Chapter 29

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In baffled state she immediately turn her face started walking towards another side of corner " away from her group. As she reached in silent place" tears started coming out from her eyes "while rage is over powering her "which made her red like tomato. As she had seen anika. She knew that now shivaay again fall towards her. Fear had set in her brain and heart. And now look it happened. That bitch has casted on him yet again making him her puppet. She always had motive to trap shivaay. And she knew This. But now seems like water have been crossed over their heads and she has fully controlled him. But she can't let this happen. She can't let her snatch her shivaay from her. She had sacrifice so many things for him. Despite his hostile towards her. She still kept sticking with him in every thick and thin. And now she can't let that anika bitch to ruin her all hard work. She  can't be anika shivaay singi oberoi. It will always be her. She is only capable of being an oberoi daughter in law. Not that low class girl " who don't have anything in her not beauty or standard.

You are gone anika. You are surely gone .... if I didn't remove you from our lives forever.  then my name is not tia kapoor. She hissed like a snake having red berry eyes ' which could scare anyone right here.

On the the side

Shivaay what you doing. Stop it. Anyone can catch us like this. Anika giggle trying to remove his mouth from her breast. But he is the one who is feasting on it like a hungry child. He about to slid his hand towards her core ' when suddenly they heard tia which'  made them part away and Anika immediately fixed her clothes glaring him.

Go first. I'll come after 1 minute. She whispered pushing him out side.

I'll be waiting for you. He peck her lips and left from there unwillingly. Anika look at the mirror and blush seeing hickey on her neck ' while her swollen lips which looking like someone has chew  them for hours. she can't go like this outside. several question will be bombard on her ... which she can't answer at all. So hurriedly she pulled out her makeup kit and started putting make up on her skin.

After some minutes

Shall we leave. Anika comes and stood by malika looking at shivaay who winks at her making her crimson red. Tia grit her teeth and dig her nails in her  palm feeling hell pissed seeing their behaviour.

M. Yh let's go guys. I guess it's late and we should leave. All nods and walked out from the shop.

Seems like mall is getting close. Om says looking around seeing the shops are getting shut down. Tia who was murdering anika in her thoughts" suddenly her eyes fall on a warehouse which seems filled with dark and two men are  leaving without closing it. A idea popped into her Brain making her smirk. She pushed her Hair back and look at anika " who is walking With malima talking to her. Seeing her busy she silently move towards her and took her phone out from the purse and slide another side of the corner before anyone see it.

You are gone anika. She whispered and immediately move towards shivaay and held his arm passing him extra big smile ' which shivaay found it creepy but he didn't say anything and turn his face again towards om and got busy in talking ....

Anika come you can come with me. Anika about to sit in the car"  when rayaansh stopped her holding her arm which made shivaay pissed seeing him pressurising her to come with him.

An. It's fine rayaansh. This car is going in same way. So don't worry.

M. Yh she is right Ray. Moreover. It's getting dark and I really wanna go hotel back and take rest. So let's sit. Rayaansh made disappointed face and nods his head unwillingly.

Annie can you pass me the phone. I need to message my mom. She's been calling me from ages. But I couldn't pick it up. And now my phone is dead. Tia says sweetly ' which made anika frown ... but she shrug her thoughts and push her hand into her purse to get her phone out. But she got confused when she didn't find it inside.

My phone she check every corner of her bag " but she couldn't find it whicn made her panic.

What happened ??? Tia frown gazing at her.

I don't know. I think it left in the shop. She says worriedly looking around on the floor hoping to get her phone but it no where to be seen.

Let's check it. I'll go with you. Shivaay who was sitting on driver seat 'he gets down and held her elbow to go back inside. But tia stopped him.

Why are you guys worrying about. I'll go with anika inside. It's better you guys go back. As I'll find phone. We can come back with rayaansh. Isn't rayaansh. She smiles at rayaansh who immediately got agreed thinking about him and anika being together for sometime without these people. 

R. Yeah sure. I can stay. He grin.

Sh. But it's not needed we all can wait.

