Chapter 17

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He pushed people immediately and merged inside the group forcefully, but next second he stumble back ,when he got sight of anika ,who is sitting on the ground having hiccups.  while her father is laying on the floor dipped in blood lifelessly.

Baba .....(hic)  baba please baba please get up. Please don't leave me baba ....(gulp) I'll die without you. ... I don't have anyone else In this world except you. (Hic) Please baba please open your Eyes . You can't leave your neeka lika this. Please baba please don't be like mumma. Don't leave me. (Sobs )Baba please baba please ...she cry with thick hiccups jolting her father to get up ,but he has no movement in him and laying on the floor having closed eyes.

An. Mein mar jaoo gi Ap ka bina baba. Asa mat Kijiya please don't leave me.please baba Please. .... I'll do everything for you. Whatever you will ask I will do. I will obey you for everything. But don't leave me like that. Don't break your daughter's heart. Already I was sad because of not having mumma. Aur agar Ap chale gai tau Mein kaya karoo gi baba. (Hiccups )Ap ki neeka zinda nhi rah pai gi. Asa chor ka na jaiya na baba. Please I'm bagging you. She cry more and more resting her head on his stomach caressing his face hoping now her father will get up ,and will say, he was joking with her. He didn't leave her like her mother. but nothing sort of happened like that and her nightmare got changed into reality. She always had fear to lose her father. She never wanted him to leave her like that. But today it happened. He actual left her for not coming back. Now with whom she will talk. With whom she will share her things. With whom she will sit and watch their favourite shows. Now there's no one , who will lean his shoulder near her and will let her keep her head on it. Her baba left her alone. He left her sole to fight with this cruel world ,where she has no one ,who would love her truly.

Nickkk shivaay sobs and immediately run towards her.

Nick how this happened. Your baba .... He sobs holding her arms looking at her with teary eyes.

An. Baba ( Hic) baba left me shivaay. Baba didn't fulfil his promise and left me alone. Now what will I do shivaay. How will I survive. I can't live without him. He was my only family. I want my baba back shivaay. Asl him to not do this to me. Just request him to come back. Please shivaay please. She cry more and more holding his collar pleading him to ask her father to get up and talk to her.

Shivaay nods no and pulled her in his arms hugging her tightly.

Sh. Nick I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry. Hearing him she burst into tears and cry loudly making all people eyes teary seeing her condition. They never thought that one day they will see her breaking down like that. But today after her father dismiss ,the way she is crying, it broke their heart and they cry along with her.

I guess we should take body for last rituals. Keeping here is not good. Tej says in low voice rubbing hand on his mouth in tension. As anika registered his words, she immediately come out form Shivaay's hold and hold  her father tightly glaring tej.

You won't take my father like that mr tej Singh oberoi. You have done enough for us. I don't want you to do more. Because of you my father died. You are the main reason of his death. Now I won't let you to go in him. Just stay away from us. Just go awayyyy. Shivaay frown and look at his father, who bent his head down having nil  expression which actually shocked shivaay. As he knows his father , if someone try to raise his voice like anika then ,next second he growl and punish that person ,whether if it's his son. But today the way he bent his head down ,it shook him and he is not able to understand ,what's happening.

T. Anika beta don't make it hard. Let us take him. Please. How will you handle everything alone. Just let us help you. Khana take the body and inform the people about it. Khana nods and pick up the body with help of others ,which anika tried her best to stop it but they took it away giving sympathy look.

Baba don't leave me babaaaa she run behind him to stop , but shivaay held her from back and stopped her for running. Feeling helpless ,she set on the floor along witty shivaay ,who is caressing her hair consoling her and cry along with her feeling hell sad seeing her condition.

Sh. Shshsh everything will be fine. Don't cry Nick please don't do it. He caresses her hair and peck her head consoling her,  but nothing is working on her and she is crying non stop, Keeping her head on his chest.

Annie .. her friends who got to know from somewhere , they come running there and set near her keeping their hands on her.

M. How this happened?? What happened to him. Malika sobs rubbing anika's back , who is still in Shivaay's hold

Sh. I don't know.,, I was out ,but when I came back.. I've found him dead. He informed while sobbing holding anika's closed to his heart, who went in subconscious state crying for hour.

Annie Annie ,,!!om who noticed her he pat her cheek alerting everyone.

Sh. Nick Nick get up Nick.... He shakes her trying to bring her back in conscious ,but she is laying subtle in his arms.

Sh. Let's take her in house. He carry her in his arms and run towards her house looking at her with worry.

Sh. Bring water. He announced as he kept her on the bed.

M. Yes she run towards kitchen and brought the water.

Nick Nick ... he sprinkle water on her face calling her name , which actually  worked and she set abruptly.

