Chapter 19

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Shivaay who had went to change his clothes ,he comes back and frown finding anika sitting on the sofa lost in her own thoughts. The way her face is looking pale , it's seems something must have happened behind him which made her look like this.  He got confused and tip toe towards her with slow steps and set besides her taking her hand in his palm. 

Hey you alright ??? Hearing him , she flinch and look at him with fear Filled eyes. Shivaay shakes his head.  and scrunch his brow gazing at her being tensed.

Did something happen  behind me. Why you seems  tensed Nick . Anika shakes her head no and take her hand back from his hold standing on her feet.

Shivaay I think you shouldn't be here with me. She sniffs looking at him sternly.

Sh. Shouldn't be witn you matlb ?? Whay happened why are you saying it.  ???

An. I said which is valid shivaay .  It's been  two weeks you are staying with me all the time. And I guess it's time to leave. I don't want you to wonder around me anymore. Hearing her he frown and stood up    Instantly.

Sh. What do you mean I can't come. You are my friend and if I stay With  you. Then I think there shouldn't be any problem.

An.  Yes exactly. We are friends. More than that we are nothing  .. so I guess it's impropriate to come in my house all the time.   Hearing her he slowly move towards her and held her arms in his hands looking at her calmly  controlling his inner anger. 

Sh. Tell me what happened ??? Who came behind me when I went home. As per as I know , when I went, you were totally fine.  You didn't  have a single issue with my presence here. Then what's wrong now. Why are you behaving like this.  Anika inhale long breath and step back removing his hands from her arms.

An. Nothing happened..  I'm the one who have thought deeply and reached on conclusion that your presence in my house give people talk about us.  

So what if they are talking. I don't mind. He instantly cut her off pulling her closer holding her waist

Shivaay what you  doing??? Let me go.  She wiggle in his arms trying to come out.. but he  tighten his grip on her waist instead letting her gone

Sh.  I'm not letting you go till I don't tell you ,what I've in my heart for you.   I know you Will must think that I'm lying or something ... but I won't lie anything Nick. I will tell the truth , which is buried inside me since the months. But I wasn't able to express it  thinking, it's just my assumption nothing more. But today I  wanna tell you that how much I .... Anika baffled realising where it's  leading and immediately pushed him away looking at him moist eyes.

An. You won't complete  this sentence shivaay.  You won't do that.  Better you leave from here.

Sh.  Excuse me. But let me tell you first I ... he again try to get grip on her but she nods no and step back

An. I said don't shivaay. Just don't.  There's the way  of the door. Better you leave from  here before I force you to do. She  say pointing towards exit looking at him sternly.

Sh. Nick you are not doing right thing. At least let me explain first.

Sn. There's nothing to explain shivaay.  I really don't wanna hear anything. Please leave from here. I'm folding hands infront of you. Go back to your family and stop wondering around me. Just go. She sobs folding her hands infront of him feeling helpless and sad on the same time for sending him away from her. But she has to do it. It's better for him snd for her as well.

Sh. You are not doing right thing Nick. Atleast let me talk to you. His eyes filled with tears feeling helpless.

An.  Didn't you hear I said leave shivaay. Just go awayyyy.   She screams having blood shot eyes breaking his heart seeing her ruthless behaviour towards him. But he is absolutely not angry on her for this. As he knows , there's  must be  some  reason behind it. Otherwise suddenly  ,she  can't be change. But whatever it is. He will  find out and then he will tell her ,how much he loves her. He sniffs wiping his tears and left from there leaving her crying behind. She set on the sofa and  cry hard hugging her legs. 

I'm sorry shivaay I'm so sorry. But I didn't have any other choice.  She sobs keeping her face on her legs crying like anything.

In evening

Anika is making dinner for herself but her all attention is somewhere else . And because of it she about to touch the hot pot , when suddenly someone came and pulled her towards him making her gasp.

Are you mad?? Where is your mind Nick. You were bloody going to burn your hand.  Anika first look at the pot  and then shivaay who is looking at her with fury. 

