Chapter 18

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Mujha baba ka paas jana ha. She sobs breaking Shivaay's heart seeing his love of life in pain. He is trying his best to soothe her pain ,but nothing is working on her and since two days she is just crying nonstop. He tried to make her understand that , whoever goes , he never comes back. But she is the one ,who is not understanding and ranting for her father again and again. And because of it , her health is getting worse. Neither; she is eating anything nor sleeping. All the time she is just crying and asking for her father.

I'm here with you baby. Why are you being stubborn. You have to gather yourself Nick. If you will behave like that then ,you will get more sick. Moreover your baba won't like it as well. He would be so sad ,seeing his princess crying like that. Hearing him she just got quite and her sobs turned into muffles making him sigh.

An. Why did he do that. Why did he leave me like mumma. Shivaay sighs and scoot closer to her cupping her face lovingly. His life was short Written. No matter what you can do , he had to leave. You can't fight with god's will. Now don't make yourself weak more Nick. You are my strong Nick. Who can fight with anything. So be strong and just accept it. Hmm saying this he pulled her in his arms hugging her tightly.

You know that I'm with you right ?? Anika nods simply and hide her face in his crook sobbing silently. Since her father died. She became so fragile. Whole time ,she is crying , and not letting Shivay go somewhere. All the time ,she is sticking with him , which he prefers as well , as he doesn't want her to harm herself being alone.

Now stop crying. And let's go for lunch. You must be hungry right. Anika simply nods and stood up holding his hand. Shivaay tighten his grip and left for lunch.


You are clumsy girl,,, he smiles wiping her side lip with his thumb. Anika look at him lazily and wipe her mouth With her sleeves ,where he  cleaned it already f.

Anns ... rayaansh called her from Behind not able to disguise them see together like that. It supposed to be him , who should stay with her 24/7. He was her genuine friend, unlike shivaay. But no !! Instead him ,this shivay is sticking with her all time and not leaving her sight even for one minute. After bearing so much from him ,she still preferred him with her instead him, who always stood with her in every thick and thin. But what he can say , as the situation is complicated .. and he can't even show his right over her. He exhale long breath and went in having smile.

Hey you alright. He set on the chair and gripped her hand in his palm.. which instantly got caught by shivaay and he didn't like it at all. He so wanna take her hand back and hold itself. But he controlled his urge and Turned his face away..

An. Yh I'm fine , she whispered in her soft voice taking her hand back from his palm.

Look what I've got you. Your favourite samosas and with green  mint  chatni.   He grin getting the box out of his bag and kept infront of her hoping Her eyes will be beam out seeing it. 

An. Errr I'm not hungry anymore. I've already eaten enough my food.  But thanks for bringing it. She smiles tapping on the box.  Shivaya smile snd lean on his chair folding his arms gazing  at rayaansh ,who is feeling hell angry on shivaay for smiling  like that. He is feeling to punch him  and change the design of his face.. but he control his rage and gaze time smile to anika. 

R. It's ok no worries.   

Sh. Errr you guys talk. Im going to wash dishes.  Saying this he about to leave grabbing the plate But feeling tug  on his hand he stopped and look at anika who seems stressed seeing him leaving. 

An. Don't leave. She whispered  looking at him longingly. 

Sh. I'm just here. Gonna come back in few minutes.
Moreover rayaansh is here and I'm sure , he will take care of you. Isn't rayaansh.

R. Yh sure. I'll take care of her.

An. no I'll come with you.  Plesee don't leave me.  Seeing her glistening eyes he sighs and nods his head. 

Sh. As your wish. Come let's go.  He held her palm and left from there towards their kitchen.  Rayaansh felt dejected and set there folding his arms. No matter what he do for her.  In end of the day ,she loves shivaay and will always do. But he won't accept defeat. He can't let her ignore him like that. She has to talk to him and then  soon when he will get chance..  then he will propose her for being his girlfriend. 

After sometime

Anika went in washroom and shivaay is standing outside the door scrolling his phone when Rayaansh comes there.

R. Don't you think , you are sticking with her too much. Don't you have home or family that , all the time you are staying with her. 

Shivaay  put his phone in his pocket and look at him sternly. 

Sh. Why your ass is burning seeing us together.  Anika wants me to be witn you and I really don't think  so you should have issue with that.  He raise his brow folding his arms infront of him.

