Chapter 33

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Rayaansh   Bounced at Shivaay"  as he entered in   The room.   His anger seems on peak. It's feeling like he's been possessed and everything went blank in his mind. All he is thinking to take this particular person's life "who hurted his best friend so badly.  He always knew that this guy is not good for anika. He is red flag. Who just know how to use people nothing more. specially to anika. Still she  always believed on him and let him use her when he wants . Now look "because of it 'she  faced such dreadful thing which can shake anyone who would face it in their lifetime.

I will kill you shivaay. I will bloody take your life. How could you  hurt anika like this.  How can you do such things. He screams punching on his face aimlessly.   Om and malika try to pull him away "but he is really not in mood to stop and continuously hitting shivaay 'who is least bother to response to him. If it would had been a normal day' then surely he would had respond or do something.  But today he knows he deserve whatever he is facing right now.  It's his punishment for hurting such pure soul 'who always  stood by his side 'whenever he needed her. She was his best friend 'before he loved her. She always helped him and kept him first no matter what happens.  But what he did " blindly he trusted on his parents words and just humiliated her infront of the whole world breaking her heart into million pieces.   Suddenly a flinch left his mouth when he hit in his stomach and a spit of blood came out from his mouth. 

Rayaansh it's enough. Stop it now.  Stoppppp.  ........ malika screams and pulled him away making hin stumble. 

Just stop rayaansh. Just stop. This is not the way to handle the situation.   Just calm down. She warns him and then look at the shivaay who is crying leaning to the wooden chair leg crying bitterly ....

Let him hit me. I deserve whatever I've  done to my anika. He sobs triggering rayaansh again seeing him calling her as his after doing so  much with her. 

Stop calling her as yours.  She is not yours. If you ever would had claimed her as yours then you would never had hurted her like this. 

He is right you didn't do right thing shivaay. How can you just humiliated anika like this in open road without caring about  her dignity. You were her bloody best friend. She always kept you ahead among all of us. But what the fuck is this man. How can you just  insult her like thisss ..... om says Hitting his chest making him stumble. 

Mom and dad ..... mom and dad lied to me.  They.. they said anika humiliated them and left after taking money. And not only that they said she called me irresponsible and many impropriate things  which she shouldn't had.  But it was all lie.  They lied to me everything. Nothing sort of happened like that. And being an idiot' I believed on them and decided to revenge on her for insulting my parents. And now I'm getting to know that  she was innocent. It was my parents who had  threw her out of the house after humiliating her. They time she had nothing with her not even a jacket and shoes in her feet.  How can I be so stupid for trusting them blindly. I should had  go deep into the matter before reaching on conclusion.  If I would had then I didn't have to face all this.   He hit his head and cry like a child  not able to understand how will he say sorry to anika after doing such dreadful things to her.

His Friends hit their head and started around in tension not able to understand whether if they l Sympathies with him and hit his head because of  his stupidity.

Where's anika ???? as these words slipped from his mouth shivaay eyes shot open and he stood up'but stumble back because of having pain all over his body. He run his eyes around on his friends face and  started searching his phone on the table restlessly. As it came into his hand he calls khana "but  seems like he  didn't bother to pick it up. 

What are you doing shivaay ??? Where's anika ??? Where did she go. Shivaay blink his eyes and  look at them being tensed.

I I don't know.  I'm trying to call my  security man. But he is not picking up.   Saying this he again started dialling  his number. But when he didn't pick up after so many calls he sent him pleading  voice mail... in which he begs him to come back as he needs him to search anika.

On the other-side

Hearing his pleadings khana felt like not to go. But for anika  sake " whom he's been searching since hours and couldn't find her he unwillingly decided to take route back to oberoi Mansion. 

I didn't find her. He comes running in breathing heavily having phone in his hand which is continuously ringing because of shivaay. 

Khana  khana thank god you came back.  We have to search anika. We have to get her back.   Shivaay runs towards him and straight away came on the point instead hanging around. 

I've been searching her. But  I couldn't find her anywhere. I've  called  her and tried to trace her numbers. But seems like earth has swallowed her inside. Hearing him shivaay blink his eyes in anticipation and  started calling anika's number. But her phone coming  switched off making him restless.

I can't sit like this ....I've to search her. Saying this he wipe his eyes and stormed away from There following with his friends and khana.

On the otherside

Anika open her eyes lazily and try to clear her vision. But throbbing pain in her head didn't allow her and she closed her eyes shut again keeping hand on her forehead.  

