Chapter 25

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After  signing the papers, she directly came out and decided to join her duty behaving like nothing happened. But seems like nothing sort of gonna happen like that. As she came out, all people are looking at her like, she is some alien or something.  But she just ignored them and went towards her cabin.

She reached in the cabin and pick the landline to call her nurse for sending patients in, But before she do bhavya enters there making her frown.

Bhavya is everything fine??? She asks in her soft voice looking at her being confused finding her restless .

Annie you are alright right ???  She instantly said making her frown with her question.

An.  Yes I'm fine.  But why you look pale.  

Bhavya take a long breath and move towards her side pulling chair near her.

Annie people are talking about you and sir.  I mean since yesterday he took you home. Everyone are just making talk. They think that you and sir are having  something between you.  I mean since he came , he's been targeting you. But as you fell in trouble. He was the first one , who came to rescue you. And  saved you from the goon. 

An. But he just helped me . I really  don't thinks There's anything   to talk about. 

B. I know. But who can stop people. But you don't worry. Everything will be fine. Soon they will forget about it and will move on. 

An. I don't think so they will do. You know that these people always searches ways to humiliate someone. Till he is here? they will make loads of talk about us. Which I really don't  wanna listen.   I think I need to talk to shivaay .... I mean sir. She immediately attached sir before bhvaya get suspicious.

Yh do it. I guess he is the only one who can calm this shit.  Anika nods snd turn her gaze away feeling more worried. Already she was tensed because of that  goon and marriage. And now One more tension  surrounded her making her restless. 

After sometime

Shivaay is busy in his work when he heard the knock. 

Come in , he  gave permission to the person , still gazing at his files. But soon his eyes    casted on anika who enters there looking little frightened. Seeing her face , he immediately left whatever he was doing , and stood up on his place.  

Sh. Is everything alright. He says in his soft voice moving towards her.

Anima  tuck her hair back and nods. 

An. Errr I just came to tell you that I'm going home.  My shift has finished.    Good night mr oberoi will  see you tomorrow. She pass him simple  smile ? which surely looking forced and about to head out, but before she move out , he held her Wrist and pulled her towards him keeping hand on her waist

Sh.  Have you faced some memory lose miss anika. Have you forgotten, how dangerous is for you to stay alone. That guy  can attach  you anytime. He is waiting for you to be alone. And you are thinking to stay at to your house alone. No that won't happen. Till this problem doesn't get finish. You are staying with me under my roof. Did you understand. Now get your things we are leaving  together. 

An. You are not understanding anything.  I can't go with you ... I ....

Sh. I'm not listening anything. You are coming with me and that's  final.  Did you understand. Anika try to say him something. But when she got glare from him , she stomp her food in irritation and left to get her beg and  coat.


Seeing her looking around with  tension made him frown. He is not able to understand why she is doing this. She is under his wing ,then why the hell 'she is looking around like that man is somewhere nearby and anytime he can attack her. . But soon his confusion got clear, when he  saw all people are talking with each other while gazing at them. Seems like something is really not good in the atmosphere. The way ,they are gawking at them  and whispering to each other , it's feeling like they are making some talk about them which is really  not good specially for anika.   But he really don't wanna reach on conclusion. First he wanna ask anika about it. Then he will fix the things  around him .

Let's go , he shows her way out and left from there.

After getting her stuff from her house they directly left towards his house. After  20 minutes of drive , they reach there and he stopped the car infront of it. Anika thought might , he would take her in his apartment. Bht seeing the house, she frowns and look at shivaay who didn't bother to answer her gaze and got down. 

Come out. We have been reached. He open the door for her and ask her to come out which she obliged and got down from the car.

An. This place ???

Sh. We gonna live here from now on.  Now if your interrogation has been finished then shall we get in. Anika simply nods and went behind him.  As they entered in shivaay order to his security to get their bags and itself lead anika ahead. He brought her upstairs and  take her in one of room .

This is your room. You can stay here. If you really need something then my room is in next door. You can call me Ok.  Anika nods and kept her hand bag on the bed looking around. 

Just freshen up then  come and make me dinner. He orders her making her confused.

An. Mee. She says amusedly.