T. Don't worry we will be back soon. You guys go. Moreover malika is feeling really tired  and I really don't want her to be sick.

An. Yes she is right. We will be fine. You guys go. Shivaay unwillingly nods his head and then left from there not before glaring rayaansh who is jumping in happiness.

Come Let's go guys tia held anika's hand and dragged her with her following With  rayaansh. Anika is confused With her behaviour. As she never been so sweetly with her. But then she stopped thinking about it being worried about her phone.

In mall

After searching everywhere for half an hour "   they couldn't find phone " which made anika hell worried. As all her contacts was In this. Even online banking also. And If someone got it then loads of things she  go an  lose ' which she can't afford right now

I guess guys we have to spilt. Rayaansh why won't you go and check in that corner. And we both will check here.

Ok ... rayaansh nods his head and left from there.

T. I'll go this way ok. You go and check near ware house. Anika shakes her head and left to check alone.

My phone while walking near warehouse she found her phone in the corner and she immediately picked up thanking god for not letting any other person see it. Otherwise she would had fell In Big trouble. But she didn't know that which another big mess has brought her here.  She sighs in relief and turn to leave putting her phone in bag ..  but before  she do " someone kept hand on her head and pushed her into the warehouse and in no time she has being landed on hard floor hitting her head on something sharp  thing " which made her head bleed and she fall unconscious without knowing who has  done it. 

Tia smirk seeing her laying on the floor and  shrug her hands feeling relief to  watching her dying

Die here anika.   You wanted to snatch  shivaay From me  right. Now do it. I'll see how you take him away from me .  Bye bye sweetheart.  She waves  her hand having smug smile and left from there.


R. Tia  I didn't find  anika's phone.  Where's she.  ??? Ryaansh says coming towards tia who was standing in parking a lot.

She has gone.   She says blowing her nails looking around.

R. What when??? He frown.

Just right now. She  waited for you. But then she felt tired so she said she going back.  I can come back with you. 

Are you sure.  ???? Rayaansh says looking around hoping to see anika anywhere. But she is no where to be seen. 

T. Yes I'm. Now If  your investigation has finished then shall we leave. Or you wanna stay here more.

R. No it's ok let's go  hotel.  It's unnecessary to wait here.  Come. He shows her  way towards his car and both of them left from there

At hotel

Shivaay is busy in his phone sitting in lobby along with malika and  om when his eyes fell on the tia and rayaansh who  coming from the entrance. His eyes searches for anika. But  not finding  her with them. He panic and stood up.

You guys came back where is  anika??? As they reached near him. First question he asked about anika. 

Err didn't she come   back yet. I thoughts she might have been reached in hotel by now.  Hearing rayaansh shivaya grit  his teeth and look at him angrily

How come she will be here when she supposed to come with you. You had stayed there right  ??? As you wanted to bring her then where is sheeeee ??? He screams  losing the temper seeing him saying anika came alone.

Shivaay calm down. And you rayaansh where's  anika??? Didn't she come  with you ??? Malika says keeping hand on Shivaay's shoulder calming him down.

Tia said anika had found her phone and then she left in the texi for coming here. As she was tired  and wanted to take rest.

She is not here. She hasn't come back for god sake. Shivaay glare both of them and pulled his phone to dial her number.  But everytime after several calls it gets on note . 

Maybe she got stuck in Traffic. Tia says shrugging   Her shoulders which pissed shivaay more.

When you guys have been reached and didn't get any Traffic  ... then how come she would get it. More over its dead time. Barely  transport  would be out  there. Shivaay says dialling her number again  and again but in end it again reach on same conclusion. 

On the other side

Anika open lazily and try to get up but weakness is not allowing her to set down and she fell back on the floor... She hissed and clutch her forehead feeling hell pain in her hair.  Tears started flowing from her eyes feeling so helpless. She looks around for some help. But there's nothing except darkness around her.

