Chapter 30

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After making sure anika is comfortable in her room. Shivaay instruct malika to stay with her and itself left from there aiming to go into hall "where everyone have been gathered. He descend stairs and found them sitting waiting for him. The way tia and rayaansh are tensed. He know "what's bothering them. These two people today played with his wife's life. Despite giving promise to take care of her. They left her in there to die. Just imagine "if they won't had got to know then "till now she would had been laying in that warehouse in half dead positio. and might he would had lost her forever. These thoughts made him feel uneasy and didn't like to imagine her being dead. No matter what she did in past. Bht in end of the day he loves her so much. And would never see her in problem like that.

Shivaay you came. Om stood up as he got sight of shivaay "who is coming slowly tucking his eyes on tia and rayaansh .

Tia baffled and started fidgeting with her fingers very well know "what consequences she gonna face because of her silly acts... she had thought that anika will die eventually laying in that warehouse half dead. But she didn't know that she is such hard soul that she would directly contact shivaay and would tell him her where about.

So will any of your open his mouth that what happened today. Tia flinch and tuck her hair back looking down in nervousness.

R. I didn't do anything shivaay trust me. You know that I would never harm anika ever in my life. I always try to protect her. Then how can I just Left my friend in warehouse for dying.

Oh really if you care about her so much then why didn't you wait. Why did you come back without searching her once. Shivaay shout making both of them shudder in fear. But rayaansh gathered courage and speak.

I wanted to. I'd told tia that anika won't leave like this. But she said she already left from There by saying she is tired and wanna rest. I didn't convince. But she said she is not lying. Anika indeed has left. Tia why are you silent .say something. Ryaansh nudge 'tia who is shitting in her pants not able to understand what she will say into her defend.

What .... What are you saying rayaansh .. when I'd said to you. It's you who told me that anika has left. Hearing her lie Ryaansh widen his eyes and look at her Shockingly. He can't believe she could lie so cleanly like this. And putting all the blame on him like he has done the mistake not her.

What are you saying tia. Why are you lying. It's you , who had said that anika has left not me. I was willing to go and search her. But you said she is not in there and have left long time ago in the texi. Tia baffles and look here and there making shivaay believe that she is the one "who is lying here not rayaansh. He agrees he hates rayaansh for laying eyes on his wife. But he can bet ' he would never do something to harm anika. Moreover it's not first time tia is doing such stunt. In past as well. She had done same kind of things.

Ryaansh om can you guys leave us alone. Shivaay announced making them confused

R. But I .....

I said go into your rooms guys. I wanna talk to tia alone. Seeing seriousness in his tone " om pat rayaansh's shoulder and took him along with him leaving shivaay and tia and alone. Tia gulp and pass him nervous smile.

T. I didn't do anything shivaya trust me I .....

I will ask you one last time tia .... Who left anika in warehouse or better to say pushed her. As I know rayaansh would never do that. He can't harm anika. So only you have left behind. That's mean you have done it. Tia sniffles and look here and there keeping her mouth shut not able to say anything. As she knows she's been stuck and now there's no way to get away from this matter. .

I demand answer tiaaaaa .... He screams making her jump on her place.

I didn't I mean didn't want to but. She stammers

Sh. But .....

I did all this for you ok. I did all this for you only. You are the reason of my doing. Since that girl has came back into your life. You again has started felling towards her. I'd thought I'll spend time with you. But no !!!all the time you are ending up with her and behave like I don't exist into your life. I'm your fuckin fiance for god sake. And you should be with me all the time. But no whenever you get chance stick with her and forget your surroundings at all. That's why I took this decision and decided to take that bitch life. I'm fed up seeing her snatching you away from me. I won't let her do anymore. You are mine and will always be. No matter what I've to do for you. But I won't let that girl take you away from me. She screams confessing everything whatever came into her mouth. She don't care 'what her out burst will lead to. But she said it whichever she had in her heart.

Shivaay grit his teeth hearing her confession and shakes his head in disbelief looking at this dangerous lady" who didn't even buzz little before throwing her in death mouth. He knew that she never liked anika. But he didn't know that she would go this extend to take revenge on her.

