Chapter 31

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Anika is fidgeting her fingers sitting besides him thinking about meeting his parents yet again. In past ' when she had left the house. She had promised herself that she would never meet those two cruel people' who didn't care about her after her dad such big sacrifice for them. But now she is going unwillingly that also her own husband's request. She had tried to deny to come with him. But he didn't listen to her and said she is coming and right now she is sitting in his car besides him feeling hell anxious and tensed thinking to meet them yet again.

Shivaay can see how tensed she is. And he knows the reason as well. But he can't do anything else now. She should had thought about consequences before hurting his parents like this. Now let her face all this. He wanna see "how she gonna react infront of them. In those days he tried his best to keep his facade. But not anymore. Time has came for her to check reality. She has to face whatever she done. Now there's no way to escape. Soon their car came to halt near hospital and they got down immediately. Shivaay passed car keys to khana who got shocked to seeing anika infront of him 'after whole five years. He can't believe on his own eyes that she is here that also fit and fine.

Anika he whispered his name looking at her being shocked standing in the entrance. But before he say something more she's been pulled by shivaay inside holding her wrist.

What you waiting for. Come let's go he held her palm and dragged her with him inside before she says something or stops him

Shivaay baby , tia comes running and hugged him making anika stumble back with sudden pressure on his body. He immediately left anika's hand and travel it towards tia's back which baffled anika. She is regretting to come here now. The atmosphere here seems so negative. And she is not liking it all. But before she escape "her feet jammed "when she saw tej Singh oberoi coming towards them. And his eyes are just on him. She can see how traumatised he is seeing her infront of her so many years. Surely he didn't expect her to be here like this.

Shivaay he calls his son's name and take hom in hug without tearing his gaze from anika 'who is fidgeting with her fingers.

How's mom ??? Where's she ??? Shivaay  says breaking the hug.

She is inside. Doctor says it was sign of heart attack. But thankfully we got her here on meantime. Come let's go. She is waiting for you only. Shivaay nods and left from there following with tia leaving anika behind. But when he reached in the door and felt anika didn't follow him. He eyed her and asked her to come behind. Anika open her mouth to deny "but then seeing him still standing on her place waiting for him. She followed him behind.

In ward

Mom shivaay move towards his mom and hugged her keeping his face on her shoulder.

How are you mom ?,, he ask kissing her forehead.

Im not fine. And I think I don't have that much to live either shivaay. She sobs caressing his face.

Sh. Mom what are you blabbering. Nothing gonna happen to you. You will be fine soon.

I don't know what future stored for me. I guess my condition will deteriorate more and more with passing days. That's why I want my wishes to come true as soon as Possible. And you are the only one who can fulfil it. She sobs holding his hands in her palms.

What are you talking about mom. He frowns.

I want you to you to get marry with tia infront of my eyes. Before dying I want you to settle down. I don't wanna miss my son's wedding. So please listen to me and marry tia as soon as possible. Hearing her shivaay got silent and look at anika who is standing in the door all shock and clueless. She is not able to understand what's happening around her. She had thought that at least" now her life will be easy and normal. But seems like nothing sort of gonna happen like this. But one more thing confused her and that's jhanvi's behaviour. The way " tej was shocked seeing her. She is not at all. It's feels like she is normal person standing in this room. Whom jhanvi sees everyday.

Mom relax. We can talk about this later. Shivaay try to just let this conversation go. But his mother didn't listen to him and stuck on Her words.

No shivay you gonna answer me for this question now only. You can't escape. It's enough now. Time came to get marry. She said being subtle on her place holding his hand.

Tia is ready. She don't have objection at all. And I guess you shouldn't have as well. After all it was already decided "you guys gonna get marry. So why not now. Just get ready you guys gonna get marry. Can't you do this for your mom at least
Shivaay heave out breath and rub his forehead In tension. He first look at anika and then at his mother 'who is waiting for his answer.

Ok fine I'm ready. When we have to do. As these words slipped from his mouth anika stumble and not able to believe whatever he heard from his mouth. She thought "he will tell his parents that he is married to her and he can't do with tia "as he is already married. But here instead that he got ready and asking for data. How could he. How can he forget that anika is his wife. He married to her and claimed to be in love with her.

Awww shivaay I'm so happy. I knew that you won't deny to your mother. Jhanvi take him in hug along with tia behaving all normal and energetic like she was never been sick. anika couldn't see all this and left the ward feel betrayed and what not.

Anika you came back ???? Khana says seeing her coming out from the ward looking all lost and terrified .

Anika blink her eyes and look at him having tears. Which confused khana. When he saw her that time only he knew that something going to happen with her. And now seeing tears her in her eyes. He us sure things didn't go well inside with her.

He is getting marry to tia. She sobs fidgeting witn her fingers feeling hell restless.

Who ??? About whom you are talking. Khana says resting his hand on her shoulder.

Shivaay .... He is getting marry to tia despite promising me that he would never do that. Hearing her words khana is getting more and more confused. He is not able to understand what's happening and what she is talking about.

Anika come here and sit. He held her elbow and made her set on the bench and then took place near her.

Now tell me what happened ??? Why did you come back. And most important why shivaay sir is with you. He says keeping hand on her shoulder hoping not to be true which he is thinking of. But his doubt was right. Indeed that happened whicn he feared of.

He is my husband.... He married to me.saying this she bust into tears keeping hands on her face.