Babaaaaa baba she screams and set on the bed
Breathing heavily.

An. Baba where's baba shivaay. Where's my baba. SHe shakes him asking him about her father,  but seeing tears and dejection she twist her mouth and started crying.

Nick he scoot closer to her and take her in hug rubbing her back. 

Sh. Don't cry Nick please. I can't see you like that. Just don't cry baby. I'm here with you and always will be. Don't feel lonely. He muffled rubbing her back trying his best to console her ,assuring her that he is with her.  but seems like nothing is going in her head and she is just murmuring for her father.

Anika we are with you. Don't cry please. We Won't leave you alone. Just don't be disheartened. Ryaansh came ahead to be supportive, but she is in too much pain that she didn't pay attention to him. And still hugging shivaay , which rayaansh didn't like , but he console himself thinking, she is sad ,that's why she didn't look at him and he set there looking at her sadly.

Here's the medicines malika come running having sleeping pill mixed in the water.

Nick drink it. Just have it. She try to deny it ,but shivaay hold her chin softly and made her drink it which soon worked on her and she fell asleep on his chest. Shivaay so wanted to keep her closer to him ,but seeing the situation ,he kept her on the bed and covered her with blanket.

I'll be back soon he kiss her forehead and then hand and stood up unwillingly.

You stay with her. He orders malika , who immediately took seat where shivaay was sitting and started caressing her hair.

Shivaay eyes to other boys  and come out leaving them alone.

R. How this happened ??? How did he die. Ryaansh questions as they come out from the room.

Sh. I don't know when I came ,I'd found him on the floor and anika was crying sitting near him. Suddenly his eyes landed on khana , who was instructing workers for something. Shivaay immediately leave the group and went towards him

Khana What happened to him how did he die?? As per as remember , when I left everything was fine. Then what happened??.

K. Sir he saved your father ...

Sh. Whattttt ????

K. They were coming back from the airport after their long trip. But  on the way some people attacked on them. During this one of them aimed gun towards tej sir , but it hit harsh sahab who came in between for saving your father and he died on the spot.

Sh. ... whatttt that's mean he saved dad. He mumbles widening his eyes.

K. Yes sir. Anyways I've to see arrangement. See you later. Saying this he left from there leaving shivaay baffled. That's why he was wondering , why his father is so sad , and didn't say anything..  when Anita yelled at him. That's mean anika's father sacrificed his life for his father. Now how will he repay for it to anika. As somwhere because of his family she left alone. She had only her baba. and now he is no more as well. These thoughts hit  his heart heavily  and tear made their way from his eyes in pain .

Shivaay I was searching you only. Come let's go home. It's time for sleep. We will see this later. His mother says making him hell angry on her for behaving so insensitive. That guy have died , while saving her husband and instead being guilty or sympathised , she is behaving like nothing happened.

Mom have some shame. Have you realised what happened. Because of him your husband is safe today. If he won't had been there then today, my father would  had been dead  instead him.

J. Shivaayyy ...

Sh. What shivaay ha. I didn't say anything lie. I said which is truth. Don't be so heartless mom. It's not good. You should be thankful to him that he saved us from this misery. But instead of that ,you are behaving so heartless and selfish. I can't believe you can he like that.

J. Stop giving me lecturs because of some servant. Don't forget I'm your mother.

Sh. Yh right who seems like don't have heart. Mom if you can't show your sympathy then, kindly leave from here. As I really don't wanna behave like you. I'll stay with anika and make sure that I provide her everything which she requires.

J. Do whatever you want. I don't give shit about it. Saying this she left from there fuming. Shivaya
Shakes  his head and went back into anika's room where currently she is sleeping.

If your mother doesn't want you here then leave shivaay . We are here to take care of anika.Rayaansh suggested folding his arm infront of him which trigger shivay  and he held his collar making him stumble.

Shivaay what you doing leave him.  This is not time for fight. Om came in between trying to stop them , but seems like nothing is going in Shivaay's head and he still holding his collar.

Sh. I know what you are trying to do.   But that won't happen rayaansh.  Anika is my best from childhood. so she needs me the most. And I will stay witn her. You are fuckin no one to say me to leave.  Did you understand. He says pushing him away glaring him.

R. I can see how much  you have done for her.  Because of you she always got humiliated.  You always   Chose different ways to insult her.  And today the way her dad died. Somwhere you and your family are responsible for it.  Infect not somewhere, you guys are murderer of that innocent's father.  He died because of you.   He hissed pointing finger at him.

Sh. I'll kill  you. He try to hit him but  om  stopped them pushing them away.

Om. Stop it guys . Stop fighting like children. At this sensitive moment ,you should be supportive towards anika. but here instead that you people are fighting like animals.  Have some shame and behave like adults instead  kids. 

