Chapter 16

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Anika can't believe what she heard a minute ago. Her heart just stopped beating getting such a dreadful news all of sudden. Already she was battling with her feelings seeing him  with tia , but still she had hope that it was just childish  thing and soon he will realise it and will end   His relationship with her. But seems like nothing happening sort of like that and she lost him forever.   Her eyes formed cloudy seeing all this and  divert her gaze from Shivaay's face. On the other side shivaya is shock as much ad anika is.right now he was just processing his feelings. He was trying to understand that to whom he wants in his life. But  here as he made this tia girlfriend , his and her parents are planing to  make them marry.   No it can't happen. He can't let this thing go on so quickly. He has  to stop, he has to do something before he becomes sacrifice goat.  

Anika can you get the tray near by you.  Jhanvi announced making her flinch. She blinks her eyes and look at her side finding tray laying there having rings in them. She first look shivaay who is already looking at her And then jhanvi.

An. Errr yh ... yh she pass her tight smile and  took tray in her hands moving towards them.

An. Here's the ring!! She stood infront of shivaay , who's  eyes are moist as well while gazing t her.  

T. Thank you anika. She thanked her and took the ring and slid in shivaay's finger , before he process it.

T. Baby your turn now. Bht she got confused , when he is standing stiff looking at anika. She grit her teeth and nudge him bringing him back on the earth.

T. Baby ring she pick up and passed to him.  He open his mouth to say something but she didn't let her and forced him to make her wear the ring.  

Ok I guess it's done now.  Her dream stayed a dream only. She never been meant to be his.  It was all facade which she was imagining as truth.  Her heart says looking at their intertwined hands.

An. Congratulations, im happy for you both.   She pass them smile and left firm there before anyone stops her or says her something.

T. Baby im so happy. So happy ... she jump  and hugged him tightly resting her  chin on his shoulder. but he least bother to reciprocate it and stood there numb. He look at tia and then her parents , who are seems so happy with all this and left from there  leaving them confused.

Mr k.  What happened to him. He sneers.

T. Errr maybe he became shy. I'm going to check on him.  She pass smile to her dad and immediately left from there behind him

On the other side

Anika set on the bed  resting her both hands on the mattress and closed her eyes letting her tears fall down freely.

Why is she cry.  Didn't she want this only. She always pushed him away whenever he came to her.  She tried her best to keep him away. So when he is officially becomes someone esle. then why she is crying over it. She shouldn't do it. Infect she should be happy that now  people won't Insult her randomly. and she won't face  humiliation. He wasn't meant to be hers and she knew that from start. Their status was different.  Their way of thinking was different. He never gave her single hint that he is into her. Then why  Is she crying for that person ,who never loved her and always treated her so bad. She shouldn't do that. She should just  concentrates on her studies instead crying on these baseless things which don't meant at all. From now on he is nothing but her father's boss son.  Neither  she will keep him as her friend or love of her life.   But big question is WILL SHE????  These things broke her apart and she cry bitterly sitting alone there.

After sometime

She is in hall  sitting on the sofa lost in her own thoughts , when she heard knock on her door.  She thought it must be her dad so without thinking anything she went and open the door.

You here she frowns finding tia standing infront of her having  big smile. 

Annie she comes in and hugged her tightly making her stumble back

T.  You  are so nice anika. Because of you today me and shivaay are together. I can't tell you how much happy I'm. I'm just flying all around the sky.  My feet or not able to touch the ground.  She giggle happily squeezing her in her making her smile.

An. You guys meant to be together.  Don't need to be thank me. She says breaking the hug stepping back.

T. But still if you won't had been there. then it's not possible. Thanks anika. Thank you so much. And you know what you deserve  something for that.  Even shivaay baby was saying it. 

An. Shivaay she whispered frowning

T. Yea she  nods her head and kept bunch of bundles on her hand making her shock

An.. what ?? What's this.  ??

T. Tippp  she announced making anika widen her eyes.

An. Tip ???

