Chapter 11

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In evening

Anika is in her job place busy in her work , when she saw tia entering in there. Seeing her there, she thought must be shivaay came with her as well. But she got confused ,when she found her alone. and she is aiming to walk towards her. 

R. What's she doing here.   Rayaansh says standing with anika , who shrug her shoulder showing she doesn't have clue either. 

I need to talk to you.  As tia came  infront of  the counter, she directly came on the point having stern fsce.

An. What you wanna talk ?? She frown. 

T.  It's  about shivaay.  So kindly come in some corner  and talk to me. She says rudely whine scoffing.

An. I'm sorry I can't. I've work to do. She rolls her eyes grabbing the coffee mug , which snatched by her and she dumped on another side of corner making anika and rayaansh shock

T. Stop bullshiting with me  and let's go with me. 

An. I've also told you I'm not coming with  you. Why  don't you understand a little thing. Anika grit her teeth  seeing her ordering her like , she  is her some puppet or something.  

T. Fine then let's talk here then. So listen I want you to stay away from shivaay. He is my boyfriend ,mine, Tia kapoor's. But I don't know what got into him.  that he is always lost into you.  and a searches ways to be with you all the time.  But I guess it's not his fault either. You are the one who is luring around him so much. That's why,  he is behaving like that.  But I'm warning you anika. Stay away from my boyfriend. If next time I see you with him ,then see what I do to you.  She warned  her banging her hand on the counter  gaining people attention , who were sitting near by...

Ani. Stop blaming me ok. I didn't do anything.   Infect since he got along with you. I've stopped talking to him. We are not even friends anymore.  So stop blaming me for everything. And if you have so much problem of him to coming behind me. then kindly chain him somehere. and stop him to doing it.  Don't come and blame me without any reason.  Did you understand. Now get out of this place,  before I call my manager and he itself throw you out.

T. You will pay for it anika. You will. Just wait and watch.   She glare her with pure hate and about  to go but anika's voice stopped her .....

An.  Instead making me pay for your boyfriend's fault. It will be better , if you talk to him and ask him , what does he want.  Because as per as I know , he was in love with you since he had seen you.  So better resolve your issue  with him instead blaming others.  Now get out.   Tia just snapped at her and walked out from there  in anger. 

R. You ok Anns.  Rayaansh says resting his hand on her shoulder

An. Yh I'm... don't worry. She pass him tight smile and left from there having  some mugs in her hands.

Next day

Anika come early because of  dance  practice, which she had to do before the classes start. She comes in hall and was hoping, she would find rayaansh already present there. But she got confused when he is no where to be seen an only in other couples are present there .

An. Where's he ?? She mumbles looking around , but except him all  other people are present there who are busy in practicing. She sighs and set on the wood stairs  deciding to get things out. Might after few minutes he comes in.  

Missing me , suddenly she gasp when she heard his voice. She look up and found shivaay is sitting on top of the stair having smile.

What ... what you doing here ?? She says looking at him with widen eyes.  

Sh. Nothing just came to do practice. He smile more brightly making her confused. As per as she knows, till yesterday he was angry with her because of participating in it.  But today he seems happy.. which is not going good with her. Surely something is wrong here. which she doesn't know as well.   Bht wait a second he says he came to practice. what does that mean.???

An. Practice... what  do you mean.

Sh. I've participated as well.  We are performing   Dance also. He winks.

An. You and tia?? She whispered looking at him

Sh.  Errr no I mean .. he about to say more but her phone gain his attention w.  Seeing Ryaansh calling his eyes got red while he grit his teeth looking at it. 

An. Excuse me , she excused herself and pick up the call .. but next second she stood up having shock face.

What which hospital ?? Ryaansh are you ok she got panic keeping hand on her mouth not able to disguise the  news.

An. Ok ok I'm coming.  I'm on the way. She rub her forehead in tension, and cut the call with shivery hands. She grabs her bag and  about to leave,  but shivaay stopped her holding her wrist. 

Sb. What happened where are you going ??

Aj. I'm going hospital. Ryaansh met with an accident.

Sh. What??? I'm coming with you.   Anika is not in sense to say  anything. so she just simply  nods  and left with him.  

In hospital

As they reached in first they met om and malika  in there and then anika directly ran to his ward. She comes in and got shocked seeing him sitting on the bed leaning on the head board. Seeing his condition she cups hee face and started crying.