Sh.  Ask him to stay away from me and my anika. Otherwise if he didn't stop then, I will change the design of his face.  Shivaay look at him with rage and went insideanika's room ,where currently she is sleeping. 

Nick he whispered her name and went towards her fastly.    He set near her and took her hand in his hand caressing her face lovingly.

M. She got pale in just few hours.  Malika made sad face seeing her friend in that condition. 

Sh.  He was everything  for her.   She always said, she  love her baba so much.  and today the way he left her suddenly,  it shook her from inside, which she is not able to disguise.  Shivaay's voice crack caressing her face lovingly.

M. I'm afraid for Tomorrow. I don't know how will she react. Hearing her shivay first look at her and then at anika who is sleeping having worry lines on her forehead.

Sh. I'm there to take care of her. I won't let her get break.   I will handle everything. He assure malika as well as to his heart that he won't let anything to get bad.   But still a fear is gripping around him thinking about tomorrow. 

Sh. You can go home if you want I'm  here to stay with her.  

M. No it's fine. I'll stay here as well.  Don't worry.  Shivaay nods and kept staring at anika's face holding her hand.

In morning

Shivaay's eyes got shot open when he heard someone's crying. He look around and got panic not finding anika on the bed. Last night while looking  after her, when he slept there ,he didn't realise and now he is feeling panic to seeing her not around.

Nick Nick Nickkk malika got up hearing him calling anika's name.

M. What happened shivaay ???

Sh. Nick is crying somewhere. But where's she. ?? He says looking around restlessly.

M. Bathroom , as  she said he run towards bathroom and found her sitting under the shower crying hysterically. 

God  Nick  what you doing.  You will get cold. He turn off the shower and try to make her stand up , but she is crying shivering there.

An. I wanna go to my baba. Please take me to him.  I wAnna see him. Please shivaay let me see him.

Sh.  We will go and see him.  But tight now you just need to change your clothes. Just get up. Get up from here.

An. I don't care. Let me fell ill. Just ask baba to not leave me shivaay.   I can't live without him she sobs.

Sh.  I I can't ask him Nick.  He is no more. He is dead. As these words slipped from his mouth anika slapped him screaming. 

An. Don't even dare to say that he is dead. He is not dead. He is just playing with me. He is testing my love for him. He is alive and I know that she screams pointing finger at him

M. Annie Annie relax.  Please don't do this.  Just believe shivaay and come  out Please.  You will get sick.  Malika says grabbing her hand.

An. I don't wanna come out. Let me die. I
Have no any other purpose left to stay alive. Just let me take my life. She  Hiccups hitting her hand on the wall making shivaya grit his teeth and he pulled her  towards him harshly holding her arms.

Sh. He is dead. Did you understand !!he is dead. So stop behaving like a child and accept that. And what did you say ,you don't  have purpose to live.. then let me tell you. You have many purpose to live and I'm one of them. You can't just leave me like this and die. Now get up. Just fuckin get up and change your clothes.  We are leaving for funeral in an hour. He forcefully pick her up in his arms and brought her outside.  He kept her on the bed snd started wiping her wet hair when towel. 

Get her clothes and change them. I'm going to get her breakfast, after that,  we are leaving. And you. Don't even dare to harm yourself. Just be a good girl and do whatever malika says. Did you understand. Saying this  hr stormed away from there leaving her crying on her dad's death which she is not able to accept it.

After sometime

Om. They  are taking the body to graveyard.  As anika heard om ,she stood up and run outside following with shivaay.  Since  hours shivaay didn't leave her sight. He kept her with him all the time. As he knew ,If he left her then ,she will do something to harm herself. Which he can't afford at all.  So he stayed there without blinking.      

Nick stop Nick stopppp he run end held her from her waist  stopping her to chase  people ,who are taking him towards graveyard. 

An. Let me go shivaay.  I will never able to see him in my whole life. Please let me go snd see him. Please shivaay please, let me see my baba I wanna get glimpse of his face. Please shivaay I'm bagging you.  I fold hands infront of you please let me go. Her friends sobs seeing her breaking down like this along with shivaay ,who couldn't see her bagging and let her go.  As he free her, she run and started  caressing the glass in which they have kept him. 

An. I love you baba I love you so much. I'll miss you. She hiccups and kiss  the glass many times shedding her uncontrollable tears.

We have to take him.  A guy said making anika  cry badly. Shivaay move towards her and took her in his arms hiding her face in his chest and let them take his body.

Sh. Shshsh it's ok I'm here I'm here. Everything will be fine.  Just don't cry Nick . Your shivaay is here to take care of you.  He   Sobs kissing her head many turns hugging her tightly near his heart without letting her feel all alone.

Precap ...... seeing him staying with anika so much jhanvi ask tia to get grip on shivaay before she loses  him

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