T. Yes shivaay baby said you done so much for us. So atleast you deserve it. It's your payment of your hard work  and dedication for making us one. He said whatever you done. it needed appreciation. So here it is. You can buy anything with this. Good clothes ,shoes and bags.   I know it's less. but if you needed more than that then let us know. We will provide you more money. Hmm. Anyways good night I should leave now. She pat her shoulder and left from there leaving anika baffled with all this. She squeezed the money and growl feeling hell angry on shivay for this. What does he think himself ha. How can he treat her so shit. Does he think she done all this for money. How can he. How could he just assume like this snd sent his stupid girlfriend to give money to her. She is not some charity box ,which he use to put his coins in there so that he could use it later ... he disappointed her.  He really did.  He is just stepping low and low in her eyes. She can't believe ,he is  same shivaay whom she considered a good person. Bht in actual he is most evil and  egoist person he is.

Shivaay  she hissed his name and stormed towards Shivaay's house fuming in anger.

In Shivaay's room

He is sitting on the bed resting his fist on his mouth when he felt her presence behind him.  He immediately turns and found her standing in the door looking at him with teary eyes.

Nick I .... he about to say explain about his engagement and the situation. But she didn't let him complete the word and smack money on his face making him baffled.

An.  Here is your bloody Tip and go snd give  to some poor people. At least they will able to have two times food in a day. I don't need your these bunch of papers mr oberoi.  What do you think of yourself ha . Are you a god or  own me. that whenever you feel like , you treat me like this. I'd bloody helped you ,thinking being friend of your it's my duty to show you right path to walk. But I didn't think that you will assume my favour towards you as a job. Now I've clearly understood what I meant to you.  I  was always been your servant. You thought  , your father  pays my dad. then you can use me as well. After all I'm your servant as well. Bht im not mr oberoi. I'm not your servant or Slave , whom you are tipping on her service.

Sh. What the hell are you blubbering Nick.  What I've done. And this money , what tip are you talking about.

An. Oh so  now you playing innocent  ha.  Wow great. I'd already assumed it.  you will do and here you go you have done it.  (She says clapping sarcastically. ) I never seen such a clever and liar in my life. who  first does mistakes  and then behave so innocent like he didn't do it.  Bravo you impressed mr oberoi you impressed me. 

Sh. Shut up ok. I didn't do anything. I don't even know what are you  blaming me for.I thought, you came here because you are sad about my engagement. But I guess that didn't even bother you. That's why you are standing here blaming for those things , Which I don't have clue about. I I thought we have something between us. The way I feel restless seeing you in pain you do same. But I guess it was all wrong. You don't give shit about it. And standing here yelling at me like that. You disappointed me anika. You really did .....

An. I did ,are you did shivaay. I can't believe you are still blaming me for everything. When you are the soul reason for every problem.  I'd told you.  ... I had told you that don't play with my feelings I'm done with your games. But you didn't give shit about it. and still done it not only once but  twice.  If you don't like me. and for you I'm nothing and servant. then why you always come running to  me.  Didn't I ask you to not come near me when you hate me so much. But I don't know what you want and all the time hurting me and on the same time coming behind me as well.  I'm done  with you shivay. I'm freaking done with your games. Just stop it.   Stop it ok.   She wipes her tears and try  to leave but he  held her elbow and pulled her back making her face him.

Sh. You can't blame me for that which I didn't do it.  

An. You have done enough shivaay. It's not only one thing. Don't try to justify yourself. Last time as well I had trusted you thinking , might tia lied to bring rift between us. But this time I know you have sent this money to me to show me , what place I've in your life.  But you know what it's not  your  mistake either. It's mine. who trust on you always and hurt myself. But not this time. I won't let you hurt me anymore.and this money which you gave me as tip. Give to your girlfriend. I guess it will help her to buy more make up for herself.  Saying this she pushed him and left from there  leaving him helpless and frustrated on the same time seeing her slipping out of his hands. He thought might , she will be sad for his engagement and will ask him to not do it. but  instead that   She just left insulted him for that mistake , which he didn't even do it.   But suddenly his mind click , when his eyes fell on the money which is scattered all around the floor and remember about her mentioning about  tia. who gave her and said it's him who done it. As these words he  recollected, he grit his teeth and stormed away from there in anger cursing tia. who seems culprit between all this to bring rift between them.    

You are gone tia. You are seriously gone.  He flick his hair and drove away from there fuming in anger.

In tia's place

She is humming song combing her hair when she heard Shivaay's voice from outside.  Smile erupted on her face and she immediately left her room to see him.


