Chapter 22

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After changing her clothes she comes out from the bathroom and lay down on the bed pulling the blanket. She kept her face on her hand and try to close her eyes. But always ended up thinking about him. the way ,he landed on her life. She knows something big gonna happen. She always prayed that she shouldn't meet him in her rest of her life or his family. But god have  sent him back in her life. And not only that he is her bloody boss. Who seems like fully mode on hating her without any reason. She don't understand, what she have done that he is angry on her and trying to target her for everything. It should be her ,who should be angry on him and his family ,for treating her so irrationally. But no mahan shivaay Singh oberoi is hating upon her without any reason. She scoff tossing on the bed and lay straight looking towards ceiling again running her mind towards that moment when tia had called him. That's mean ,she is still with him and she guess,  soon they gonna get marry as well. But why she is thinking about this. Obviously it had to happen one day, when he always wanted her in his life. Then why she Assumeed, she won't be with him. These thoughts only create havoc inside her and tears made their way from her eyes soaking into the pillow. No matter what happen , she will always love this man. And it will never finish till her last breath. She Sniffles and closed her eyes letting her emotions over powered her.

In morning

Because of not going in sleep early at night , she got so late and now she is running towards lift having her bag hanging on her shoulder.

Plesee stop please stop. She shout hoping someone would stop it. And to her wish , whoever was inside the lift ,he kept hand in it and stopped the lift to her close.

Than.... She about to thank you getting in ,but seeing him there, she rolls her eyes and turn her face away breathing heavily. God it was better ,if she would had preferred stairs instead standing with this stupid man. She rub her forehead and feel hell irritate with his presence.

Where's your manners miss anika. First you didn't say thank you to me for stopping lift for you. And then you didn't greet your boss. Is this the way you treat your boss. Hearing him taunting her in early morning made her mood spoiled. Now she is sure her whole day will be badass. And it's all because of this particular guy, who is standing besides her. But she kept her anger aside and pass him tight smile not feeling to argue with him at all.

Oh I'm so sorry sir. I didn't notice you. Errr thank you for your favour and hello sir. How are you. How's life. Is everything going good. What did you have in breakfast. ( shivaay open his mouth to answer her bht one more question she smeared on his face making him scoff ) Was It egg omelette or boiled egg. What time did you wake up. Five or six. And whattt

Ok cut it. That's enough. You just had to say hello. Not whole   list of my morning chores. He yells feeling annoy with her useless question. Here he was trying to tease her and there she roasted him fully making him irritate.  

You said that I didn't say you hello. So I was just  saying hello properly.  God you are so pathetic boss ,who can never be happy In anything.  If I'm saying hello then you have problem. And if I'm not saying hello ,still you have problem. Keep foot on one place instead moving here and there.  And she keep blubbering making him groan and he covers her mouth  pushing her towards the wall.

Shshsh shut up just shut up girl.  Stop blubbering.. here I asked you one thing and you are the one ,who is dragging things without any reason. Just  keep your mouth shut and keep quite.  Did you understand. Anika nods her head and  still having his hand on her mouth.  Shivaay smiles seeing her getting in his control and he tuck her hair back rubbing his finger on her temple which she is finding awkward gazing to his finger and then at his face.  He about to move more closer to her ,but lift made a sound and it flung  open making him get apart from her immediately and get into  his old zone ,which is stern snd rude. Anika   Rolls her eyes and left  from there immediately before he stops her yet again for smearing one more order on her face.

It's noon time and thankfully , he didn't disturb her and she kept busy herself in the work being away from him. Whenever ,she heard he is coming into her side ,she immediately escaped from there before he sees her.  Currently she is  standing near  a patient,  while checking her and trying to figure out why she seems sick ,when  a nurse came and told her someone came to meet her. She frowns thinking ,when she has no one than ,who have came to meet her. But she shrug her shoulders and decided to see ,who's out there. She instruct her colleague and left from  there. 