Shivaay where are you ???? she sobs taking his name feeling all numb on her body.  But she can't lose her strength. She can't rot here.  She has to do something.  She has to gain her strength. With these thoughts she moves her another hand around on the floor to get some thing usefull ' when suddenly her hand land on her purse which luckily hanging on her hip. She sniffles closing her eyes tight  snd  scroll her purse in the dark  which made her find her phone in there whicn she had  put in it as she had found it. 

Pho.... Phone ... She immediately pulled out and  move her fingers on it rantlessly. As she clicked on the missed call it directly connected shivaay . 

On the   Other side shivaay who was trying to contact khana his eyes lighten up when he saw  Anika's name on the screen. Without thinking once he picked it up and kept on his ear.

Sh. Nick Nick where are you ????  He says instantly coming on the main point

Tia widen her eyes in shock hearing her name and started sweating profusely in fear. She thought she will rot there and no one able to find her. But here she is talking with shivaay on the phone.

Shivaay save me shivaay she stutter while sobbing feeling immense pain In her head

Sh. Nick are you alright ?? what happened to you. Where are you  baby just tell me. I'll be there in few minutes. He says walking around in tension

I'm im in dark room. ( Hic ). It's so dark here. I I can't see. She hiccups looking around helplessly hoping to get some source. But there's nothing which could help her.

Sh. Ok ok relax.  Just be with me on the phone ok. I'll be reaching there soon. And will save you.  Just take long breath.  Relax.  He  says running towards exit along with his friends.

Om give me  your phone. He snatched from his hand and immediately called khana and asked him to trace anika's number. And in  Span of few  minutes location have been shared with them. 

Let's go. He set in the car and drove away from there with om and rayaansh  leaving girls behind.

I hope Annie is fine. I'm so worried for her. Malika cry rubbing her hands in tension. While tia is scoffing rolling her eyes being annoyed with this anika named curse. Which is not getting remove from her head any time soon

In the mall

Shivaay come out from the car and directly started running towards entrance where already the owner of the mall and other people standing waiting for he went towards them "they greeted him .but he is least bother to answer them and immediately started searching for his wife.

Where's anika. Where's she. He says looking at the owner " who Pointing towards ambulance which is standing in the corner. Shivaay rub hand on his face and run towards it with om and rayaansh.

Nick , he stumble back when he saw her head bleeding and nurses are treating her along with a doctor .

Shivaay she sobs raising her hand to touch him but weakness didn't allow her and her hand about to land back on the stretcher but shivaay held it on meantime looking at her teary eyes.

Nick he held her palm in his hand and kiss it many times feeling hell scared seeing her condition.

Sir please let us treat her wound. If we didn't done her bandage then it will keep bleeding. Shivaay unwillingly nods and step back letting them treat her.

After doing her bandage doctor ask nurse to pass her sedative injection which she obliged and gave to him

It will make you relax miss don't worry. Doctor said seeing her feeling scared with injection. Anika nods her head and look at shivaay " who is already looking at her with red puffy eyes. Soon injection spread in her body and she fell in sleep.

Anns .... Rayaansh came forward to touch her but shivaya kept hand on his chest and pushed him away glaring him.

Just don't. Stay away from her. He warned him and went towards doctor who was talking with nurse.

If she is fine then can I take her with me doctor??

Do. Yes mr oberoi you can. It's just take care of her little extra .. as she is bit fragile.

Yes doctor. Saying this pick her up in his arms and got down from the ambulance.

I'm going to get the car. Om informed shivaay and left to get the car so that they could put anika in it and don't stress her that much while taking her that far.

I didn't know that she is inside shivaay please listen to me. Ryaansh try to explain to him " but he is not in mood to listen to him and give him death glare.

That we will decide in hotel. You and tia both have to answer for that. So sit tight and get ready to get punishment for your deeds. Did you understand. He says hissing in anger.

Om. Get in guys ... om says stopping the car infront of them. Shivaay simply nods and got in along with anika whom he settle in his lap properly instead putting her on back seat while rayaansh set infront seat looking at anika sadly who is laying in Shivaay's lap and shivaay is kissing her head time to time caressing her arm ...

Precap.... Tia accept that she is the one who have hurted anika later jhanvi calls shivaay

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