself subtle infront of them.

M. Err yh sure as you say ....   She  smiles taking her in hug and bring her on the sofa.

R.  Annie let me tend your hands. It's still bleeding.  Rayaansh come running there holding aid box which he found somewhere in the drawer and set besides infront of her on the floor. In no time he held her hand and started tending her wound having crease on his forehead with tension.  Seeing his face malika frown and look at om who is equally confused with his behaviour.   They know he  is best friend of anika.  But they never noticed concern in his eyes for her.  But maybe they barely spend time together so they didn't know about it.  

An. Thanks rayaansh.  She smiles taking her hand back from his hold.

M.  So what shall we watch.  She jump   Clapping her hand happily. 

An. I've set up the tv on the upstairs. So let's go there and watch it. She suggested making her eyes big in excitement hiding her own pain inside not letting them know , how hard it is for her to be normal like that

Om.  Upstairs. He amazed.

An. Yh me and baba keep the tv outside in summer to watch it. So shall we go.  

M. Yh let's go. she held her hand and went upstairs following with others. Where she already had arranged everything , like snacks and cakes.  

On the other side

Shivaay cut the cake and fed to his parents earning clap from everyone.  Today he should be happy , but he is not at all. And maybe because she is not here with him.  She always spent his birthday with him .. and today  she didn't!! and on top of that ,his no any friends are with him. All left along with her  leaving him all alone.  Whole place is filled with numerous people. but the most important people of his life are no where to be seen.  They didn't even wait for him to cut the cake and went away. And anika, she didn't even wish him today.  In his all birthdays, she used to make him spacial cake and get gift for him with her savings.  But today nothing sort of happen like that. And he is standing all alone feeling empty despite having everyone. 

Shivaay baby where are you lost ??? Tia bring him back on earth caressing his face.  

Sh. No where he removed her grip from him and left from there having his head down. 

On the other side

Seeing a birthday cake her friends frown and look at her with questioning gaze.

M.  Errr what's this. Did you make for shivaay.  She says looking at anika ,who looks here and there hiding the truth

An.  Mmm no I didn't.  Actually today I was feeling like to bake the cake so I did.  She smiles hiding the truth. 

M. Hmm ok. She knows her friend  very well.  It's her habit to bake cake for shivaay on his birthday and today despite his anger , she still made it. and now celebrating with everyone without letting them know, she made for Shivaay's birthday.  


Shivaay who came outside in the garden for fresh air. He stopped when his eyes fell on anika's roof , where his friends are present.  and he clearly can hear their laughs and giggles. Seeing them together jealousy fit inside him and he felt sad and Mad on the Same time seeing them forgetting him like that. Infect they left his party to stay with anika.  How can they do this to him. He was their friend as well. But no ,, they preferred anika on him and went to her. Suddenly his eyes landed on anika , who passed the cake to rayaansh, seeing chocolate cake in the plate , it made him realised,  she have baked chocolate cake today. That's mean , she did it for his birthday.  Smile played on his face after understanding it. But one things urging him and that why didn't she give him ? if she made for him.  At least she could had pass him one piece. But reality struck him ,when he remember ,he didn't invite her today infect when she came in his house to call her father ... he insulted her infront of everyone and forced her to leave. 

Baby what you doing. Your mum is calling you inside.  Hearing tia's shrill voice he rub his forehead and nods.

Sh. I'm coming. He look once more towards her house and left inside  along  with  tia , who is on cloud nine having Boyfrined like him who is way richer than her and can cause her luxurious life ahead

At mid night

Someone entered in anika's house with slow steps and directly went towards her room.  Seeing her sleeping , he heaves out the breath and move towards her with slow steps. He set infront of her leaning on her bed and tuck her hair strands back having full view of her face.  Smile appeared on his face seeing her shining in moon light.   Her these lips , which are formed in pout while sleeping making her super cute. He is feeling like to kiss them softly and  devour on them for one more time.  But he can't do it. If he did then,  she will wake up and will ask him to leave from there.  which he can't afford to  have.  So he kept sitting there admiring her face having tears beads in his eyes.  

I miss you Nick  why are you doing this to me. He says caressing her face with his palm. Suddenly he  startled when she remove blanket from her body and get her hand out ,which she was hiding inside. Seeing the bandage around it his mind travel back ,when she got into his house.  The blood spot on it shows it's still bleeding inside the band. Which made him sad looking at her.  He didn't know that , it will go so far. If he would had then , he would never had do it. But that bloody tia took it so away and threw plate at her which made her hand bleed.  

I'm sorry Nick. I'm sorry. He whispered and kiss her cheek softly without breaking her sleep. After spending a good time in staring her. He got up and directly went towards her kitchen , where he knows she must have left the cake piece in there. With silent steps , he enters there and got the cake out , which actually, she left in the fridge. Seeing it smile broke on his lips and he started devouring on it standing near slab having brightest smile on his face. On the other side , feeling little thirsty anika got up and look aside thinking , she might have water there. But seeing empty jug, she huffs and decided to get it from the kitchen. She wears her shoes and went outside rubbing her eyes acutely. Shivaay who was eating the cake fastly suddenly he gasp When his eyes landed on anika who enters there and now standing infront of him having wide eyes.

An. What you doing here. She says in low voice looking at him being confused.

Sh.I I actually I just .... He try to search words to say her but seeing her infront of him , his mind got blank and he is not able to utter anything.

Sh. I came actually errr

An. You came here to eat the cake. Didn't you or there's any other reason. Maybe for insulting me.

Sh. No I don't .... Actually I was passing by and I saw a cat in the kitchen having your cake. So I came inside to send her out.he come up with this silly plan to give her reason of his presence there.

An. But cake was in the fridge. I've remembered I'd kept inside. She frowns.

Sh. No it was outside. See on the slab. He stammers looking around not matching his eye lids with her.

An. Fine now if you are done then leave sir. If someone saw you in servant house , then they will make talk about it. which I guess you don't want. Saying this she fill the m jug and about to leave , but he held her wrist and pulled her towards him making her straight fell over him. Before she say something he held her waist and pulled her closer.

Sh. Don't leave stay here with me. He breaths on her face looking straight in her eyes without blinking.

An. What you doing let me go. She wiggle in his arms but he is not in mood to leave her and holding her tight inhaling her fragrance which ye missed so much these days.

Sh. How's your hand. Did you bended it. He try to hold her hand ,but she didn't let him and move back glaring him.

An. Stop it ok. Stop trying to be nice. I've seen your colour today. For you neither I'm your friend nor anything. I'm just a middle class girl who was thinking till Now , you are friend to me. But I was wrong. You never been my friend , it was all facade. You done all that to get your thing sort out . Otherwise I never been anything to you.

Sh. It's nothing like that , I'm just

An. I don't wanna hear anything. So better leave from here. I really don't wanna see you in my house right now. She says showing him way out glaring him.

Sh. But I

An. Didn't you hear just leave my house. Just go away. She wipe her tears and left from there leaving him in kitchen all alone not able to understand what's happening in his life. One side he wanna hurt anika ..and when she get hurt ,then his heart bleed to death seeing her like that. He gets restless, when she doesn't talk to him or look at him with hate. He wants her all attention. He wants her to he with him. But his ego is not letting him do it and always ends up hurting her immensely .........

Precap .... He get to know that , she participated in dance with rayaansh.

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