Excuse me are you here to meet me.  She says to the guy ,who is back facing her in her cabin  

Yes baby girl. I'm here to meet to you who took my heart on first gaze.   The guy turn and made her shocked finding same person who had created Fiasco yesterday in the hospital and because of it ,loads of people were going to die. 

You here. She mumbles gazing at him with wide eyes. 

Yes me here. He grin passing her a big  bouquet making hee gulp. 

That's for you. My first gift to my  would be wife.  He smiles making her widen her eyes in shock after listening would be wife from his mouth. 

Guys why are you standing silent. Say hello to your bhabi. He ask his men who bow  down and greet her.

Hello bhabi.  They all said in one scene   Having eyes  down. Anika bewildered and now regretting to go outside yesterday. Seems like she have put herself in big trouble which she wasn't expecting.   This guy ,who is standing  infront of her , he left yesterday to come back again.  And now seems like things gonna happen unexpectedly.

What nonsense is this.  I'm not your would be wife.  Stop blubbering shit and get the hell out of here. Just leave my cabin before I call the security and throw you out.  She screams hoping ,he would listen and leave but seems like nothing set on his head and he yanked her closer holding her elbow. 

What you doing let me go. Just leave me. She wiggle trying to get out of his control ,but seems like, he is not in mood to do it.

Don't try to show me attitude girl.  Otherwise you don't know what I would do if you  pissed me off.  Just be a good  girl and accept my proposal of marriage.

What the hell you are blubbering. I'm not bloody marrying you have you gone crazy. I don't even know you. Just leave me. Let me go. And get the hell out of here. Just leaveeee without fearing even a bit. she forcefully comes out of his hold despite his nails scratch her and she step back glaring him.

You will , when veer partab chohan lays his eyes on someone, then it becomes his. No matter, what happens ,he get it by hook by or by crook. And you have made me hypnotise of yours. Since I've seen you. I'm not able to get you out from my mind and heart. So I've decided, Now I'll make you mine , whether you want or not. Be ready to be my wife baby girl. He held her hand and forcefully kissed it making her flinch despite her wiggling. Be ready baby girl. Saying this he wink and left from there leaving her all traumatised and shocked. She sniffles moving her eyes balls around and immediately started wiping her hand with the wet tissue where he kissed.

Asshole how dare he.  He dare he say that he would marry me. I would never let this happen.   It will never happen.  Doh takka ka gunda.   She sobs rubbing tissue on her hand ,till  her hand skin didn't turn red.   Already "she was pissed because of shivaay. And now one more problem fell over her in the name of this veer chuhan. But she won't let these people win over  her. She will make sure that she don't let them to take advantage of her and stay away from them  as much as she could. She wipe her tears and stood there lost in her own thoughts

After couple of minutes, she is still standing on her place ,when a nurse entered calling her. As she saw her she immediately wipe her tears and stood up hiding her tension

N. Mam doctor sadiqui wants you to join him in operation theatre. Please come.

Yh fine I'm coming. You go. Nurse nods and left from there. As she went ;anika clear her face and decided to hide the matter instead creating any scene. If something happened, then she will handle it on her own.

In operation theatre

Again and again ,she getting lost in her thoughts during the operation. That time when she should concentrate on herwork. Her mind is getting cloudy with thoughts and fear thinking about the moment ,when that goon proposed her. Mr sadiqui who noticed her. He kept hand on her shoulder and nudge her bringing her back to earth

S. Where are you lost anika beta. Please stay focus.

Yeh yes sir. She mumbles moving her eyes balls and again went back to her work. Bht shivay ,who was standing observing her through the glass ,he got confused with her behaviour. As he knows she never behave like this. Then what happened to her.

Anima can you pass me the scissor. But yet again ,she is lost somewhere and didn't answer. Seeing her careless shivaay couldn't control himself in and barge in making anika flinch.

Miss anika I want you right now In my cabin. Saying this he immediately left from there making her sigh

You go I'll handle it. Her senior assures her ,which she obliged and left behind shivaay.

