Chapter 24

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Seeing her sleeping on his bed made him smile little.  How he wished , she would had been officially his and they would had been husband wife and would  had stayed together. Bht things got so bitter between them that he couldn't even tell her that how much he loves her. But now he can't even do that after knowing what she have done with his parents. No matter  what happens, she shouldn't had insulted them.   She shouldn't. He look at her face and then take his hand back from her bringing distance between them having heavy heart.  He really feeling pain to do this.  But whenever' he goes near her,  he remember everything  which his parents told him.  Thinking about this hr about to leave , but stopped when he felt her  blabbering something in sleep. 

Pleas don't throw me out of this house. Where will I go. I'm alone.  I'm so scared. Please don't ask me to leave. Please understand please please please . She sobs in her sleep making him panic seeing her like this. He immediately took seat near her and nudge her to bring her back into senses. But she is in same mode crying in sleep. Suddenly she gasp , and set up when he shakes her little more harder. She breath heavily and look at shivaay with blood shot eyes being all frightened and scared. 

Hey you ok ,,?? It was nightmare. Just nightmare. Anima twist her lips like a baby and throw herself in his arms hugging him tightly making him startled  with her sudden move.   But he relaxed himself and  wrapped his arms around her caressing her hair.  

Don't leave me plesee , he will come back. Please don't go Shiv please.  she sobs tightening his grip around him  crying like a child. 

Don't worry everything will be fine. Shshsh relax. He run his fingers in her hair and soothe her asking her to take long breath. He can understand, how scared she is. Whatever  happened with her today , it was really traumatised for her.  No one should experience all that which she did.  

Look I'm here witn you. Nothing will happen Nick.  He can't even touch your hair till I'm with you.  I won't let him to harm you. I promise. Just relax and get tension free. I've put police behind him. Soon he will be behind the just relax ok. 

No no no you don't know how dangerous he is. He can do anything in anger. And right now ,his weak spot have been touched. I'm sure ,he won't sit quite'till he don't do anything.  I'm so scared shivaay. He will take me away. He will harm me. Hearing her his closed his eyes tight and shakes her holding her arms. 

Shut up Nick. Just shut up.  Why are you behaving so coward.  Till I'm with you. He won't able to do anything to you . Did you understand. I'll make sure that he don't even touch you single hair without my wish.  I'm shivaay Singh oberoi !! and I know , how to protect my things.  Now be brave and don't be scared.  Till you are under my wings 'no one means, no one can harm you. Anika nods her head and again hugged him tightly crying silently. Shivaay caresses hee hair snd give her feathery kisses on her head. 

After sometime

Shivaay comes back in the room and  found  her sitting on the bed lost in her own thoughts. Seeing her like that he silently kept the tray aside and took seat near her making her come out from her zone. 

An. Why did you bring me here. You could had  drop me at my house as well. 

Sh. Yh right as if you were fine enough to take care of yourself. He sneers. 

An. I can.  I can take care of myself. 

Sh. Oh really then why didn't you do infront of that goon , why did you behave a scared cat. 

An. I didn't ok.   I did fight  with him. It's just he was more Stronger than me. So I couldn't do.  She stammers looking here and there

Yh yh I can see that.  Now be quite and have this food. It will give you energy. He says keeping tray in her lap.

An. I wanna go home. I can't stay here any longer. Thanks for help , but I can't stay here in your house. She says keeping the untouched tray aside.   Seeing her stubbornness shivaay move towards her and  kept hand on her cheek rubbing it slowly.

You wanna go home , ha. Go then. But then don't ask me to save you again.  As that guy is still not in Custody of police and anytime he can harm you. So it's up to you , what you want to do.  You wanna be alive or wanna be dead by his hand. 

An. But I ...

Sh. Shshsh keep quite.  Here have this food and sleep.  I want you to be fit and fine by tomorrow and join the hospital again. I don't pay you money for sleeping at home.  Did you understand. Anyways I'm going out as I've some Meeting. You just have your food and take rest.  Saying this he look at her sternly and left from there leaving her all alone at home.

