Chapter 21

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Seeing him after five years made her heart stop beat for 15 seconds and she just kept looking at him being baffled with his presence infront of her. Not even in her wild dreams, she had thought that one day "she will face him again. As his parents had ousted her out of their house , she had determined that she would never look into her past and will never see their faces till she is alive. But today ,seeing him standing infront of her ,made her statue and traumatised loosing the ability of thinking. She blink and parted her lips holding her coat tight in her fist trying to control her tears ,which threatening fo come out anytime.

So this is the doctor you are talking about ha. Did she go out and confronted that goon. Hearing his thick voice ,she blink her eyes twice and cleared her throat looking other way avoiding looking at him.

Se- do. Yes she is the brave doctor ,who decided to jump in battle and save everyone of us.

So you all men decided to take Shield of woman instead taking matter in your hand haaaa he screams on top of voice making anika grit her teeth seeing him degrading woman like this. How dare he do that. Don't he have shame. Where his all ideology have gone ,which he used to tell everybody about woman improvement. How can he change and now trying to say that it's shame for all men to let a woman go out like that.

Mr oberoi , they didn't take shield behind me. I'm the one ,who went outside on my own Will and decided to confront that goons for saving lives. There's not any purpose do get the men down. She answered back without faring ,in none seconds he can throw her out of this hospital. Right now her ego is hurt. And she give Damn to his anger or something. But suddenly she whoops when he swiftly walk towards her and look straight in her eyes having fury.

I would like to have you in my office now miss anika. You have two minutes. He flare his nose gazing at her and stormed towards his office. Anika look at his colleagues, who gave her pity look and left where he went. As she entered in he shut the door pinned her on it holding her wrist above her head.

Do you know your one mistake would had left a big controversy against my hospital. What if that guy wouldn't had listen to you. What instead twenty lives ,he would harmed all the people in the hospital. Because of your one mistake ,hundreds of lives would had gone in drain miss anika. And not only that my name and reputation as well. How dare you to take sudden decision on your own and went outside like queennn. He growl hitting the door with his another hand making her flinch closing her eyes.

I did it which was right. There's nothing else could had been done instead confronting him. Moreover you should be thankful that I saved many lives and didn't let your hospital name go in drain. But seems like you didn't care about it like that and decided to see my mistakes in that. She scoffs

shut up. Just shut up. Don't try to talk to me like that. I'm your boss so respect me. don't forget if I want then In a second i can kick you out  of this hospital . Hearing him she grit her teeth and shoved him away angrily.

Oh really then try me. Kick me out of this hospital. But before doing it , think about consequences as well. Whatever I've done today, Everyone are in my favour. And if you tried to kick me out then I can drag you in the court as well.

Oh right obviously you will do it for grabbing more money in your account like always. He sneers looking at her witn blood shot eyes.

Whatttt ????? She got confused with his statement. From where money came in between. How can he think like that about her. But then her mind ran back into the past , where his parents had kicked her out from there house.

Sh. Yes don't make me open my mouth.

Youuu ... she about to say more when senior doctor came in after knocking on the door. Seeing the heat up moment between them , he frowns and look at their faces for answer.

Doctor sadiqui whatever happened today , it wasn't right. Doctor anika shouldn't had go out like  that and decide things on her own. It was utterly wrong. Because of her,  many lives could had go in danger. So now because of carelessness , I've decided to put her back into internship instead joining the line of main doctors.

An. Whatttttt noo you can't do that my training is already Done. She shout looking at him

Sh. I don't care. You still have to  learn ,how to handle the situation. I don't want you to take abrupt decisions in future, while playing with people's lives . So do as I say. Otherwise , there's the door you may leave. Hearing him she grit her teeth and open her mouth to say something,  but seeing her senior doctor , who showed her eyes to keep her mouth shut made her huffs and she kept quite. Now leave from here and go back to your work. Anika look at him witn pure hate and left from there in anger along with mr sadiqui. Shivaay shrug his coat and look outside of the window folding his arms behind. All the love , all the affection whichever he had for her. She lost it that day ,when she called him immature and careless and left taking money from his parents. Now she will see real shivaay, who will teach her a good lesson for treating him so shit. He flick his hair and plaster a sinister smile on his face looking nothing on particular.


