Chapter 20

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Shivaay come running in his house calling anika's  name.. After seeing her whole place empty having nothing inside , made him baffled. He is not able to disguise the fact  that might she have  left.  He still has hope that might she is in his  house. So without thinking anything he comes running there calling her name. His parents who were enjoying morning tea they stood up and walk towards him having stern fsce

Is everything alright son. His father says  folding his arms.

Sh. Dad .... Dad have you seen Nick. She is not in her house. Her whole house is empty. She is no where to be seen. I've checked every corner  of her place. But there's no sign of her. Please tell me where's she. Seeing fear and deprived in his eyes for that girl , tej understood, whatever he has done last night,  it was required . Otherwise his son  was going mad in in that middle class girl love.   He exhale the long breath and kept hand on his cheek caressing it. 

T. I'm so sorry son. I can understand how much worried are you for her. But she  is not worth of it.   She didn't deserve your care and love towards her.

Sh. What ... what do you mean ??? he stammers looking at him with corner gaze having fear in his heart.

T. Last night me and your mum had went to her house,  as we had understood that you wants her in your life. But when we expressed our feelings towards her. She denied it and said she doesn't want to be with  boy like you ,who is such irresponsible and immature.  She can't ruin her life being with you.  You can't give her comfort which she wants.  But still we pleaded her and everything.. so that we could convince her ..but she didn't listen to us and yelled us saying , we can't force her and blame us for everything.  She said because of us her father died. She lost his life saving us.  So we are criminals. She insulted us so badly. Infect she was ready to put case on us.   But when I said what does want to dismiss it and leaving your life. As we had understood  that she is not worth of you. Then instantly she said she wants 50 crores to leave from here and then she  left the house taking money.  Her motive was clear shivaay. She was trapping you so that topic comes out money and she gets it.  That's why as we asked about money , she got agreed and kept her demand infront of us shamelessly. She was greedy shivaay. She was playing with you. Hearing his head he shakes his head no and step back having tears in his eyes. 

You ... you are lying right.  Anika is not like this. I know her. She can't do this.  I'm sure there must be some misunderstanding.  She is not bad dad. Please say that it's all lie. His  muffles trying his best to  control his emotions , but nothing is working on him and he is getting worsen ....

J.  No baby your dad is right. I was there as wall. If you don't believe me ,then look at my wrist ,which she had held it so tight  ,when I'd tried to make her understand. She shed fake tears showing her wrist where fingers prints are there.shivaay first look at his mother and then dad , who nods his head convincing him that whatever he is witnessing , it's all true.  In actual anika was evil ,who hurted his parents and left taking good amount of money. 

T.  I guess you still don't believe us don't you.  Ok wait let me show you the bank details Documents from where you can clearly see , I've transferred money in her account.  Saying this he pulled out some papers and kept infront of him.  Seeing the name of her on the documents he  Flicker his  eyes and bend his head down feeling so dejected and sad.  He loved her. He loved her truly ..and till morning ,he was dreaming his whole life with her. But what happened ??? She chose money over him and left calling him immature and irresponsible. How can she do this. How can she just step on their 20 years friendship like that and left for just bunches of money. And for second he can forget that she left him for money. But she didn't need to disobey his parents and insult them like this. And not only that , she harmed his mother as well. As his mind registered all this he growl and started breaking
Everything scramming like anything. His mother came forward to Stop him. But  his father held her hand and stopped her nodding his head no.

Let him get his frustration out.  Don't stop him.  His mother nods and   Look at her son with teary eyes seeing his vulnerability.   She curse that day ,when that girl  had came in this house. If in childhood ,she would had understood her motive then "she would had kicked her out of her son's life long back.   

Anikaaaaaaaa he screams and set on the floor crying bitterly. 

Khana who saw all this he Look at tej and jhanvi with pure hate and left from there not able to see all this. He can't believe parents can do such things with their kid.  They knew that what gonna happen , how their son gonna behave .. but still they chose to kick that little  girl out from their house leaving her nothing with her. Now he is worried ,how she gonna Cope up with  this. As he knows ,  how hard this world is. As people find someone  alone , they try their best  to take advantage of  him. Now god only can help her no one else.