After sometime

Anika is sleeping in the room when she heard some thud sound from outside , which startled her and she set on the bed looking around in frightened state.   She gulp the saliva and got down from there without making noise. She pray to god that she should stay safe and whoever is outside , he should go without harming her. But when she heard one more noice outside , she jumped in fear and immediately grabbed a solid vase for her protection ... she slowly tip toe towards outside   in fear. Suddenly she gasp , when she saw a shadow near the window.  As she saw it , from No where' she gathered the strength and martch towards it with heavy steps. She raise the vase and  about  to hit on person's head. but on meantime the person held it and pulled her towards him making her fell on his chest

Have you gone mad what you doing ??? It's me shivaay.

I I thought I thought it's him I .... Seeing her state he regretted to shout at her and pulled her in his arms hugging her.

Sh. Hey I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you are sleeping inside.

I was but when I heard the noises I woke up and got scared. I thought he is here. She sobs hiding her face in his neck making him sigh.

No he is not here. He can't come at all. You don't take tension about it. I'll handle everything. Anika nods and Hugged him more tightly.

After some minutes when she realised what she is doing she got awkward and broke the hug looking here and there n

Come let's go inside. It's late night. You should sleep. Anika nods simply and went inside following with him.

He made her lay down on the bed and put blanket over her.

Sleep. He whispered and about to leave but she held his hand and stopped him.

Sleep with me please. Seeing her state , he couldn't argue more and lay down besides her. As she felt ,he is with her. she closed her eyes and went in sleep without any worries

In morning

Shivaay is making breakfast when anika comes out all ready to go.

Where you think , you are going. Hearing him she immediately turn and found him standing in the kitchen looking at her sternly.

Errr I was thinking I should go for work. I mean what will I do at home. There's nothing to do.

Sh. I'm gonna go same place. I don't think so it will be bad if you would come with me.

An. But I

Sh. Don't need to argue with me. Go and sit. First do breakfast then we will leave together. Not feeling to fight with him ,she silently kept her bag aside and set on the dining table.

Did you find him ... as he kept the plate infront of her first question came out from her mouth about veer.

Sh. Not yet.... But soon I'm gonna. You don't worry about it. Now here have this food before it gets cold. After knowing ,he hasn't been caught still made her lose her appetite. She is fearing today again ,he will land in Hospital and will try to take her away. Seeing her lost, he understood what's going on in her brain so he decided to divert it by talking about random things.

So , how long you been working in my hospital. Anika snapped her eyes and clear her throat rubbing her forehead.

An. Errr nearly an year. First I'd done internship and then before six months they changed my contract and now I'm full time  cardiologist.  But thanks to you. You put me back into my internship.  She says rolling her eyes while looking at him

Because you deserve it for being silly.  He chuckle earning glare from her.

Sh. Ok now get up and be ready. We are leaving in few minutes.

Ok she nods her head and left from there to get ready.

In the car

Seeing her scared he Slowed his car and gripped her hand in hks palm making her come out from her zone.

Sh. Everything will be fine. Don't think about it.  

Mhmm she tuck her hair back and fidget with her fingers. 

We have been reached. Come let's go in. He
Parked his car in private zone and got out from the car along with her. Anika hang  her bag on her shoulder and walked behind him. As she kept foot inside the hospital all staff started looking at her and then started whispering, which confused her like hell.   Like why the hell they are seeing her like this. 

Come let's go ,why you stopped. Shivaay says holding her wrist.   Seeing his hand gripping on her knuckles she immediately pulled it back and glare him , which he didn't understand at all. But she did. She understood that why these people are looking at her.  Whatever happened yesterday , seems like they have started doubting  her and shivaay relationship. That's why 'they are seeing her with excused gaze.

What happened is everything alright ??? He knitted his brow looking at her pale  face.

Errr yh I'm fine. I'm fine.   She managed to say passing him  a  little smile.  