Where am I ???she whispered  not able to  recognise her surroundings. 

Baby girl you wake up. Hearing the thick voice which always scares her made her open her eyes and try to sit but her weakness didn't not allow her and she collapsed back on the  mattress.

You ????she whispered and try to crawl away being payed on the bed but feeling tug on her legs made her realised she's been chained up with the stand of the bed.  She baffles and started getting panicking pulling her leg out. But it's not working at all and she's been trapped badly in bad position

What are you doing baby girl. Stop struggling you are hurting yourself.  Veer says holding her by her shoulders stopping her from wiggling.

Let me go. I don't wanna he here. Please I beg you.   Free me please she sobs tugging  her leg again and again on the chain which left bruises on her skin. 

Sorry that can't happen. After  waiting for so long "I can't just let you go like this. Now you gonna stay with me forever. No more escaping baby girl. You see " you tried to run away from me and what happened.  That guy just used you and left you like a tissue paper after  insulting you infront of whole world. So now things will go according to me. And I've decided  " you gonna stay with me.  No matter if you want or not.  He smiles caressing her head with his hand making anika jerk it away

You can't do this.  You can't just bind me without my will. I don't wanna live with you for god sake. I'd told you already that I don't wanna be with you. Then why the hell you are highly bent to keep me with you. Just  let me go. I wanna go home. She shout  leaning on the pillow being helplessly  feeling hell miserable being trapped with the man like him who is nothing but psycho.

Ok that's enough ok. Stop pleading like this.  You know that I won't let you go. Then what's the reason for arguing like this.  You gonna stay with me and that's more discussion about it.  Saying this he stormed away from there not before  eye to the maid who enters there along with the food.   

Let me go please I don't wanna stay here.  She cry tugging her leg again and again  closing her eyes tight. 

Mam stop crying please. As anika heard a lady voice  her  eyes shot open and she found a lady standing infront of her having tray into her hands. Anika immediately wipe her tears and set on the bed in

Can you please help me please.  I don't wanna stay here.  Just open me and let me go.  Please.  She pleads folding her hands twitching her eyes.

I'm sorry mam I can't help you with anything.  You have to stay here whether you want or not. I'm
Sorry.  She  made face and then kept the tray on the table nearby her. 

Eat your dinner.  Saying this she walked out from there without paying head to anika who is pleading her from Behind to set her free.  

On the other side

I'm sorry sir there's no any clue of  anika mam .   Last location where she's been spotted .  From there only she got disappeared. Afterwards there's no clue of her. Seems like she's been taken away by someone.  Hearing him shivaay   Set on the bed with thud and held his head in tension.  While his friends started walking restlessly.

This's what you wanted right. Now look it happened.  You must be so happy after seeing all this. after all you had planned to hurt  her.  Now I don't know where's she.  I hope she is fine. As if something happen to her. Then surely I will take your life.  Ryaansh Screams giving death glare to shivaay "whose heart is not on right place being thinking about Anika who's in danger because of him.

Om. Ok calm down guys.don't scream.  And you khana " did you try to get any cctv footage around that area. Might we could support someone who would look suspicious.  

K.  I've already put my people into this. Soon we gonna get to know about it.

I don't know where she will be. .... I hope she is fine.   She didn't have any enemy then how can she just get disappear like this. Malika didn't complete her words that it click shivaay and he stood up looking at khana who frown seeing his expression. 

Have you checked about veer.  Where's he now ???

Veer .... who's veer ???malika asked while frowning.

Veer is obsessed with anika.  He had  seen anika in my hospital and since then he was behind her.  He used to track her everywhere wherever she was going. And was trying to get her.   Even one day he had attached on her. He was forcing her to take her with him.  If I won't had been there. Then surely he would had taken her away.  But thankfully I'd saved her and he had  run  away seeing himself getting trapped  after losing his people.  Now I know that where anika is. Surely he has taken her.  It's been long he kept silence and I guess now he came out as he found her alone. It's all my  mistake. I shouldn't had leave her like this. Why I'm so blind to not see the reality.   His voice crack walking around in tension  feeling hell scared to lose anika "who seems like In veer's grip. And surely he will harm her after getting rejection from her  ....

