Chapter 32

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Don't you feel ashamed by doing this miss.   For just few money you stoop so low that you started all their drama in day light that also in hospital" when   Mr oberoi's mother is not well.  How can you be so cheap. One of lady reporter  ask pushing Mike towards her. Anika muffles and look around to escape. But she's been trapped badly between  all those people "who are asking her numerous question giving her disgusting look . But she don't have answer at all. What can she tell them when all things have turned against her. She never thought that one day she will face this situation that also because of the guy"  whom he loved so much since childhood .  She always thought " no matter what he would never hurt her like this even in worst situations. But she was wrong. He is worse than anything. He didn't even think once about her and smeared lie on her face and literally called her a prostitute Infront of the whole world.

These kind of girl don't see anything. They don't care about someone's emotions or feelings. All they understand  is the language of money nothing more. That's why look at her " how she was claiming to be his wife "just because  she wanted  the money. Such characterless and cheap she  is.  These kind of girl are black spot on our Society. They should die before coming into this world.  A lady  shout from the crowd of people " who are gathered around in hospital .  Shivaay sniggers and turn his face away folding his arms. But next second gasp left his mouth when someone just throw stone towards anika and it hit direct  on her forehead making it bleed.  He felt like soul left his body seeing her in pain. But before he do " she stood up holding her head and started pushing people away trying to get away from there. But they  are just asking her  numerous  question and jolting her around stomping on her feet and hurting her legs which didn't not hurt her at all the way his betrayal hurted her. It's broke her heart into  numerous pieces" which no one can mend it ever. Soon she's Been escape from there and she stormed away before people surround her yet again . 

Shivaay closed his eyes and eye to his security"  who started ousting all the media out. Soon whole ground has been  cleared and shivaay left alone  there. He look around folding his arms and then his eyes fell on the  blood on the floor " where she was standing  ... he closed his and  try to feel good. But his heart is not on peace. He thought he will get satisfy by doing it. But no !nothing sort of happening like that. He is not feeling good at all. Infect its paining him remembering about her  being in pain because of him. 

She deserve it shivaay for hurting your parents. Stop thinking good for her. She deserve to be hurt. He mumbles fisting his hand tight trying to ease his restlessness. But nothing is working on him and he is  getting more and more difficulties to  have peace.  

Shivaay baby ..tia comes and take him in hug which he Least bother to reciprocate it.  

You alright baby.  She says caressing his face. 

Yh I'm.  Come let's go. Mom and dad must be waiting ... saying this he went inside following with tia. 

Shivaay jhanvi smiles  taking him in hug. She is feeling hella proud on her son for taking such big step.  Indeed he proven that he loves his parents more than anything. 

I'm proud of you son. You proven that how much you love your parents. His dad says patting his bag.

That girl deserve it for insulting us. We tried to give her family and comfort her. But what she done " she left insulting us and demand money as well. Such greedy and hypocrite she was. But anyways whatever happens. It happen for good. At least we got to know about Her true colour. Shivays don't worry "now everything  will be fine. Don't  keep  anything into your heart.  His mum says caressing his face  having smile on her face

Yes and now I guess you and tia should get marry as well. What's say. I want you to be with each other as soon as possible. His father says patting tia's head.who is so excited even thinking to marry shivaay.

Yes I'm going to call country's  best event organiser. In this weekend only you both will get marry.  Jhanvi shakes her head in excitement and started making calls. But  during her happiness " she didn't see how sad her son is. His expressions are literally dripping restlessness. He is not in peace at all. He just wanna go and take anika back into his wings. He wants her back. But his ego is stopping him. And he is not moving at all from his place.

