Chapter 13

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Shivaay comes in room with his friend but stopped in entrance ,when he  found her hugging rayaansh.   Seeing them together his hand turned into fist while his eyes turned red in rage.  He is feeling like to pull this Rayansh away and just tear him apart into pieces for touching his anika.   But on the same time , he is feeling angry on anika as well... who gave him permission for touching her.  When he try to touch her ,then she behaves so rude with him and push him like, he is some  disease or something. But for rayaansh she is different and always treat him so good, which burns his heart seeing  her  hypocrisy towards him.

Anns are you alright.  You look so pale.  He says caressing her face with his hand looking at her lovingly.

I'm fine. It's  just little pain in my feet nothing more. She whispered passing him tight smile. 

But you are making her uncomfortable.    Just let her sit Properly. Shivaay held his elbow and made him stand up glaring him. 

R. What's wrong with you shivaay. Why are you being so rude to me ... he says snatching his arm away from his hold.

Sh.  Oh really you felt that.  that's good.  Now stay away from anika and me.  He warns him pointing finger at him.

R. Youuu

An. Guys stop it.  Stop fighting like kid. And shivaay. He is my friend as well. He came to see me. So  don't be rude with him. She warns shivay while glaring him

Sh. Why you always shout at me. Why don't you say anything to him. He says pointing at Ryaansh  while glaring him.

An. Because you are wrong.  You are the one who is creating scene here not anyone esle. And about Ayaan then he is my friend snd he will stay here.

Sh. Then I guess I shouldn't be here. Don't I. He sneers. But seeing her blank face he shakes his head and chuckle.

Sh. Fine I'll leave. Stay with your friend. I don't give shit shout it. Saying this he passed the tray fo malika and stormed away from there in anger following with tia ,who is feeling happy seeing them fighting.

Om. What's wrong with him why he is behaving like that.

An. He is gone mad. Nothing more. Don't worry about him. He will be fine soon. Shivaay who heard all this from window , he Felt hurt seeing her not caring about him. He was her friend. At least she should be little nice to him. But no , she just hate him to the core despite his loads of care towards her.

In oberoi mansion

Shivaya comes in his room and kicked the chair making it break in pieces.

Baby what you doing. Why you seems so angry. Tia comes running towards him and hold his arms in her hold.

Sh. Didn't you see how she was behaving With me. I was her best friend before that rayaansh ... but she was taking all side of that loser. I can't believe ,she can be change like that. She used to care about me a lot. But now she behaves like I'm her enemy or something.

T. She was same like this before baby. It's just, she didn't show it. But now her true colour is getting clear infront of all of us. She have understood that ,she doesn't have any chance with you ,as I'm your girlfriend now and you love me. That's why she is doing all this. She says cupping his face in her palms.

Sh. What are you talking about tia. He says removing her hands from his face

T. That's the truth baby. Moreover , why are you worried about her. And wny do you care , if she is behaving like that. You got me , who loves you so much snd wanna be with you always. You don't need any anika in your life when I'm here. Hmm she smiles and move towards his lips to take them in kiss .. but he moved back turning his back on her making her hell angry seeing him stepping away from the kiss.

Sh. Leave me alone tia. I don't want anyone here right now.

T. Bht baby.

Sh. I said leave tia. Didn't you hear. Hearing his load voice ,she grit her teeth and stormed away from there seeing him yelling at her because of that middle class anika who is nothing but ugly bitch.

On the other side

After sitting with her for hours, her friends bid bye to her and left from there not before asking her to take rest. After their going anika about to lay down when she stopped seeing tia standing in the door folding her arms.

You must be so happy after getting attention of everyone specially Shivaay's , don't you. She says while looking at her with pure hate.

An. So you mean to say that I've done deliberately.

T. Oh wow so you are confessing that , you done it deliberately. Just because you wanted to gain Shivaay's care towards you. And I guess you got succeeded as well in that. Didn't  you. She says shaking her head in disbelief

An. I didn't do it deliberately stop blaming me for unnecessary things. It was his accident.

T. It wasn't accident ok. I know what you are trying to do. But remember one thing. Shivays belongs to me. I'm his girlfriend. So stay away from him. Did you understand. Otherwise I'll do that ,which you didn't even imagine. She says pointing finger at her having blood shot eyes. Seeing her hand anika's mind quickly worked and she widen her wuss remembering ,it's same hand ,which was shown in cctv footage ,which om showed her while ago

You done they didn't you. She chocked looking at her shockingly n

T. What... what do you mean she stammers

An. You threw pins in my feet tia. Yes or not.