Shivaay beta are you fine. Mr kapoor says seeing him standing in his house at this time.

Sh. Where's tia ?? I wanna meet her.  He says  controlling his anger fisting his hand.

T. I'm here baby.   Awww seems like you missed me so much that you came to see me after two hours of our engagement. But instead answering her he went towards upstairs and started dragging her towards her room holding her wrist. Her parents got confused seeing his behaviour. Her dad about to follow them behind but mrs kapoor stopped him nodding no.

On the other side

As they reached in the room   he pushed her in and look at her with red eyes which scared her. but she controlled her fear and passed him smile.

Sh. Why did you go in anika's house and gave money to her saying I asked you to tip her for work.

T. Baby , what happened?? What are you saying.

Sh. Stop being innocent tia and answer me. what did you go there and lied to her. And not only this time but last time as well you lied to her. That time I'd got quite thinking might you done it in childishness. But I didn't know that you will repeat it again just because you wanted to bring rift between us. Why tia why have you done it. Just bloody answer me. He says squeezing her hand making her cry in pain.

T. Aaaaa I I didn't mean to be bad baby. I just wanted to appreciate her for her favour.

Sh. Stop lying tia. As don't forget I know you very well. And I don't think so you like anika enough that ,you would think about her well being. Just spill the truth and tell me why did you do it. He says jerking her away making ger stumble back.

So what if I done it. I don't think so you should have problem with that. She is just your servant and I I just showed her reality ,which needed to check really badly. All the time she bloody wonder around you and not only she but you does same. When you should spend your time with me that time you run to her and leave without caring about my feelings or nothing. Now I have started behaving like she is your girlfriend not me. I don't know what magic she has done to you. that you go behind her all the time. But I won't let her get successful in her plans. I won't let her snatch you from me. If I would be then I can take the life of that slut. Who..... she didn't complete her world that shivaay hold her arms and pulled her towards him making her scared shit out of her seeing his face which turned red in non seconds seeing his expression.

Sh. Shut upppp just shut the fuck upppppp woman otherwise I will pull your tongue out from your mouth for calling my anika with those filthy words.what you said she is coming between us then nooo. she is not coming. She didn't even try. But you are. You are the coming between us. It was my childish behaviour that I started believing my crush towards you as love. But no it was just bloody attraction. Otherwise I never felt for you that which I felt for anika. When I don't see her or she doesn't talk to me then I feel like my whole world have been collapsed. I can't even breath being restless.I feel like I finish each and everything which brought hurdle between us. And you are saying , she is coming between us. No it's not true. It's you miss tia kapoor so don't even dare to humiliate her like that. Did you get that.

T. You can't say this you can't. I know that you love me. You don't love that bitch. She is just your friend that's why you go to her. But you love me I'm sure about. Moreover how can you love that bitch when I'm more prettier than her. Don't do this shivaay don't say this. You wondered around me right. You always said that you like me than why you are changing your mind now. Please please don't say it. Please. She pleads trying to get grip on him but he didn't let her and move back raising his hands up.

Sh. Don't just don't touch me. You done enough. Anika was the only one who was genuine to me all the time. but since you have came ,you spread so much poison between us ,that she don't even likes to talk me. But it's enough now . I can't hurt her anymore. J can't carry on that relationship which makes me away from my anika. I can't I just can't. Saying this he remove the ring and throw on her face making her baffled

Sh. We are done tia. We are done. Saying this he stormed away firm there making tia shell shocked. She nods no and run behind him calling his name. but he didn't bother to look back or hear her parents, who are calling him from behind and left from there.

Shivaay shivaayyyyy tia screams and set on her knees crying bitterly. But for whom she is crying for ,he didn't look back even once and long gone away from there.

T. I will ruin you anika I will ruinnnnn youuuuuu she screams feeling hell hate for anika, who caused foe all this.

On the otherside

Shivaay hurriedly got down from the car aiming to reach to anika as soon as possible and clarify for that mistake which he haven't done, but soon his feet came to halt when he found Servants are surrounded around anika's house along With her parents ,who seems terrified.

Anika as he saw the people ,anika's name escaped from his mouth. He immediately take fast steps and reach near the crowd. As he pushed people aside he widen his eyes when he found

Precap ....... Leap

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