On the other side

Anika stumble and fell on the road hitting her knees on the hard surface which made her knees got scratches. But it didn't hurt her at all. She is too numb to feel anything. She is not able to believe " whatever happened with her before an hour. It was so fast that she couldn't not disguise it. Till yesterday she was considering herself to be luckiest  girl in the world. Who got husband like him. But she didn't know that he is in her life to turn  it into nightmare"  who came for few minutes " hit her hard and left giving her lifetime sorrow. She always knew that her life Won't be easy for her lifetime. All the time " she will face hurdles. But she didn't think worse like this. And now when it's happening" it's paining her so much. She is feeling like to take her life right away and finish all the hurt she is experiencing.

Why did you do it shivaay. Why did you do ittttt she screams and lean on the floor hitting her head on road crying bitterly.

I wish I never loved you shivaay. I wish you would never been in my life. I wish you never exist. At least I won't had feel pain the pain this much. Why did you come into my life shivaay. Why did you ruin me. Why did you broke my heart. Why why why.????? She cry hitting her hand on the surface giving bruises on her palm.

I will never forgive you for this shivaay. I will never ever. I hate myself to love you so much. I hate myself for wasting my all these years for you. I hate you I hate you I hate youuuuuuuu ...... she screams and burst into tears closing my eyes.

I'm glad you hate him. Now be a good girl and start loving me. Anika gasp and slowly raise her head up looking at the person who spoke. She is praying that it shouldn't be true whatever she is assuming. It should not  be him. She muffled and look at the person with shaky gaze and here you go "her nightmare is standing having snigger on his face.

Veer .... She whispers and none second she's been hit by something on her head and in no time she fell unconscious.

I'd told you. You are mine baby girl . So how can you thoughts that I would let you go like this. He chuckle and pick her up on his arms.

Let's go he orders his man and drove away from there having her on his lap.

On the other side

Khana run hand on his face when he saw the news. Literally all the country's news are filled with oberoi's news. Every one are showing sympathy towards oberoi and degrading anika by calling her with such filth words " which made khana so mad that he shut the tv and broke the remote. He is feeling hell angry on oberoies for doing such evil thing to that innocent girl. Before five years senior oberoi's done same things and this time their so called son have done it. But somehere he is considering himself on the fault as well. If he would had taken action that time"  then today anika didn't have to face all this. But saving his job "he kept quiet and didn't not say anything. But this time he don't give shit about it. He will take side of the truth and  will give proper reality check to shivaya singh oberoi " who behaved so Inhumane with the girl " whom he claimed to be in love with. He fums and stormed away from there in anger.

In oberoi mansion

Shivaay got confused seeing his mother behaviour. Before few hours  she was in hospital. And now it's feeling like she never been sick ever. She is all healthy and energetic like usual day  and arranging everything for his wedding. Even she called all the designers and organisers at home who started their work already.

Mom calm down. I'm not running away the way you are preparing everything in so hurry. He try to calm down his mother. But she least bother to listen to him and busy into her work.

Shivaay let me do everything. Your wedding is in a week. And I want preparation to be done as quick as much. Tia tell me na which one you like this or that. She ask tia who excitedly scoot towards her and started choosing dresses for her. Shivaay rolls his eyes and got up to leave when he stopped seeing khana who is looking at him with blood shot eyes. He frown and raise his brow up in question while looking at him. But before he open his mouth to say something khana spoke.

I need to talk to you. He orders Without caring about his job or anything.

What happened ??, is everything alright. Khana nods no and ask him again to come with him. Shivaay felt angry on him for behaving so rudely with him. But still he calmed himself and followed him thinking might something serious he wanna talk about.

What's wrong khana. Why you seems changed. He asked yet again as they reached in the library. Khana didn't say anything and twist the laptop towards him making the screen face him.  He first look at him sternly and then screen where he can see anika and his parents.  With passing time as much as video is going ahead. His curiousness is getting increase.  After almost five minutes he gasp "when his  his mother held anika's arm  "who is pleading for something and his mother threw her on the floor mercilessly. The way she is folding her hands infront of his parents.  It's clearly showing they are forcing her to do something which she don't wanna do it.   In second video which seems like previous one" he can see tia and his mother are threatening anika. Their gesture and faces clearly showing they are  trying to force her on something.  But she is just denying it crying bitterly. With passing time he is getting restless and  just hoping it's shouldn't be true. Whatever he is thinking.  But  when it didn't turn  to be dream he exhale the breath and look at khana  having soaking wet eyes.