Sh. Yes you. What you think, I'll let you stay here without doing anything. No that's not gonna happen.   Now be hurry up and come.  I want my dinner in half and hour. Saying this he left from there leaving her alone there. Anika exhale the long breath and  settle on the bed fidgeting with her fingers thinking about living with him under one roof.  She knows ,it's gonna be really hard for her to stay with him. But  she don't have any other choice except doing it. As if she  stayed alone then that guy surely gonna eat her raw.

After sometime

She comes out after taking bath and directly went towards Kitchen  making dinner for  him.   Maids who were present there' they gaze at her  weirdly and eye to each other. But they didn't say anything as they know if they did then their boss will throw them out which they really can't afford. So better they keep quite and leave from there. Seeing them going , anika sigh in relief and started cooking food for him. After almost half an hour she able to cook some instant food and started plating it for him and for herself.

Yes tia yh I'll be back in few weeks. Right now I'm busy. Yh fine I'll get it. Saying this he cut the call and look at anika , who is already looking at him holding the tray. Shivaay clearly can see, she heard tia's name but she chose to not say anything and passed by him with tray. Shivaay exhale the long breath and grab the jug and went behind her

On the table

Shivaay is eating the food , when he felt her all silent sitting besides him. Seeing her like that he kept the spoon on the plate and clear his throat bringing her back on the earth.

What's wrong now. Why you seems upset yet again. I've promised you na that guy won't even touch your hair. then why are you silent.

I think it's not right. She instantly spoke as he asked her question.

Sh. What's not right?? He tilt his brow up in question.

An. Everything. I mean , people are making talk about us. Today when I went hospital. all staff was looking at me suspiciously, like I've done some crime. And then later bhavya told me that they are talking about us. Already I've been stressed because of that goon. and now one more problem have been fallen over me. I don't want people to get chance to call me characterless or something. Moreover you are engaged to tia. And today or tomorrow you gonna marry her. But if she got to know that you have married to me for saving me then. I think we should end this. And you should let me go to my house. I will itself try to handle the situation.

Shivaay grit his teeth and immediately pulled her towards him holding her arm making her yelp in pain with his hard grip. . He is feeling hell angry on her';First for calling herself characterless and second for thinking ,he gonna leave her after doing so much things. . How can she thought that he gonna leave her after marrying her after so many hurdles. Didn't she hesitate before blubbering all that. here for saving her , he didn't see anything and jumped into the danger. But look at her. Instead being thankful she is asking him to leave her putting all the favour into drain.

I'm not leaving you did you understand. Specially till that time, till danger doesn't get off from your head. This marriage has motive. We done it so that , that guy leave you and let you be in peace. I also didn't have any wish to marry you. I'm already engaged and wish to marry my fiancé. I've done this favour to save your ass form thar guy. But instead being thanful ,you are saying me to leave you and just put all my effort go in drain. Listen girl , this marriage is baseless. We both know this very well. As I'll feel , things have been sorted out. I'll let you go. Afterwards you can go on your own way and I'll go on my own. Now stop thinking all this shit and finish your dinner. Saying this he pushed her and stormed away from there burning in anger. Anika sobs and set on the Chair keeping hand on her forehead. She don't know what's happening with her life. Everything is so messed up that she don't know ,what she has to do and how to cope up with the situation. She had thought that this marriage is just for saving her from that psycho. But she didn't know that it will put her in more tensions. Before people were giving her sympathy. But now surely they will start calling her characterless , who play with men.

In Shivaay's room

He is trying to get sleep but it's far away from his eyes. It's been an hour he is tossing on the bed but he is not able to get it. After so many tries , when he didn't get it. He groan and set on the bed holding his head. He huffs and look at the table for water. But seeing it empty,He rolls his eyes and decided to get it from the kitchen. He wear his slippers and come out from his room. He is passing by anika's room when he heard her sobs from inside. First he felt to ignore it. But when it didn't stop ,he Unwillingly open her door little and got in with silent steps.

Anika he whispered her name when he found her laying on the bed curled up like a ball and sobbing back facing him. He can understand , what's going on her mind. But he can't help her. It's so complicated to make her understand. Things have been so bad with her lately. He is trying his best to fix them .but nothing is getting fix up. and it's turning more bad. He sighs and slowly walk towards her. Hearing foot steps from behind anika pretend to sleep'But shivaay knows she is not sleeping. He set on the bed and caresses her head with his hand.

Hey anika , are you fine. He thought might she will answer him but seeing her still pretending , he take long breath and slid besides her on the bed. He slowly scoot near her and take her In Back hug having his face in her hair inhaling her fragrance.