Oh so my assumption was right. It was you who done all this. Didn't you feel scare before doing all this ha. Do you know you can go jail for this. He says gritting his teeth in anger.

I won't go into the jail. My parents have enough known people" who will cover this matter in seconds. Hearing her Shivaay's anger reached on peak and he held her arm in his tight fist pulling her towards him harshly.

If you done something like this again. Or because of you anika got little scratch ..then don't forget the way your parents have know people. I've more than that. In non seconds " I will disappear your whole family and no on will know about it. And one more thing. I'd already told you. I've nothing to do with you. I don't like you and do not have wish to marry you either. So better you stop your obsession here. Otherwise I will do that which you can't imagine. Did you understand. Saying this he pushed her harshly and about leave but yet again he came back making her step backwards in fear.

And yes pack your bags. You are leaving tonight. I don't want negative person here for a minute. Specially around anika. He look at her disgustingly  and left from There leaving her fuming in anger. 

She growl and  kick the chair feeling hell angry on him for taking side  of anika yet again. After hearing her confession"Still he chose to be with anika. But she won't let this happen. She can't let him to  leave her like this.  If he is shivaay Singh oberoi then she is tia kapoor as well. And she knows her ways to get her things into her control.   She smirk and immediately got her phone out to call his mother. As she knows. She is the only one can control him no one else. 

In anika's room

Is she fine. Shivaya ask malika looking at anika who is still sleeping. 

Yeh she is probably. I guess she will wake up in morning

Sh. Ok fine. You can go and take rest. I'll be here with her.  He says taking seat besides her caressing her head.

M. But shivaay....

Sh. It's ok I'm here. Don't worry you go and sleep. Malika first hesitate "but then she left  from there. But while going she looks back and  baffles seeing him kissing her lips.   She open her mouth to say something but then she stayed silent and left from there. 

My baby he slid besides her in the   Blanket and pulled her in his arms resting her head on his chest. 

You ok he whispered  kissing hee hair.

It's paining shivaay. She mumbles in sleep having half closed eyes.

It will be fine. Hmm I'm here to take care of you. Shivaay says kissing her forehead assuring her that he is with her.

Hmm she hemmed and went in slumber clutching his waist tightly.

In morning

As per as Shivaay's instruction tia left from there. Which actually surprised him. He didn't expect her to listen to him that quick. But well she has done it. And it's good for him. He shrug his shoulder and side hug anika "who is sitting besides him doing her breakfast with her friends.

Anika I'm so sorry for yesterday. I guess I shouldn't had listened tia and leave you there. Rayaansh says holding her hand feeling hell guilty for yesterday incident.

It's ok rayaansh it's not your fault. Don't be guilty. Moreover I'm fine. I didn't die yet. She giggle but soon she got silent when she got glare from the shivaay.

I didn't expect this from tia. She was so nice. But I never knew that this much hate she is carrying in her heart for anika. Malika says feeling angry on tia 'who dared to harm her friend.

Can we stop talking about her right now . I don't wanna hear anything regarding that woman. Shivaay says having stern face still feeling wrath on tia for doing such stunt.

Om. He is right. We shouldn't talk about it anymore.

So what shall we do today??Malika clap s having cute smile.

Sh. Nothing. I'm going back. I guess it's enough of trip. Time to go home. He suggested massaging anika's navel who knows why he is saying all this.

M. Yh ok. But promise me that you guys will keep meeting us. Won't forget like last time. She pout looking at everyone who nods at her having smile.

Before going anika I wanna tell you something. Ryaansh says looking at anika "who raise her brow up in question.

Err anika you know that you are my best friend. And always I'dspacial place in my heart for youwhich no one ever had. 

Yh I know that.  She smiles  while looking at him which didn't like by shivaay and he is thinking hard to escape from here taking her with him. .

R.  Erm I wanna say something which I guess you never knew. And to be honest I never told anyone. Actually Annie I I

Ok that's late. Let's go guys "get ready. I think we should leave now. Already it's 11 am. Shivaay immediately stood up making everyone shock with his move. Here rayaansh is having conversation and this guy out of sudden got up and started saying to leave.