What ?? but why he done that. Because of you ,we had able to get rid of those goons and instead being thankful, he removed you from your position. Her friend bhavya says holding her hand

An. Yes , now I don't know what to do. You know that how i hate taking orders from senior doctors.. last one year was hell for me. And now this guy have put me back into same position. Now I don't know what to do. If my contract  with this hospital won't had been remaining,  then I would had left this job. But it's still there. She whined stomping her foot on the floor sipping her tea.

Wase he is really handsome. His blue eyes are just due for. I was feeling like to drown in them for lifetime. Her friend says dreamingoly keeping hand on her chest.

Just shut up bhavya. His eyes are not pretty at all. Neither he is handsome. Stop fake praising him. He is monster a big fat egoistic monster! who wants to destroy me. I felt like to pull his hair and .......

And what miss anika. Anika immediately rest her cup on the table hearing his voice and turn behind and here you go , blue eyes monster is standing infront of her having stern face.

An. You were hearing out conversations behind us like a toxic aunty. She answer him bluntly despite her friends trying to stop her to blubber any thing idiotic.

It's my hospital and I guess I can go anywhere and hear anyone's conversation. And you can't stop me. By the way. I guess at this time , you should be with senior doctors instead Enjoying tea with your friend. He says giving tight smile to bhavya , who blush getting a glint from her boss.

So you mean to say that I can't have a single break even mr oberoi. Hearing again and again mr oberoi from her mouth giving him ear bleed. He had habit to hear his name from her sweet mouth,  but today the way she  is calling him mr oberoi again and again it irking him.but why he is feeling irritate now ...when they are not even friends anymore. This girl who is standing infront of her, she ruined  everything between them. She chose money on his Love and friendship and left his house forever. But  money thing he can still forget , but the wound, she gave to his mother ,it can never get out of brain and it will always remind him that how much he has to hate her. He rub his forehead and nods his head.

Your break is finishing in next ten minutes. Get back to your work and learn some manners. Saying this he left from there leaving in fuming. She groan and stomp the cup on the table feeling hell irritated because of him. Before him her life was so easy. Whole hospital used to love her and adore her. But since he came. People are just giving her pity look and not talking to her at all. Which is making her frustrated and upset.

Argh My whole mood have been spoiled. She hit her forehead in anticipation and left from there leaving her friend behind. 

After sometime

Anika is standing , while other doctors are busy in operation. Seeing the doctors who came after her doing the job ,which she supposed to do making her so angry. And it's all because of that shivaay ... if he won't had been here ,then her life was much easier and now look ,she is passing seizer and other equipment to them like , she is here for this only.  She rolls her eyes and turn her face away , which made her see  his figure,  who is standing other side of glass having smirk. Seeing him smiling made her blood boil and she gave him death glare, which he royally took it and still standing on his place thrusting his hands in his pocket.  

Concentrate , he eyed her towards the body earning air punch from her side making her colleague chuckle ..but as they saw their boss glaring them they  gulp and started  resume their work. 

Baghbillah ...she murmur folding her arms Turning her face away.

After three hours long operation anika  comes into her cabin and set there grabbing the water from  the table. She gulp half of the bottle and lean on the chair trying to relax her muscles , which are paining so bad because of running around. She had habit to order others during operations. Even , when she was intern that time as well , she was favourite of  mr sadiqui. So he barely asked her to do anything.  as he knew she intelligent among  all of interns. So it's unfair to her for making her  do useless things. But today  first time she done it and now her body is aching. She is half sleeping ,when she felt someone burning gaze at her. First she tried to ignore and move her neck to lay properly. But when that feeling didn't finish ,she open her eyes and here you go mr oberoi is standing infront of her folding his arms. She gasp and fell from the chair making her get hurt on her forehead hitting his head with the drawer.

Heyyyy you ok. He immediately set infront of her rub her forehead easing her pain. 