T. No I didn't stop blaming me and change the topic. She try to over power her. But seems like it's not working at all.

An. I'm not over powering you. Ok. These are same hands , which I've seen in the video. So stop trying to deny it. I've got to know , you are the one who done it. Why tia?? Why you have done it. Why you hate me so much that, you started harming me. She says shaking her head in disbelief

T. Fine I did it. But I did it for shivaay baby. He is the one who asked me to do it. Just because, he didn't want you to dance with that rayaansh. She threw all the blame on shivaay cleanly folding her arms.

An. Whattttt ?? she widen her eyes in baffled state.

T. Yes I love him and I can do anything for him. So when he asked me to do that, then without thinking anything, I got agreed and threw the pins towards you.

An. He .... he can't do that. She stammers having tears in her ways

T. He have done it. So better stay away from him. He doesn't think good for you. All he wants his own happiness. He doesn't care about others ,specially you.. that's why he chose to punish you for treating him bad and not choosing him over Ryaanash.  And you know all these cares , which he showed you today. It was all fake ... so that you don't doubt at him and think he is nicest person ever you met In  your life.  But in reality he hates you and don't wanna see you successful. That's why he asked me to do all that. Otherwise I don't think so I've any enmity with you .. which will lead me to do all that.   Hearing her anika's eyes filled with  tears and she started sobbing not able to believe shivaay , whom she loved, she cherished he could do all this. But he actually have done it. He asked his girlfriend to throw pin in her feet..   so that she get harm and stop her dance. How can he suddenly got changed. How can he just harm her , whom he used to consider ad his best friends. But maybe it was always by her side. Other than that , for him ,she was nothing but his driver daughter.

T. Anyways take rest. I'm going.  Getting late for home. She waved her hand having smirk and left from there leaving anika all sad not able to disguise the  fact that she loved that person, who never even respected her and now  for satisfying his ego ,he done all this and didn't even care , she could had die ,if she would had fell on the floor.  But in all this, If he wanted to get her hurt. then why did he save her. Why did he was getting worried   And restless.  when he wasn't able to think anything that time. These thoughts makes her mad and she cry sitting  on the bed all alone. Right now she needed her father the most. but he is at work and she is sitting here crying all alone feeling miserable and hurt.

After sometime

When shivaay  couldn't sleep after attempting for many times , he got up and decided to check on anika. As if he didn't then, whole night will go in thinking about her. So it's better if he see her and then go for sleep.

In anika's house

She is silently crying still sitting on her bed  fidgeting with  her fingers when shivaay entered there from the window which was open. 

You alright , he comes and set besides her taking her palm in his hand. but soon he got panic when he saw tears in her eyes.  Seeing him there she gasp and immediately take her hand back from his hold. 

An. What you doing here ??? Why are you here shivaay. 

Sh. I just came to see you and ....

An. Yh came to see me , that how I'm coping up with the injury which caused because of you. 

Sh. Whatttt ?? what are you talking about. He frowns not able to understand what's she blubbering. were my best friend shivaay. I always done that which you asked for .  Wishes  came out from your  later . I fulfilled them first.  I thought you would never done anything to hurt me. But I was wrong. I was bloody wrong. You were with me to use me , whether in exams or for winning your girlfriend.   But being naive I didn't understand and kept coming in your words.  (She sniffs )But now understanding ,it was all fake. You never liked me or considered me as your friend. I was always your driver's daughter.   She sobs looking at him being beyond hurt.

Sh.  It's nothing like that Nick you are thinking wrong.  Why are you thinking so much negative about me.

An. Because you are negative shivaay. You are evil. You just want yourself happy. You are self obsessed.  You think that if you can't be happy ,then another person as well shouldn't be. That's why since we broke up well we never dated. It was all drama. But still since that day you are treating me like shit and hurting me. And now you crossed your limits. You bloody sent your girlfriend to throw pins in my feet that I could get hurt and I couldn't perform with Rayansh. How can you shivaay !!how can you stoop so low. Just because I chose rayaansh over you, you done all that. How can you. She cry bitterly having hiccups seeing his hypocrisy.

Sh. Whatttt ???are you mad what are you blabbering Nick. Why would I do that.  I didn't do it.  I swear. Stop blaming me for that which I didn't do.  If I wanted to harm you then, I would never come to save you on first place.   I would had enjoyed seeing your felling down.