Ryaansh she  run towards him and hugged him making Shivaay fisted his hand tight seeing her near him.  He grit his teeth and turn his face away not able to watch her With somsone else

What happened to you. How you done your accident . She says touching his bandage on his forehead crying bitterly.

R.  I was crossing the road and suddenly from no where a car came, and left hitting me. He says in his low voice because of pain in his head.

M. Thankfully we were there. Me and om were coming to the college. So as we saw him. We brought him hospital.

R. Hey don't worry I'm fine . It's just little wound. It will be fine. Stop crying Anns.  He says cupping her face in his palm wiping her tears. Shivaay  closed his eyes right and turn his face away  not able to see the scenario with his eyes. 

Guys can you people go out. He needs rest.  Doctor enter there making  them stood up.

An. Take care of yourself ok. If you need anything. Then I'm outside.  Anika  smiles in  tears  caressing his cheek.

R. Yh ok.  He nods and let her hand got free from his palm.  Soon doctors gave him injection and he went in slumber.   As he closed his eyes , his friends went out feeling sad for him seeing his condition. 


You ok Annie.?? Malika says rubbing her thumb on her cheek.  

An. Err un I'm fine ... she smile little

He is not that clumsy. How come he came under the car.   Om show his confusion resting his hands on his hips. As these words slipped from his mouth , anika's eyes shot open and  she remember shivaay and her conversation.  She gasp and look at shivaay , who is lost on his own thoughts standing little away. Anika slowly walk towards  him having excuse  in her eyes

An. You have done it didn't you ??? She muffled looking at him disbelievingly.

Sh. are you mad.  What the hell are you blabbering Nick.  I think you have gone crazy because of crying nonstop.

Om. What's happening here. He moved towards  them Along with malika  

An. Stop lying shivaay.  I know that you have done it.  You itself had confessed yesterday  that , you won't let me dance with him. You will do something , which will force me to cut my name from competition or I'll   Participate with you. How can you shivaay. How can you stoop so low ba. Didn't you think twice before doing this stunt. You bloody could had taken his life. He would  had died because of it.    I can't believe that you could do it.  I can never  able to disguise the fact that , you are the same shivaay , whom I always thought , he is nicest man in the World. Bht I never knew that,  you will try to take someone's life , just because you didn't want me dance  with him. 

What ,?? Did you do this shivaay. have you done  the accident.  malika and om widen their eyes looking at him being baffled.

Sh. Are you guys mad. Why would I do it. I didn't do it . Nick Nick look I agreed , yesterday I was saying it. But that's doesn't mean , I can do such stunt. I didn't do it. Trust me. I even didn't care to meet him even for convincing to not dance With you. whatever you are thinking it's wrong. Nothing is truth here. It was might accidental. He try to convince her but seems like she is not in mood to listen to him

An. Oh really ha. I don't think so anyone would threat for doing something without any reason. You must wanted do it , that's why you said me , that you are not gonna let him participate with me. Why did you do it shivay . When did you become so heartless. I can't believe you can do all this in anger. She sobs pushing him away making him stumble back.

Sh. Why don't you understand. I didn't do it. I swear I didn't even think about it. It was childish that, in Anger ,I blabbered that shit yesterday infront of you. Otherwise I didn't had any plan to do like that. please trust me. He try to grip her hand, but she didn't let him and move back

Trust you ha. Trust. What trust you are talking about ha. That trust which you broke infront of hundred people. You were my best friend. I never thought that you would ever intend to hurt me. But you proven me wrong. and insulted me infront of everyone. And not only once, but twice. just because I slapped you because of your stupidity. And you are saying , I should trust you. No I can't mr oberoi I can't. And I know that , if he is inside in that condition , then reason is you. You are the one who done all this. And you know what you have gotten successful as well. I'm gonna cut my name from the competition. Now go and dance with your so called girlfriend. I hope you both will celebrate your victory. Saying this she wipe her tears looking at him disbelievingly and left from there leaving him feeling helpless and hurt seeing her not trusting him. He can't Believe, his anika ,who always believed on him. whether if he done something bad. But this time She distrusting him and Accusing him on his baseless words , which he spilled out yesterday from his mouth in anger .

You disappointed us shivaay. You really did. Malika and om look at him with Shame and left from there leaving him alone there. He growl and hit the wall with his leg in anger.