Are you sure ?? Youuu he about to say Something but stopped seeing the police entering in the hospital. 

Mr oberoi it's good ,we got you here. Actually we need to talk to you immediately. Feeling seriousness in their tone ?anika fidget with her finger and look at shivaay worriedly.

Come let's go with me. He kept hand on her back and took her towards lift which gonna lead them towards his office. As they reached on his floor shivaay brought them in his room and set on the chair not before making anika comfortable on the sofa.

Mr oberoi we couldn't catch him.  He is not any road side goon or something. He is really dangerous and his connections are with high level people. And I guess it will be really hard for us to cope up with him.   As much as he is powerful, he is more harmful for miss anika. 

Sh. So you mean to say that we can't do anything about it. Shivaya screams smacking his hand on the table.

Ins. Not so easy mr oberoi.  That's why I came on conclusion that miss anika should have a guardian. I mean a  legal relationship then i guess it can help us to shut him down.

Sh. What do you  mean  by that??? Say it clearly inspector. Shivaay farrow his brow looking at anika  ",who seems scared shit out of her. 

She should get marry to someone. As he suggested shivaay stood up looking at him shockingly. 

Sh. What ??? What are you blabbering.

In. I know it's just little complicated. But as she will get marry to someone , who will be her legal spouse guardian and after that He has to leave her. as  he won't have chance to marry her.  As you know he is doing all this to get her. 

But I can't do this I just. Anika about to say more but shivaay move  towards her and made her quite.

Fine I'll do something then.   You may leave. In an hour you will get marriage papers.  Ad he said that anika look at him shockingly and  come out form his arms jerking him hand away . 

Ok that's fine mr oberoi.  Saying this inspector left from there.  As he gone anika glare shivaya and shout

Have you gone crazy. Why would I marry someone just because I wanna get rid of that guy. It's kind of same thing.   If I'll come out from one problem then. I'll land in another.   You can't just tie me with someone out of sudden.

Sh. Who said that I'm gonna make you marry with someone else.  He instantly spoke making her confused hell out of her.

What do you mean ??? She stutter.but instead answering her, he got his phone out from his pocket and called his lawyer. 

I need  marriage papers in an hour.  Yh on the name of mine and and anika sharma.  Hearing him anika widen her eyes and look at him shockingly.

You can't do this. This is wrong shivaay. You can't ruin your life because of me. We can have another plan. But this wrong. She whined try to make him understand but he just shook his head and sigh

We don't have any other plan. Moreover why are you afraid of. Who told you it's gonna be real marriage. He sneers holding her hands

An. What do you mean she stutter.

Sh. It will be fake. As we will feel threats have been finished. we will disclose it that it was fake. Afterwards , you can marry whoever you want and I can do with tia 'my girlfriend. Hearing him she got silent and went in deep thoughts thinking about his parents. If they got to know about it then surely , they will blame her for everything and will be so angry for it.

What about you parents. She says turning her face towards him

Sh. Nothing we won't let them know about it. It will be just formality nothing more. So now don't worry and do whatever I'm saying. Later 'we can figure out what we have to do. Tension set in her heart thinking about the consequences of this marriage. She surely knows that how much hurdles she gonna face for this. But there's no any other option either. If she didn't marry shivaay. then that guy will definitely do it. Which she can't let it happen as well. So without thinking about it she exhale the long breath and decided to do that which he asked for.

Fine she mumbles and set on the sofa holding his head. Shivaay smiles and set besides her having relief in his heart.

Soon after half an hour , lawyer came and they signed the marriage Papers and became legally husband wife. Which made her so restless but she didn't have any other choice except doing it. It was her dream to be Shivaay's wife. but she never thought that it will happen like that. where it gonna last only for few months. She wipe her tears and bend her head down fidgeting with her fingers lost in her own thoughts which didn't go unnoticed by shivaay.

Precap ....... She shifts in his house and seeing their closeness stuff make talk about them

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