It will Be fine. I promise. Don't take tension. After tomorrow no one will dare to look at you like that. Just relax. Hearing his soothing voice ,she turns and thrust her face in his neck wrapping her arms around his torso. Shivaay reciprocated it snd kiss her head assuring her that he is with her.

Everything will be fine. Hmm I'm with you. He mumbles in her ear and kiss her two three times. After couple of minutes when she felt ,she is fine' she broke the hug and look at him with puffy eyes. Shivaay smiles and wipe her tears with his fingers and then tuck her hair back. He is finding her looking super cute with red cheeks along with small button nose. And those lips .... These lips are justttt .... He Look at them and just got lost into them finding them Looking so irresistible. He tried his best to ignore them. But his urge of kissing them Hypnotised him making him helplessly and in no time he claimed them making her closed her eyes , feeling his lips on her. Her whole body got paralysed and she felt like a current ran through her body feeling his warm lips on hers. Her mind is pursuing her to push him away ,but her heart didn't let her. And in end' she gave up infront of her heart and just started reciprocating it. Shivaay's heart flatter and he suck her lips tenderly analysing her each and every taste. She taste like a heaven. It's not that he kissed her first time. It's their third kiss he guessed . But whenever he kisses her. It feels like a first time. He smiles on his own thoughts and pulled her closer sucking  hell out of her. He kept his hand on her head and take her bottom lips in his mouth While swirling his tongue in her mouth. She moans feeling so sensually and suck his upper lips. After a long kiss ,they broke apart and look at each other with desires. Anika's mind tried to divert her into the reality. but before it happens shivaya come on top of her and claimed her lips with her again ... this time, he didn't do softly but he started showing all his passion towards her sucking her lips thoroughly. Despite feeling breathless ,she let him kiss her however he wants. Soon when his boundaries crossed he broke apart and started placing kisses on her face licking her each and every inch of her beautiful face. He travels down and place many open mouth kisses from her jaw to her neck. Anika arch back closing her eyes and kept hand on his head pulling him more. His soft wet kisses making her weak. She is feeling like, she is flouting in the sky. Everything is looking so magical that she forgot ,she exist in real world. Soon he slid her shirt from one side and suck her shoulders leaving a big dark hickey over there. She moans and hugged him resting her hands on his back. Soon his hand travels towards her shirt button and he started opening it while kissing her lips again. He don't want her to think something else. He just want her mind ,heart ,body just beg for him. He smiles on his own thoughts and remove her shirt throwing it in the corner. Seeing her not wearing bra a smirk played on his lips and he immediately latched his mouth on her breast moulding it in his hands. He always had dreamt to make love to her. And today when it's happening ,he is finding it like a dream. He just wanna cherish each and every moment of them being together. Thinking about this he gave a long suck on her nipple and then move down kissing her stomach. First he suck her belly button and then he swirl his tongue on her navels resting his hands on her hips.

Shivaay she moans and kept hands on his shoulder not able to take his torture. But he didn't stop and carry on his work. He rolls his fingers in her trouser and removed it slowly. As her feminine touched his nose trills , he closed his eyes and raised her legs up. Feeling his breath on her core anika bite her lips and try to close her legs.'But he didn't let her and parted them more Making her grunts in anticipation. He look at her face and then give a lick on her juicy core which is already so wet for him. Seeing his impact on her made him proud snd he kiss her thighs and the travel his mouth towards her middle of the legs. He about to take it in his mouth 'but before he do she held his shoulder and pulled him up. Shivaay she whispered near his lips and then take him in deep kiss' which he didn't resist at all and started kissing her. During this he remove his shirt following this pants and throw on the floor still latching his mouth on her. When he felt both of them can't control 'he set between her legs and look deep into her eyes ,which she blinked giving him Permission. Firsr he rub his thumb on her clit snd then settle between her legs. He lean on her and then slowly pushed into her making her gasp.

Shivaay she cry looking at him with widen eyes.

Shshs it will be fine. Jusr easy Easy. He gave her little thrusts making her ease.

It will be fine just relax. He gave her feathery kisses on her lips and then ram in her slowly but gradually. As he felt her walls clenched his Shaft around   . He started thrusting into her with phase which sped up with passing time and he made love to her whole night .....

Precap....... Anika feels guilty later they've been called in college reunion party

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