What you doing here ??? Didn't I ask you to not come. She immediately step back looking at him sternly. 

Sh. You can't  ask me to leave you alone like that. You need me Nick. And example is here infront of your eyes.  He says pointing towards the hot pot. 

An.  I'm not kid. I can take care of myself. You are no one to come and shout at me like that.

Sh. I can because I care about you.  And I know that , if I won't be with you , then you won't look after yourself. So I've to be here with you. He shout yanking her towards him Twisting her hands behind. 

An. You don't  own me shivaay.      You haven't bought me. Stop  treating  me like I'm your puppet or something.   Just leave me alone. And let me live my  life. Don't make things unbearable for me that I've to take  action against it.   She says in her cracking voice giving reason to him to her get afraid.

Sh. What do you mean by that ?? 

An.  Nothing. Now just leave.  I really don't wanna see your face. Saying this she pushed him away and stood in distance from him turning her face another way without  meeting  her  eyelids with him

Sh. You are not doing right Nick.  You are not playing good.   Feeling him crying her heart broke into Million pieces .. but she can't help ,but just stays calm. As she knows if she reacted little then he won't leave and will stay with her. Which she don't want at all. So she kept standing subtle without moving. 

Sh. Fine I'll go right now. But I'll come back later.  I promise. He sniffles and left from there  feeling heart broken seeing her ruthless behaviour towards him.

On the otherside

Jhanvi who was standing near her room window her eyes caught attention of shivaay ,who was coming out from anika's house. Her hands curled into fist  feeling angry on anika for still trapping and using her son as puppet. She had warned her that if she won't leave him.. Then surely she  will pay for it. But seems like it didn't bother her at all. But now she has to do something before she  completely possess her son and take him away from her.  She can't let that middle class to win like that. She must have to plan something. She grit her teeth and look at her husband , who is busy on his laptop. 

J. We have to do something of  this anika tej. Our shivaay is getting out of our hands because of her. If she stayed more in our house then things will become worse. Tej closed the laptop and look at his wife having frown.

T. What do you mean by that. ??

J. Wow so you don't know ha. Huh how can I expect you to know , when you are so busy  in your business. God Can't you see your son , how he wonders around her. It's clearly showing that he is in love with her totally. All the time he spends with her. Barely he comes home. and on top of that , he don't even meet tia. She was  complaining that he don't even pick up her phone or answer her messages.  Whole times he is with this middle class girl and bear her have  to do something tej before she snatches our son and we will leave behind having empty hands. I can't let my son get wasted on that  stupid girl.  tej sighs and stood up lost in his thoughts.

J. And it's not that only we gonna loose our son. The deal which we have done with kapoor ,that also will go in drain and we will face a bug loss because of it. First tej was going to answer her that let him enjoy as he knows his son , he rant for something for few days and then he gets fine. But as she talked about the deal his eyes got wide open and he Bob  his head in approval. 

T. Fine  let's go now. We will kick her out right now  right  away. You are right. We shouldn't let  him mingle with her anymore.  We can't afford to have any her  problem because of her . Saying this he walk out from there following with his wife who got excited seeing her husband taking her side. . 

On the way in the corridor. They about  to pass by Shivaay's bed room but jhanvi stopped tej holding his hand. 

Wait... saying this she lock the door of Shivaay's so that he doesn't come out and asked him to let's go now. Tej nods and they left from there hurriedly

In anika's house

She is sitting in living room resting her face on her arm when she heard knock on the door. She thought must shivaay would be out there so she ignored it. But when it didn't stop she huffs and went to open the door

When I'm not opening the door , then why are you breaking it. But she stopped when she found tej and jhanvi standing infront of her along with three four security Guards behind them.

Uncle you here ?? Is there any problem. She says looking at him being confused with their sudden arrival.

Tej. Get your things pack. It's time for you to leave. He says in his subtle voice making her frown.