Yes it's all your bloody fault.  You are the main reason of everything shivaay. I don't know what anika saw into you and believed on you. If she won't had then today she won't had been facing all this. Ryaansh says hitting his shoulder making him stumble.  If right now it won't had been his fault then surely shivaay would had  beaten him up till he regrets to hit him. But now he is the one who's on the fault. And he deserve whatever treatment he is getting from his friend. 

We have to search anika. We can't sit keeping hand on hand. Malika says looking at everyone who agreed with her.

Sh. Khana I want you to trace this bloody veer. Just search his where about. Shivaay orders.

Yes sir. He nods and immediately left from there to get into  the work.  When he had left.  He didn't think that he would   come back yet again and would help this shivaay.  But now because of anika " he is doing all this. As he wants her to safe and sound.  Afterwards he will itself kick this job and leave from here. 

It's been two days since  Anika is missing. Shivaay has put  many detectives and police officers to  search about her.  But seems like she never been existed or earth had swallowed her inside.  Since she has got missing' neither he eaten something nor he slept. Whole time he is just thinking about her and increasing   People to get clue of her where about.  Right now he is sitting in his room holding his head when his mother enters there.

Shivaay why are you sitting like this. Didn't you get ready yet. People have started arriving and mr groom to be hasn't put on his clothes yet.  His mother says in her sugar coated voice making him amazed with her such fake ness . He can't believe someone can be this clever to put on this innocent mask after ruining a young girl life.  SHe had done nothing to them. It's just
Seeing her being  so close to their son ' they decided to kick her out from their house in middle of the night "just because they had got afraid  to seeing their son developing feelings towards her.  He can't Believe his parents could do such things. But  it's reality and he has to accept it. But he won't let them escape as well. He will make sure that their reality comes infront of the world and they get the taste of their medicine.

I'm coming mom. You go. I'll be there soon. He says rubbing his eyes. 

Yeh ok. I'll be waiting for you. She raise her hand to touch him. But he didn't let her and move away  which she found odd.   But then she shrugged her thoughts and left from there not before asking him to get ready yet again. 

After sometime

Tia's heart started thumping when she saw shivaay is   Standing on the stage waiting for her. She can't believe her wish is coming to command finally. She was waiting for this day. And now when it's happening then she is not able to believe on her own eyes. But well. It is reality And finally she is going to be mrs shivaay Singh oberoi. With these thoughts only she forward her hand towards him hoping he will hold it. But when after a  minute ,he didn't even move from his place'It embarrassed her and she climbed itself feeling dejected.

Shivaya baby how are you ??? She asked intertwining her arm with him. But he look at her sternly and take his arm back stepping away. 

I'm already married and have really beautiful wife. So better if you don't climb on me.    Hearing him tia gasp and look at him being puzzled. But before she ask what he is talking about he step ahead and grabbed the Mike having stern face.

Hello everyone. I know you are here to seeing my engagement. But sorry to announce it that me and miss kapoor are not getting married.  I'm calling off this marriage. He grab the platter of rings and dropped it on the floor making everyone shock especially his parents and tia.

What the hell are you blubbering shivaay. What's wrong with you. His father screams being bewildered with his such announcement.

Which  you heard mr oberoi. I don't wanna marry miss kapoor. I was never been interested in her.  And how would I 'when I always loved anika. My love of life.  My wife. All  baffles and started whispering with each other while media  run towards him having their cameras in their hands. 

Shivayay stop this nonsense and  do engagement with tia. His mother say gripping his arm in her hand glaring him. But he just pulled his arm away and nods no.

Why  would I do it when I'm already married mrs oberoi.   Hearing mrs oberoi from his mouth made jhanvi mad and she glared him

I'm your mother for god sake. Call me mom the way you usually do .   She hissed gritting her teeth.

Why would I ??? Why would I call you mom when you don't like to see me happy.  If you would had been my mom " then you would never had throw my anika out of this house in middle of the night. If you would had been mom then you would never had lied to me that she insulted you and mr oberoi and left taking money from you.    How could you mrs oberoi. How could both of youuuuuu he screams looking at his parents whose breaths stopped after  seeing him blubbering all the things 'which they've been hiding from him. That's mean he got to know the truth. He got to know that anika  had been kicked out by them. She didn't leave on her own after demanding money.

What are you talking about mr oberoi. As per as we know miss anika was your mistress and .... Reporter about to say more but shivaay instantly shot glare at him making him step back.

She is my wife not mistress. Don't even dare to Call her with such filth wordsssssssss .....!he screams .

Precap ........ leap and he see her in the party with veer. And not only that she has married to him 😊

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