Shivaay Ryaansh Is talk. Sit for some minutes. Let him complete. Anika says keeping hand on his arm.

No Nick we are getting late. He can talk later. Come let's go. You should come with me. Let's go.

R. But I rayaansh open his mouth to speak. But before he do shivaay dragged anika with him Holding her wrist.

Shivaay he was talking. Can we listen him for once. But he didn't pay any single head to her words and took her with him. As they reached in his room he closed the door and immediately latched his mouth with her pinning her on the wall. The way he is kissing her" she can feel "he is feeling aggression and possessiveness towards her. He is showing each and every feelings "he has inside for her "which made her heart flutter and she started reciprocating it without a single hesitation. Suddenly she gasp " when he tear her dress and throw it away in some random corner. You are mine he broke the kiss for a second and then gave her long smooch yet again breathing heavily.

Shivaay she whispered his name. But before she say something else he turns her attaching her body with the cold wall and remove his pants. In time he tear apart her underwear and pushed his cock inside her making her gasp. He kept one hand on her hip and another held her neck and started moving in with fast speed biting her shoulder.

You are mine Nick you are Just mine ... he whispered in her ear and thrust into her animal.

Shivaay aaaaa shivaay mmm she moans feeling him moving inside her hole faster. she try to grasp something feeling weak on her knees but nothing is coming into her hands. She about to drop down but he he held her keeping his hand on her stomach and part her legs with his leg asking her to stay subtle. he grip her tightly and fuck her the way he wants.

Yes Nick aaaa stay like this stay. he hit her butt cheek and fuck her from behind.

Asss shivaay oh yes I'm going to cum. Please faster please I want more oh yes. Hearing her moans he remove himself making her mewled and immediately pick her up in his arms moving towards the bed. He kept her there and kiss her lips harshly. Anika held his hair in her fist and suck dominating over him pushing her tongue inside his mouth. Soon he's been pulled by her on the bed and she straddle him. She pass him a mischief smile and started crawling down. Suddenly shivaay flinch when her warm smalhands circle around his cock. She moved hand ups and down and then lick his knob with the tip of her tongue looking straight into his eyes having naughtiness. She gave him few licks up and down and then straight took into her mouth making him gasp. he rolls his eyes back and groan feeling so good having her mouth on his cock. He can't believe a day will come "when his anika will be sucking his cock like this. But it's actual happening. And he can't tell how good it's feels. Soon his hand travel towards her head and he started giving her deep throat's making her choke. He saliva started dripping down from her chin straight to his cock

Aaaa anika aaaa suck it suck it oh yes it's feels so good baby aaa he rolls his eyes and bob her head up and down faster making hard for him for control himself and he came on verge to cum. But he don't want to cum onto her mouth. He wanna do into her sweet little pussy. So in none seconds he pulled her up and straddle her.

You are dangerous baby girl. he suck her lips giving hard smack on her butt check and then take her under him. he part her legs keeping them on his shoulder and look at her hungrily.

I will fuck you so hard that you won't able to walk baby. Just get ready to witness a beast. Saying this he pushed his cock inside her and started ramming like a wild animal making her cry his name leaving her in mess of pleasure.

After sometime

He wrapped the blanket around her and kiss her forehead softly while side hugging her.

I never knew that my wife can give such amazing BJ. Anika blush and rest her chin on his chest while looking into his eyes.

Don't underestimate me. I can do many things which you can't predict. She winks making him chuckle.

I can't wait to experience them. He smiles and peck her lips softly. He about to go further but his phone ringtone disturb them. He groan and try to ignore. But when it kept ringing. he unwillingly moved and picked it up.

Whatttt he set up on the bed in shock making anika confused with his sudden change of behaviour

An. What happened shivaay ???

We have to go !! mom is in hospital. Saying this he got up in hurry and left in washroom to get into his clothes leaving anika perplexed with this sudden news.

Precap .... They go hospital together. Later his and tia's wedding announced

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