At night

After Spending good time with rayaansh ,anika comes back from the hospital and directly went to her room. as her dad wasn't at home. so she prefer to go into her room and rest. instead sitting in hall. She turn on the light and turn to go towards her cupboard but she stumble back gasping , when she saw shivaay is sitting on her bed looking at her With moist eyes.

An. What you doing here. How the hell did you enter. She shout looking at him being annoyed with his presence.

I've came from window.and I need to talk to you. He spoke politely moving towards her.

An. But I don't wanna talk to you. She rolls her eyes and try to go , but he catch her wrist and pulled her back towards him gripping hee waist.

Sh. You have to listen to me. You can't just Judge me on my baseless words ,which I spilled out of anger. I didn't do anything Nick. Believe me. I agreed I don't like rayaansh the way , he wonder around you. But that's doesn't mean , I will try to take his life. I swear I didn't do it. He pleads looking straight in her eyes making her sigh.

An. Fine I trust you. Now leave. She try to come out from his hold , but he didn't let her and pulled her back making her exhale the breath

An. What do you want shivaay. Why are you doing this. Oneside you hates me. And another side you behave so insecure and get angry on little thing, if I spend time with someone else. Aren't you the one , who told me to stay away from you. You itself said you don't wanna see my face. Moreover you wanna be with tia , your love of life. You were dying to be with her. Then what's wrong now. Why are you not enjoying your moments with her , instead wasting on me who's nothing, but your driver's daughter. Look shivaay I agreed you think that, you ave all right over me and without your will, I can't do anything. But I'm human being. I've my wishes as well. You can't control me all the time. So let me be. And be yourself as well. Just go and cherish your life with tia. Go and propose her make her officially your girlfriend. Because of your this behaviour, might you lose her as well. Which I guess you really can't afford. Don't you. As you love her and admire hee more than anything. so why not spending time with her instead coming behind me all the time

Sh. But you are my friend and ( his voice crack.)

An. We are not shivaay. We can never be. Try to understand. You itself said that , we are not friends. Then why now you are saying like this. I've understood, me and you both can never be friends because of differences between us. So I guess you should as well. Don't hurt tia and yourself. Just go to her. Right now you should be with her instead me. Saying this she remove his grip from her waist and move back

An. Leave shivaay. Saying this she went in the washroom leaving him having tears in his eyes. He don't know , but he don't wanna be with tia. All the time, he feels like he needs anika With him . Thats why he wonder around her, and wanna ge with her all the time.

Sh. You are my friend and was friend and will be always. No matter what happens. He wipe his tears harshly and left from there. Anika who was standing inside the washroom leaning with the door , she set there and let her tears comes out like river. She knows , he is hurt with her words. But she don't want him to be be with her anymore. As much as he will be. It will be hurt her more .. so better if she stay away from him as much as she could and fulfil her dad's dream , which she promised to him to do.

In morning

What ??? You can't Cut your name on last minute anika. This is wrong. Dance teacher spoke looking at her shockingly , when she asked her that she can't participate in the dance.

An. I can't miss I'm sorry. I know I'm disappointing you. But I don't have any other choice. My partner has been injured and he can't walk. So I can't do it try to understand.

M. But i can arrange someone else for you. Don't do this anika please , it's matter of our school reputation.

An. But miss no one know the steps of the dances and

I know ... anika closed her eyes after hearing his voice as she knows to whom it belongs. She exhale the breath and look behind finding shivaay is standing having his hands in his pocket.

That's great then I'll put your name along With anika. Dance teacher smile happily and put shivaay name before anika stop her and ask her for something

But I guess when her real partner can walk.. then what's the need of him. Ryaansh spoke from behind having smile on his face ,making anika and shivaay shocked With his sudden arrival.

Ryaansh !! anika whispered and went towards him with heavy steps.

What you doing here ??, you are not well ray. She says holding his hand in her palm looking at him concernedly which didn't go well with shivaay ...

R. I'm fine anika. Just have little scratches on my leg .. whicn I guess won't pay hurdle while dancing. So don't worry. He says caressing her face with his fingers.

An. But Ryaansh you need rest and ...

R. I'm fine. Just chill Anns. See I can dance. He says grooving one step infront of her.

So who's in.??? Teacher says looking at shivaay and Ryaansh.

An. I guess rayaansh. Anika says looking at shivaay who bob his head While sneering and left from there controlling the volcano which is erupting inside him

Precap ........... dance performance

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