Chapter 12

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Today is the competition day,many schools have been participated it. and all have been gathered in  Shivika's  college. As apparently it was big in whole city . Whole school is busy in arranging stuff. But among all of them, shivaay is least interested in it. He really didn't want to come. But his friends forced him to be there so he landed here without his will. Apparently he is sitting in the hall where dance performances going to held. Slowly all people started gathering there along with their friends or partners. But shivaay is sitting alone tucking his eyes on the stage. where he is trying his best to search anika. but she is no where to be seen. which is making him restless and unable to control his emotions.

Baby what you doing here ??? I was searching you everywhere. Tia comes and took seat besides him resting her hand on his shoulder.

Sh. I directly came here. He passed her forced smile and again tuck his eyes on the stage.

T. You did really bad to cut our name from the competition. I really wanted to dance. She pout making sad face while leaning on his arm.

Sh. I didn't have mood to do tia. But next time we will participate. He smiles.

T. Yh right next time .... For your kind information, this is our last year. In few days we have exams and then  farewell. She twist her mouth folding her arms while leaning on the chair.

Sh. Oh yh I forgot.

T. Yh forgot anyways now keep quite function is going to start hearing her,  he immediately straighten up and tuck his eyes on the stage

Good after noon every one. I'm your professor saad well Other school students are here as well. But you can call me your professor as well. I'm glad you all have gathered here to cheer up your own teams. I hope it will be fun To watch all teams  performances. So let's begin the function and enjoy the evening. All hoots and clap in loud voice being excited.

So first team is coming from Janna college. So let's cheer them up and enjoy their performance. He clap along with students and teachers and soon dance performances start. Shivaay huffs and lean on the chair closing his eyes.

T. Baby what happened ??she nudged him seeing  him closing his eyes

Sh. Wake me up when our college performance come. Hearing him she grit her teeth and felt like to bang his head somwhere. as she knows why he is saying it. After all, he wanna see anika's dance. But what if anika didnd didn't Then . What if she done something that anika fell during performance. With this she will able to teach her lesson and will insult her as well infront of hundreds of people. Thinking about this she smirk and got the pins out from her bag which she had for her clothes and everything.

You are gone anika. She whispered and left from there before someone notice her.

On the other side

After almost five  performances professor came back on the stage and announced about anika and rayaansh. As shivaay heard her name, he rub his eyes and straighten up. He clap along with other people and started waiting for her impatiently. Soon his wait came to over ,when she came infront of him looking all beautiful in yellow off shoulder dress having her hair tied in lower pony. The minimum makeup and cute innocent expression made his heart swell in admiration.  he is feeling like to keep watching this fairy in yellow. who is looking so ethereal and adorable on the same time. He so wanna go and grab her In his arms hiding her in his embrace from others eyes.  but he can't do it. He don't do at all. As he doesn't have any right on her. That's why she chose rayaansh over him. If she wanted then  she could had say  ,she wanna be with him. but no !! she said she wanna dance with rayaansh and now standing holding his hand, which made him hell angry seeing them together

On the other side after wondering around her eyes for a minute ,finally her eyes caught him sitting between loads of people looking at her impatiently. The way his blue eyes are resting on her without blinking, it made her nervous and anxious on the same time. She try to divert her gaze away.  but yet again it met with his cyan ocean eyes.

Let's go anns , as lights turn dim she's being pulled by Ryaansh in his hold and they started performing their dance. Shivaay who was continuously looking at her ,soon his brain divert and he started imagining her With himself. He wish it was him. who would hold her like that and dance with her on song rhythm. He can feel her fragrance of her hair and Body from far away. He can imagine,  how she would fit in her arms when he will hold her by her waist and twirl her around.

Shivaay anika is so good. Doesn't she. Hearing om's remark he come out from his lala land and lean on the chair clearing his throat.

Sh. Err yh yh he smiles and started burning in jealousy seeing her in Reyaansh's arms. Tears made their way from his eyes ,which soon got wiped by him ,before anyone notices it. On the other side

Tia stood behind the curtains holding the pins in her hands. She is just waiting for anika to come little near her side.. so that she could pierced these pins in her feet. And maybe her wish came into command and anika came that side grooving her move. As she came ,tia threw pins in her feet and they directly went into her skin making her cry in pain. Seeing her expression all got shocked and gasp along with shivaay  who just jump on his place running towards her side to catch her ,as he saw her wobbling towards  edge of the stage. All people scream her name when they saw he4 going to fell on the floor from The stage ,which was enough high from the actual floor. Anika about to touch the hard surface,  when shivaay caught her on meantime breathing heavily because of his fast speed.