An. You came to save me because you didn't want me to Doubt at  you. You wanted to come in my good books. She sobs

Sh. Oh common girl.  I don't need to do all that.   You know that, how straight forward I'm.  If I wanna say something to someone. then I do infront of them. I don't just back stab people

An. Oh really then why did you send tia for throwing pin in feet. Why did you planned  all that shit, just because I chose Ryaansh over you

Sh. Whatttt ???

An. Tia have convinced infront me. She said you are the one , who sent her to go back stage and throw pins.  That's why she done all that

Sh.  No she didn't, she didn't do that.

An. Oh yh right she can't do it because she is your girlfriend.  I'm the one who is lair.  Isn't.  She sneers  while sniffling. 

Sh.   But why would she do it.and why would I ask her to do.  Horn Does it make any sense

An. Fine then look at the video.   It's her hands ..which are showing in there. She is the one who is throwing pins in my feet.    She pulled out her phone and kept it infront of him while crying. 

Shivaay first look at her and then look at the video kneely and indeed it belongs to tia.that's mean she is the one who tried to harm anika ... as he able to disguise it anger filled in him and his hands curled into fist feeling like to kill tia , if she would had been here. Just having thoughts of losing anika In that incident sent chill through his spine and his eyes turned red in rage.

An. Leave me alone shivaay. I really don't wanna see your face. I can't believe you can do such things to satisfy your ego. Anyways I guess my Thinking about your were wrong. If I would had understood earlier then today I won't had been crying sitting here seeing your such ruthless towards me. I would had been happy in my life. But I was possessed to proven myself a good friend towards you without knowing you don't even consider me as your friend. She snort while sniffling looking at him With puffy wet eyes

Sh. I didn't do this. I swear. I agreed it's tia who have done it. But I didn't do it. Just believe me. She lied to you. She is trying to bring rift between us. Try to understand Nick.

An. Yh right then I guess she is insecure seeing you coming behind me all the time. If you won't had do this then today she didn't had to do it.

Sh. What do you mean by insecurities. What are you talking about.

An. She thinks thad I'm trapping you. Because of me you don't give her importance. And she warned me many times for that. So it's better before she takes big step , just make yourself official with her and leave me alone. I'm tired seeing people hating me and hurting me without my fault. I don't care if you planned that incident or she. Just go and stay with her. Don't drag me in between always. She says taking her hands back from his hold making his eyes wet as well seeing her asking him to leave her.

Sh. You are my friend. And If I comes behind you , then she shouldn't be insecure. She should understand that I can't stay away from you. You are part of my life. He says taking her face in his palms wiping her tears .. but she jerk then away glaring him.

An. I'm not your part of life shivaay. Stop trying to butter me like that. Moreover , you are the one who wanted only tia in your life. She is your love at first sight. Then why are you doing this to her. Just go and enjoy your life the way you wanted. Stop running behind me and behave like you own me. I'm not your property shivaay. Let me be alone. I'm tired seeing your tantrums and baseless anger. I can't do this anymore. Just leave me. She shout  while glaring him.

Sh. I can't , try to understand I can't. He sobs trying to plead infront of her .. but seems like nothing is working on her and she is stubborn on her decision.

An. But I can. I don't want someone hating me unnecessarily. Your girlfriend is targeting me because of your odd behaviour towards her. She thinks, I'm coming between you. So go and clear things between you people. I don't want you to lose her because of your one silly mistake.. after all she is your love of your life. She says sarcastically while sneering.

Sh. I will talk to her. I will make her understand. But don't say that I should stay away from you. You know that my whole day goes bad , if I don't talk to you. Pleas Nick please.

An. I don't care. Did you understand. I don't care how your days goes or night. Right now I don't want anyone comes and try to hurt me like that. Neither you or your girlfriend. Hmm now go from here. I wanna be alone for sometime she says in her harsh tone  pushing his away.

Sh. But try to understand I ..

An. Fine I'll go. No worries you stay here after all it's your property. I'm just living here being your servant. Saying this she remove his grip from her hands and try to get up , but her feet didn't let her and she fell on him

Sh. What you doing have you gone mad. Stop hurting yourself like that. Just sit here sit. He says holding her protectively

Let me go. Just leave me. She wiggle in his arms to come out but he didn't let her and held her firmly.

Sh. Why you are doing this. Stop pushing me away. His voice crack  looking at her ur ur plead. 

An. You done it first. And now if I'm doing , then you shouldn't have problem with that. Moreover that person who can go that extend to hurt me. I guess he shouldn't show me his fake concern. Now leave me. Let me go. She forcefully comes out and try to stand up but her feet wobble and she fell on the floor making him scream her name

Nickkk .....

Precap ........ shivaay decided to make him and tia official

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