Leave me. I can do myself. It's not that deep. She huffs  and stood up rubbing her forehead. Seeing her showing attitude, he held her wrist as pulled her towards him making her winch with his grip on her wrist.

Don't you dare... don't even dare to shove me away like that ever. I'm your boss. So respect me. Otherwise I'll increase your bloody punishment. Did you understand.

Anime grit her teeth and  pushed him away Making him stumble.

Yes you are my boss. So be that only. Don't try to be over smart with me.  Moreover instead yelling at me. First look at yourself , who is coming in my cabin without permission and behaving like a stalker.  She huffs pointing finger at him.

It's my  hospital and I can come however I want. You can't stop me do that. If you wanna stay here then follow my rules and Don't  even dare to show me attitude. Otherwise In none seconds I'll throw you out from this hospital.

Yh fine do it.  Finish my contract and throw me out. At least , I don't need to see your face every day and would able to do my work without any worries. Just do it.  Do it.   She rebuke  back folding her arms looking at him sternly

Sh. I will. Just wait and watch. Saying this he left from there leaving her fuming. She can't believe , he will start chasing her  like that and all the time would behave with her so rude. She remember , he used to care about  her so much. A little hurt on her used to make him panic. But now she don't know what happened 'and why he is behaving like that. But anyways  what  can she expect from oberoies , when they don't have humanity at all. If they would had , then they wouldn't  had kick  her  out like  that without having anything with her. Her father done everything for them. Even lost his life. But what he got,  nothing ,not even a little appreciation. She  sobs and set on the chair rubbing her wrist which he had twisted while ago. 

At night

After finishing her disaster shift , she comes out from the hospital Along with her friend ,who bid bye to her and left her alone for waiting for  texi. Anika waves her hand to stop the texi. But it's not stopping and passing by her in speed. Shivaay who was seeing it from his car,He shakes his head and drive towards her side. He stopped near her  and slide the glass down.

Come I'll drop you. It's gonna rain soon. But instead answering him or looking at him. She is still waving her hand to stop the texi. Seeing her ignoring him ,he grit his teeth and shout

I said get in the car anika.  Don't  push me to force you. He yells making her role her eyes

No thank you very much. I can go home on my own.  You don't need to do effort for a person ,whom you hate so much. Saying this she started walking ahead  and wave her hand. And this time a texi stop infront of her.  Anika closed her eyes Thanking god and about to get in ,but grip on her hand stopped her. Before she protest  or say something she's Been pulled by him and he throw her in the car.

Kaya badtmeezi hai yah. Let me go. She try to open the car ,but he put child lock and drive away from There flaring his nose in anger.  

What the hell are you trying to do mr oberoi.  Just let me go.  I wanna go on my own. But instead answering her ,he is driving looking ahead. Anika grit her teeth and hit his arm in frustration and then turn her face away fidgeting  her finger.

Where you live. He simply ask the question maintaining his stern face

An. Jahanm Mein. She huffs

I didn't ask you for your after death residence. I'm asking right now where you live . Anika groan and squeeze her eyes controlling her rage.

An. In defence area. 

Hmm she hemmed and took the right turn.  For two minutes, silence was privilege in the car. No one shared a word or looked at each other. They are keeping  quite looking ahead. Suddenly a big loud phone ring started ringing gaining their attention. Both look at each other and then look at the phone where they can both clearly see ,tia is calling him. Seeing her name something twisted in  her heart and she  turn her face away not able to look at him. shivaay sighs and pick up the phone

Yes baby.  He deliberately call her baby making anika jealous , which I guess didn't work ,but for tia, it was 440  voltage shock to her when he called her first time baby instead tia.   But next second one more shock hit her ,when she heard the voice which she didn't want to hear her whole life.

Just drop me here. Anika speak gaining tia's attention. Shivaay stop the car and look around feeling weird finding whole place empty. But before he say something ,she muttered thank you  and got down from there car. And in none seconds she got disappeared getting  down from the road

Precap ...... the same goon visit the hospital to meet anika

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