Nick Nick are you alright. Nick. Hearing his voice she didn't think anything snd just hugged him bursting into tears out of fear . Shivaay immediately kept his hand on her hair and soothe her having pale face thinking about the losing her during this. . Just imagine,  if he won't had reached on the time then??. These thoughts only created havoc inside him and he hugged her tightly like he gonna lose her ..

It's ok it's ok it's fine. Shshsh calm down. I'm here I'm here. Anika nods no and crying like a child winching in pain. Seeing her with shivaay ,tia hissed like a snake having red eyes. Her own plan back fired her. She thoughts she will enjoying seeing anika breaking her bones felling from the stage. But here ,things happened out of the box. She fell directly in Shivaay's arms and now hugging him crying like anything.

T. You are bitch anika ,a real bitch. She Huffs and went outside carrying her fake innocent face.

Anns Anns are you alright. Anns look at me. Ryaansh try to make her face him But she is too scared and just crying nonstop hugging shivaay.

M. Her feet shivaay . What happened to them. Shivaay look at her feet and baffled seeing them bleeding and pins are stuck in them.

Sh. Shit she needs doctor. We need to leave. Before anyone nods and say yes in approval ,he run towards outside along with his friends having her in his arms who is crying in pain.  

You are here with me. Everything will be fine. Just relax Nick. We are Reaching nursing room. Just calm down.  He  try to calm her down kissing her hair  many time trying his best to console her. But  her feet pain is increasing second by second and she is crying like child. 

Nurse nurse he barge inside the room making    Nurse alert. 

Oh god anika bache your feet, how did you get all these. Nurse panic as her eyes fell on her feet. 

Sh. She was dancing on the stage and  I guess there's some pin ,which pierced in her feet. His eyes tear up while telling her all that.

N. Ok ok relax and put her on the bed.  Shivay  so wanna keep holding her.  but unwillingly he nods and kept her on the bed.  

N. Let me see she kept her foot on the little stool and started examining here.

Aaaa anika thrust her face in Shivaay's chest  when she try to touch her wound.

Sh. Slowly please he says hugging anika in his hold ...

N. Don't worry I'll do slowly.  Ryaansh can you please pass me that tray.  Ryaansh nods and immediately passed her.  Nurse took it and  with help of equipments ,she started taking the pins out. which made her  tighten her grip around shivaay and cry in pain. 

Sh. It's ok it's ok. Few left just few. He whispered kissing her head caressing hee hair. After almost fifteen mintuess she able to clear her feet  from pins and then started tending it.

N. I guess for few days it will be hard for her to walk. They were little deep.  So make sure she takes rest

Sh. Don't worry  nurse , she will take rest. He says    Massaging her  jaw softly , while having her  head on his stomach. 

N.  Yh I'll write some creams and medicines please get it for her. She  scribble on the paper and passed  towards Ryaansh. but shivaay took it in his hand. 

Sh. I'll take care of it.   Let's go Nick.  He put the paper in his  pocket  and pick her up in his arms

Sh. I'm leaving with her. But  get the all information how come pins landed on the stage.  Didn't they clean the floor properly.   As you get to know ,who did this stunt. Get me his name. I will definitely sue  him.  He says to om who nods instantly seeing his red eyes which can scare anyone right now.

Don't worry I'll find out.   He says getting his phone out going towards outside.

R. Shall I come with her.

Sh. No stay here and complete your so called dance performance. He glared him and stormed away from there along with anika. who is silently Lean on his chest having her eyes closed.  Tia who saw them going together,  she grit her teeth and stomp on the floor being angry .

T. Why you always come in  between shivaay. Why always whyyyy ????she screams fisting her hands tight not able to understand ,how to just part these two away. Whenever she does something ,they come more closer and  she  leaves behind seeing their closeness  like a silent spectator.  