After five years

A man is shown standing near the window lost in his own thoughts. In all those years many things  has changed in his life. He nEver even in his dream thought that he would be end up like this. But eventually it happened. One incident  gave him  life time lesson. He understood , power and money is everything. People gives you importance after seeing your strength and money. They don't give a shit , if you love them so much or care about them. All they care is about money and power. In those five years in his life everything changed.  After that one day he  gave birth to a new shivaay , who didn't give damn to anything except making himself successful. He left all his childish things and focused on his career. Now his company which was on 10th list in whole country .. now it's been recognised on first number. He worked hard day and night and proven himself that he is not irresponsible and immature.  He is enough sensible to run a big empire on his single shoulder... These thoughts made him Smile brightly and he kept hand on the glass feeling whole world is beneath him. But despite having all these things , he is still not happy. He is in search of peace ,which he couldn't get since five years. He tried his best to move on. but he is still stuck there from where it started. For outer world , he became a strong and power full businessman. Who has his hospitals branch every city of the country. But he still restless and search of his calmness. Which she took it with her. He wished , she would never had been part of his life. If she won't had then , today he would had been happy and enjoying his life. But no , as he try to be happy. He ends up getting back into her memories ,which still hunts him. He groan and hit the glass so hard that tia who entered before few second she jumped back in frightened state

Baby what's wrong. Why are you getting angry. She went towards him and kept hand on his shoulder soothing him. He rub his forehead and went towards his seat and set there leaning on it.

I'm fine. , don't worry. You tell what you doing here. He says sternly while gazing at her.

T. Baby I missed you so much so I thought to come and meet you. She goes towards him and stood infront of him in seductive way. Seeing her posture he sighs and nods her head.

Fine if you saw me already then , I guess you should leave. I'm really not in mood to seeing your different poses. Hearing him tia got embarrassed and she felt like to bang his head for being so rude. Since five years. She is trying her best to win him. But this guy is so much stubborn to melt. He barely meets her. And if he does then ends up insulting her. She tried to tell his mother about it. But she also cuts the talk saying he will be fine,  as you will get marry with him. But the thing is , when he gonna marry her. Whenever she try to talk to him. He ends up avoiding it snd say , he don't wanna talk about it.  

Baby I she about to say something but stopped when his manager enters there.

Sir we have big problem.  His  manager came on the point directly huffing  badly.

Sh. Is everything alright. What happened  Mishra ???

M. Sir we have to leave for  Delhi  as soon as possible.some goons  have surrounded whole hospital and not letting anyone go inside it.and because  of it loads of lives are in danger. We have to  leave  sir. 

Sh.  Whatttt ??since when it started?? Why didn't you
Tell me before. He says grabbing the coat from
The hanger.

M. Sir right now only I've got To know. Let's hurry up sir.  Shivay nods and immediately left from
There leaving tia behind,  who was aiming to stay with him For while. But this stupid mishra took him
Witn him. God  Why this  always happens to  her. She huffs and kick the chair in frustration...

On the other side

Girl come running towards senior doctor breathing heavily and stopped infront of him keeping hand on her chest controlling her ragging heart.

Doctor they have stopped ambulances outside. They are Proximately  ten  of them. and  drivers are saying 3 of them  patients are serious. If we didn't treat them then they can Die. Doctor rub his forehead and look at her worriedly. They have tried their best to save that goon's brother. But because of so much injuries and shots he couldn't survive. And now his brother is stopping other people treatment as well.

God when ceo will be here. We can't handle it without him otherwise they will kill us as well. Senior doctor rub his hands in tension not able to do anything. It's not that they didn't try to communicate with them. They did , but ended up getting two Doctors and three securities badly Injured. Now he don't know what to do and how to handle this situation.

Doctor I think we should talk to them Again. Otherwise loads of people will die like this. Girl express her feelings looking at her boss with hope.

Do. No wr can't do it. Already they have done loads of damage. Let ceo come.

G. God this ceo why didn't he reach yet. Sir give me his number. Let me talk to him.

Do. But beta

Give sir. Please. Seeing her pleading without thinking he pulled his phone out and gave her his number. But maybe it was his wrong move. As the ceo picked up she started yelling making all people gasp in shock

Where are you ha. It's been three hours,  we have informed you. And during this , many people already have gotten Injured. But you are the one who didn't even land here. On top of that there's no calls or anything from your side. I'd heard that you have so much power and everything. Then why don't you bloody use it and  someone someone here before you. We can't handle all this anymore.  Come fast here before we face more lose. Shivaay first got freeze after hearing her voice. It's same like her , Exect like anika. But soon his assumption bubbles broke when she started screaming at him. how dare she ?? How can she just yell at him like this. He is bloody shivaay Singh oberoi. and she without giving Damn to it started giving him lecture. Let him reach there then he  will give her proper lesson.