Whattttt ??? He shout and stood up in shock

How can you anika. How can you marry him despite his parents bad behaviour towards you. You knew the consequences of this marriage then why the hell you married him. These people hates you. They don't want you to be around their son. And this was main reason they had forced you to leave " despite your father sacrifice. But instead staying away from shivaay sir " you have married him. He yells shaking his head in disbelief.

I didn't want to. Trust me. Bht I didn't have any other choice. He itself had offered me to marry him for saving me from the goon "who Wanted me to be with him. He said if I won't marry him then that goon will take me away. So without having any other option "I had to him. I'd thought that this marriage is temporary. But he was so nice to me an i thought " nothing gonna happen which I fear of. But I was wrong. Now he is marrying to tia without giving shit to our marriage" which he itself done it. Saying this she busted into sobs keeping hand on her forehead feeling herself so dumb for trusting on man like shivaay who just married her to use her that's all

Ok calm down don't cry like this. Might he said it seeing his mother condition. Maybe when he finds her fine. He will tell her about you and him. He ..... khana about to say something more to console her but he stopped when he saw shivaay is coming out with tia talking about something.  But soon shivaay 's sight came to halt anika " who stood up as she saw him.   He can see that she didn't like whatever he announced inside.  She is broken after knowing all the promises,  all the assurances was fake. He didn't mean his single word " whichever  he said to her.  It was all lie to take revenge on her for hurting his parents who are more precious to him than anything else.  He agrees he loves anika so much. But she don't have single right to hurt his parents.  She can't just behave rudely and  leave like nothing happened. She has to pay for each and every thing which she has done to his mom and dad.  He rolls his eyes and slid his arm around tia's waist indicating whatever happened inside. It was true. And he really wanna marry to tia. His and her marriage was  baseless to get her into straight line. 

Anika shakes her head seeing his  betrayal and decided to leave from here instead hoping anything good from this man " who gave her nothing but pain always.  Khana  open his mouth to call her but she walked out from there without looking back.

Tia you go to mum I'm coming ok.  He says softly removing his hand from her waist as he saw anika  went out of sight of him.

Baby media would be outside so be careful ok.  Shivaay nods and  walk towards the way which anika
Chose to leave.

Anika first look around thinking might she got texi nearby " but when she didn't find anything "she decided to call Uber instead standing here like this. She pulled out her phone and about to open the app for texi when she felt someone behind her. 

Where are you going.  Hearing Shivaay's voice she turns and found him standing behind her folding her arms. 

None of your business mr oberoi. I can go where ever I feel like. You just go and enjoy the announcement of your marriage.  She glare him snd try to leave. But he held her wrist pulled her back towards him looking at her sternly.

Sh. You are not leaving like this.  We need to talk. 

Oh really so now you wanna talk with girl like me whom you just used for  physical pleasure. Hearing her he grit his teeth snd held her hand tightly making her moan in pain.

I didn't not use you for physical pleasure. I just done that marriage  to save you from the goon. That's all.  It was you only"  who laid in-front if me like a slut and let me Fuck you.   Hearing her she grit her teeth in anger and raise her hand to slap him but in middle he held it and shoved it away looking at her with smirk

Have you lost your fuckin mind mr shivaay Singh oberoi. How dare you to call me a slut .  You fuckin married me for god sake.  you can't just  humiliate me infront of people like this.  She screams holding his collars in her fist  looking at him with blood shot eyes like she gonna eat him  raw. But instead being affecting  with  anything he chuckle and pushed her away making her stumble. 

Oh god girl ... I never thought that you could be this much clever ha. I just had considered you my friend  and helped you.  But look at you. You straight away started calling me your husband.  I never thought that you will flip so fast to be an oberoi's daughter in law.  You played so well anika.  I'm so impressed. He clap having creepy smile which anika  so wanna wipe it away from his face and  punch straight on his teeth for  mocking her like this.  

What ??? She whispered looking at him in disbelief.

Mr oberoi mr oberoi who's she. ??? What relation she keeps with you  that she raised her hand on you. Media whom security was covering before few seconds they pushed security 'em  and barged  towards shivaay with questions " which they  have so many seeing him with unknown woman " who seems having some relationship with him

Your fiancé was tia kapoor right ??then who's this  girl  mr oberoi.???Why she is calling you her husband.  Did you marry her or she is your side  chick.   One more media guy  bombard  question him thrusting his Mike towards his face. Shivaay sneers and shakes his head looking at anika who's world  have been got up side down in non second.

You know that  middle class girl like them always   Search ways to trap some rich man and blackmail them for money.  Same she is doing. She is calling herself as my wife seeing you people so that I could give her money and her life become luxurious the way she dreams of.   But it's ok you know That we have enough wealth. Some bunches of money from my wealth will be enough for her to  spend her life without working.  Hearing him Anika started taking step back not able to believe whatever is happening infront of her. She just want it  to be  a dream. Which  get break as she wake up. But soon  reality checked her when her foot collided and she fell straight on the floor. Shivaay move his feet to help her. But before he do media started surrounding her and  started asking her numerous questions ,  for which she don't have single answer. She is just too traumatised with whatever happened before few minutes. That guy who was promising her till yesterday that he will never leave her and will always protect her. He itself defamed her infront of whole world and literally called her  his mistress ' who sleeps with him for some bunches of money.

Cliffhanger ",

Precap ...... veer is back. He takes her with him. Later  khana tells shivaay all the truth and then leave the job saying. He don't wanna work for those people who are such selfish and cruel

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