An. Leave matlb. She stammers

T. We had gave this quarter to your father , because he was working for us. But now he is gone and obviously you don't work for us. So I guess it's better; if you leave from here.

An. What ??? But where will I go. I don't have any place to live in. She sobs looking at them with teary eyes.

T. We don't care if you have place or not. Just pack your bags and leave.

An. I can't believe you guys can be that much heartless. My baba died while saving your life and instead being little helpful towards his daughter, you are such disgusting that you are asking me to leave. As she said it jhanvi held her arm tightly in her fist and jolt her making her cry in pain.

J. Don't you dare to bad mouth with my husband otherwise I'll pluck your tongue out of your mouth and throw infront of hungry dogs. Now get your bags and get the hell out of here. We really don't want you to stay here anymore.

An. You can't do this. Where will I go. Please try to understand.she hiccups trying to remove her hold from her arm but instead it getting more tight than usual

J. You die or stay alive , we don't give shit about it. You just leave our house. I really don't wanna see your face anymore. It's getting unbearable for us.

An. How can you be so heartless and selfish like this. My baba died before few weeks ,that also because of you. and instead being sympathised towards me you guys are asking me to leave

J. He was getting money for whatever he has done. He didn't give his life for free. So don't try to say that he died because of us. Now pack your bags and get out from here. Before I ask security to do it.

An. But I she hiccups

J. Fine throw her out khana. I don't wanna see this girl in my house anymore.

K. Yes mam. Even though he really didn't want to do it. But because of his boss orders , he couldn't say no and ask anika to leave.

K. Let's go anika he says showing her way of out.

K. Where will I go bhiya. i don't have anyone in this world . She pleads looking at him with tears filled eyes

J. I think she won't listen like this. Better if I itself throw her out. Saying this she grip her arm and throw her out of the house making her get hurt on her knees and hands making her yelp in pain.

J. Khana take her away from my sight and make sure to send her out of this city. I really don't want her to wonder around our house. Did you understand. Khana nods simply and help snika to get up.

Come let's go. Anika try to wiggle , but he gave her gaze pleadingly and Ask het to move. Anika wipe her tears helplessly and went with him .. but not before giving hateful gaze to jhanvi and tej for being so cruel towards her. Today she stayed silent. Bht she knows her god won't stay like that. He will surely take her revenge form them. She wipe her tears and walked out from there having her head down.

At bus station

Khana stopped the car and look at anika through the mirror finding her sitting silently having her head down. He felt so sad for the little girl. First she lost her mother ,then father. and now she's being kicked out from her house having nothing in her pocket. Her father done everything for oberoi's. He didn't even care about his life even. But what he got in end .. nothing .. instead being thankful towards him they couldn't bear his daughter for few days and kicked her out from their house without showing a little mercy towards her. He sighs and got down from the car and open the door for her. Anika silently fix her shirt and comes out from the car.

I really want to help you anika. But i can't do it. If I did then those people won't leave me as well. But yh I can give you money for travelling and little expensive of yours. Saying this he pulled out some money and passed to her ,which she didn't held it but when he insist her then she silently took im her hands

K. Leave from here anika. Don't stay in this city. It will
Give you more pain. Anika look at him with moist eyes nods.

An. Thank you bhiya for your help. I will never forget about it. Saying this she pass him small smile and left from there without looking back. Khana made sad face and just pray for her well being. He really wants her to be safe and sound during her journey. As he knows how many hurdles, she gonna face during that. He shakes his head and left from there.


after having sleepless night   , shivaay first thing has done to checking on anika. He knows ,she itself asked him to not come to her as ,she don't wanna see his face. But at least he can check her from for away right. So without thinking anything , he comes on her back window. but he got confused ,when he found it closed. Thinking might she done it. He went towards other windows one by one but all of them are also closed.

Why did she close the windows like this. He murmur moving main  door deciding to go inside from there instead peaking through the window.

Anika he raise his hand to knock on it but next second he widen his eyes when he found ....

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