On the other side

After buying medicines shivaay comes back in the car and found her  leaning on the   Window closing her eyes.

Nick here have this. He little Nudge her waking her up.

Sh. Here have this water.  he open the lid and make her drink with his own hands and then wipe her mouth with his sleeves. 

You ok?? He ask caressing her fsce With his thumb. 

An. Yh I'm.  She says tucking her hair back.   Seeing her  shivering in cold. He immediately removed his jacket and  put on her shoulder.

Sh.wear It. He says fixing on her.

An. No it's fine. I'm ok.

Sh. No you are not. You are shivering in cold.  Just settle your feet properly on the seat and then wear it.  

An. But ....

Sh. Tch let me do it. he  move closer to her and started making  her wear it. but during this ,when his eyes landed on her lips, that he didn't understand. The way they are formed in pout ,it made his heart swell up  in desire. He is feeling like to grab them and kiss them  tenderly for long hours. Anika who noticed his gaze at her lips she gulp and bend her head down.

An. I wanna go home.  Hearing her  voice ,he clear his  throat and nods running fingers in his hair.

Sh. Yh sure  he unwillingly moved away  and started the ignition and drove away from there along with her.

At her  house

He comes in with the help of the key ,which she had in her bag and directly went towards her room carrying her in his arms.  He put her on the bed and then fix the pillow under her soft feet, which apparently injured now.

An. It's it's fine. Don't  worry she whispered feeling his hands moving on her feet. 

Sh. Yh I can see that , he  huffs shaking his head

An. What's wrong, why are you angry ??

Sh.  Why I can't be angry Nick.  How can you be careless Didn't you see before Stepping on it.  At least you should had been Little careful. Now look what happened. You injured  your feet.  I don't know, what got into you and you  participated  in that stupid dance competition with that idiot Ryaansh . Neither you would had do it ,nor  you would had gotten hurt.

An. I didn't see them I swear. Moreover they had cleaned it before the function start. So I don't know how come rhey came there.  And about  competition then I wanted to do it.   There's nothing about Ryaansh.   I don't know  you hate him so much.  He is my best  friend and I don't think so he done anything bad to you... 

Hearing best  friend from her mouth he grit His teeth and  move towards her swiftly  making her gasp.

Sh. I'm your best friend. Did you understand and after me ,no one is your best friend. So don't  you dare to call him as your friend. He is nothing to you.  Nothing means nothing.    He says gripping her nape in his hand softly looking straight  in her eyes. 

Shivaay she whispered his name seeing his closeness.  

Sh.  Yes shivaay ki jaan. He smiles caressing her face with his palm after hearing his sweet name from her mouth.  

What you doing she baffled after hearing his  sentence. Shivay so wanna be near her ,but he step away gazing at her. 

I'm going to make something Healthy for you. till  then take rest. Saying this he walked out from there leaving her  traumatised With his sudden change of behaviour. She don't know ,but she feels scared now. The way he is behaving. It's not good for her.  Now seeing his behaviour, she started doubting that, he is the one ,who might  planned to throw pins on the floor.. so that her performance should stop and she shouldn't dance with rayaansh.  Thinking about this she widen her eyes and  went in shock.  

After sometime

Seeing his friends in her house shivaay  closed his eyes feeling to bang their heads for disturbing them. He thought might ,he would get time to spend with her. But here they landed here and now surely they won't leave  her alone and will stick with her all the time. 

Baby tia comes running towards him and hugged him keeping her head on his chest. But he is least bother about hugging her and  move away. 

Did you get to know who done   That.  He asked having serious face scaring tia shit out of her who started rubbing her Forehead in tension.

Om.  Not yet. I've  checked cctv and everything,  but I couldn't get the clue except a hand  behind the curtain throwing the pins towards anika's feet.   Hearing him tia immediately hide her hands looking here and there in tension

Sh. I want you to search about  it as soon as possible. I will definitely sue the person who done it. He   Spoke in his thick voice gritting his teeth.

Ok anyways where's anika. Malika says  looking around

Sh. She is in her room. Come let's go.  He showed the way of hee room and went towards it.

Nick I .... he about to say more but he stopped seeing Ryaansh sitting besides her while having her in his arms.

Pracap .... Anika get to know tia have done all that but tia says it's shivaay who asked her to do

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