You called me sir. She mumbles getting in the office fidgeting with her fingers

Where's your mind miss anika. I'm observing you. Since past one hour ,when you should be concentrate on the operation. Your mind is somewhere else. And you are not paying head to your work. It's about someone's life. And because of your carelessness someone can die . If you had so much going in your brain ,then why didn't you tell me sadiqui and declined to join in. He shout at her thinking might ,she would
Clarify him or answer him. but she is standing statue again zoning out. Seeing her like that He grit his teeth and held the same spot ,where that goon had scratched her.

Aaaa she cry in pain and immediately take her arm back feeling hell pain again of the wound. Shivaay widen his eyes in worry and look at her tear stricken face.

Hey what happened??. Show me. Just show me. He lift her sleeves up and got shocked the nails scratch best her elbow.

Anika what happened how did you get it. Hearing him she went in flashback thinking about the goon and cry more making him panic.

You are making me worried. Please tell me what's wrong. What's bothering you. And who the hell done this to you. Seeing him showing concern to her. First she thought to tell him. But then she withdrew to thinking , it's baseless to tell him .as on the first place he won't trust her. And second thing ,it's her personal issue. And she will itself solve it Instead Telling him.

Errr nothing. Nothing happened. It's just I was feeling itchy and scratched it which caused to get it on arm. You don't worry. And I'm I'm sorry. I shouldn't had zone out during operation. I'm sorry. I won't do that again. I should go now. Doctor sadiqui must be expecting me. Saying this she immediately left firm there before he catch her again and interrogate her about her weird behaviour.

Something Is must be wrong. She doesn't seems fine. He mumbles thinking about her pale face.

After Sometime

Annie what happened ??where are you lost. Whole day you have been walking around like this. Tell me what's bothering you . Her friend bhavya nudge her bringing back to earth

You remember yesterday goon she says leaning on the chair folding her arms.

Yh what about him??Bhavya frown taking bite of her biscuit.

He came today for meeting me and he said, he wanna marry me. And if I didn't agree then, he will force me. As she said these words ,bhavya widen her eyes and dropped her biscuit and shout

Whatttt ??, she shout gaining all people attention, who was sitting in the canteen.

Calm down. Don't announce in-front of all people. Anika whispered looking around.

He wanna marry you. That goon wanna marry you. She stress her words not able to believe whatever she said.

Yes. And now I'm regretting to go out. If I won't had then today ,I didn't had to face all this. Already this shivaay !I mean new ceo and now this bloody goon ,who came from no where and claiming me his love interest. You know he said!If he left yesterday then because of Me. As on first sight ,he fall in love with me. And now he wanna make me his life partner. and if I will say no ,then he will set this whole hospital on fire and will force me to be with him. Now I don't know what to do. And how to cope up with all this situation. I'm so tensed. She says rubbing her forehead in tension

B. I think we should tell the boss about it. It's serious matter Annie. Bhavya suggested earning immediate disapproval from anika.

No I can't. I would never do that. Leave it. I'll solve this problem on my own. I don't wanna involve anyone else. And you promise me as well that you won't tell anyone about it. I don't want anyone to get even clue about it.

B. But Annie

An. No means no. Don't tell anyone. Ok.

B. Fine. She huffs and bite her nails in anticipation.

Good anyways I'm going in my cabin. Some appointments needs to catch up. She bid bye to her and left from there keeping her worry aside and decide to focus on her job

At night

It's almost ten pm and most of the early shift doctors have went. But anika couldn't move from these , because of having loads fever patients in the hospital. As weather changed, seems like everyone got sick and heading to the hospital.

After checking one by one ,she is coming back from the patients hall ,when her eyes fell on shivaay ,who is present still there. She thought ,he must be gone by now. But he is still there. But then she decided to ignore him and went into her cabin.

For some minutes ,she decided to take a little nap and lay down on the small bed ,which she uses for patients.
She just closed her eyes few seconds that she felt someone standing besides her. First she ignored this feelings. but bwhen she kept feeling same. She open her eyes and next second she gasp and slid down from the bed making the other person catch her before she touches the floor.

Precap ....... Shivaay get to know about veer.

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