What's ??? What's this he stammers  pointing towards laptop with shaking hands.

Can't you see what it is.  Everything is clear in that video that how your so called parents had threw anika in middle of the night without caring where she will go.  Before few days her dad had sacrificed his life for your father. But instead being thankful and grateful towards his daughter. They decided to  kick  her out from your house. Just because they thought she is trapping you. And they can't afford to have a middle class daughter in Law.  And not only  that ,they had called her so many impropriate things which they shouldn't had. Your fiancé ,your father ,your mother trio of them behaved so evil and asked her to leave in middle of the night to that little girl.  She was just bloody 22 at that time.  Just imagine anything could had happened with her.  But they didn't give shit about it. And ousted her .  I still remember"how she was pleading and asking them to at least  wait till morning.  She will itself leave their house. But they didn't. They said they can't bear her anymore. She's became burden on them.  And most importantly she is snatching their son from them. So mercilessly they asked her to leave.   I'm-the one who had dropped her on the train station and had gave her little amount of money for her expenses. Otherwise your parents had threw her out barefoot without having even jacket  on.  Till that day I've been staying here thinking they are not nice. But you are. You are not like them. But I never know that you are worse than them.  They had atleast  kicked her out from their house.  But you ..... you humiliated her infront of whole world. You bloody used her for your so called revenge" which was burning inside you and left her for dying.    But you know  what" it's not your fault either. It's her fault. Who trusted man like you. She should had think twice before doing it. After all mr tej Singh oberoi and jhanvi oberoi's blood is running in your veins.   Who are such selfish and arrogant people .    Anyways. I can't give you Any thing except sympathy. I hope you rot in guilt for lifetime. Here is your so called job. I'm leaving.  I can't work for those people "who are such evil and heartless.  Saying this he remove the radio from his chest and get all the things which required for this job and smacked on the table and step away. 

Good bye. Saying this he left from there leaving shivaay traumatised after whatever he heard. He can't believe , whatever he's been trusted since many years it was all lie. His anika didn't do  anything. She was bloody innocent. It was all lie which his parents smeared on his face to make him hate his anika. Anika never  done anything   Which they told. She didn't take money or insulted his parents. Infect his own parents were the one "who done all this with her. She was victim not his parents. And instead finding out the truth he believed on his parents lie and started hating the girl ' whom he claimed to love so much.  He always thought he will protect her and trust her no matter what. But he failed on his own words. He never did and now because of one lie "he ruined her life and humiliated her infront of whole workd. Her face, hee wet eyes.  Her betrayal gaze again and again coming into his mind and it made him more and more mad thinking his broken she felt getting such treatment from him.  How can he do this. How could he play such stunt with his anika.  Thinking about it only made him crazy and he  started throwing stuff whichever coming in to his hand. In none second whole room turned into disaster and he fell on his knees crying bitterly.

I'm sorr Nick . I'm so so so sorry. Please forgive me for my  arrogance . Please come back please he cry hard keeping his head on the floor feeling hell broken and angry on the same time for himself for  hurting his anika. Now what will he do. How will he say sorry to her. Whatever he done to her. It was such dreadful that he very well knows" she won't forgive him and hate him till lifetime.  Thinking about this he cry and hit his hand on the floor again and again

Shivaayyyyy someone scream his name maming him look up. But before he say something he got punch on his face resulting him to collapse on the floor. 

Precap ...... he reveal  everything in his engagement with tia and break his all tie with his parents. Later he search anika everywhere. But seems like she's been disappeared from the earth. 

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