R.  I'm not jealous ok. It's just I care about her and I know you are not right for her.  As much as you will stay near her. In end you will be main reason to hurt her. which I really don't want her to get. So better  leave her house  and let her be. I'm here to take care of her. Moreover you have girlfriend right ?? Oh I'm so sorry your sweet hot  fiancé. Then why don't you spend time with her ,instead  sticking with  anika all the time. I'm sure she will be sad seeing you ignoring her because of your friend. Shivaay chuckle humourlessly and kept hand on his chest pushing him little back.

Sh.  You don't need to worry about my life or anyone else.  I know what I'm doing and what not. You just keep your ass out of our lives. I know what are you trying to do. The way you look at my anika , I can clearly see , you have something in your heart for her. But sorry for bursting your dreamy bubbles. You won't able to get her ever.  She is mine..... did you understand !! Mine. Shivaay Singh oberoi's. And I will pluck that person's eyes. Who will lay his gaze at her for once. Get this straight in your skull.hmm he warned him in his thick crispy voice pushing him away. 

R.  You changed your route so fast , didn't you.  As per as , I remember, You were  in love witn tia before few day and wanted her into your life. Then what happened now ?? Why you are behind anika. Look shivaay ,if you are planning something  evil to use anika. Then remember one thing , I will kill you with my bare hands.

Sh. You don't need to do anything. as I'm not gonna harm her. You just look after yourself and stay away from my anika.  As you know I really hate to see other people to dart their eyes on my possession. Hmm he pat on his shoulder and having tight smile. Now leaveee.

R.  I will come back.   He glare him and stormed away from There having pure hate for shivay for suddenly changing his mind about anika like that.   But no matter what he have decided and what not. He won't let him win anika. He will take her back and that's his promise to himself. He thought in himself and left from there. 

At night

after putting anika asleep , shivaay entered in the house aiming to go into his room and change his clothes and then go back to his anika ,  but in mid way, he's been engulfed in hug by tia .. who started shedding tears resting her head on his chest.

T. Baby  why are you ignoring me. Do you know how much I'm missing you these days. Why don't you answer my calls or messages.   I was crying all time because of you.  Tia sobs clinging with him making him hinder with her attitude. He huffs and broke the hug forcefully stepping back. 

Sh.  Tia , I think you have faced memory lose.  That's why you have forgotten that, I've returned your engagement ring before three days.   And now we have nothing to do with each other.  He  gaze at her seriously  raising his brow up

T. But you love me. You itself said it. She  shed tears looking at him being hurt.

Sh. I  didn't love you tia.  I never did. It was just attraction. And you know it as well. Stop being naive and accept the truth. There's nothing between us. I can't get along with you anymore. Hearing him her eyes turned red and she jerk his hand which was resting on her arm.

T. You are saying all this because of that anika .. don't you ??

Sh. Whattt ?? He frown.

T. Stop hiding. I know that you like her. And because of her ,you are doing all this. How can you shivaay ?? How could you choose that girl over me. Who has nothing in her , neither status nor good looks.

Sh. What the hell you are blabbering tia.

T. Which is the truth. Don't try to deny it. She hissed

Sh. Fine if I do. What's your problem then. Me and you both are finished. We don't have any relationship with other. So I guess you shouldn't have any issue seeing me moving on with someone else.

T.but I've problem. We both are engaged. She screams being irritated seeing him rejecting her like that.

Sh. Don't scream tia. It's my house. Not yours, where you rule overrrr. Did you understand and about me rejecting you then ،it's my choice. You can't say ,why I did it. And what was the reason. You just move on the way I've moved onnn.

T. Yh moved on with that slut anika. Whom I guess you are planning to make your mistr.... She got cut half by a slap whicn landef him him on her face making her stumble back. Instantly he held her arm and pulled her towards him harshly gritting his teeth.

Sh. Don't tia don't even dare to bad mouth about anika. Other wise I'll pluck out your tongue out off your mouth. She is not slut. But you are. Who wonder around men like bee. So don't even dare to use such disgusting words for her. now get out of my sigh before I do something and you regret later . Just leave. He says pushing her towards exit side.

Sh. Don't ever come in my house ever. From now on. Don't even dare. He warns her and stormed away from there in anger leaving tia crying and full of rave on the same time. She screams and stomped her feet in anger.