Who the hell are you and why are you yelling at me like that. What's your name. Tell me your stupid name. He scream back making her more angry seeing him showing attitude instead getting some solution.

It doesn't matter ,who the hell I'm and what's my name. It's not that important. Right now saving people's life is more important , Just come here fast. We can't handle anymore. Saying this straight away she cut the call and gave phone back  to doctor, who i: standing  flabbergasted with her outburst along with another doctors . Now they are afraid for her well being. They knows that how ruthless the ceo is. He won't leave her for yelling at him like this. Surely he gonna punish her and throw  her out of this job. But she give damn to it and walking around in tension. After few minutes. When no one moved , she decided to do itself. She can't let people die like this. She gear up and stormed towards exiting murmuring something under her breath. Her seniors and friends try to stop her , but she already have gone out having grumpy face.

Heyyyy Where's your boss. I wanna talk to him just bring him infront of me. I wanna talk to that bloody loser , who is stopping us to treat people. The goons men , who were surrounding the entrance , they immediately pointing gun at her for misbehaving with their boss. The man who is reason of all this chaos,  he comes ahead pushing his goons and about to yell at her but seeing the beauty standing infront of him he look at her tip to toe and rub his lip sensuously.

What the hell you think of yourself ha. When we have told you it's not our fault. Your brother was half dead on the way. then why the hell you stopping all this. Let us treat people. Don't create scene here and get the hell out along with your goons. Otherwise itna maroo gi tum logu ko ka nani had a jai gi. She point each and every good,  who is standing confused with their boss reaction. Before few minutes that guy who was having whole sky on his head. Now he is standing like a puppy all smiling infront of this 50kg girl without blinking.

What you looking at mr. Just bloody answer me. What do you want from me. But next second gasp left her mouth when he clasped her arm in his hold and pulled her towards him. 

I want you baby girl ....  He look at her tip to toe and lick his dry lips and then again gaze straight on her face. 

What you doing ?? let me go you bloody moron.   She wiggle but he held her firmly still  tucking His eyes on her.

You did really wrong to come out baby girl.  You shouldnt had. my eyes have got on you.  now no one can save you from me. He forcefully hold her hand and try to kiss it. But  she didn't let him and pushed him  away making himself stumble. 

G. Stop this nonsense and just get out from here. She screams showing him way of out.

M. As you say baby girl.  Ap ki hukam sar ankhoo par. 

But bhai yah. His man came to stop him. But  he shows  him hand and smiles at the female doctor, who made house in his heart in non  seconds. 

She is right. My brother was already  dead. So I guess fighting for him is baseless. Let's get his body and leave from here. But baby girl I will return , not for anyone else , but for you. I promise. He look at her like a  obsessed lover and left from there leaving her  confused with his behaviour. But she shrug her shoulders and started  giving instructions to people to get  patients in.  

After sometime

Shivaay reached near the hospital and about to head inside Fastly but he stopped when he saw everything us going on normal. 

Why the  hell these people were saying , there's many people  standing  outside, but  seems like there's no one.  

Sir sir you came.   Senior doctor come running towards him having sigh of relief.

Sh. What's happening here. Where the goons have gone. 

Senior doc.  Sir our one of junior doctor handled it. I guess if she won't had been there then things were getting out of control.   Shivaay farrow his brows  and speak in curious

Sh. Who's that doctor and where's she.   ???

Oh so now you came ha. Is this the time of your coming , when already damage is done. Hearing her voice shivaay got  statue on  his place. He wanna speak ,but seems like words are dead in his mouth.   He flicker  his eyes and just praying that she shouldn't be one. .  As if  she is here  in real,  then he won't able to control his emotions which are buried inside his heart since long . He exhale the breath and managed to turn his face to look at her.  And here you go she is standing in knee length dress having white coat on topp,  looking all cute and beautiful having frown on her forehead.

Precap .... He yells at her

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