You will pay for this shivaay.. you will pay for this along with that anikaaaaa. she growl having blood shot eyes crying in mess. Jhanvi who was silent spectator standing in the corner. She comes ahead folding her arms and stood infront of tia having stern face.

J. Dard ho raha hai ha. Tau kuch karti ku nhi. ( is it paining , then why don't you do something then. ). Here shedding tears and threatening dryly won't work tia. You have to do something before it get so late. Today he is just spending time with that anika. But Tomorrow ,he will plan to get her in this house.

T. The way I hate her. You do as well. Then why don't you help me. Why are you standing like a spectator. She yells sniffling wiping her nose.

J. Then you have to be strong. I won't like, if you run away when things get hard.

T. I can do anything for shivaay. Just help me to get that anika out of his life.

J. Ok. She smirk and turn her gaze away planing something in her brain.

In anika's house

Shivaay lay besides anika and take her hand on his palm gazing at her face. A smile appeared on his face seeing her innocence. Whatever happened in his house, He have forgotten ,as she came to his sight and he just wanna spend his time with her looking at her face.

I love you Nick . I love you so so much. He whispered and kiss her cheek softly without breaking her sleep.

Sh. I won't let you go away from me baby. I will keep you will keep you with me always. He smiles on his own thoughts and peck her temple Tenderly.

Sh. Soon everything will be fine. I'll make sure that you become mine Forever. And then I won't let you go out of my life ,you will stay with me close to my heart. He whispered tucking her hair back and then submit himself into sleep closing his eyes.

After few days

Anika is standing infront of mirror. When malika's enters there. Seeing her lost,She sighs and kept hand on her shoulder. 

You alright?? She whispered looking at her face.

An. Yh I'm. She managed to give her forced smile and grab her bag from the bed. 

Sh. Girls.  Are you ready.  Shivaay enters using his phone.

M. Yes we are. Let's go Annie.   Anika nods and silently started following them behind. Shivaay !who noticed her gloomy he held her hand and assure her that he is with her and nothing gonna happen at collage.

Let's go guys.  Malika shout from the door seeing them standing together. Shivika nods and left from there with each other . 

In college

anika frown when  no one came to her and express their sadness towards her dad's dismiss. She thought as she will enter ,all people will show her sympathy which was  actually fearing her to come.   But to her surprise no one came and busy in their   Own work.  

Nick are you   fine  ?? Anika nods and bend her head down without speaking anything. Seeing her silent ,he understood what's going on inside her. But he prefer to keep silent,as he knows ,if he will try to say more then , she will started crying which he can't afford to see at all.

I'm here with you. Come let's go in class he gripped her hand and took her in class. Whole day he spent with her. For a minute he didn't leave her sight. If she is in washroom then ,he is standing outside. Even in library, he followed her even though he had his own period That ime. But he preferred to give her importance instead something else. And then After long 7 hours they head back in the home together.

You freshen up im going my home to get my clothes. Anika shakes her head and he left from there unwillingly. Seeing him going , she about to go towards her room , when she stopped hearing jhanvi's voice.

For how many days you gonna use my son as puppet. Hearing her voice she turns and found her standing with tia folding her arms.

An. Aunty I mean mam.

T. Don't you think he has his own life as well. I mean his parents and me , whom he got engaged before few days. But because of you he is not able to spend time with us. And all the time he is with you.

An. I didn't ask him to be here. If he wants he can leave.

T. Oh please ha don't do this drama infront of her. I can see how you are trapping him.

J. It will be better for you to leave the house. I wanna give this quarter to another servant. But if you wanna be maid in our house then things are different. She snigger along with tia tucking her hair back.

An. What are you saying I can't do it I mean ...

J. First of all , how many times I've told you. I'm not your aunty. Second thing, of course servant daughter will be servant only. I don't think so , she will be queen or something , whom we will make her sit on our heads. So decide quickly. I'm ready to give you maid job. With that , you will able to earn money and won't lose house as well. Hmm come let's go tia. My friends must be arrived. She waved at anika and left from there leaving her having tears in her eyes feeling so humiliated and dejected seeing them treating her like this.

Precap ..... jhanvi humiliated anika and ask her to leave the house later she leaves.

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